Phalangeal Fractures – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Phalangeal fractures of the hand are a common injury that presents to the emergency department and clinic. Injuries can occur at the proximal, middle, or distal phalanx. For the vast majority of phalanx fractures, an acceptable reduction is manageable with non-operative treatment. Early intervention is vital to allow healing and return of function. The phalanges … [Read more…]

Nasotracheal Intubation – Indications, Contraindications

Nasotracheal intubation (NTI) involves passing an endotracheal tube through the naris into the nasopharynx and the trachea; most commonly after induction of general anesthesia in the operating room. The use of NTI permits the administration of anesthetic gases without obfuscation of intraoral anatomy and is commonly used for procedures including dental, oropharyngeal, and maxillofacial operations. … [Read more…]

Fractures of the naso-orbital-ethmoid (NOE) complex

Fractures of the naso-orbital-ethmoid (NOE) complex involve the bones that form the NOE confluence, which includes the anterior cranial fossa, frontal bone, bones of the ethmoid and frontal sinuses, nasal bones, and orbits.[rx] They often occur alongside injuries to other parts of the face and body but can occur in isolation. Road traffic accidents and physical violence are … [Read more…]

Le Fort Fracture – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Le Fort Fracture are complex fractures of the midface, named after Rene Le Fort who studied cadaver skulls that were subjected to blunt force trauma. His experiments determined the areas of structural weakness of the maxilla designated as “lines of weakness” where fractures occurred. These fractures are classified into 3 distinct groups based on the direction … [Read more…]

Le Fort injuries – Causes, Symptoms, treatment

Le Fort injuries are complex fractures of the midface, named after Rene Le Fort who studied cadaver skulls that were subjected to blunt force trauma. His experiments determined the areas of structural weakness of the maxilla designated as “lines of weakness” where fractures occurred. These fractures are classified into 3 distinct groups based on the … [Read more…]

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant /Bone Marrow Transplant (hematopoietic stem cell transplant) (HPSCT) involves the administration of healthy hematopoietic stem cells in patients with dysfunctional or depleted bone marrow. This helps to augment bone marrow function and allows, depending on the disease being treated, to either destroy tumor cells with malignancy or to generate functional cells … [Read more…]

What Is Hip Dislocations? – Symptoms, Treatment

What Is Hip Dislocations?/Hip Dislocations after trauma are frequently encountered in the emergency setting. A significant force is generally required to dislocate a hip as this ball and socket joint is quite stable due to its bony structure and the associated muscular and ligamentous attachments. Due to the required force, hip dislocations often are associated … [Read more…]