Cedarwood Essential Oil Health Benefits – Nutritional Value, Side Effects

Cedarwood Essential Oil Health Benefits – Nutritional Value, Side Effects

Cedarwood essential oil is derived with the steam distillation process of the heartwood of the Cedar tree which is scientifically called Juniperus Virginiana. The Cedarwood plant is inherent to cold climates and is found in high altitudes. Cedarwood Essential oil has vital components such as Beta Cedrene, Alpha Cedrene, Widdrol, Cedrol, and Thujopsene. Traditionally it is used for its calming effects. Due to its sweet and hearty aroma, it is used in perfumes, cologne, and incense. It is used by Egyptians and Native Americans for centuries for its medical and cosmetic benefits. It is also known as Western Red, Cedar Leaf oil, Virginian, red, Southern red cedar, or Eastern red and Bedford cedarwood.

Red cedar essential oil facts

Red cedar essential oil possesses balancing and powerful energies that promote meditation, strengthen the body and clear the mind. It has beauty-enhancing properties that assist in dull and dry skin. It possesses antifungal, antibacterial, diuretic, antiviral, antioxidant and antiseptic properties.

Name Red cedar essential oil facts and benefits
Scientific Name of Red cedar plant Juniperus Virginiana
Native Native to cold climates
The tree is native to North America and grown widely in Pacific Northwest. It is naturalized and introduced in New Zealand, Australia, Western Europe, and the United States.
Common/English Name Western Red, Cedar Leaf oil, Virginian, red, Southern red cedar or Eastern red and Bedford cedarwood
Method Steam distillation
Part of Plant distilled Heartwood
Color Clear, pale yellow, light orange
Health Benefits
  • Cure inflammation
  • Acts as antiseptic
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Relieve spasms
  • Cure ailments
  • Promote urination
  • Regularize menstrual cycle
  • Alleviate congestion
  • Sedative properties
Traditional uses
  • It is used to treat warts, rheumatism and psoriasis.
  • It relieves from urinary tract infections, kidney and bladder disorders.
  • It eliminates dandruff.
  • It treats eczema, psoriasis and provides relief from itching.
  • It is a cure for urinary and chest infections.
  • It helps with nervous tension, arthritis, and anxiety.
  • Pregnant women should not use it.
  • Do not use in undiluted form.
  • It is better to consult a health practitioner for use.
  • A patch test should be done before use.
  • Do not use it on eyes, ears, and sensitive parts of the body.
  • Do not ingest.
  • Its excessive use causes nausea, vomiting, damaged digestive system, skin irritation, and excessive thirst.
  • Sensitive people might experience skin allergies.
Other Facts
  • It is often blended with Benzoin, Bergamot, Cinnamon, Cypress, Juniper, Frankincense, Lemon, Jasmine, Lime, Rose, Lavender, Rosemary, and Neroli oil.
  • It is added in cleaners, sprays, perfumes as well as antiseptic creams.


The tree is native to North America and grown widely in Pacific Northwest. It is naturalized and introduced in New Zealand, Australia, Western Europe, and the United States.

Health Benefits of Red cedar essential oil

The essential oil is extracted from cedar trees which have various components that benefit individual health. It possesses natural ingredients such as beta cedrene, alpha-cedrene, and cedrol that help to treat various health conditions. It possesses antiseptic, antifungal, sedative, astringent and diuretic properties.

Cure inflammation

Seborrhoea is caused due to the malfunction of sebaceous glands which results in high production of sebum and following infection of epidermal cells. The skin colors to pale yellow or white and starts to peel off from the eyebrows, scalp, inner ear having the hair follicles. This essential oil could be helpful to lower the skin peeling by regularizing the production of sebum and treating the infections. It also lowers redness and treats this condition. (1)

Acts as antiseptic

This essential oil prevents the wounds from being septic and prevents them from tetanus. It is applied as an antiseptic in the wounds externally. It is also used as an ingredient in antiseptic creams. It defends the body from toxins and relieves the stress of the immune system and white blood cells. (2)

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Lowers inflammation

The essential oil of cedarwood has anti-inflammatory effects on arthritis. The inflammation of tissues and joints leads to discomfort and pain which could be lowered by inhalation or applying the oil topically on the skin. (3)

Relieve spasms

Cedarwood oil provides relief from spasms and related ailments. It includes the spasms that affect the intestines, respiratory system, heart, muscles, and nerves. It also relieves respiratory seizures, restless leg syndrome, and asthma. (4)

Serves as a tonic

Cedarwood essential oil stimulates metabolism and tones organs. It tones as well as tightens the nervous system, skin, muscles, digestive system, stomach, and brain functions. It promotes the functions of the liver and kidney that promote wellness and overall health. (5)

Cure ailments

Cedarwood essential oil strengthens gums, cures toothaches, and prevents from falling out. It tightens loose muscles. It also cures diarrhea and tightens the muscles of the digestive system. It also protects the skin from bacteria and toxins. (6)

Regularize menstrual cycle

The use of Cedarwood oil stimulates the menstruation cycle and lowers the side effects such as fatigue, nausea, and mood swings. It has a vital impact on the hormonal functions of endocrine glands. (8)

Alleviate congestion

Cedarwood essential oil provides relief from irritation caused by cold, cough, and congestion. It removes excess phlegm from the lungs and respiratory tracts. It relieves red, watery eyes and headaches as well as symptoms of colds and coughs. It stimulates the loosen of phlegm. (9)

Sedative properties

Being a sedative, it calms and soothes the mind, skin itching, cure inflammation and relieve anxiety and tension. It promotes restorative, healthy, and sound sleep. It treats the problem of insomnia. Cedarwood aromatherapy is helpful for people with stress, chronic anxiety, and depression. (10)

Acts as an Astringent

As an astringent, cedarwood oil helps relieve toothaches, strengthens the grip of gums on teeth, and protects them from falling out. It also tightens loose muscles and gives a feeling of firmness, fitness, and youth. This property can also be used to remedy diarrhea, by tightening the muscles of the digestive system and contracting those spasm-prone muscles. As an astringent, cedarwood oil is also a useful tool for protecting the skin from toxins and bacteria. Astringent substances also cause skin proteins to coagulate, where they dry and harden, forming a protective shield on the applied area. [7]

Promotes Urination

Its role as a diuretic is another beneficial property of cedarwood oil that can help with a number of conditions including obesity, hypertension, high blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, urinary tract infections, and the accumulation of toxins in the blood. Being a diuretic, it increases the frequency of urination which serves as a medium for the removal of fat, excess water, and toxins like uric acid from the body. These toxins and extra water accumulated in the body are the main causes of the above-mentioned conditions. [8]

Stimulates Menstruation

Those who are having obstructed and irregular menstruation can definitely benefit from using cedarwood oil, as it is an emmenagogue, which means it stimulates menstruation, while also regularizing the cycle. The pain and side effects like nausea, fatigue, and mood swings associated with menstruation are also relieved through the regular use of cedarwood oil because it can impact the hormonal function of various glands in the endocrine system. [9]

Eliminates Cough

If you are suffering from a cough, cold, and related congestion, you should try cedarwood oil to alleviate the irritation. It is an expectorant and efficiently eliminates a cough and removes phlegm from the respiratory tracts and lungs, thereby relieving congestion. It also provides relief from headaches, red and watery eyes, and other symptoms of cold and cough. A small amount of this oil can also help you get a good night’s sleep when suffering from a cough and cold. By stimulating the loosening of phlegm and the coughing which will remove it, you also protect your respiratory tract and overall health from toxins and conditions that excess phlegm can cause. [10]

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Insect Repellant

Cedarwood oil has been in use as a mosquito and insect repellant for a long time. When used in vaporizers, it drives away mosquitoes, flies, and other insects. It is regularly sprinkled on pillows or sheets at night so mosquitoes and other irritating bugs and pests are driven away while you sleep. [11]

Acts a Potent Diuretic Substance

The more you urinate, the better it is for your overall health. More urination means more water is escaping out of your body including some salts and some harmful toxins (including nitrogenous waste). This essential oil’s active components, including beta-cedrene, cedrol, and thujone, are considered to have natural diuretic capabilities. This represents that, increasing the frequency of urination of your body, to help the body in removing most of the toxins out from your body, it may be possible.

Might help in increasing your Focus and Treating ADHD

Not able to keep yourself focused and motivated? Well, this oil can help you with that as well. There are some shreds of evidence that can back up this fact, although there is more research is yet required on the human side. There was research on concluded that using this oil on your delicate children could significantly increase their concentration and learning capability.

Thirty-four young children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were given three essential oils (cedarwood, vetiver, or lavender) to choose from and pick one. They were later on advised to draw in the aroma. Those children brought up a bottle of decided essential oil to their nose and they respired that aroma at least three times for the next thirty days.

At the end of the research, 30 children took an electroenceph[ps2id id=’bug’ target=”/]alogram (EEG) and T.O.V.A. test again to check their potency. The researchers observed that both the cedarwood oil groups and vetiver came across some improvements in brain action and lessened signs and symptoms that are involved with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

It might keep Bugs and Parasites away from you

This essential oil is considered to push away insects, more specifically ticks, ants, and fleas. You can mix this oil in simple distill water to sprinkle it on your delicate skin as a natural insect repellant spray to keep these insects at a distance from you outdoors.

You can also keep these insects out of your house or office with the aid of a diffuser. You can also go for a sprinkle solution, mixed with this essential oil on your home appliances, furniture, and kitchen to keep pests and insects away from you. There was a study, which calculated the potency of this essential oil and the active elements called cedrol within ants and ticks.

The study concluded that the essential oil was affected as a potent repellent to push those ants while the dark-legged tick nymphs faced amounts-depending demise when they were introduced to cedrol. Additionally, when this cedrol was utilized by researchers at the maximum amounts (6.3 mg/ml), the cedrol expired all of the ticks. Are you facing issues regarding moths ingesting your clothes? leave those smelly mothballs, and instead, you can utilize this essential oil, we talked about to push those moths away. The oil of dark red cedar is considered to end those larvae of clothing moths.

With the addition of this essential oil to cotton balls and if you put these balls in your wardrobe, or on your hangers, and even in the storage boxes you can remove all the moths present around eating your clothes.

It is Effective in Reducing Tensions

Since this essential oil is a sedative in a mechanism, it contains the power, which can relieve stress and tension that can affect your health harmfully. It has a soothing and pleasing effect on your mind and body, lessens inflammation and other muscle aches, and diminishes skin irritations.

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There was research, which was published in 2017 concludes that the aroma present in this essential oil contains some cedrol, which can enhance sleep by promoting parasympathetic motion and cumulative serotonin secretion.

There was an impressive study, which calculated the sedative properties of this essential oil. The study added rats that respired cedrol (a vital ingredient of the oil). it was observed that motor action in those rats was reduced significantly.

These rats were given caffeine late on and classified as hyperactive as well, this oil also showed reduction inactivity. Sleeping duration in these rats improved as well.

These aromatherapy characteristics of this essential oil can effectively aid people in fighting a sort of stress and tension. All you have to do is respire this essential oil straight from the container or you can also diffuse a few drops of oil in your environment to have the benefits.

Traditional uses

  • It is used as a treatment for warts, rheumatism, and psoriasis.
  • It provides relief from urinary tract infections and kidney as well as bladder disorders.
  • It clears dandruff and improves oily skin.
  • It helps to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and relieve itching.
  • It is a treatment for urinary and chest infections.
  • It is helpful for nervous tension, arthritis and anxiety.


  • Pregnant women should avoid it as may lead to miscarriage.
  • Do not use it undiluted.
  • For internal use, consult a health practitioner.
  • Do a patch test before use.
  • It should not be used on eyes, ears, and sensitive parts of the body.
  • It should not be ingested.
  • The excessive use of this oil results in nausea, vomiting, damaged digestive system, skin irritation, and excessive thirst.
  • Sensitive people might get skin allergies.

From Where To Buy



The International Federation of Aromatherapists, The Leading Aromatherapy Associations (Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA), International Aromatherapy and Aromatic Medicine Association, Aromatherapy Trade Council, and others) all state that essential oils should not be taken internally (regardless of purity or organic origin) unless under the guidance of a health care practitioner trained at an appropriate level or supervision of a Medical Doctor who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy. All cautions listed for individual oils do not include those cautions from ingestion. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.



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