Wound Dressings – Types, Management,

Wound Dressings can be present over different anatomical parts of the body. However, the basic principles of choosing a wound dressing remain the same. In the United States, chronic wounds affect more than six million people, and this will grow in numbers due to our elderly and diabetic populations. Choosing the correct dressing will lessen … [Read more…]

Lower Extremity Amputation – Indication, Complication

Lower extremity amputation is performed to remove ischemic, infected, necrotic tissue or locally unresectable tumor and, at times, is a life-saving procedure. Peripheral artery disease, alone or in combination with diabetes mellitus, contributes to more than one-half of all amputations; trauma is the second leading cause. The second Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus Working Group (TASC II) … [Read more…]

Hand Extensor Tendon Lacerations

Hand Extensor Tendon Lacerations are relatively common injuries and, when not treated appropriately, may result in a lasting impairment of hand function.[rx] Due to their superficial location and being adjacent to the bones, extensor tendons in the hand are more prone to injury than the flexors.[rx][rx] Causes of  Extensor Tendon Lacerations Extensor tendon lacerations are very … [Read more…]

Finger Dislocation – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Finger Dislocation is a joint injury in which the finger bones move apart or sideways so the ends of the bones are no longer aligned normally. Finger dislocations usually happen when the finger is bent backward beyond its normal limit of motion. Finger joint dislocation is a common hand injury. Finger dislocation can occur at … [Read more…]

Posterior Elbow Dislocation – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

A Posterior Elbow Dislocation often occurs when a person falls on an outstretched hand, posteriorly directed force at the elbow joint causes dislocation at the ulnohumeral and radiocapitellar articulations. Valgus force may induce the commonly seen posterolateral elbow dislocation.  [rx][rx][rx] Anterior elbow dislocations occur when the elbow is flexed, and there is a direct blow … [Read more…]

Metatarsal Stress Fractures – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Metatarsal Stress Fractures was first described in 1855, termed after the foot pain and swelling experienced by Prussian soldiers on long marches. March fractures are metatarsal fractures, caused by repetitive stress. Intrinsic patient and extrinsic environmental risk factors can both contribute to the development of these fractures. A combination of historical features and physical evaluation with … [Read more…]

March Fractures – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

March Fractures (metatarsal stress fractures) were first described in 1855, termed after the foot pain and swelling experienced by Prussian soldiers on long marches.[rx] March fractures are metatarsal fractures, caused by repetitive stress. Intrinsic patient and extrinsic environmental risk factors can both contribute to the development of these fractures. A combination of historical features and physical evaluation with … [Read more…]

Foot Metatarsal Bone Fractures – Diagnosis, Treatment

Foot Metatarsal Bone Fractures/Metatarsal Bone Fractures are relatively common in football and are typically caused either by a direct blow or by a twisting injury. Pain and tenderness over the fifth metatarsal following inversion injury should prompt investigation for a fracture. This fracture can present in the football player’s foot as an avulsion fracture, Jones … [Read more…]

Metatarsal Fractures – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Metatarsal fractures are relatively common in football and are typically caused either by a direct blow or by a twisting injury. Pain and tenderness over the fifth metatarsal following inversion injury should prompt investigation for a fracture. This fracture can present in the football player’s foot as an avulsion fracture, Jones fracture or metaphyseal fracture … [Read more…]

Treatment of Calcaneus Fractures – Symptoms, Treatment

Treatment of Calcaneus Fractures/Calcaneus fractures are rare but potentially debilitating injuries. The calcaneus is one of seven tarsal bones and is part of the hind-foot which includes the calcaneus and the talus. The hindfoot articulates with the tibia and fibula creating the ankle joint. The subtalar or calcaneotalar joint accounts for at least some foot … [Read more…]

Ankle Joint Fracture – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Ankle Joint Fracture/An ankle fracture is a break of one or more ankle bones. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, bruising, and an inability to walk on the leg. Complications may include an associated high ankle sprain, compartment syndrome, decreased range of motion, and malunion.[rx][rx] Fractures of the ankle joint are among the commonest fractures in adults, with an incidence of up to 174 … [Read more…]