Clevidipine is a dihydropyridine L-type calcium channel blocker that is selective for vascular smooth muscle and is indicated for blood pressure reduction when oral therapy is not an option. Clevidipine is a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker indicated for the reduction of blood pressure when oral therapy is not feasible or not desirable. Clevidipine is a dihydropyridine L-type calcium channel blocker that is selective for vascular smooth muscle and is indicated for blood pressure reduction when oral therapy is not an option.

Mechanism of Action of Clevidipine

Possibly by deforming the channel, inhibiting ion-control gating mechanisms, and/or interfering with the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, clevidipine inhibits the influx of extracellular calcium across both the myocardial and vascular smooth muscle cell membranes. The resultant inhibition of the contractile processes of the myocardial smooth muscle cells leads to dilation of the coronary and systemic arteries and improved oxygen delivery to the myocardial tissue.

Possibly by deforming the channel, inhibiting ion-control gating mechanisms, and/or interfering with the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, clevidipine inhibits the influx of extracellular calcium across both the myocardial and vascular smooth muscle cell membranes. The resultant inhibition of the contractile processes of the myocardial smooth muscle cells leads to dilation of the coronary and systemic arteries and improved oxygen delivery to the myocardial tissue.

Indications of Clevidipine

Contra-Indications of Clevidipine

  • Severe heart failure
  • Abnormally low blood pressure
  • Kidney disease with a reduction in kidney function
  • Fluid Retention in the Legs, arms or hands
  • Blood Circulation Failure due to Serious Heart Condition
  • Chronic idiopathic constipation
  • The high amount of triglyceride in the blood
  • Excessive fat in the blood
  • Severe Narrowing of the Aortic Heart valve
  • Acute Inflammation of the pancreas
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Minimal Change glomerulonephritis
  • Stomach or intestine blockage
  • Narrowing of the intestines
  • Decreased motility function of stomach or intestines
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Dosage of Clevidipine

Strengths: 1 mg, 2 mg, 0.5 mg/mL


  • Initial dose: IV infusion of 1 to 2 mg/hour (2 to 4 mL/hour)
  • Dose titration: Dose may be doubled at short (90 seconds) intervals initially. As blood pressure approaches the goal, increase in doses should be less than doubling and intervals between dose adjustments should increase to every 5 to 10 minutes. An increase of approximately 1 to 2 mg/hour generally produces an additional 2 to 4 mmHg decrease in systolic pressure.
  • Maintenance dose: The desired therapeutic response for most patients occurs at doses of 4 to 6 mg/hour (8 to 12 mL/hour). Patients with severe hypertension may require doses up to 32 mg/hour (64 mL/hour).
  • Maximum dose: Most patients were treated with maximum doses of 16 mg/hour (32 mL/hour) or less; however, there is limited short-term experience with doses up to 32 mg/hour (64 mL/hour). Due to lipid load restrictions, no more than 1000 mL (or an average of 21 mg/hour) of clevidipine infusion is recommended per 24 hour period. There is little experience with infusion durations beyond 72 hours at any dose.

Side Effects of Clevidipine

The most common 

More common

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Drug Interactions of Clevidipine

Clevidipine may interact with the following drugs, supplements, & may change the efficacy of the drug

Pregnancy Category 

FDA Pregnancy Category C


This medication should not be taken by women who are or may become pregnant, as clevidipine may cause harm to the developing baby if it is taken by the mother during pregnancy. If you become pregnant while taking this medication, contact your doctor immediately.

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This medication should not be taken by women who are breastfeeding. The safety and effectiveness of using this medication have not been established for children.

