Myrtle Essential Oil Health Benefits – Nutritional Value, Side Effects

Myrtle Essential Oil Health Benefits – Nutritional Value, Side Effects

Myrtle essential oil is obtained by the steam distillation of the myrtle plant’s flowers, leaves, and stem, which is called Myrtus Communis in the botanical world. Its main constituents are Cineol, Myrtenol, Pinene, Myrtenyl Acetate, Geraniol, Linalool, Camphene, and Borneol.

The myrtle plant first appears in history in ancient Greece, and it was associated with Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Furthermore, the bravest soldiers, athletes, and nobles were honored with their leaves. It was also prized for its medicinal properties too.

Myrtus, with the common name myrtle, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Myrtaceae, described by Linnaeus in 1753. The myrtle plant was first mentioned in history in ancient Greece. Myrtle is an evergreen shrub that originated from Africa and has become a native plant in the Mediterranean region. Its small, dark green leaves, purple-black colored berries, and fragrant white flowers are all sources of myrtle oil. However, it is the leaves that produce the oil used in traditional medicine. The oil derived from berries is frequently used as a flavoring agent for beverages and alcoholic drinks.

Name Myrtle essential oil
Scientific Name Myrtus Communis
Native Originates from Africa, and grows all around the Mediterranean
Plant Growth Habit Aromatic evergreen shrub
Plant Size About 4 m (14 ft).
Leaf Small, shiny, dark green leaves
Flower Fragrant and white, five-petaled with a spectacular spray of thin stamens.
Fruit Purple-black berries.
Oil Color Clear to greenish-yellow to yellow-very-light-orange
Flavor/Aroma Fresh, camphoraceous, floral-herbal scent similar to eucalyptus
Plant Parts Used Flowers, leaves, berries, and stem
Method of Extraction Steam distillation
Commonly Blended with
  • Atlas
  • Benzoin
  • Bergamot
  • Frankincense
  • Chamomile
  • Lemon
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree
  • Sandalwood
  • Any citrus
  • Black Pepper
  • Cajeput
  • Clary Sage
  • Clove
  • Coriander
  • Cypress
  • Eucalyptus
  • Ginger
  • Helichrysum
  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass
  • Lime
  • Palmarosa
  • Rosewood
  • Thyme
  • Cedarwood
  • Myrrh
  • Neroli
  • Rose
  • Ho Wood
  • Hyssop
  • Jasmine,
  • Melissa
  • Ylang-Ylang
Health benefits
  • Astringent
  • Deodorant
  • Antiseptic
  • Expectorant
  • Nervine
  • Sedative
  • Spiritual
  • Adaptogen
  • Treat Malaria
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Ant catarrhal
  • Disinfectant
  • Lowers Blood Sugar
  • Heals Mouth Ulcers
  • Mosquito Repellent
Traditional Uses and benefits
  • Use a drop of myrtle in your palms, rub vigorously and inhale deeply to clear and calm the mind.
  • Soak a cloth in a few drops of myrtle oil and very warm water. Place over the chest area and cover with warm compress to calm and clear the breath.
  • Add four drops of myrtle to warm bath water before bedtime to promote relaxation and restfulness for folks of all ages.
  • To calm the nerves and promote restful sleep, diffuse myrtle oil or add to bathwater.
  • It is recommended not to use it in this manner for children under 6 years of age.
  • If you are pregnant, nursing, epileptic, have liver damage, have cancer, or have any other medical problem, use oils only under the proper guidance of a qualified aromatherapy practitioner.
  • Do not use myrtle oil on pets, especially cats, as it is toxic to them.
  • Do not take essential oils internally.
  • Do not apply to eyes, sensitive areas or mucous membranes.
Other Facts
  • The oil from the myrtle berries is used as a flavoring for drinks and alcoholic beverages throughout the Mediterranean Area.

Normally oil is extracted from the leaves, branches, and berries. The oil that is most commonly used medicinally is extracted from the leaves. This oil will be liquid at room temperature. The color will range from clear to greenish-yellow to yellow-very-light-orange. Its aroma is reminiscent of frankincense or bay. Some examples of myrtle oil have a slight hint of camphor or eucalyptus. The oil from the myrtle berries is used as a flavoring for drinks and alcoholic beverages throughout the Mediterranean Area.

Health Benefits of Myrtle Essential Oil

The health benefits of Myrtle Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiseptic, astringent, deodorant, expectorant and sedative substance. Listed are some popular health benefits of Myrtle Essential Oil

1. Astringent

If used in mouthwash, myrtle essential oil makes the gums contract and strengthen their hold on the teeth. If ingested, it also makes the intestinal tracts and muscles contract. Furthermore, it contracts and tightens the skin and helps to diminish wrinkles. It can also help stop hemorrhaging by inducing the blood vessels to contract. Myrtle essential oil is also very effective in bad cases of acne, especially when there are painful boils with whiteheads. Mix 10 ml (2 tsp) grapeseed oil, 1 drop wheat germ, and 7 drops myrtle essential oil, and apply a few times per day until better. Cleanse the skin before and after applying the myrtle essential oil with a lotion made from 50 ml (2 fl oz.) rosewater and 5 drops of myrtle. This has a particularly astringent action on the greasy skin which is so often associated with bad acne.

2. Deodorant

Myrtle essential oil helps to eliminate foul odors. It can be used in incense sticks and burners, fumigants, and vaporizers as room fresheners. It can also be used as a body deodorant or perfume. It has no side effects like itching, irritation or patches on the skin like certain commercial deodorants.

3. Antiseptic

Myrtle essential oil is a suitable substance to apply on wounds. It does not let microbes infect the wounds and thus protects against sepsis and tetanus, in case of an iron object being the cause of the damage.

4. Expectorant

Regular use of myrtle oil helps to reduce the presence and further deposition of phlegm. It also clears congestion of the nasal tracts, bronchi, and lungs resulting from colds and provides good relief from coughing.

5. Nervine

Myrtle oil maintains the stability of the nerves and keeps you from becoming nervous or unnecessarily stressed over small issues. It is a beneficial agent against nervous and neurotic disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, shaking limbs, fear, vertigo, anxiety, and chronic stress.

6. Sedative

The essential oil of myrtle relaxes and sedates. It provides relief from tension, stress, annoyance, anger, distress, and depression, as well as from inflammation, irritation, and various allergies.

7. Spiritual

Myrtle oil helps balance the male and female energies of the body by releasing anger and inner conflict. It will help those who feel suppressed or confused by life as well. Balancing the male and female energies is important to becoming whole in our spiritual evolution. Often times we are taught to be one-sided and avoid masculine or feminine characters.

8. Adaptogen

Myrtus communis is an adaptogen that can stimulate an increase or a decrease in thyroid activity depending on a person’s condition. Drugs are incapable of such intelligent discriminations and act only in preprogrammed directions, like robots, whether beneficial or not. Myrtle essential oil has been researched by Daniel Penoel, M.D. of France for normalizing hormonal imbalances of the thyroid and ovaries. It also has benefits for decongesting the respiratory system and the sinuses.

9. Treat Malaria

Myrtle oil has been traditionally used for the treatment of Malaria. Malaria is a parasitic disease of the blood which is passed to human beings by mosquitoes. It is a common disease in the Middle East and Africa, where it causes serious illness and death. Scientists administered myrtle oil to mice that had been infected with Malaria and found that the treatment resulted in an 84% suppression of parasitic activity after four days of treatment. The treatment was not toxic to the mice, and researchers believed that this treatment offered promise for human cases of Malaria.

10. Aphrodisiac

Regular use of Myrtle essential oil is related to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. It works very well to alleviate problems like impotency, frigidity, erectile dysfunctions, and loss of libido.

11. Ant catarrhal

The uses of myrtle essential oil help to counter the accumulation of phlegm and catarrh in the respiratory tracts. It also curbs the formation of mucus and provides relief from coughs and breathing trouble.

12. Disinfectant

Myrtle essential oil inhibits infections since it is a bactericidal, germicidal, fungicidal, and antiviral substance. It also helps to cure infections in the stomach and intestines, while helping to stop diarrhea. Warts are a contagious skin disease. Medical treatments of warts are often not successful and may involve multiple setbacks during which the affected area may increase in size. Facial warts are particularly difficult to treat. Iranian traditional medicine uses the essential oil of myrtle as an economical and low-cost topical treatment for warts.

In this study, two patients with common warts were treated. They had warts on the body and on the face. They were instructed to apply myrtle essential oil on the skin of their body, but not on the face. The results were the elimination of warts on the body as well as the face. Scientists imagined that Myrtle not only has antiviral effects but also may have systemic effects throughout the body.

13. Lowers Blood Sugar

Myrtle leaves as well as the essential oil obtained from the leaves are used to lower the blood glucose level in type-2 diabetic patients. Research worked with groups of diabetic and non-diabetic rabbits. They measured the effects of single and multiple doses of myrtle oil on blood sugar levels for both groups. The non-diabetic rabbits did not experience a change in blood sugar levels after being given oral doses of the essential oil. However, the diabetic rabbits had a 51% reduction in blood sugar levels which appeared after 4 hours. The repeated administration of myrtle oil once per day to the diabetic rabbits maintained the lower blood sugar levels during the week-long study. Researchers used 50 mg and 100 mg of myrtle oil per 1 kg of body weight. There was also a 14% reduction in serum triglyceride.

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14. Heals Mouth Ulcers

Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) is a common, painful, and ulcerative disorder of the oral cavity with an unknown cause. Myrtle is used in some cultures as a treatment for mouth ulcers. The study was a randomized, double-blind, controlled before-after clinical trial. After 6 days no negative side effects were reported. Myrtle was effective in decreasing the size of oral ulcers, and it reduced skin redness, secretions, and pain.

15. Mosquito Repellant

If you live in a warm climate where frost is rare, you could plant several myrtle shrubs near your home to keep away the mosquitoes. Myrtle can also be grown in pots and kept indoors during cold weather months. As a house plant, it will keep away the pests and provide the room with a fresh essential oil fragrance, which will be beneficial to the respiratory system.

16. Astringent Properties

If used in mouthwash, myrtle essential oil makes the gums contract and strengthen their hold on the teeth. If ingested, it also makes the intestinal tracts and muscles contract. Furthermore, it contracts and tightens the skin and helps to diminish wrinkles. It can also help stop hemorrhaging by inducing the blood vessels to contract.

17. Eliminates Bad Odor

Myrtle essential oil eliminates foul odors. It can be used in incense sticks and burners, fumigants, and vaporizers as room fresheners. It can also be used as a body deodorant or perfume. It has no side effects like itching, irritation or patches on the skin like certain commercial deodorants.

18. Diabetes/Blood Sugar

Myrtle is high in a group of flavonols known as myricetins which are found in glycosides. A study on diabetic rats found that this compound can reduce glucose plasma levels, helping to regulate blood sugar levels in the body.

Managing blood sugar levels is especially important in the case of pre-diabetes. The phytochemicals in Myrtle leaves work at the molecular level by fine-tuning the damaged insulin receptor, which is the cause of insulin resistance.

19. Expectorant

This property of myrtle oil reduces the presence and further deposition of phlegm. It also clears congestion of the nasal tracts, bronchi, and lungs resulting from colds and provides good relief from coughing.

20. Maintains Healthy Nerves

It maintains the stability of the nerves and keeps you from becoming nervous or unnecessarily stressed over small issues. It is a beneficial agent against nervous and neurotic disorders, shaking limbs, fear, vertigo, anxiety, and stress.

21. Relaxes the Body

The essential oil of myrtle relaxes and sedates. This property also provides relief from tension, stress, annoyance, anger, distress, and depression, as well as from inflammation, irritation, and various allergies. [rx]

22. Aphrodisiac

Perhaps this is why myrtle essential oil was associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. It works very well to alleviate problems like impotency, frigidity, erectile dysfunctions, and loss of libido.

23. Eases Breathing

This property of myrtle essential oil counters the accumulation of phlegm and catarrh in the respiratory tracts. This property also curbs the formation of mucus and provides relief from coughs and breathing trouble. [rx]

24. Fights Infections

Myrtle essential oil inhibits infections since it is a bactericidal, germicidal, fungicidal, and antiviral substance. It also helps to reduce infections in the stomach and intestines, while helping to stop diarrhea. [rx]

25. Hormonal Balance

The adaptogenic qualities of Myrtle have been extensively researched, in particular its effect on the endocrine system and its ability to regulate the thyroid gland. It can stimulate the thyroid and normalize imbalances of both the thyroid and the ovaries, regardless of whether they are under or overperforming.

26. Hemorrhoids

In 2017, researchers found that a preparation of myrtle was effective in reducing bleeding,

pain during defecation, itching, and irritation commonly associated with hemorrhoids. Even patients resistant to traditional ointments or lotions responded well. They recommend further study into myrtle as a possible suppository or topical treatment of the condition. [rx]

27. Antibiotic Synergy Against Drug-Resistant Bacteria

The combination of myrtle essential oil and conventional antibiotics reduced multidrug-resistant bacteria growth in a study in 2014. With the prevalence of these pathogens becoming increasingly common, it is more important than ever to find a way to fight them.

These results showed that the volatile oil of M. communis should be further analyzed as a potential treatment for detrimental to fatal bacterial wound infections. [rx]

28. Aids Memory and Concentration

Many essential oils can help with concentration and memory. If you are pulling an all-nighter or trying to concentrate, diffuse any of the following oils or make a blend out of them:

  • Lemon (Citrus limon)
  • Myrtle (Myrtus communis)
  • Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

29. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Traditional medicine has yet to explain chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Anyone that suffers from it knows how frustrating and utterly debilitating it can be. The condition causes inflammation, muscular pain, and constant daily fatigue.

This results in irritability, nervous tension, confusion, and depression. Physically, it can result in impaired eyesight, hearing, balance issues, and more. Stress often makes it worse, and essential oils can provide an uplifting atmosphere to help calm the nerves.

If you are suffering from CFS, there are many oils that can help with problems that go along with the illness. Myrtle is one of them, as are the following:

  • Chamomile Roman (Anthemis nobilis)
  • Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
  • Lavender  Lavandula angustifolia)
  • Lemon (Citrus limon)
  • Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia)
  • Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
  • Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica)

Try making up a blend with the above oils to diffuse. If you would like to use the above oils for a massage, make your blend and add 3-5 drops of it to a teaspoon of carrier oil.

How to Make Myrtle Oil

Like many plant essential oils, myrtle oil is obtained by steam distilling the flowers, leaves, and stems. However, you can make infused myrtle oil at home using myrtle leaves. Follow this guide from

What You’ll Need

  • Measuring cup
  • 3 to 4 cups of fresh or 1 cup of dried myrtle leaf
  • Extra virgin olive oil or cold-pressed grape seed oil
  • Jar
  • Large saucepan with ovenproof handles
  • Coffee filters
  • Strainer
  • Dark bottle or jar [preferably glass jar]


Hot Oil Infusion

  1. Measure 3 cups of fresh myrtle leaves. With a knife, chop the leaves into small pieces, about the size of a dime. Transfer the chopped leaves into a jar.
  2. Pour extra virgin oil into the jar until it sits approximately 1 inch above the chopped leaves. Place the contents of the jar into the large saucepan with oven-proof handles.
  3. Preheat oven to 200℉, place the uncovered saucepan into the oven and observe the mixture. When the oil starts to boil, lower the heat slightly until the oil sits at a temperature where it slowly boils.
  4. Use a wooden spoon to stir the mixture. Do this every 20 minutes. Simmer the oil until the leaves become crisp and “worn out.” This means that the leaves will be devoid of oil for infusion.
  5. Place a coffee filter into a strainer and place it over the dark-colored jar. Pour the myrtle extract through the filter until no more oil comes out.
  6. Close the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark, and dry area.

Cold Oil Infusion

  1. Measure 1 cup of dried myrtle leaves. Chop the leaves using a knife.
  2. Place the chopped leaves into a jar and fill it with cold-pressed grape seed oil until the oil sits approximately an inch above the chopped leaves. Seal the jar afterward.
  3. Place the jar in a warm place, with access to direct sunlight. Let the jar sit for 2 weeks and shake the jar vigorously at least twice a day.
  4. Put a coffee filter into the strainer, with a dark glass jar underneath it. Pour the oil through and old the strainer over until no oil comes out.
  5. Seal the jar and store in a cool, dry, and dark place.

Other uses of Myrtle Essential Oil

  • Hemorrhoid treatment – Add 6 drops of myrtle oil to 30 grams (1 ounce) of cold cream and mix well. Apply several times a day until the swelling or pain subsides.
  • Acne treatment – Bad cases of boils or whiteheads can be treated by using 10 ml (2 tsp.) of grapeseed oil, 1 drop of wheat germ oil, and 7 drops of myrtle oil.
  • Remedy for any respiratory ailment – Diffuse the oil. You may also add 4 to 5 drops to your bath salts and mix with warm bathwater, or apply a diluted blend to your chest or back.
  • Deodorant – Apart from being an effective skincare agent, myrtle can also ward off a bad odor. Add diluted myrtle oil solution to water and use as a spray.
  • Cure for insomnia – You may diffuse, mix with the bathwater, or apply a drop to the back of the neck and pulse points.
  • Calming agent – If you’re experiencing stress or anxiety, you may use myrtle oil for its calming and relaxing properties.
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Myrtle Essential Oil Uses

Myrtle is often used in perfumes, toilet water, and eau-de-cologne. The oil is also used in various medicines and skin preparations. It is often used as a flavoring. The herb pairs well with other herbs in recipes like meat sauces. [rx]

Throughout history, myrtle has been associated with Venus, the Roman goddess of love, as well as the Greek goddess Aphrodite. The branches were often used in weddings and were a symbol of happiness and sexual vigor.

According to Dr. David Stewart, who wrote “The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple: God’s Love Manifest in Molecules,” myrtle oil is useful for balancing the thyroid.

Chest Massage

Respiratory tract infections can come on when least expected, and they seem to last forever. Myrtle oil is an expectorant and anti-catarrhal. When a bacteria or virus gets in, try the following blend.

  • 4 drops Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia)
  • 4 drops Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
  • 3 drops Thyme linalol (Thymus vulgaris var. linalool)
  • 3 drops Myrtle (Myrtus communis)
  • 1 drop Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

To use, mix the oils together, and add 5 drops to a teaspoon of carrier oil to rub over your chest, back, and neck

Diffusion for Meditation

When meditating, it helps to diffuse essential oils. However, you don’t want to choose oils that remind you of something, such as oils that smell like food. You also do not want to choose any oils that you use on a regular basis for a specific purpose.

Grounding oils and those that have been used in rituals and anointings, like those found in the Bible, are often helpful. Some good oils to choose from are:

  • Cedarwood Atlas (Cedrus atlantica)
  • Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)
  • Frankincense (Boswellia carterii)
  • Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
  • Melissa (Melissa officinalis)
  • Myrtle (Myrtus communis)
  • Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)

Bath Soak

Myrtle is a known astringent and tonic, making it beneficial for conditions like hemorrhoids and urinary tract infections.

To get this benefit, add 4-5 drops of the essential oil to a carrier such as oil, baking soda, or Epsom salt. Mix it well, and swish it into the bathwater. This method also helps with parasitic or fungal infections of the skin, psoriasis and eczema, pimples, and boils.

In illness

Because of its astringent action, due to the high tannin content, myrtle is very effective against hemorrhoids. Add 6 drops of myrtle to 30 g (1 oz.) cold cream, and mix well. Apply a few times per day, when the pain and swelling are at their worst.

In beauty

Because the leaves are astringent, they were used in the sixteenth century to clean the skin. Special perfumed water called ‘Eau changes was prepared in France and used for its tonic and astringent action.

Myrtle is very effective in bad cases of acne, especially when there are painful boils with whiteheads. Mix 10 ml (2 tbsp) grapeseed oil, 1 drop wheat germ, and 7 drops myrtle, and apply a few times per day until better. Cleanse the skin before and after applying the myrtle oil with a lotion made from 50 ml (2 fl oz.) rosewater and 5 drops of myrtle. This has a particularly astringent action on the greasy skin which is so often associated with bad acne.

In cookery

Meat and the small birds which are a delicacy in Mediterranean countries can be wrapped in or stuffed with myrtle leaves: these impart their flavor after the meat or bird is cooked. Myrtle branches and twigs can be burned on a fire or barbecue beneath the meat. The berries are edible, and were once dried like pepper: they can be used much like juniper, although they are milder.

Other uses

Myrtle has an anti-insect effect much the same as eucalyptus, and it would be worth planting a few shrubs for this purpose if you suffer from mosquitos. Not only will you be bite-free, but you will also purify the room with the fresh, clean, camphor fragrance, which will be beneficial to the respiratory system.

Myrtle flowers can be dried for use in potpourris; the oil-rich leaves were once used as an aromatic polish for wooden furniture, and the bark and roots (presumably because of the tannin content) were used in tanning.

Health Benefits of Lemon Myrtle

1. Sinus Infection

If you are having a sinusitis problem, then Lemon myrtle oil can be of great help. This is because lemon myrtle has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing the inflammation of the nasal passage while its anti-infection property combats infection that causes sinus problems.

2. Bronchitis

Lemon myrtle essential oil has been found effective in the treatment of bronchitis. Since bronchitis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial passage, the use of lemon myrtle oil can reduce the inflammation as well as fight the infection, which is the cause of bronchitis.

3. Indigestion And Irritable Gastrointestinal Disorders

Lemon myrtle has been found helpful in treating indigestion and gastrointestinal disorders like bloating, etc. Certain properties of lemon myrtle help in stimulating the digestion process. You can consume lemon myrtle in oil form, grounded form, as a spice or tea.

4. Molluscum Contagious

Molluscum contagious is a viral infection of the skin that causes red-colored bumps or lesions on the skin. Studies have shown that Lemon Myrtle is a natural way of treating molluscum contagious. The anti-viral property of lemon myrtle makes it a remedy to treat molluscum contagious.

5. Sore Throat

A sore throat can be very painful and hard to bear. The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties of lemon myrtle help in treating sore throat by killing bacteria and reducing inflammation. You can take lemon myrtle essential oil with honey for relief from sore throat.

6. Acne

Acne is a big problem, especially for girls. Lemon myrtle is a wonderful natural remedy for acne problem. It is helpful in treating oily skin that is one of the main causes of acne. Use of lemon myrtle essential oil can help you in getting rid of acne. You can add its oil in your lotion also.

7. Depression

Lemon myrtle can be your stress reliever. It provides a calming effect by inducing better sleep, promoting relaxation, filling you with positive feelings, etc. You can massage your foot with lemon myrtle oil. It can be added in aromatic lamps as its aroma soothes  the mind and uplifts the mood.

8. Oral Health

Lemon myrtle can be helpful in treating oral health issues like ulcers, irritation, tooth problems, etc. The use of this herb cleanses the mouth thus providing protection from various infection-causing bacteria and viruses. You can add lemon myrtle powder to your toothpaste for regular use. It can also be used in tea.

9. Boosts Immune System

A healthy immune system means fewer health issues because of a stronger immune system that is vital to combat diseases. Consumption of lemon myrtle strengthens your immune system, thus providing you protection against several health issues. You can use lemon myrtle in the form of tea, powder, or oil for benefitting your immune system.

10. Antioxidant

Lemon myrtle has antioxidant properties that eliminate free radicals from your system. This protects cells from getting damaged, as well as prevents brain aging, cancer, tumors, heart diseases, etc.

11. Fights Bad Odor

The refreshing aroma of lemon myrtle helps you in getting rid of bad body odor and bad breath. Its anti-microbial property prevents body odor by killing odor-causing microbes. You can add lemon myrtle oil to your bathtub or apply a few drops of it to your body. To get rid of bad breath, you can add a few drops of lemon myrtle oil to water and gargle it.

12. Headache

If you are troubled by headache, lemon myrtle can help in providing relief. The soothing aroma of lemon myrtle causes headaches. You can inhale steam by adding lemon myrtle for a headache remedy. Another way of treating headaches is to massage your temples with lemon myrtle essential oil.

13. Athlete’s Foot

An athlete’s foot is a fungal skin infection, which causes scaly, red itchiness in the foot sole and between toes. The anti-fungal property of lemon myrtle fights this infection by killing such fungus.

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14. Asthma

Lemon myrtle helps in combating asthma. Asthma is a lung disease in which the air passage swells and narrows causing difficulty in breathing. Steaming with lemon myrtle in water can be helpful in easing asthma problems.

15. Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is one of the common bone joint problems faced by people. It is an inflammatory disorder that results in painfully swelled joints. The anti-inflammatory property of lemon myrtle helps in reducing inflammation and gives relief. In case of rheumatoid arthritis, you can massage your joints with lemon myrtle essential oil for relief.

16. Cramps

A cramp can be defined as an involuntary muscle contraction that causes pain. Lemon Myrtle helps in reducing muscle cramps and menstrual cramps. The chemicals found in it help the muscles to relax, thus reducing the cramp to a significant extent.

17. Insect Bites

Lemon myrtle oil can be used to treat insect bites. Its application soothes the affected area and also reduces inflammation. Lemon myrtle can also be added to any lotion to prevent insect bites as it acts as an insect repellant because of its strong aroma.

18. Better Sleep

Lemon myrtle is particularly beneficial for those who cannot sleep peacefully. The relaxing effect of this herb can calm your mind and promote peaceful sleeping. For this purpose you can bath by adding lemon myrtle oil in a bathtub before going to sleep or drink lemon myrtle tea before bed.

19. Influenza/ Flu

The anti-viral property of lemon myrtle helps in treating influenza as well. Taking steam with a few drops of lemon myrtle oil or leaves may help you in fighting influenza.

20. Elimination Of Accumulated Mucus And Phlegm

Sometimes our body starts producing excess mucus and phlegm due to cold, flu or infection. This phlegm accumulates in the lungs and respiratory passage causing difficulty in breathing. Steaming with a few drops of lemon myrtle oil in water can be helpful in this regard by eliminating excess accumulated phlegm and mucus.

Recipes With Lemon Myrtle

As stated above, lemon myrtle not only provides an array of health benefits but also imparts a distinct taste and aroma to your dishes. Given below are a few lemon myrtle recipes that you can try.

1. Lemon Myrtle Cheesecake:

This yummy cheesecake combines the flavor of lemon myrtle and the crunchiness of nuts. It can be used as a dessert.

Ingredients For Base:

  • 1 Tablespoon Wattleseed
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 cup macadamia nuts
  • 120 ml Macadamia Oil

Ingredients For Filling:

  • 2 Tablespoons Lemon Myrtle
  • 500 gm cream cheese
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 large eggs.


  1. Blend all the above-given base ingredients and bake them in a preheated oven at 180 degrees.
  2. After baking, let this crust rest until it cools down at room temperature.
  3. Now blend all the filling ingredients until the batter gets fluffy and smooth.
  4. Pour this batter into the crust and bake again for 20 minutes.

2. Lemon Myrtle And Macadamia Biscuits Recipe:

Biscuits are light and easy snacks to have in between meals. And when they are prepared from lemon myrtle you get a bonus of health benefits. You can prepare these biscuits trying this simple recipe given below.


  • 200 g margarine
  • 100 g white sugar
  • 225 g macadamias, whole or chopped
  • 225 g self-raised flour
  • 1 tsp ground lemon myrtle


  1. Blend margarine and butter.
  2. Add macadamias and mix until they distribute evenly in the mixture.
  3. Add ground lemon myrtle and flour to make the resulting mixture crumbled, sticky, and easily mouldable.
  4. Make flat balls using this mixture and bake them for 15-20 minutes until you get golden brown-colored biscuits.

3. Crispy Prawns With Lemon Myrtle:

If you thought lemon myrtle can only be used in desserts, you can have a look at this recipe of prawns cooked in lemon myrtle powder!


  • One tablespoon Lemon Myrtle Ground
  • One teaspoon Paprika Smoked, Sweet
  • Chilli Powder, optional
  • Salt
  • 1/2 cup cooking oil
  • Two fresh chilies, finely chopped
  • Lime wedges for serving


  1. Toss or marinate the prawns with a mixture of rice flour, lemon myrtle powder, paprika, chili powder, and salt.
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan and cook the prawns until they become crispy.
  3. Drain on an oil absorbent paper and serve hot with lemon wedges.

4. Lemon Myrtle Iced Tea:

This aromatic tea is a tasty and healthy alternative to your regular tea. Given below is the recipe.


  • Lemon myrtle leaves
  • Water for boiling
  • Sugar or honey
  • Lemon
  • Ice


  1. Boil lemon myrtle leaves in water for 10 minutes.
  2. Let the boiled water rest until the leaves get infused.
  3. Strain the water and add sugar or honey for sweetening.
  4. Dilute with water if necessary, add a few drops of lemon juice and serve chilled by adding ice to it.

5. Lemon Myrtle Chicken:

If you are a chicken lover, you can try out this exotic dish using lemon myrtle for your meals.


  • 6 large cloves of garlic
  • 6 sprigs of fresh lemon myrtle
  • 6 chicken thigh chops
  • 60 ml olive oil
  • 60 ml chicken stock
  • 1 lime/lemon
  • Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Grind lemon myrtle sprigs and garlic cloves in olive oil.
  2. Marinate the chicken pieces with this ground paste for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Heat some oil in a pan and fry the chicken until it turns golden brown in color.
  4. Add chicken stock and lime or lemon. Cook for 20 minutes and serve hot.

6. Lemon Myrtle Shortbread:

This crispy bread will definitely please your taste buds. Given below is the recipe for lemon myrtle shortbread.


  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 2 tablespoons rice flour
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Lemon Myrtle (or 2 tsp if you prefer a stronger flavor)
  • 220 g unsalted butter softened


  1. Sieve all the ingredients except butter.
  2. Mix them well.
  3. Then add butter and make small balls.
  4. Now roll these balls flat (1cm).
  5. You can give the desired shape to these by using a cutter.
  6. After this, put them on a baking tray or use a baking paper or grease tray.
  7. Bake them at 60°C for 25- 30 minutes.
  8. Serve them when they cool down.

7. Spicy Lemon Yogurt Dip:

Here is the recipe for a yummy spicy lemon yogurt dip which you can have with bread, fish, prawns, etc.


  • 400 g Greek yogurt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp crushed lemon myrtle
  • Grilled strips of pitta bread, to serve


  1. Take yogurt in a bowl and blend well.
  2. Add black pepper powder, lemon myrtle, and mix well.
  3. Serve the dip with grilled bread strips.


For energy, boost add 3 drops each of Lemon Myrtle, Rosemary, and Peppermint to your Plant Therapy AromaFuse Diffuser first thing in the morning to start your day, or in the afternoon for a pick-me-up. You can also add the same blend to a personal aromatherapy inhaler for an energy boost on the go.

From Where To Buy



The International Federation of Aromatherapists, The Leading Aromatherapy Associations (Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA), International Aromatherapy and Aromatic Medicine Association, Aromatherapy Trade Council, and others) all state that essential oils should not be taken internally (regardless of purity or organic origin) unless under the guidance of a health care practitioner trained at an appropriate level or supervision of a Medical Doctor who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy. All cautions listed for individual oils do not include those cautions from ingestion. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.



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