List of Medical Abbreviations/ A to Z List

List of medical abbreviations

List of medical abbreviations/Abbreviations is used very frequently in medicine. They boost efficiency as long as they are used intelligently. The advantages of brevity should be weighed against the possibilities of obfuscation (making the communication harder for others to understand) and ambiguity (having more than one possible interpretation). Certain medical abbreviations are avoided to prevent … [Read more…]

Common Abbreviations Used in Medical Science

Common Abbreviations Used in Medical Science/Abbreviations are used very frequently in medicine. They boost efficiency as long as they are used intelligently. The advantages of brevity should be weighed against the possibilities of obfuscation (making the communication harder for others to understand) and ambiguity (having more than one possible interpretation). Certain medical abbreviations are avoided … [Read more…]

Kareena Kapoor Zero Size Figure Myths, Latest Movie

Kareena Kapoor Zero Size Figure Myths

Kareena Kapoor Zero Size Figure Myths/ (born 21 September 1980) also known by her married name Kareena Kapoor Khan, is an Indian actress who appears in Hindi films. She is the daughter of actors Randhir Kapoor and Babita, and the younger sister of actress Karisma Kapoor. Noted for playing a variety of characters in a range of film genres—from romantic comedies to crime … [Read more…]

Jaundice Symptoms Diagnosis, Treatment

Jaundice Symptoms Diagnosis

Jaundice Symptoms Diagnosis/ Jaundice is the commonest presentation of patients with liver and biliary disease. The cause can be established in most cases by simple non-invasive tests, but many patients will require referral to a specialist for management. Patients with high concentrations of bilirubin (>100 μmol/l) or with evidence of sepsis or cholangitis are at … [Read more…]

Kernicterus; Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment


Kernicterus/ Jaundice is the commonest presentation of patients with liver and biliary disease. The cause can be established in most cases by simple non-invasive tests, but many patients will require referral to a specialist for management. Patients with high concentrations of bilirubin (>100 μmol/l) or with evidence of sepsis or cholangitis are at high risk … [Read more…]

Fatty Liver Causes Symptoms, Treatment

Fatty Liver Causes Symptoms

Fatty Liver Causes Symptoms/Fatty Liver corresponds to the presence of macrovesicular changes without inflammation (steatosis) and lobular inflammation in the absence of significant alcohol use. It can be divided into two subgroups: NAFL (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver) or simply Steatosis and NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis). NAFL is defined as the presence of hepatic steatosis with no evidence of hepatocellular injury … [Read more…]

Tamoxifen; Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Interactions

Tamoxifen is an antineoplastic nonsteroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). Tamoxifen competitively inhibits the binding of estradiol to estrogen receptors, thereby preventing the receptor from binding to the estrogen-response element on DNA. The result is a reduction in DNA synthesis and cellular response to estrogen. In addition, tamoxifen up-regulates the production of transforming growth factor B (TGFb), a factor that inhibits tumor … [Read more…]

Home Remedies for Hair Straighten; How To Straighten Your Hair Naturally?

Home remedies for hair straighten

Home remedies for hair straighten is a hair styling technique involving the flattening and straightening of hair in order to give it a smooth, streamlined, and sleek appearance. It became very popular during the 1950s among black males and females of all races. It is accomplished using a hair iron or hot comb, chemical relaxers, Japanese hair straightening,Brazilian hair straightening, or roller set/blowdryer styling. … [Read more…]

Vitamin B17; Deficiency Symptoms, Food Source, Health Benefit

Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 is a naturally occurring chemical compound, famous for falsely being promoted as a cancer cure. It is found in many plants, but most notably in the seeds (kernels) of apricot, bitter almonds, apple, peach, and plum.Amygdalin is classified as a cyanogenic glycoside because each amygdalin molecule includes a nitrile group, which can be released as the toxic cyanide anion by the action of a beta-glucosidase: … [Read more…]

Peeling Skin; Home Remedies For Peeling Skin On Your Feet

Peeling Skin

Peeling skin syndrome also known as “Acral peeling skin syndrome,” “Continual peeling skin syndrome,” “Familial continual skin peeling .Idiopathic deciduous skin,” and “Keratolysis exfoliativa congenita” is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by lifelong peeling of the stratum corneum, and may be associated with pruritus, short stature, and easily removed anagen hair Home Remedies For Peeling Skin On Your Feet … [Read more…]