Natural Way to Enlarge, Soft, Attractive Breasts is the most important thing to add the beauty of a women life. But we do not care about this vital organ that enhances the beauty. Breast enlargement is the enlargement of the breasts. It may occur naturally as in mammoplasty or may occur artificially through active intervention. Many women regard their breasts, which are female secondary sex characteristics, as important to their sexual attractiveness, as a sign of femininity that is important to their sense of self. Due to this, when a woman considers her breasts deficient in some respect, she might choose to engage in some activity intended to enhance them.

Methods used in an effort to achieve larger breasts include

  • Surgical breast augmentation, such as with breast implants or fat transfer.
  • Hormonal breast enhancement, through experimental administration of hormonal agents such as estrogen.
  • Herbal breast enlargement supplements, pills or other ingested substances containing herbs asserted to increase breast size hormonally.
  • Increasing the food energy intake by eating more and/or more energetic foods. By increasing your food energy intake, more adipose tissue will be created, part of which will consist of adipose tissue located near the breast area.
  • The amount of adipose tissue that will be added to the breasts varies from person to person and is controlled by the KLF14 gene. An additional modification of the KLF14 gene can thus make sure even more of the adipose tissue increase will occur at the breasts.
  • Mechanical breast enhancement, such as through use of the BRAVA Breast Enhancement and Shaping System, a clinically-effective external breast tissue expander.
  • Mark Eden bust developer, a fraudulently marketed method and device.

Tips to Bigger / Enlarge Breasts

An underwire bra (also underwire bra, underwire bra, or underwired bra) is a brassiere that utilizes a thin, semi-circular strip of rigid material fitted inside the brassiere fabric. The wire may be made of metal, plastic, or resin. It is sewn into the bra fabric and under each cup, from the center gore to under the wearer’s armpit. The wire helps to lift, separate, shape, and support a woman’s breasts. Many different brassiere designs incorporate an underwire, including shelf bras, demi bras, nursing bras, and bras built into other articles of clothing, such as tank tops, dresses, and swimsuits.

Bigger / Enlarge Breasts

The concept of an underwire can be traced to an 1893 patent that describes a breast supporting device using a rigid plate under the breasts for stability. The modern underwire bra was designed in the 1930s and gained widespread popularity by the 1950s. As of 2005, underwire bras were the largest and fastest growing segment of the bra market. A bra without an underwire is a soft cup bra.

Underwire bras are occasionally linked to health conditions including breast pain, mastitis, and metal allergies. Women wearing an underwire bra have in a few rare instances been subjected to extra scrutiny when their bra set off metal detectors at security checkpoints in airports or prisons. There have been a few recorded incidents where the underwire deflected a bullet or other weapon that struck the woman’s chest

I have been wondering what to write since last 2-3 days… almost felt like a writer’s block!! But over that now when I realized a reader of mine wanted to know tips and tricks on how to increase breast size. The topic is indeed a grave concern among women!Bigger / Enlarge Breasts

But you have reason to cheer up ladies, I have lined out everything you can think of or rather ask for in regard to how to increase breast size naturally and get bigger breasts. I did do a lot of research on the topic and believe me, no other blog or site deals with the topic as I shall… only for you dearies!

Bigger / Enlarge Breasts

How It Works- Breast enhancement pills alter the estrogen and progesterone hormones in your body. They will be taken once or twice a day depending on the recommended intake.
As a result, there may be swelling caused by fluid retention which can make your boobs bigger. However, the results will take some time, at least 2 to 3 months before you see the results.

Bigger / Enlarge Breasts

Quick Tips that Never Fail to Make Your Breasts Look Bigger

I hope you are already aware that any changes to your body do not take place overnight magically. You must have to have some patience to really be able to get bigger breasts. These tips only make your breasts ”look” big, to actually enhance breast size, you will have to stay on the page. Till then make use of these tips.. at best I will call them optical illusions, but quick tips are better anyways!

OK, let’s begin with the quick tips on how to increase breasts instantly size and gain the confidence-

  • Breast Enhancer Bra– First in My list is a breast enhancing bra of course. Yes, right after you wear it, the look is that of a fuller figure! Need I explain more??
  • Detailed Necklines– Wear detailed necklines to give an optical illusion. Lace, gathering, smocking, ruching, pleats, twists, ruffles and jewels all divert attention from your bust and make it look well defined and appropriate!
    High up the Neck! High necklines suit you much better than low necks… obviously! Low necklines reveal out what you are trying to hide!!
  • Bold Colors and Patterns– Wear bold and bright colors and prints on the top. Keep your lowers subdued. If you invert this detail, it will make your breasts look smaller!
  • Resort to Makeup– If you want to wear cleavage revealing clothes, make use of makeup!! Use a darker shade of foundation to make your breasts appear fuller.

Attractiveness Ratings: Size and Profile

  • There was a significant main effect of breast size on attractiveness rating across all 15 images, F(2.5, 2598.6) = 90.03, p < .001 (with Greenhouse-Geisser correction). The C size (M = 6.57, SD = .10) and D size (M = 6.10, SD = .13) were rated as the most attractive and the A size was rated the least attractive (M = 3.84, SD = .11). There was also a significant main effect of the presented breast profile on attractiveness rating across all 15 images, F(2, 260) = 4.88, p < .01. Contrasts revealed that the difference was significant for the oblique view and the side view. The attractiveness of breasts presented in oblique view was rated generally higher than in side view, F(1, 130) = 9.99 p < .01. There was no significant difference in attractiveness rating between front and oblique view, F(1, 130) = 1.54, p < .30 and between front and side view, p < .80. The interaction between breast size and profile was significant, F(6.05, 785.88) = 21.76, p < .001 (with Greenhouse-Geisser correction). A and B sizes were rated as more attractive when presented in oblique and side view whereas D and E sizes were rated as more attractive when presented in the front view. The C size was rated similarly across all three profiles.

Attractiveness Ratings: Size × Profile × SOI-R

  • The breast size × profile × male sociosexuality interaction on attractiveness rating was significant, F(8, 1008) = 2.37, p < .02. This showed that profile and size interaction influenced attractiveness rating assessed as a function of SOI-R classification. We tested separately the impact of breast size and profile on breast attractiveness ratings by sociosexually restricted and unrestricted men. There was a significant interaction effect between the size and attractiveness rating and SOI-R score of participants, F(2.53, 318.32) = 95.52, p < .001 (with Greenhouse-Geisser correction). Sociosexually restricted and unrestricted men rated similarly small sizes but sociosexually unrestricted men rated D and E size higher than restricted men (M = 6.67, SD = .18 and M = 5.63, SD = .17 respectively for D size, and M = 5.72, SD = .19 and M = 4.16, SD = .19 respectively for E size). In both groups, the attractiveness rating was increasing up to D size and decreased for E size (rx). Since there was no significant interaction between attractiveness rating and profile depending on rater’s sociosexuality, F(1, 126) = .05, p > .09, we analyzed the influence of male sociosexuality on breast attractiveness rating separately for all three profiles.
  • In each profile, there was a significant interaction between breast size attractiveness ratings and SOI-R, F(3.12, 329.81) = 4.40 for front view, F(2.32, 292.32) = 7.36 for oblique view, and F(3.13, 395.02) = 5.21 (all significant at p < .05 level; with Greenhouse-Geisser correction) for side view. This means that attractiveness ratings of different breast size varied in sociosexually restricted and unrestricted men for each profile. Although generally unrestricted men tended to give higher ratings than restricted ones, the former give significantly higher ratings only for the largest E size in the front view and, for D and E sizes, in oblique and side view (rx).
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Avoid This Dangerous Mistake of Bigger / Enlarge Breasts

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I know many a ladies who cry hundred times a day that God has been unkind to them because they have such tiny boobs!! But what they do to make it worse is they end up wearing vertical stripes!! Beware, ladies, its a blunder!! That’s exactly the thing that makes even big boobs look small. Yes, women with really big boobs wear vertical prints, to not feel embarrassed!


Anyways let’s move on. Because I have some important things to share than tell you what else women whine about!

Ok, the tips I just finished up explaining were all about how to create an illusion of bigger and fuller breasts. But that’s that. I am sure you actually are looking for things that can actually help you get the breast size you want. I have charted out some of the expert natural solutions to help you get breast enhancement results naturally.

Important Note-

Let me warn you before I begin- Do not expect quick results!! These tips will show results after at least 20-30 days..

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Tested Methods to Increase Breast Size Naturally at Home –


In this section, I will give you a detailed plan of action that will help you get bigger breast size naturally. The ways include – Diet, Exercises and Other Methods! Check out what I am talking about-

Ways to Increase Breast Size Naturally at Home- Diet

1. Milk-

Whole milk, milk products, butter all of these are pretty helpful in increasing breast size. Whole milk is not low fat milk, but rich in fat… remember breast tissues are made of fat… you get the fat from fatty food for breasts!

  • Side Effects- If you overdo it you may end up having a bulky body. Weight gain can be an outcome. If you are allergic to milk, consult your doctor. Although the allergy can be treated.
  • Best Thing – Milk is good for health, need not say anymore!

2. Soya Milk and Soy Beans-

Soya Milk is rich in protein we all know. High in isoflavones, it mimics estrogen and thus indeed helps to increase breast size. Soya milk is obtained from soya beans. Beans are equally effective to maintain a healthy estrogen level in the body Consume it but quantity needs to be checked.

  • Side Effects- it can affect your menstrual cycle.. in fact, can be associated with breast cancer. Make sure you avoid overdose.
  • Best Thing- Consume as directed, risks are minimal. It can be really very effective to get bigger boobs!

3. Papaya-

Its quite a surprise addition in my list. But what you did not know is that papaya can be really helpful in increasing breast size. Papaya with milk can be a boon for increasing boob size!

  • Side Effects – Its not the food for Pregnant women. Overeating… in this case over drinking can cause loose motions diarrhea.
  • Best Thing- Easily available. No fuss remedy.

4. Saw Palmetto –

It is considered to be a hormone regulating herb used for men and women. It has amazing breast enhancement properties.

  • Side Effects- Overdose can harm
  • Best Things – Easily available in supplement form. Consult a doc for the dosage.

Ways to Increase Breast Size Naturally at Home- Herbal

1. Fenugreek Seeds for Big Breasts-

I am sure you already have heard of this… fenugreek (methi) has a good amount of photo (plant) estrogen and diosgenin that encourage prolactin hormone which is associated with breast growth.

  • But is popping the seeds enough…? Well yes, it is very much effective.
  • In fact, you can also make a paste of these seeds and massage your breasts.
  • The other way to use this remedy is to crack the seeds in base oil, preferably mustard oil, and massage your breasts with this oil. Fenugreek oil itself is a good option.
  • Fenugreek sprouts are even better for breast growth as it has a higher amount of diosgenin. You may very well use these as a natural way to enlarge breasts.
  • You can also use fenugreek supplements. Consult your doctor for the right dosage.

Side Effects – Side effects like diarrhea and stomach upset may occur in case of high dose.

Best Thing – These side effects are still mounting way minuscule as compared to the complications artificial methods can cause!

Caution- Pregnant women are not advised to use fenugreek supplements because it can result in premature uterine contractions.

THUMBS UP to fenugreek for natural breast enhancement.

Bigger / Enlarge Breasts

2. Fennel Seeds for Breast Enlargement –

  • Chew fennel. it’s tasty!
  • Use its powder or paste in your meals
  • Pop these seeds in any base oil. And use it for massaging.
  • Fennel can be used in the form of a supplement.

Side Effects- It may disrupt the nervous system is consumed in an excess amount. So pay heed on how much you end up consuming.

Best Things- It’s easily available and being a herb, it has practically minimal side effects.

3.Flax Seeds For Breast Enhancement

Rich in Phytoestrogen, Flax seeds, linseed or ‘alsike beej’ is a common herb used in North East of India the most. Its an amazing herb that works wonders for increasing your bust size purely naturally and giving ample satisfaction.

  • You can pop in flaxseeds and chew.. it has a nutty flavor.
  • Ground flax seeds are healthier as compared to their whole counterparts.
  • You can add it in flour, make a paste along with other herbs to use in food preparation.
  • Flaxseed or linseed oil can be used topically for massaging or in the diet as salad topping or seasoning.

Side Effects- It can cause allergic reactions, indigestion, blood-related infections, etc. Pregnant and nursing mothers are advised not to use it.

Best Thing- It has flavanoid, omega 3, 6 fatty acids and also produces lignans which act like estrogens. It helps in breast and ovarian cancer. there is one more page you would like to check out.

Wait I am not wrapping up just now!! There is a lot more you can do to let your breasts become larger naturally. I am yet to talk about YOGA and other Exercises!

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Herbal Remedies to Enhance Breast Size

Wild Yam

Yam is affluent in phytonutrients which helps increase the estrogen production and enhance the size of your breasts.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel is a spice that increases the flavor of your food. Include a little bit of fennel in your morning salad to increase the size of your breasts.


This herb is a natural body coolant that decelerates the fat reduction process near your breast area, so your breasts remain bigger and firm. It also has a substance called as diosgenin, which encourages the growth of breast tissue in women.

Red Clover

Red clover has estrogen boosting nutrients, namely phytoestrogens, which stimulate the breast growth in women. Take 2-3 red clover flowers and boil them. Now strain the water and drink it every day to get better results.

Dandelion Root

Drink dandelion root tea daily, and you will notice the results within a shorter span of time. Dandelion tea should be prepared without adding sugar or milk so that it does not increase fat content in your body.

Pueraria Mirifica

This is a plant extract that has natural properties to improve the skin tone and hair growth in women. It also assists in breast development.

Saw Palmetto

Besides curing urinary infections, saw palmetto, also aids in improving breast size. Consume this herb regularly.

Wheat Germ Oil

Apply wheat germ oil around your breast and gently massage for 15 minutes. This increases blood flow in the breast area and also promotes tissue growth.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is an effective herbal cure for increasing breast size in women.

Watercress Leaf

Watercress leaf is rich in vitamin E, which is an essential vitamin to develop breasts in women. Add watercress leaves to boiling water. Strain the water and drink it.

Blessed Thistle

Blessed thistle increases the size of breasts by triggering the estrogen production. This herb also increases the blood flow around the breast area to increase tissue growth.

Dong Quai

Dong Quai is a natural herb that regulates the estrogen production in women which helps increase the breast size in a natural manner. For those who do not have fuller breast size due to hormonal imbalance, this herb can improve breast growth by regulating the hormonal imbalance.

Oils and Masks for Breast Enhancement

Massage increases the growth of breast tissues and makes them fuller. Massage augments the blood flow to your breast area. It also makes the breast ready to receive all the nutrients from your food to increase its size fast.

Olive Oil

Make use of olive oil to massage your breasts. Massage in a clockwise direction for 10 minutes and then in an anti-clockwise direction for another 10 minutes.


You can apply raw honey to your breast area, or you can mix it with warm olive oil to massage gently to increase your breast growth.

Onion Mask

Onion is a great breast enhancement readily available in your kitchen. Mix onion juice with honey and turmeric and apply the mask on your breast every day to see the visible results. When you apply this mask, avoid wearing tight innerwear that blocks air circulation.

Sesame Oil

For firming the breast muscles and enlarging the breasts – sesame oil can be used. This is indeed an ancient practice. Women can massage around their breast with warm sesame oil to speed up breast development.

Ways to Increase Breast Size Naturally at Home- Yoga

Breast Yoga

Yoga is an easy way to increase your cup size from a to b or b to c or c to d and so on! Yoga also helps with lifting up the sagging boobs. Check out these easy yoga poses I am about to illustrate.

  • Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

It is one pose or asana that every blog or website dealing with breast enlargement does talk about. And I am damn sure you already know how to do it! However, formalities sake I am gonna repeat… but let me warn you, there are many other ways too that really help with breast size enlargement.

How to– Lie down on your stomach with your feet joined straight on the floor and put your hands adjacent to your chest. Now inhale and raise your torso upwards with your face looking at the ceiling. Stay in this position for a few seconds and slowly come down to your original position. Repeat this 10-15 times.

  • Trikonasana or Double Angle Pose

Its quite an effective pose for enhancing breast size naturally at home. Although a bit complicated and tough, with practice, you can do it correctly.

How to– Stand with your feet apart and your arms behind your back with your fingers interlocked. Now bend down while your arms stretching upwards. Stretch, now bring down your arms and come back to original position. 

  • Ushtasana or the Camel Pose

Its a very versatile yoga pose with many health benefits including digestion, lymphatic, endocrine, skeletal circulatory and respiration systems and it even helps reduce fat from arms and thighs!!

How to – Sit on your knees slightly apart. Now bend backward and arch your back with your face upside down. Your arm should touch your feet for support. Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to original position. Repeat this pose 10 times.

Ways to Increase Breast Size Naturally at Home- Exercises

exercise for breast

Although exercising will not create mammary glands to wither expand or grow, it but will certainly help in making your breast appear firm, lifted and perkier making your assets look attractive and least to some extent larger!!

Some of the exercises that really do help are detailed below.

  • Push Ups!

It helps your pectoral muscles to strengthen and well defined. I am sure you already know how to push-ups, in case you are confused.. ask any guy he will elaborate the concept to depths I can’t reach.

  • Inverted Wall Push Ups-

It’s very much similar to a push-up, different only in that you are not flat down on the floor, but standing adjacent to a wall with your hands in level with your shoulders. Keep your feet stable while you move your upper body towards the wall, then stretch it back keeping your arms straight. Do it about 10-15 times daily.

  • Free Weights

I don’t know about you, but I really get all excited when it’s about dumbbells. Weight needs to be about 3-5 pounds depending on your resistance level. What you have to do is stand with your feet apart hold the dumbbells in both hands and lift your hands either side in a square with your shoulders. Now slowly lower your arms. Repeat this set for about 10-15 times.

  • Bench Press
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It is an interesting exercise that requires a bench of course!! Lay on your back with your feet apart on the floor. Hold the weights and raise your arms above your face. Slightly bend your elbows and lower your arms and back to the starting position. Do this 10-15 times.

Ways to Increase Breast Size Naturally at Home- Supplements

Bigger / Enlarge Breasts

Supplements and pills for enhancing breast size are a good way to enlarge breast size. These are generally made of natural ingredients. Its a cheap and easy means to the end.

Side Effects- Generally no side effects are reported. You may be allergic to any of the ingredients, check out for that.

Best Thing- Easy and convenient and cost-effective. Best for those who do not even want to pluck a leaf for anything what so ever!

Ways to Increase Breast Size Naturally at Home- Massage

Breast Massage

We know that breast enhancement pills are a good way to get a bigger cup size, but cream is not only safe and effective but true fun. Believe me, if you have your guy helping you rub these on your assets, well nothing can match the pleasure!!! Creams and lotions give you the option to massage your boobs and caress them with love.

Use Oils like-

  • Linseed / Flaxseed oil
  • Fennel Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Breast Enlargement creams and lotions, These are cheap, effective and mostly made of natural ingredients.

How to Massage Breasts?

Breast massage is a good way to increase breast size. Try circular strokes around the breasts. Move your hands in a way that you end up joining at the cleavage. This way is the tested way to massage breasts. You have to at least try 200-300 strokes every day for proper breast tissue stimulation.

Side Effects- too much of rubbing can get your breasts swelled and sensitive. Watch out for that.

Best Thing- Its perfect for couples. Quite an enjoyable treat for both of you! Singles need not to worry, you better stay motivated!

Things that Work and Work Not for Breast Enhancement

See most of the things, in fact, all of the things I have mentioned actually do help you at least increase one cup size.. but the problem is you have to be patient but if you are not. surgery is your only best option! Which if you ask me is not a great one given the long list of complications. I shall dwell on that too in my next articles.

For now, I have to tell you about the relation between breast Feeding and Birth Control pill for Breast Enlargement!

Breast Size Increases with Breast Feeding- True or False

Breast Feeding

Yes, it does help, as milk that is produced in your breasts makes them larger. But many women find their size shrinking back as they stop nursing.

Breast Size Increases with Birth Control Pills- True or False

Yes, in many cases, contraception pills cause an increase in breast size. That’s is because these pills are made to increase the amount of estrogen which is the primary hormone that determines breast size. But in this case, too, precaution is best. Breast size may very well shrink back as you stop using the pills.

Bust Enhancement Treatment – How To Increase Breast Size Naturally

  • There is no single best way to increase breast size. For example, while one woman may wonder how to get bigger breasts the quickest way possible, another may wish to maximize the total effect no matter how long the growth process takes. Choosing the best method for how to get bigger breasts is a very personal one that you should weigh carefully. Here are some very safe, all natural ways or Ayurvedic treatments for how to enlarge breasts naturally that will act as quickly as 1 to 2 months; combining a few methods will yield superior results.
  • Increase breast size treatment –  Breast enhancement capsule-based supplements and powder formulated with special plant compounds called phytoestrogens that mimic real estrogen. For centuries, native people around the world have known about certain plants’ capability to increase bust size. Now you can use this ancient knowledge by looking for pills containing pure herbs like asparagus, Pueraria etc.
  • Natural breast enhancement treatment –  Breast enhancement creams are the second method, acting on the same principles and ingredients as capsules.
  • Increase bust size treatment –  Diet, As pills and creams will give you phytoestrogens, so can the foods you eat, including flaxseed, soy, chickpeas, lentils, lima beans, rye, apples, wheat germ, and ginger, to name a few. Studies have shown that the phytoestrogens absorbed through digestive system do have an obvious effect on the physiology of our bodies.
  • Increase bust size treatment –  Exercise. Specific exercises will build pectoral muscles underneath, lifting and enhancing breasts. Try push-ups of all variations, flies and any type of chest press.
Bigger / Enlarge Breasts

  • Shatavari Capsules – This is a wonderful formulation of Ayurvedic herbs that balance the female hormones and act as anti-aging formula too. It is very effective in toning up the breast muscles and uterus cycle.
  • Bustonica capsules – Something special with herbs that act directly on the breast and shapes the entire figure. The herbs in this supplement work in a synergistic manner and are purely based on principles of nature. The herbs contain natural female phytoestrogens giving perfect shape and size to the breasts without giving any side effects.
  • Breast 0-8 cream – To be applied on the breast in a circular movement. Herbs in this cream get absorbed and strengthen the breast muscle and tones the breast cells.
  • Shri Gopal Oil – to be mixed with the cream and applied regularly.


  • Bustonica capsules – 2 capsules twice daily, after meals with plain water
  • Shatavari Capsules – 2 capsules twice daily, after meals with plain water
  • Breasto Cream – Apply at night, just a small portion ( 5 grams or so), apply in clockwise motions rub gently on each breast for 2 minutes. Leave overnight
  • Shri Gopal Oil – As Per instructions on the package.

All this should be continued for 3 months to get good and permanent results.

Important Advise!

Bigger / Enlarge Breasts

Wanting increased breast size is not a bad thing, but not respecting or loving yourself because your boobs do not attract enough attention is demeaning yourself!! Do not obsess about it. You are perfect the way you are. And I love all my reader.
