Beauty Tips; Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Healthy Glowing Skin

Beauty Tips; Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Healthy Glowing Skin

Beauty tips for healthy glowing skin is a characteristic of an animal, idea, object, person or place that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction. Beauty is studied as part of aesthetics, culture, social psychology, philosophy and sociology. An “ideal beauty” is an entity which is admired, or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture, for perfection.

Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Healthy Glowing Skin

Ayurveda’s 5 Tips For Healthy Flawless Skin.Ayurveda’s Tips For Healthy Skin

1)Avoid or cut down on any sea food intake

2) Do not mix milk with fruits, meat, salt, vegetables, or honey

3) Go to sleep and wake up early

4) Stop sunbathing

5) Do something to be of service, without any strings attached. In Ayurveda, selfless service is one of the ways to awaken your inner beauty.

Do you ever feel like you’ve tried every skin-benefiting lotion and potion known to man, and yet, do not see any benefits to your skin? Are you sick and tired of spending tons of time, money, and energy on complicated 10-step skin care regimens that are yielding no results?

Ever feel like giving up altogether on the possibility of healthy skin?

Fret no longer. Thanks to the ancient science of Ayurveda, which is the sister science of Yoga, it is possible to not only have healthy, but glowing skin, which truly radiates from the inside-out. Learn about a few ayurvedic beauty tips for healthy glowing skin.

Ayurveda’s Approach to Healthy Skin

In Ayurveda, we work to actively promote health primarily by what we put into, versus onto, our bodies. Ayurveda, which is comprised of the words “Ayur,” meaning “life,” and “Veda,” meaning “knowledge,” is known as the science of life. As such, Ayurveda truly touches upon all of the myriad aspects of life that make it as full and rich as it is. From digestion to psychology to sexual health to spirituality to skincare, Ayurveda, as a spiritual science of life, really covers it all, with incredible precision, clarity, and insight.

In the modern era, we work so hard to cover up our skin with various products, from moisturizers to toners to serums to lotions and creams that often deliver limited results, at best. At worst, these products, because they are all chemically based, cause our skin to react, which means we resort to wearing to makeup, which then further ruins our skin, creating a vicious cycle.

7 Natural Home Remedies With Witch Hazel For Skin

7 Natural Home Remedies With Witch Hazel For Skin

Witch hazel may not be as ubiquitous as aloe vera, but it may just be better than you’d imagined! This antibacterial, anti-inflammatory herbal remedy can be used topically not only to treat acne, eczema, but to heal minor burns and bruises too. In addition, for those with hemorrhoids, sunburn, or insect bites, witch hazel can also help ease itchiness and swelling.

Skin problems like acne or eczema, or even having hemorrhoids or cold sores, can make life both difficult and uncomfortable for those afflicted. And taking strong medication, some of which might not even give you the results you’d hoped for, may be off the cards for many. This could be due to personal reasons or due to the possible interactions with other medication you are on. So where does that leave you? Cue witch hazel. The bark, twigs, and leaves of this plant are used in various medicines that can heal skin, soothe inflammation, and even prevent certain viruses and pathogens from spreading.

Here’s a closer look at how you can use the herbal remedy for a range of health issues.

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1. Skin Inflammation, Acne, Eczema Treatment

Witch hazel is used as a topical treatment for pain, swelling, or itching. The bark and leaves, which contain as much as 10 percent tannins, have good astringent properties. The herb is also rich in polyphenols that fight oxidative stress on skin. Its antibacterial properties also make it a good remedy for eczema and acne, inflammatory skin conditions that can be hard to control.1 A decoction made using between 5 and 10 gm of the bark infused in a cup of water can be applied twice or thrice a day to relieve acne, due to its astringent properties.2

2. Hemorrhoids

Witch Hazel has been approved by the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy and France for use not just as a topical remedy, but also an internal one, for treating hemorrhoids. Its astringent properties make it useful for anyone who has hemorrhoids that bleed. The vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory action of the extract have been revealed in various studies. However, since it is not recommended as an internal treatment in the United States, it is better to stick to topical use for pain relief and in rectal ointments, until further studies are done.3

3. Sunburn And Photoaging

Witch hazel also offers your skin protection from damage from the harsh rays of the sun.The polyphenolic compounds in the plant extracts have been found to exert a protective effect that slows photoaging and sunburn related damage responsible for flaking and peeling skin. More immediately, it can soothe skin that’s sensitive or sore due to sunlight exposure thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. To use, simply dab on the extract using clean cotton balls.4

4. Eye Inflammation

Witch hazel has long been used as a remedy for inflammation of the eyes. So if your lower eyes are puffy or a little swollen, you could benefit from using this anti-inflammatory treatment.5 Be careful not to get any into the eye and dab gently with a cotton ball dipped in a diluted extract.

6 Causes of Itchy Armpits And Easy Home Remedies

5 Effective Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Healthy Glowing Skin

5. Minor Burns And Wounds

The herb has been used in Native American folk medicine for generations, to treat minor burns as well as to help wound healing. Its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to prevent pathogenic germs from entering and flourishing on wounds are important.6

6. Cold Sores

The Herpes Simplex Virus or HSV-1 can cause cold sores which are painful blisters on the skin.7 Research has found that witch hazel extract could help exert antiviral action against HSV-1 and its topical use could help ease associated inflammation.8

7. Insect Bites

Witch hazel helps soothe itching and also tightens up skin due to its astringent qualities, making it a useful remedy for insect bites. Since it is anti-inflammatory it also brings down the swelling. Traditional Native American medicine used a poultice made from the bark and leaves of witch hazel, but you could make one just using cotton soaked in the diluted extract.9 You could go a step further and combine it with diluted lavender oil to ward off mosquitoes and bugs as well.

How To Take It Safely

Avoid ingesting witch hazel remedies without first consulting a doctor, as it has been known to cause gastrointestinal problems like stomach upsets and even liver problems if the dosage is too high. It can, however, be used safely by adults as a topical remedy to treat various inflammatory and other skin conditions from the outside.

Can These Remedies Change Your Skin Color?

While these remedies cut down melanin production, they cannot change your basic skin color. The melanin content of your skin is linked to your genes and can’t be recalibrated completely. Research on systemic melanin manipulation with components like tranexamic acid, L-cysteine peptide, hyaluronic acid, epidermal growth factor, and even glutathione is underway but nothing is well established. It is also mired in ethical dilemmas and may even backfire. So while skin problems can be tackled by modifying melanin content, the natural remedies listed here will not change your basic skin DNA and will not have side effects.

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Causes of Itchy Armpits And Easy Home Remedies

An underarm itch stems chiefly from poor hygiene or wearing clothes with narrow armholes. If you use a blunt razor to shave or apply an antiperspirant right after, you could get a rash or ingrown hair. Sometimes, it could be a reaction to a deodorant or soap. Insect bite, yeast or bacterial infection, hormonal changes during pregnancy, or eczema could be other causes. Rarely, it could be a sign of breast cancer.

The prickling, tickling, and tingling feeling that makes you want to scratch your itchy armpits can be quite an embarrassment. But take comfort in the fact that almost everyone faces this embarrassment as the underarm region is prone to skin conditions. This is because the armpit consists of a large number of blood vessels, lymph, sweat glands, and nodes, though on the surface, it appears just like a few folds of skin. The blood vessels keep your underarms warm and the sweat glands ensure it is regularly damp. This makes your armpit an ideal location to develop itchy conditions.

There’s not much reason to worry. Sometimes, it can be as simple as wearing an outfit with a narrow armhole that sits too tight on your skin. Or the itch could be a result of wrong shaving technique, pregnancy, poor hygiene, or bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. Very rarely, it could indicate bigger health problems like breast cancer or psoriasis. But it’s unlikely it will be the only symptom. Here are 5 reasons of itchy armpits.

1. Poor Hygiene

Clean the armpits well every day. Keep your towels clean too. You could also air brush the armpits to improve blood circulation.

One of the most common causes of itchy underarms is not cleaning yourself well enough. When sweat and dirt combine, they form a perfect ground for bacteria to breed. This leads to an annoying itch in your underarms, especially if you sweat excessively. Showering regularly and air drying your body instead of using a towel prevents the itch and further discomfort.

2. Wrong Shaving

After shaving, rub some ice cubes on the armpits. Don’t use an antiperspirant immediately.

Shaving your underarms should not irritate your skin. However, if you experience any discomfort after a day or two, it could be because of dull razors and incorrect shaving techniques. Wrong shaving not only breaks and irritates the surface of the skin but also increases the sensitivity of hair follicles. When you shave your underarms, you may accidentally cause ingrown hair – that is a strand of hair that bends sideways and grows back into your skin. This presents itself with a raised, red bump similar to a pimple and can cause itchiness and rash.

3. Reaction To Certain Chemicals

A number of daily use items contains allergens. Certain allergens present in deodorants and antiperspirants may also result in mild irritation. Some of these products can clog sweat glands, trigger dermatitis reactions, and irritate the skin. Use a natural deodorant like apple cider vinegar. Simply dab some apple cider vinegar and water on a cotton ball and run it on your armpits. This can kill the bacteria and the yeast and neutralize odors, keeping you smelling fresh all day.

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4. Pregnancy-Related Changes

If you have an underarm yeast infection, apply coconut oil or aloe vera gel directly.

Some pregnant woman suffer from itchy armpits during early pregnancy, late pregnancy, or at times even after pregnancy. This is due to the hormonal changes in the liver, which triggers skin irritation. Conditions such as eczema and impetigo cause itchy armpits which worsen during pregnancy. Moreover, pregnant women are more prone to develop yeast infections, which are also a cause of itchy armpits.

5. Infections

Sometimes, a change in environment or using new drugs also make the underarms feel itchy. But it may be caused by these medical conditions too, some of them easily treatable.

  • Candida infection is possibly the most common medical cause of armpit itching. Add lavender or tea tree essential oil to coconut oil and apply on the armpits.
  • Insect bites could also cause a rash and an itch. Apply a paste of fresh basil leaves. The camphor in it will soothe the skin.
  • Swollen lymph nodes under the arms, which indicate that the body has an infection, could also cause an itch.

    Though rare, breast cancer can cause itchy armpits. Palpate your breasts to check for lumps and look out for change in the shape of the breasts and nipples.

6. Certain Diseases

Some health conditions make you more prone to developing an itch in the armpit as well as other parts of the body.

  • Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating leads to bacterial overgrowth. You will need treatment to manage this condition, besides keeping yourself clean.
  • Eczema or skin inflammation could be another reason. If it’s eczema, you’ll also notice rashes and flaky, dry skin. Apply coconut or castor oil.
  • Psoriasis, which mostly affects the folds of the skin, could be yet another medical cause. But you would likely see scaly patches on the armpit skin. Add some oatmeal to your bath water.
  • Breast cancer could have symptoms of itchy armpits. But breast cancer will probably show other signs like lumps or change in the shape of the breast and nipples. It’s unlikely that itchy armpits will be the only symptom.


  1. “Processing fluency and aesthetic pleasure: is beauty in the perceiver’s processing experience?” (PDF). Personality and Social Psychology Review: An Official Journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc8 (4): 364–382. doi:10.1207/s15327957pspr0804_3hdl:1956/594ISSN 1088-8683PMID 15582859.
  2.  “Beauty as an emotion: The exhilarating prospect of mastering a challenging world”Review of General Psychology12 (4): 305–329. CiteSeerX 1939-1552.
  3. “Beauty Requires Thought”Current Biology27(10): 1506–1513.e3. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.04.018ISSN 0960-9822PMID 28502660.


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