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Zedoary: Uses, Health Benefits, Safety Precaution, and Dosage

Zedoary is a plant which is also known as white turmeric. Its underground stem (rhizome) is used to make medicine. The traditional methods of preparing Zedoary is to wash in plenty of water. Rinsing should remove a toxin that has not yet been identified.

Zedoary is the best treatment for colic, seizures, loss of appetite, and indigestion. Some people also use it for anxiety, depression, fatigue and pain, and swelling (inflammation).

Zedoary is sometimes applied directly to the skin to repel mosquitoes. In Indian cuisine, it is replaced with similar-looking ginger, which is widely used.

Other Common Names

Botanical Name : Curcuma Zedoaria
English Name : White Turmeric, Yellow Zedoary
French Name : Zedoaire
German Name : Zitwer
Tamil Name : Poolankilangu, Kichili Kizhangu
Hindi Name : Jangli haldi
Telugu Name : Kachoramu, Kichili Gadda

History of the Zedoary (White Turmeric)

In the Middle Ages, white turmeric or Zedoary was recognized in the spice trade because people believed that its aroma was a mixture of mangoturmeric, and ginger. The plant is also mentioned in a 13th-century poem by Roman de la Rose, and the 17th-century herbalist Nicola Calpepor is said to be effective in combating toxins, expelling air, vomiting, preventing menstruation and flow, and killing worms and Colic.

Ayurvedic Properties of the Zedoary (Poolankilangu)

Taste (Rasa) : Pungent (Katu), Bitter (Tiktha)
Quality (Guna) : Light (Laghu), Penetrating (Teekshna), and Odoriferous (Sughandhi)
Potency (Virya) : Hot (Ushna)
Taste after digestion (Vipaka) : Pungent (Katu)
Action (Karma) : Kindles digestive fire (Deepana)
Effects on dosha : Balances Vata Dosha And Kapha Dosha

Plant Description

Zedoaria or white Turmeric is a herbaceous and rhizome perennial plant that can grow up to 1.2 meters in height and has an upright dorsal structure, a worm, and underground cylindrical branches or rhizomes, and tasty roots.

The rhizome is pale yellow on the outside and bright yellow and dark brown on the inside. Some roots come like terminal storage structures. From March to April, the axillary buds of the corn axis and the apical buds of the third row of rhizomes emerge as inflorescences above the ground.

Its basal flower spike grows up to 30 cm in height, appearing before the foliage. At the tip closest to the flower spike, a plant shoot always develops. Additional floral buds do not germinate, but more plant shoots are formed. New branches begin to form in the corns of the recently formed aerial shoots.

In autumn, the foliage above ground dies again. Storage roots are formed from November to December, with a high (> 70%) carbohydrate content. It is traditionally used to treat menstrual disorders, dyspepsia, vomiting, and cancer.

Rural people use rhizome for its antiseptic, carminative, expectorant, deodorant, diuretic, and stimulant properties, while also being used in rheumatism dyspepsia, colds, coughs, and fevers.

How Does it Work in Your Body?

There is not a lot of scientific evidence on how Zedoary can be used to treat medical problems. Scientists have not yet carried out human studies with Zedoary or white Turmeric. So far, scientists have only tested the Zedoary in test tubes or animals. The findings of several such studies show that Zedoary may act as an antibiotic. Also, it is useful in repelling mosquitoes.

13 Health Benefits of Zedoary

Zedoary or white Turmeric is one of the herbal medicines for your body. It contains some chemical constituents that are: flavonoids, tianin, resins, sugar, starch, saponins, and curcumin that can stop the growth of the cancer cells.

The Delhi-based nutritionist Lokendra Tomar said that the “Zedoary” is rarely used when compared to the yellow Turmeric. But it also provides many health benefits to you. Here we’ve mentioned some benefits of zedoary that will force you to add more to your diet. Let’s take an in-depth look at the benefits.

1. Supports the Digestive System

Zedoary is one of the best herbs for digestive problems, especially the gastrointestinal tract. It can help with flatulence, irregular bowel movements, and indigestion.

Its essential oil and the herb itself are beneficial in treating colic, indigestion, seizures, loss of appetite, worm infections, flatulence, irregular bowel movement, and indigestion. It is also one of the excellent natural aids in stopping stress-related ulcers.

2. Decrease Inflammation

The white Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties can help combat inflammation, treat wounds, and other skin diseases. Moreover, zedoary is one of the best natural remedies for people who are affected by arthritis. One study found that the curcumin compound of the rhizome can decrease the pain of your body.

In Indonesia, zedoary is used as a medicine to treat inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis). It has also been used to protect the lungs of asthma patients by controlling the release of inflammatory mediators during short-term treatment.

Zedoary’s diuretic properties support the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body, especially in the joints. If not toxic, it can cause inflammation and pain in areas such as arthritis and rheumatism. It lowers body temperature during fever, by cleansing the body of infectious germs and promoting perspiration.

3. Helps to Strengthen Respiratory System

Generally, Kapha dosha is created by fluids like phlegm and mucus build-up in the lungs as well as other regions of the body. Mucus and phlegm block the nasal passages that may lead to respiratory diseases such as cold, asthma, and cough, as well as cause breathing issues.

Consuming zedoary as a form of powder every day can decrease the risk of respiratory diseases.

4. High in Antioxidant Properties

Generally, zedoary is rich in antioxidants. Due to this presence, it prevents the free radical’s growth that may cause harm. The zedoary essential oil also has good antioxidant properties. Its curcumin compound works as an anti-allergen to avoid the chemical discharges and the activity of inflammatory proteins that trigger skin-related allergic reactions.

5. Has Antimicrobial Properties

Tuber extracts exhibit effective antimicrobial activity against E. coli, S. aureus, Carnobacterium species, Candida sp, and Aspergillus sp.

One research has shown that the antimicrobial action of zedoary is as effective as a commercial mouthwash in preventing the growth of the oral pathogen.

The antifungal activity of zedoary is effectively stopping the growth of drug-resistant fungal species. It inhibits the growth of Entamoeba histolytica, amoebae, and also has a larvicidal effect against mosquitoes.

6. Anti-inflammatory and Painkiller Property

Curcumin derived from this rhizome gives better analgesic activity than aspirin. Rhizome extracts have analgesic activity in the form of stomach upsets and compounds- curcumin and dihydrocodeine contribute to its analgesic action.

7. Antinyeri medicine

It was believed that white Turmeric would be used as a painkiller or medicine to relieve pain. But this effect is based on how much you use.

8. Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties

Zedoary can decrease the amount of microbes in the mouth with the same results as mouthwash products available on the market. Moreover, its extracts stop the fungal activity in your body.

9. Anti-toxic

White turmeric juice is the best medicine for snake bites also inhibits the action of the snake venom.

10. Ulcer Medicine

Its root powder helps decrease the stomach fluid’s acidity so that it can be used as a tukak medicine. Medical research in humans is still needed for these benefits.

11. Reduce the Blood Sugar Level

Consuming white Turmeric every day can lower your blood sugar level. Moreover, it helps to increase blood circulation and decrease the bad cholesterol level. The high cholesterol level may lead to severe heart diseases like a heart attack.

12. Can Fight Against Cancer

Zedoary plays a vital role in stopping the cancer metastases or the spread of cancer from an organ to other organs. But more research is needed on its effectiveness in overcoming cancer. As its essential oils have antioxidants they can decrease the influence of some free radicals.

White Turmeric or zedoary is one of the best natural treatments for asthma, arthritis, anti-rheumatism, and diuretic medications.

13. Benefits for Women Problems

White Turmeric can give relief from menstruation pain, and speed up menstruation. Consuming zedoary every day can treat leucorrhea.

Traditional Benefits of Zedoary (White Turmeric)

  • Zedoary is one of the best traditional treatments for dyspepsia, cancer, menstrual disorders, and vomiting.
  • Village people use this zedoary for its rugged, carminative, expectorant, depressant, diuretic, and stimulant properties.
  • Its root can cure dyspepsia, fever, flatulence, cough, and cold.
  • It fights against cancer and prevents the growth of the cancer cells.
  • Zedoary can strengthen female organs.
  • White Turmeric may help to treat the woman’s itching.
  • Moreover, it improves and strengthens lust.
  • Beneficial for antipyretics (fever).
  • You can use this zedoary to cure pain shortness of breath (asthma).
  • The root of the zedoary can treat some inflammatory diseases like bronchitis.
  • It is effective as an antidote.
  • It will help reduce belly fat.

Culinary Uses of Zedoary

It is widely used in Thai cuisine. People cut the raw zedoary as thin strips then add into the Thai salads. In some types of nam phrik, zedoary can be cut into thin slices and added with other herbs and vegetables. It is one of the main ingredients in most of the famous dishes in India.

Zedoary root is also edible. Inside, the root is white in color, the aroma of this root is reminiscent of mango. Nonetheless, it tastes like ginger but leaves a very bitter taste after eating.

In Indonesia, people dry this root and infuse it into a powder, which is then incorporated into curry pastes. In India, people use the fresh zedoary roots for culinary purposes or to make pickles.

Moreover, the thin strips of the root and other different herbs and vegetables are called nam phrik with a specific type of Thai chili paste. The zedoary root tastes like ginger, hot, but it leaves a bitter aftertaste in the mouth.

Most people don’t like this herb due to its unacceptable taste. So that it is never used separately; it always joins with other varieties of spices. Also, the root of this zedoary contains starch, which helps to act as a thickener.

In India, people generally use fresh roots in the form of spices and thickeners. New zedoary roots are often grated and used in locally prepared pickle mixtures known as “achar.” The thickener form of this mixture is “shoti” by Indians. On the other hand, the zedoary is used in the curry powder in Indonesia and China, particularly in seafood cooking.

The powder of the zedoary also gives a unique flavor to your food. In China, dried zedoary powder is called “kentjur.” When you cut and dried the roots of the zedoary, the color may turn into grey from yellow.

Dosing Method

Generally, zedoary is used in the form of spice in stains and condiments. You can make an infusion with zedoary by adding the herb to boiling water at the rate of one tablespoon white Turmeric per pint of water.

The resulting solution is fragrant and bitter. One cup of this unsweetened infusion is taken 30 minutes before meals. Take 20 to 30 drops daily of tinctures made from zedoary roots.

Based on people’s health, age, and other conditions, the dosage method will vary. There is not enough scientific research to define the correct ranges of zedoary dosage. Remember that all-natural and herbal products are not always safe. The amount of product is essential. It is good to consult your doctor before consuming the zedoary.

Safety Precaution

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

If you are pregnant, then don’t consume zedoary because it may cause miscarriage. If you are a breastfeeding woman, it is best to avoid zedoary as there is not enough scientific information to know how it can affect a nursing baby.

Heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia):

Some experts do not recommend Zedoary for women with heavy menstruation.

Under Medications

People who are consuming blood-thinning medications and blood pressure medicines should consult their doctor before taking White Turmeric.

Quick Facts

Zedoary is the Curcuma zedoaria’s underground rhizome of the tropical plant. It comes from the ginger family. It is very rare in western areas. Zedoary is widely used in Indonesian, Indian and Thai cuisines.

It has a long list of herbal remedies; Because it is rich in antioxidants. It gives a distinctive pungent and sharp taste with very mild yellow-cream flesh and some fruit-sweetness. It is eaten fresh as a delicacy in salads, seasoned with chili, or cooked in curries.


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Health Benefits of Calamus (Vacha)

Calamus, with the botanical name Acorus Calamus, is a wetland monocot of the genus Acorus. The flowering plants, which are usually very tall, are also widely known as the Sweet Flag and Vacha.

This herbaceous perennial vine can grow up to about 79 inches, and the leaves of this plant resemble the shape of the leaves of the iris family. The Sweet Flag has tufts of basal leaves that form from a growing rhizome.

The leaves are yellowish-brown, with parallel veins, with a pink sheath on their bases, and their shape is flattened, narrow, and elongated.

These tiny leaves have tiny spots. The leaves of the delicate Sweet Flag have wavy-shaped edges, and the aroma that emerges when these leaves are crushed creates a freshness.

The uniqueness of this Vacha is that they can be grown in a variety of conditions, such as high water terrain and subtropical regions. That way, only plants that grow in water regions can produce flowers, and the triangular flower-stems of this plant arise from the axils of solid outer leaves.

A semi-erect spadix is found on either side of the flower stalks, these cylindrical spadices are solid and about 5 cm to 10 cm long.

The spadix produces dense greenish-yellow flowers, each with pollen and six petals, all of which are covered in a perianth with six segments.

These flowers also emit a unique and subtle fragrance. These flowers, which are of no use, bloom for about a month in early summer and late spring. The berries on this Sweet Flag are well succulent that fall off and scatter spontaneously when ripe.

Calamus plants that grow in Asian lands produce very low fruit, although its rhizome is widely used by people because of its high medicinal properties. Its rhizome, the thickness of a human finger, has cylindrical bubbles, and coarse fibrous roots beneath it.

The rhizome, which is white on the inside and brown on the outside, has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat abdominal pain, digestive disorders, and muscle cramps.

Calamus have been used by Rishis and Sages since ancient times due to its various medicinal properties. Since the time of Hippocrates, sweet flags have been used as a remedy for memory, voice clarity, nasal congestion, skin and hair care, and asthma.

The Sanskrit word Calamus means “To Make Speech Clear“. The fertile Vacha plant needs moist soil to grow. In Italy, Holland, Austria, Hunger, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, Norway, and Germany, Vacha is used as an approved medicinal ingredient.

Other Common Names

Botanical Name : Acorus calamus
English Name : Sweet flag, Calamus Powder
Tamil Name : வசம்பு / Vasambu
Malayalam Name : వాము / Vashanapa, vayambhu, vayambu, vayampu
Hindi Name : कैलमेस / vacha,akaraveci, akkitam, arpakeci, arpakecu
Sanskrit Name : Vacha, Vach, Bhutanashini
Telugu Name : వాము /vadaja, vasa, wasa
Kannada Name : Baje Gida, Athibaje

Acore Odorant, Acore Roseau,  Acorus calamus, Acorus gramineus, Acorus Roseau, Bach, Belle-Angélique, Cálamo, Cinnamon Sedge, Flagroot, Gladdon, Grass-Leaf Sweetflag, Grass Myrtle, Kalmus, Myrtle Flag, Myrtle Sedge, Sadgrantha, Sweet Cane, Sweet Cinnamon,  Sweet Grass, Sweet Myrtle, Sweet Root, Sweet Rush, Sweet Sedge, Ugragandha, Vaj, Vayambur.

Medicinal Properties of Calamus / Vasambhu

The Calamus plant has various medicinal properties, each of which individually protects the body from various infections and provides stability.

  • Vacha has Thermogenic, Emetic, Aromatic, Anthelmintic properties.
  • Besides, it can effectively act as a Diuretic, Carminative, Laxative.
  • This Sweet Flag contains Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Anti-convulsant, Antipyretic, Antispasmodic traits.
  • It has the ability to promote Aphrodisiac, Expectorant.
  • Calamus stimulates aroma that makes the brain and nervous system rejuvenate. It also works against digestive disorders.
  • As well as, it possesses chemical agents such as Expectorant, Emmenagogue.
  • Acorus Calamus has the properties of Anodyne drug that soothe the pain by reducing the sensitivity of the nervous system and brain.
  • The Sudorific is a chemical agent that causes sweating, this agent is present in the Vasambu herb.
  • To kill the dangerous virus and bacteria in the human body Calamus has Insecticidal which is a type of pesticide.
  • Furthermore, this herbal plant has Tranquilizing, Sedative, Nervine tonic, Tonic, and Lekhanya properties to provide a calming effect.

20 Health Benefits of Calamus (Sweet Flag)

The perennial herb Acorus Calamus has various amazing health benefits and medicinal values. From ancient times till today the Sweet Flag has been used in all the medical systems like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, especially in India it is very much in use.

Calamus is one of the most popular home remedies and is used for newborns as it has no side effects. These are added as the main ingredient in most Ayurvedic medicines.

In addition, the use of Calamus was widespread in Greece during the time of Hippocrates, known as the “Father of Medical Science“.

Besides, statements made by famous Greek physicians such as Dioscorides and Theophrastus about the uses of the sweet flag are still found in classical Greek literature today.

Here are some of the benefits of such a popular herb:

1. Helps in Clarity of Voice

Sluggishness in the nerves of the tongue can lead to slurred speech or poor voice. Although this is a temporary problem, marketers, administrators, educators, researchers, and other professionals need good voice resources so they expect immediate relief.

In such a situation, Calamus gives the best relief and soothes the throat. Indians usually grind a well-dried Calamus tuber with a few drops of water and rub it on the child’s tongue, so that the children can speak quickly and clearly.

In addition, it is used in combination with honey to improve speech and voice.

2. Treats Stomach Disorders

Sweet Flag is used to treat all stomach related ailments like abdominal pain, muscle cramps, persistent diarrhea, bloated stomach. Calamus is effective in relieving discomfort and headaches caused by digestive disorders.

The thin and long root of this plant is fried in coconut oil and then finely ground until it becomes a paste. Applying this paste on the stomach for abdominal pain caused by indigestion and digestive disorders will give relief in a short time.

In Ayurvedic medicine, Calamus is used as an excellent medicine to treat gastric ulcers, gastritis, and anorexia. Indigestion is most common in newborns and the elderly, and Vacha is recommended for both to treat this problem.

Giving children a pinch of Sweet Flag Powder in the morning and evening can easily destroy the harmful worms in their gut.

3. Effectively Cures Asthma

They fight chronic bronchitis and asthma due to the diverse medicinal properties found in calamus. This dried herb relieves respiratory ailments by efficiently treating chest decongestion and acting as a bronchodilator.

Patients with respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders can excrete contaminants in the lungs and stomach by ingesting the preparation made by Vacha, which gives a comfortable feel.

Therefore people with respiratory tract and stomach disorders are advised to drink two glasses of Calamus tea daily.

Also Read: 10 Best Herbs for Asthma

4. Stimulates Blood Circulation

The root of the Calamus plant has numerous medicinal properties that stimulate static blood flow. It is also used to soften the nerves and regulate blood flow as the oil extracted from the well-dried roots has a warming effect. Calamus is widely used to treat problems such as arthritis, rheumatism, inflammation, and pain associated with arthritis.

5. Cures Cough & Fever

Both the Licorice root and Calamus root should be boiled well in water and then filtered. Giving children this filtered water instead of tablets can easily cure fever, cough, cold, colitis, stomach ulcers, etc.

They also have a positive impact on the body. People with a dry cough and rough cough can chew calamus root well and it will soothe the throat and cure the cough. A small piece of dried calamus root treats a sore throat.

The Sweet Flag destroys germs in the airways and helps to regulate the respiratory process, thereby you can get normal respiratory function.

6. Combats Tobacco Addiction

People with tobacco chewing and smoking habits find it very challenging to avoid that habit, but with the help of Calamus root, it is much easier to forget the sense of smoking.

In addition, its juice is used to flush out the waste accumulated in the lungs due to smoking. To get rid of this unhealthy addiction put a piece of Calamus root in the mouth and chew it whenever that feeling comes.

Smoking is one of the illegal activities that can affect the airways and cause complex diseases including shortness of breath, and Vacha helps to cure these conditions. You can easily quit the tobacco habit by chewing or consuming this fragrant root.

7. Dilates Blood Vessels

The high concentration of blood vessels can have very bad effects, in such cases diluting the blood vessels will protect the body from any kind of functional disorder.

Brain blood vessel disorders can cause a transient ischemic attack, cerebral palsy, coma, cerebral palsy, etc. The Calamus plant greatly contributes to the dilution of the blood vessels in the brain, thereby greatly stimulating the blood flow to the brain.

8. Relieves Mouth Disorders

Sweet Flag is very effective in treating bad breath, mouth ulcers, gingivitis, tooth decay, and loss of enamel. Vacha is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a strong anesthetic for toothache.

They are also the best treatment for the rawness of the tongue. A small piece of well-dried calamus can be chewed well, or its extract can be rubbed on the tongue, or brushed with finely powdered calamus root powder to treat mouth-related problems.

9. Helps in Protective Skin Care

The paste made by finely grinding the roots of Calamus is used externally to treat skin-related ailments like rash, scabies, ringworm, eczema, white patches, red patches, sunburn.

The use of Sweet Flag paste kills germs that accumulated on the skin and improves the health of the skin. Calamus is widely used in paranormal medicine to treat vaginal infections and genital infections.

Besides, they are considered as a natural disinfectant as they are rich in anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-convulsant, antipyretic, and antispasmodic properties.

Calamus is used to treat severe discharge in men and to prevent genital infections in women after childbirth. The extract of Vacha and Lactose is incorporated as the main ingredient in various skincare products as this herb has a moisturizing effect on the skin.

10. Relieves Insomnia

It is highly recommended to treat insomnia as the aroma emanating from the fresh calamus root causes a calming sensation in the brain, besides, this calming effect relieves depression, stress, frustration, etc.

This anesthetic effect helps to calm both the mind and the body simultaneously and leads to quality and deep sleep.

11. Acting as Natural Sedative

Asarone oil extracted from the roots of the plant Calamus carries out activities that have neuro-pharmacological effects. Moreover, this oil has the property of a calming effect on the nerves and they also act as a natural anesthetic.

This asarone oil alleviates occasional stress by reducing certain processes that occur spontaneously, and studies have shown that these have long-lasting calming effects on mice.

12. Drastically Cures Impotency

These are very useful for both men and women as they have aphrodisiac properties that can arouse aphrodisiacs in Calamus roots. Usually, in most families, sexual intercourse is broken down for various reasons including physical ailments.

Although various medications are prescribed for these disorders, they do not provide complete satisfaction, but rather cause side effects. But Calamus improves sexual life as it produces natural effects without any side effects.

Take Piper Longum, Acorus Calamus, Saussurea Lappa, Datura Seeds, and Withania Somnifera in equal proportions and grind well without adding water. Grind to a fine powder and sift through a sieve.

Take 10 g of this mixture and mix it with ghee or milk and apply it on the male genitals for 21 to 41 days. You can get the best result in the end.

13. Used for Hair-Related Problems

Calamus root extract is used to treat hair and scalp related problems such as hair loss, rough hair, dull hair, gray hair, thin hair, baldness. This is why this juice is an important ingredient in various hair care products.

Take a teaspoon of Calamus root powder and mix it with 2 teaspoons of cold coconut milk to make a paste. Apply this paste on areas with heavy hair loss, leave it to dry for 25 to 30 minutes, and then wash it off. Doing this procedure once a week can solve the problem of hair loss.

14. Prevent Virus/Bacterial Infections

Calamus root has high antiseptic properties, so using it internally or externally can effectively prevent infections in the body. Furthermore, the antibiotic nature of these does not allow any harmful biological growth in the body.

15. Improve the Quality of Memory

Various human studies have shown that the firm root of the calamus plant improves the quality of memory. Memory loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including trauma, aging, brain injury, and cerebral hemorrhage.

Calamus root is recommended in important medical practices including Ayurveda to improve memory. Mix a pinch of calamus root powder, 1 cup milk, and 1/2 teaspoon honey well.

If you take this mixture regularly in the morning and evening for a month, your memory, wisdom, and intelligence will gradually improve.

16. Enhance Appetite

Current research shows that Calamus root has appetite-enhancing properties. The drug, which is made by combining both maitake mushroom and Calamus root, helps to cure anorexia. The root of this perennial plant helps to increase appetite and also helps to reduce some of the problems by controlling the acidity that develops in the gut.

17. Aids in Treating Sinus Congestion

The roots of this plant are recommended for the treatment of sinus congestion (formation of mucus contents in the airbags), sinus cold, and sinus headaches. The powder of Calamus root causes sneezing when applied to the nose, thereby expelling all the dust in the trachea and cleansing it.

18. Gives Respiratory Reliefs

Respiratory disorders such as sinusitis and bronchitis can have a major impact on a person’s normal life, and these disorders can occur naturally or as a side effect of certain other diseases in the body.

Most people are highly advised to use Calamus root for respiratory issues. Inhaling the aroma of calamus root clears toxins in the airways also cleanses the circulatory and respiratory systems.

19. Treats Arthritis & Epilepsy

Finely grind the dried root of Calamus to become a paste and then heat it slightly. Applying this warm paste on the painful areas reduces pain and cramping. This paste is especially used to treat arthritis, joint pain, and inflammation caused by blood clots.

Calamus has been used extensively in paranormal medicine to treat mental disorders and epilepsy. Take equal amounts of dried calamus root, haritaki, asafetida, long pepper, black pepper, and ginger and grind it into a good paste and use it as a medicine for epilepsy.

20. Acts as the Best Antidote

The spontaneous processes of the body can be affected due to various adverse effects. To regulate these processes, you can utilize the root of Calamus because it acts as the best Antidote. Some animal and test-tube study evidence that using this alternative can neutralize the side effects of all psychedelics.

How To Utilize Calamus Both Internally & Externally

Consume Vasambu (Calamus) Internally

  • Mix about 5 g of Vasambu Powder in about 100 ml of water and boil it for a few minutes. Once the water is heated, the contents should be filtered and taken separately. Drink this water before breakfast and after dinner.
  • Mix the Calamus paste with honey and give to the baby. It is an effective remedy for loose motions.
  • The Calamus root beads are tied like a bangle that is used for babies. It cures indigestion and vomiting problems when the babies smell the roots. Moreover, the smell of the Vasambu helps the babies to speak earlier and cures speechless problems.

Apply Vasambu (Calamus) Externally

  • Mix the Calamus powder with turmeric powder and apply them to your face that cures pimple problems.
  • Vasambu is used in the treatment of dandruff in Ayurvedic.
  • Burn the Vasambu until it turns to black in color, then swipe it in water, and make a paste-like consistency of kajal. Apply this as binding on cheeks, foreheads, and feet. Applying this paste on the baby’s navel relieves stomach problems.


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Health Benefits & Medicinal Uses of Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds or Saunf is one of the irreplaceable ingredients in Indian Kitchens, due to its rich aromatic flavor it is widely used in Indian and Mediterranean dishes throughout the world. You can feel the sweet as well as woody taste while consuming internally, Fennel seeds are used for medicinal purposes too.

It treats indigestion, colic, diarrhea, and respiratory diseases. Chewing fennel seeds after a heavy meals aids in digestion and avoids gas formation in the stomach.

If used as a mouth freshener the toothache and gum problems will be 100% cured.

About Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are obtained from the fennel plant that is an evergreen flowering plant. It belongs to the Foeniculum Vulgare that is the similar to caraway, dill cumin, carrot, and parsley family.

This plant contains feathery leaves with white and green color, and it has yellow flowers. Fennel is an indigenous plant that is found in Mediterranean places and cultivated throughout the world near riverbank and coastal areas.

India is the largest producer and exporter of Fennel seeds. The distinct flavor of the fennel seed is the reason for the effectiveness of the powerful essential oils.

Types of Fennel

There are two types of Fennel, one is used as a herb that is Foeniculum Vulgare, and the another one is a swollen bulb-like stem that is Florence fennel used as a vegetable. The herb fennel grows 3 to 5 feet tall that has same apperance like dill with fine-textured foliage.

Common Names of Fennel Seeds

Botanical Name     : Foeniculum Vulgare
English Name         : Fennel Seeds
Tamil Name            : Perunjeeragam
Malayalam Name  : Perunjeeragam
Telugu Name         : Sompu
Hindi Name            : Saumph
Bengali Name        : Mauri

Ayurvedic Uses of Fennel

Ayurvedic medicines strongly recommend fennel seeds due to their powerful medicinal values and value in pacifying Pitta, Vata, and Kapha doshas.

It contains a cooling effect in your body and has sweet, bitter, and astringent-like taste. According to Ayurveda, cooking reduces the effects of nutrients, so it is important to get a complete benefit of fennel.

Fennel seeds are a powerful detoxifier, and it eliminates toxins (ama) from your body. Fennel seeds are mainly used in Ayurvedic medicines to cure digestive problems.

The secretolytic properties of fennel help in treating respiratory diseases, and its antispasmodic effects provide relief from abdominal cramps.

Fennel seeds are highly rich in vitamins and minerals as it protects the liver, stomach, kidney, heart, and uterus. According to Ayurveda, fennel seeds contain a cooling effect on your body.

During the summer, it is better to drink the water of fennel seeds to soothe your body heat. Apart from essential fennel oil, it has a carminative effect that is used in Ayurveda for massaging your body because it soothes your nerves, mental health, and improves mood.

Ayurvedic Properties of Fennel Seeds

Taste (Rasa)                                  : Sweet (Madhura), Pungent (Katu), Bitter (Tikta)

Quality (Guna)                               : Light (Laghu), Unctuous or Oily (Snigadh Or Sneha)

Potency (Virya)                             : Cold (Sheeta)

Quality after digestion (Vipaka) : Sweet (Madhura)

Effect on Dosha (Dosha Karma) : Pacifies Vata Dosha and Pitta Dosha

Medicinal Properties of Fennel Seeds

  • Antispasmodic
  • Appetizer
  • Antiemetic
  • Antioxidant
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiviral
  • Antipyretic
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-flatulent
  • Antithrombotic
  • Antimutagenic
  • Antinociceptive
  • Antihyperlipidemic
  • Antitumor
  • Analgesic
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Apoptotic
  • Anti-vulvodynia
  • Carminative
  • Digestive stimulant
  • Secretolytic
  • Nootropic
  • Hepatoprotective
  • Neuroprotective
  • Memory enhancer
  • Cardioprotective
  • Diuretic
  • Venotonic
  • Mild Antihyperglycemic
  • Eye tonic and eyesight promoter
  • Blood circulation booster
  • Galactagogue
  • Spermatogenic
  • Stomachic
  • Ovarian stimulant

Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are mainly used to treat digestive related problems. The Secretolytic property of fennel seed helps to treat respiratory diseases.

It contains Antispasmodic that helps to relieve abdominal pain and cramps. It is more beneficial in treating problems related to intestines, stomach, brain, kidney, liver, heart, and uterus.

Fennel is able to prevent gas formation, abdominal diseases and helps in indigestion, weight loss, aging, and cancer. It enhances your strength and promotes longevity.

Improves Digestive Health

The fennel seeds contain essential volatile oil, and the goodness of oil helps to induce the secretion of enzymes and digestive juice, and it helps in the digestion process.

The fennel seeds are effective in treating many digestive problems such as heartburn, bloating, flatulence, and colic in kids. It has anethole, fenchone, and estragole which is helpful in constipation, and indigestion. Consume fennel tea regularly to maintain a healthy digestive tract.

The powerful carminative and antispasmodic effects of fennel seeds helps to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel symptoms, and ulcerative colitis.

Treats Gastritis

Fennel seed is an effective remedy to treat inflammation on the stomach. The powdered form of fennel seeds is mainly used in treating gastric problems.

It changes the gastric acid secretions and calms the mucosal lining of your stomach. According to Ayurveda, it does not decrease gastric secretions, but it decreases the TIKSHNA GUNA of PITTA. Thus, it may not decrease appetite, but alternatively, it increases appetite.

For many people who have indigestion, acid reflux or GERD and gastritis problems have a loss of appetite. In these cases, it also helps to increase the appetite because of the modulation action on gastric secretions.

Take Fennel seeds with Mulethi powder, coriander seeds, and amla powder to get better results. Take all these herbs with an equal amount and mix them well. Consume one teaspoon of dosage two times per day in between the food.

Reduces Weight

Fennel is known as a ‘Marathon’ in Greek that is derived from ‘Marino,’ which means grow thin. Fennel seeds serve as a metabolic enhancer.

It increases fat metabolism and prevents the accumulation of excess fat. It helps in weight loss for individuals.

Fennel seeds work as a gastric modulator, so it balances the secretion. The obesity effect is due to the effects of the metabolism and usability of fats.

It stimulates the burning of accumulated fat. The effects of fennel as a fat burner are not comparable with the many of the Ayurvedic herbs for weight loss.

Fresh Fennel for losing weight

Fresh fennel is a vegetable that contains high fiber, low calories, and low fat. A 100 gms of fresh fennel contains 30-35 calories and 3-4 gms of dietary fiber approximately.

This composition adds bulk to your food without increasing the whole over calories. When you consume fresh fennel, dietary fiber enters into your stomach, absorbs water, and becomes viscous, so it provides satiety and makes you feel full.

It decreases the overall consumption of food and the entry of calories to your system. Therefore, consume a big bowl of fennel salad before food that is the best way for weight loss.

Promotes Eye Vision

According to many studies, fennel seeds protect your vision. It helps to decrease the pressure of the eye and increases the risk of cataract and blindness. It is a rich source of vitamin A that is essential for healthy eyes.

The complication of hyperglycemia is diabetic retinopathy. Fennel contains an active compound called Anethole, which helps to regulate the level of blood glucose and decreases the risk of vision loss.

Moreover, Anethole improves the soluble lens protein and reduces the chances of starting cataracts. The powerful antioxidants present in fennel protect your eyes from the damage of free radicals, and it improves the overall vision.

Apart from this, fennel contains many healthy compounds that help to prevent the action of aldose reductase, so it protects your eyes and nerves from damage.

Potent Laxative

Fennel seeds powder acts as an effective laxative, and it is a great remedy for abdominal cramps, gastrointestinal maladies, constipation, and irritable bowel symptoms.

Fennel contains numerous dietary fiber that helps to stimulate intestinal functions by increasing the bile secretion and manages peristaltic movements. Thus, it regulates the normal functioning of the bowel.

Treats Respiratory diseases

Fennel seeds contain huge amounts of phytonutrients that help to cure the symptoms of asthma and clears the stuffed sinuses.

The expectorant properties of Fennels seeds help to treat respiratory diseases like cough, bronchitis, and nasal congestion. Inhale the fennel seeds in the steam that provides great relief from bronchitis and asthma. Besides this, chewing some fennel seeds helps to cure a sore throat.

Freshens Breath

Bad breath may embarrass you and the people around you, so chewing fennel seeds is an effective remedy to eliminate bad breath and freshens your breath. Fennel seeds increase the saliva secretion in your mouth, thus helps in killing the harmful bacteria. Fennel seeds are an effective home remedy in eliminating bad breath.

The sweet and slight licorice flavor of fennel seeds promotes saliva secretion and helps in eliminating bacteria. Apart from this, the antibacterial properties present in essential oil of fennel seeds help to fight against the microbes that cause bad breath.

Munching some fennel seeds for 10 minutes refresh your mouth immediately. Thus, fennel seeds are an effective mouth freshener.

Increases Breast Size

Fennel seeds contain effective anethole, which is an active compound that naturally acts as phytoestrogen and mimics the estrogen hormone role and improves breast development.

According to studies, Ayurveda stated that three months of treatment with fennel seeds increases the breast size. However, taking fennel seeds with an equal amount of Shatavari powder and Ashwagandha helps to promote the growth of breast with less regression.

Though, it is better to consider your doctor’s advice before starting treatment with fennel seeds for increasing breast size.

Prevents Cancer

According to many studies, it is found that the powerful antioxidant properties of fennel seeds helps to fight against free radicals and beat oxidative stress.

It protects your body from various types of cancers, including stomach, skin, and breast cancers. Besides this, the fennel seeds help to excrete the chemo modulatory effect.

Also Read: Best Herbs to Treat Cancer

Antacid Effects

Fennel seed is a natural herb that helps to neutralize the intestine acidity. The acidity may occur due to the lifestyle, food habits, and being overweight.

Chewing some fennel seeds after a meal effectively reduces heartburn and regurgitation. Therefore, fennel seed is the main ingredient in the anti-acidity formulations of Ayurveda.

Improves Lactation

The active compound anethole present in Fennel seeds excretes the properties of galactogenic that reflects the estrogen hormone function and improves the milk production in lactating mothers.

Thus, fennel seed is an effective addition to lactating food that ensures the breast milk flow for the newborns.

Protects against Osteoporosis

Fennel contains estrogenic property, so it is an anti-osteoporotic and osteoprotective herb. Estrogen plays an important role in the regeneration of bones.

The lower level of estrogen in the blood may lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis. Fennel protects the bones from fracture and strengthens them because it reflects the effect of estrogen.

Also Read: Best Herbs to Boost Estrogen

Therefore, fennel improves the overall health of bone and reduces the substances that cause bone tissue breakdown.

Controls Blood Pressure

According to many studies, chewing fennel seeds increases the nitrate content in saliva. Fennel seeds serve as a natural, effective remedy to manage blood pressure levels.

Additionally, particular amounts of potassium present in fennel seeds are part of cells, and body fluids help to control the acid-base balance, normalize the heart rate, dilate blood vessels, and manage blood pressure.

Prevents Anemia

Fennel is a powerful antioxidant agent that scavenges free radicals and protects the red cells from the attack of free radicals.

Moreover, it improves the overall health of your kidney and improves the erythropoietin formation, which is an important factor in red cell production.

Lower count of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood may cause anemia. Fennel seeds promote the RBCs production, so it helps to prevent anemia.

Cures Polydipsia (Excessive Thirst)

Fennel seed is more beneficial to reduce excessive thirst due to its effective properties. In Ayurveda, it is an effective remedy for excessive thirst.

To get complete relief from excessive thirst, take an equal amount of fennel seeds powder and brown sugar or rock sugar with water. Alternatively, drink 60 ml of fennel seed distillate or fennel water three times a day.

Manages Diabetes

Fennel seeds contain rich amounts of essential oil and anethole, which is an active compound that helps to maintain the blood sugar levels.

Fennel seeds are the powerhouse of vitamin C, antioxidants, beta-carotene, and essential minerals that enhance the sensitivity of insulin and keep the blood glucose level under control.

Improves Skin Health

Fennel seeds contain rich amounts of nutrients and strong antimicrobial properties that make fennel seed as an excellent natural remedy to treat skin problems. Fennels are enriched with potassium, selenium, and zinc which balances the oxygen level in the bloodstream. It is used to treat skin-related ailments such as acne, rashes, and dryness.

To get fresh and smooth skin texture, take one teaspoon of fennel seeds, and boil them. Leave it to cool and filter them. Apply this on your face many times per day, and it will improve your skin glow and revitalize your skin.

Furthermore, the powerful antioxidant properties present in fennel seeds fight against the free radicals that affect the healthy cells of your skin. It also contains an effective anti-aging properties that help to delay the premature aging of your skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

To get a wrinkle-free skin tone and radiant skin, make an anti-aging face mask using fennel seeds, honey, oatmeal, and gram flour.

Make a paste and apply this as a face pack, rinse it with water after 15 minutes. Repeat this once per week, and you will get a better result.

Eases PMS Symptoms

According to many studies, fennel seed is an excellent remedy to relieve menopause symptoms. Fennel seed is phytoestrogen in nature, so it is very effective in the treatment of menstrual symptoms, hot flashes, and abdominal cramps.

Treats Heat Stroke

For heat stroke, soak a handful of fennel seeds in water overnight. Filter the water in the morning, add some salt, and drink it.

Promotes Fertility

Fennel contains rich amounts of phytoestrogen that plays an important role in inducing the female reproductive system and may ease fertility. Fennel seeds tea has been used since ancient times to normalize the menstrual cycle and flow, and it improves fertility.

Purifies blood 

The compounds in the fennel seeds purify your blood by removing the toxins from your body. Prepare a fennel tea and drink it daily.

Hirsutism (Excessive Hairiness)

In hirsutism, women have male pattern hair. It occurs due to the increased level of testosterone hormone in women.

Fennel seed contains an Anethole compound that contains estrogenic activity. It prevents converting testosterone into its active form. Therefore, it weakens the testosterone action in women and also decreases hirsutism.

Natural Gripe Water

Colic is a common problem in babies that makes them cry continuously for a long time. In this case, fennel seeds can be used as a traditional remedy by our grandma to prepare a natural gripe water. Fennel gripe water helps babies in easing gassiness symptoms or colic in babies.

Nutritional Values of Fennel Seeds (Perunjeerakam)

Fennel seed is the powerhouse of effective nutrients, vitamin C, and low calories, so it helps to improve your immune system and promotes the production of collagen. It also works as a powerful antioxidant that clears the free radicals. Fennel seeds contain rich amounts of manganese that help to trigger the metabolism, activate enzymes, strengthen your bones, and maintain blood sugar. Apart from these, it contains a particular amount of magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, and selenium that controls blood pressure, improves your skin health, and treats anemia. Fennel seeds contain more than 87 volatile compounds, including polyphenols such as chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid, quercetin, and apigenin. Many studies found that rich antioxidants reduce the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, and neurological diseases.

Nutritional Value of Fennel Seeds Per 100 Grams

Calories 345
Total Fat 14.87 g
Carbohydrates 52.29 g
Protein 15.80 g
Sodium 88 mg
Potassium 1694 mg
Calcium 1196 mg
Iron 18.54 mg
Magnesium 385 mg
Dietary Fiber 39.8 g
Vitamin C 21 mg
Vitamin A 135 IU 
Phosphorus 487 mg
Niacin 6.050 mg
Pyridoxine 0.470 mg 
Riboflavin 0.353 mg
Thiamin 0.408 mg
Copper 1.067 mg
Zinc 3.70 mg

Fennel Seed Recipe

Fennel Tea


Crushed Fennel Seed 1-2 teaspoons
Water 2 cups
Honey ½ teaspoon

Preparation Method

  • Take a pan with 2 cups of water, add fennel seeds powder and boil them for 2-5 minutes.
  • Filter the tea in a cup
  • Add honey or artificial sweetener in the tea to increase the taste and flavor.

Fennel Sherbet


Fennel Seeds ½ cup
Powdered sugar or jaggery 1 cup
Water As per needed
Ice cube As per needed
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon

Preparation Method 

  • Soak fennel seeds in water and filter them after 3-4 hours
  • Add soaked fennel in the blender and grind finely.
  • Add the grind fennel seed in a pan, add water and sugar, stir them until the sugar dissolves.
  • Filter them, add ice cubes and pour the sherbet into the glass.
  • Add some drops of lemon juice, and the sherbet is ready.

Dosage of Fennel Seeds

Fennel Seeds Powder Dosage

Chew fennel seeds or consume the powder of fennel seeds according to the dosage mentioned in the table.

Children 50 to 100 mg per Kg body weight
Adults 3 to 6 grams (optimum dosage: 3 grams)
Pregnancy 1 to 2 grams
Geriatric (Old age) 2 to 3 grams
Maximum Possible Dosage 18 grams Per Day (in divided doses) 

Consume this along with warm water 2-3 times per day after food. The maximum dosage of fennel seed powder is a common value, but you should not consume more than 9 grams per day. Some times, it can be used frequently, but it can be up to 18 grams per day.

Dosage of Fennel Tea, Fennel Seed Water & Fennel Distillate

Infants (Age: Up to 12 Months) 1 to 5 ml
Children 5 to 20 ml
Adults 20 to 60 ml
Pregnancy 10 to 20 ml
Geriatric (Old age) 10 to 20 ml
Maximum Possible Dosage 180 ml Per Day (in divided doses)

Drink this 2-3 times per day after food for digestive problems and before food for appetite problems. Basically, take this anytime without worrying about food, especially in the conditions of cramps, abdominal pain, uterine cramps, and other types of spasmodic pains.

Dosage of Fennel Oil

Infants (Age: Up to 12 Months) Not recommended
Children (Age: up to 5 years) Not recommended
Children (Age: above 5 years) 1 drop per 15 Kg body weight
Adults 4 to 10 drops
Pregnancy Not recommended
Geriatric (Old age) 3 to 5 drops
Maximum Possible Dosage 20 drops Per Day (in divided doses)

Take Fennel oil along with lukewarm water for 1-2 times per day after food.

Side Effects of Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are safe to consume in food amounts or less than 18 grams per day. Natural or crude form of fennel seeds is safer than fennel extracts or fennel oil. Fennel water, fennel tea, fennel distillate, and fennel infusion are also safe.

The natural form of fennel seed did not cause any side effects when consumed in the proper dosage. The overdosage of fennel seeds can increase the skin sensitivity for sunlight, and the increased sensitivity may increase the risk of sunburn.


Generally, Fennel seeds and its traditional formulations are safe to use in the treatment of indigestion, nausea, belching, loss of appetite, vertigo, and abdominal pain during pregnancy. In such conditions, fennel seeds are very effective.

The high dose of fennel extract is not safe during pregnancy. Actually, fennel seeds improve menstruation by decreasing menstrual pain and cramps.

Consuming a higher dosage of fennel seeds may lead to emmenagogue action and stimulate bleeding. This action occurs only based on the dosage.


Fennel seeds are mainly used for the galactagogue action. It increases the supply of breast milk and stimulates milk secretions.

It is also used for infants to treat common digestive problems and abdominal pains. Fennel seeds are safe to consume for lactating mothers. There are no side effects that occur in lactating mothers and breastfeeding babies when consuming fennel seeds.

Fennel Allergy

People who are sensitive to celery, mugwort, carrots and peach may also be allergic to fennel seeds. The common allergic symptoms of fennel are:

  • Skin rashes
  • Swelling of the lips, throat, and tongue
  • Itching in the mouth
  • Hives
  • Tingling sensation in the mouth

How do I store fennel seeds?

Knowing the health benefits of fennel seeds is not enough it’s significant to have an idea about how to store it.

  • To Store Fresh fennel – In case if you need to store the fresh fennel then wrap it in a nice paper bag which keeps it fresh for 2-3 days. If the sealing is perfect then there are chances of being fresh for 7-12 days, just move it to the refrigerator for prolonged use.
  • To Freeze & Store Fresh fennel – This is quite simple just cover the fennel fronds and freeze
    Fennel seeds or saunf – Whenever you store fennel seeds remember to put them into a tightly sealed airtight container.
  • Fennel seeds powder or Saunf powder – I’d prefer to buy fennel seeds rather than powder in case if you’ve bought the powder store it in a tightly sealed box and keep it in the fridge.

It’s good to store and use for a limited period if not the aroma or flavor will be missed while preparing culinary dishes or whatever!


Fennel seed is a flavorful and aromatic herb that contains numerous nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and minerals like calcium, manganese, zinc, iron, etc. Fennel seed is a powerhouse of antioxidants and volatile oils that effectively reduce inflammation, improve heart health, improve weight loss, and promote digestion. To get the goodness of this excellent herb, consume dried fennel seeds in your daily food.


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Benefits of Chironji Dried Nuts [For Health & Beauty]

Chironji is a nut commonly used in desserts because of its nutty, sweet, and salt taste. Chironji seeds or nuts are derived from the tree named Buchanania Lanzan, which has its native to Indian subcontinents, mainly Northwest India.

You can find this ingredient stacked in most of the Indian Kitchens. Chironji seeds or nuts are often used with or in the place of almonds and are extensively used for making mouthwatering sweet recipes and delicious foods in festival seasons. Both sweet and savory Indian recipes use this festive nut.

Kheer is the most delicious and loving dessert of Indian cuisine, made of milk, rice, special Indian spices like cinnamon powder and cardamom powder.

On serving, it is topped with raisins and nuts like almonds, pistachios, and another nutritious nut that we never discussed enough called Chironji.

According to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, this nut is beneficial in treating various health conditions such as mouth ulcers, headache, respiratory disorders, cough, infertility, skin rashes, and constipation.

All parts of this plant, be it nuts or seeds, fruits, oil, roots, kernels, or gum, are a host of many medicinal values and offer several health benefits. Most traditional medicine formulations have this chironji plant part.

What Is Chironji?

Chironji is a nutty seed harvested from the plant with a botanical name like Buchanania Lanzon. The plant belongs to the Anacardiaceae family, and in some places, it is also called the Almondette tree.

Chironji tree is native to India, but they widely grow in Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Laos, and Yunnan. The tree grows naturally in the tropical regions of North, West, and Central India.

Chironji has a deciduous origin and is an evergreen tree that grows to 18 meters in height and features tomentose branches and a straight trunk. The tree is commonly found in semi-evergreen forests, lowland forests, open forests, dry forests, moist and drained deciduous forests. The tree can handle harsh weather conditions and highly grows in yellow sandy loam soils.

The plant has a rough external surface with grayish-brown color and fibrous internal surface with a reddish-brown color. The leaves are alternately arranged in the branches, broad, pinnate, and oblong.

The tree yields greenish-white small flowers followed by black drupes on fertilization. The fruits of this tree are green colored and turn to purple-black as they mature. The seeds or nuts of the plant are creamy brown, small, and have dark spots.

Scientific Classification: Chironji 

SCIENTIFIC NAME Buchanania lanzan
KINGDOM Plantae (Plants)
SUBKINGDOM Tracheobionta (Vascular plants)
INFRAKINGDOM Streptophyta (Land plants)
SUPERDIVISION Spermatophyta (Seed plants)
DIVISION Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
SUBDIVISION Spermatophytina (spermatophytes, seed plants, phanérogames)
CLASS Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons)
ORDER Sapindales
FAMILY Anacardiaceae (Sumac family)
GENUS Buchanania Spreng. (buchanania)
SPECIES Buchanania latifolia Roxb. (chirauli nut)

Plant Description

Chironji is a medium-sized evergreen tree that reaches 18 meters in height and has tomentose branches. The waterlogged areas are not suitable for this tree. These trees are currently growing in such forest conditions as an underexploited tree and giving appreciation to the tribal community.

Chironji Tree Bark

The tree bark has a thickness of 1.25 to 1.75 cm, with gray to brown outer and red to brown inner surfaces. The bark is moreover channeled and fibrous.

Chironji Tree Leaves

The tree has thick, alternate, exstipulate, and simple leaves. The petiole of the leaves is in 12 to 22 mm in length, glabrous, and stout. At the same time, lamina is 10 to 23.5 cm x 5 to 12 cm, with a round base, broad, rectangular, and lateral nerves are 10 to 20 pairs, prominent, pinnate, and intercostal reticulate.

Chironji Tree Flowers

The tree blooms greenish-white small flowers. The blooms take place between January and March. The fertile flowers are followed by ovoid reniform, drupe, with a size of 10 to 13 x 8 mm, black and oblong. The tree has a hard two valved stone that holds one seed.

Chironji Tree Fruits

Fresh fruits are green in color and turn to purplish-black once matured, which takes almost 4 to 5 months. The harvesting is done manually in April and May. The fruits are 0.4 to 0.6 cm long and 0.3 to 0.5 cm wide. They are oval-shaped and in creamy brown color, flat, compressed with dark brown color lines.

A tree yields almost 1 to 5 kgs of chironji seeds. The seeds should keep in a closed container; otherwise, it will lose its flavor and taste bitter.

Chironji Tree Seed Kernels

The kernels of chironji contain 52% oil, which substitutes olive oil and almond oil. The whole chironji kernel is used or as a replacement for almond kernels in the sweet dishes. The chironji oil is extracted from the fruits, which are called ‘char’ in India. The oil has various therapeutic benefits and is used as tonic and expectorant. Kernel oil is used as a topical application for skin diseases.

Common Names of Chironji

  • Botanical Name: Buchanania lanzan
  • English Name: Chironji nut, Cuddapa almond
  • Tamil Name: சாரப்பருப்பு/Saraparuppu
  • Malayalam Name: മൂങ്ങാപ്പേഴ്/mūṅṅāppēḻ, നുറമരം/Nuramaram
  • Telugu Name: ప్రియాళువు/Priyaluvu, చార/Cara
  • Kannada Name: ಚಾರೊಳಿ/Caroli, ಕೊಲೆ ಮಾವು/Kole Maavu
  • Hindi Name: चिरोंजी/Chironji, चार/Char
  • Marathi Name: पियाल/Piyal, चार/Char, चारोळी/Charoli
  • Gujarati Name: ચારોળી/Charoli
  • Punjabi Name: ਚਿਰੋੰਜੀ/Chironji
  • Bengali Name: চিরঞ্জী/Chironji,
  • Urdu Name: چرونجي/Chironji

Chironji is known by other English names such as Almondette tree, Broad-leaved bachanania, Buchanan’s Mango, Buchanania lanzan, Calumpang nut tree, Calumpong nut, Charoli Nut, Cheraunji nut tree, Cheronjee, Chirauli nut tree, Chirauli nut, Cuddapa almond, Hamilton’s mombin, Hermit’s tree, and Narrow-leaved buchanania.

Other names in Hindi: Achaar, Baruda, Char, Charoli, Charu, Chiraunji, Chirka, Chironji, Kath bhilawa, Payala, Payala, Peirah, Perna, Piyal, Piyar, Pra-savak, Priyal, and Priyala.

Other names in Bengali:  Chirangi, Chironji, Chowl, Sarop, and Satdhan.

Other names in Malayalam: Kalamavu, Moongapezhu, Mungapera, Mungapper, Munnapel, Mural, Muungaappeezh, Nooramaram, Nuramaram, Nuramaram, Nuruvei, Padacheru, and Priyalam.

Other names in Tamil: Charam, Korka, Morala, Mudaima, Muolaima, and Saraparuppu.

Other names in Telugu:  Cara, Charumamidi, Morichettu, Priyaluvu, Rajadanamu, Saara chettu, Sara, and Sarapappu.

Other names in Sanskrit: Akhatth, Char, Muni, Piyala, Prasavakh, Priyala, Priyalam, Rajadana, Rajanadanha, and Upavatth.

Health Benefits of Chironji Nuts

Chironji is full of fiber, mineral, proteins, vitamins, and other nutritions, and Antiflatulent, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibiotic, antibacterial, antidepressant, expectorant, astringent, digestive, antidiabetic, cooling and many other clinical properties. All these compounds and effects of chironji make it a natural medicine for various ailments.

Chironji nuts are used in the Unani and Ayurvedic medicinal system for thousands and hundreds of years. Daily consumption of Chironji seeds cures and prevents many diseases with their curative properties. Some of the health benefits of Chironji are listed below.

1. Natural Coolant

Chironji nuts are mostly used in Indian cooking during summer seasons. Because they have natural cooling properties that help cool the body in the sweltering summer seasons. The seeds or nuts reduce the body heat naturally.

According to Ayurveda, chironji seeds help treat itching sensation on the skin.

2. Digestion and Bowel Movement

Chironji seed oil contains astringent properties that help in treating indigestion and improving the bowel movements. The oil can bind the stool particles that, in turn, treat diarrhea.

The seeds have anti-flatulent and astringent properties that help remove and prevent gas formation in the alimentary canal, thereby treating flatulence, bloating, and abdominal pain.

The chironji seeds are filled with fiber that makes it an ideal natural remedy for digestive issues like constipation. The anti-acid property of seed powder hampers excessive acid formation in the stomach and treats ulcer, indigestion, and gastritis.

A few drops of chironji oil added to ORS can be consumed to cure loose stools. The roots of the plant are found to help treat stomach problems.

Diarrhea is caused due to excess toxin present in the body and other psychological factors. Excess pitta causes accumulation of dampness on the colon which leads to diarrhea. It may be due to the accumulation of a large amount of water and increased Vata ( air ) inside the body. Chironji seed oil decreases the Kapha and Vata which helps in expelling the toxins, excess air, and water from the body.

3. Improves Reproductive Health

Chironji seeds are found to be a powerful aphrodisiac that improves reproductive health. It effectively improves sexual vigor and vitality.

The seeds can be used to treat reproductive problems like loss of libido and premature ejaculation. Chironji is a traditional medicine used to treat loss of libido and fertility in men. The aphrodisiac properties of chironji help to reduce anxiety and mental stress. It also induces testosterone production that cures libido and fertility.

4. Clears Nasal Congestion

Chironji might help treat cold and nasal congestion. Chironji oil can be used to remove the mucus blocking in the nose. Add a few drops of chironji oil in hot water and inhale the steam.

5. Healthy Weight Loss

Chironji is rich in fiber and protein while low in calories, so it can make you feel full for a long time and avoid frequent eating.

When you are in a food diet, you should check that you have enough nutrients from the food. Chironji seeds are the best dietary nuts that contain a high amount of nutrients that can fulfill your diet. The seeds may promote healthy weight loss.

6. Treats Diabetes

The increased rate of diabetes patients is caused by many factors such as lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, skipping meals, and lack of manual work. According to some studies, the extract of chironji leaf contains anti-diabetic properties that can neutralize the sugar levels in the blood.

The β-pancreatic cells are responsible for producing insulin in the blood, which becomes more active when chironji seed powder or extract is consumed. It also hampers the starch breakdown into glucose that eventually reduces the glucose levels and keeps the sugar levels on check.

7. Boosts the Immune System

Chironji seeds are a source of minerals and vitamins which act against diseases and health conditions. The seeds may improve our immune system, especially in children.

The seeds of chironji have a set of antioxidants that fight microbes and protect our body from various health problems. The nut also pretended to have anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-viral properties that make it healthy food and treat the common cold, fever, sore throat, and other ailments.

8. Cures Rheumatic Pains

Chironji gum may better deal with a few health anomalies. For instance, chironji gum dissolved in cow milk is given to cure rheumatic pains. Chironji is an effective natural remedy for rheumatic pain.

Kapha (Earth, Water) is the main reason for Rheumatism problems which may cause laziness, stagnation of salt, uric acid, fatty, and toxic substances in the joint regions. It may lead to swelling, pain, and redness.

Applying Chironji oil will reduce Kapha dosha and its diuretic properties help in eliminating excess deposits of water, uric acid, salt, and toxins through urine. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects decrease swelling and pain.

9. Treats Respiratory Issues

Chironji seeds are potent in anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-asthmatic, and expectorant properties that help manage respiratory troubles like common cold and flu. Blockage of catarrh particles in the chest and nasal passage is easily removed by inhaling steam from hot water mixed with chironji leaf extract. The leaf extract of chironji is also beneficial in asthmatic issues and bronchitis. Regular consumption of chironji seed powder improves lung health.

Kapha is the reason for the stagnation of the water in the body, toxic deposits, and the development of phlegm and mucus in the respiratory system. Usage of Chironji oil will lower the Kapha effect and cure various respiratory problems.

10. Reduces Inflammation and Heals Wounds

The seed powder consists of bioactive compounds that promote regeneration of damaged tissue, thereby improving the healing process of wounds. The leaf extract of the plant is used for dressing wounds.

The anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic properties of the bioactive compounds in the chironji nuts make it an effective remedy for arthritis pain and inflammation. The seeds work great to reduce rheumatoid arthritis, which we call Amavata in Ayurveda. The seeds can provide rapid relief from itching and burning sensations.

Chironji tree latex mixed milk is taken to get relief from inflammation and pain. Chironji oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that can offer instant relief from rashes, infections, blemishes, and scars in the skin.

11. Purifies Blood

According to Unani and Ayurvedic medicine, Chironji seeds possess anti-toxic properties that clean the blood. By purifying the blood, Chironji nuts enhance blood circulation in your body, eliminate the toxic substance, and decrease the secretion of cortisol (stress hormone). Over secretion of cortisol will give mental and stress problems. By decreasing these hormones, Chironji nuts will balance your mind and body.

12. Cure Ulcers

The anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties of the chironji leaves cope up with treating many types of ulcers like peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, canker sores, and mouth ulcers. Traditional medicine for ulcers includes chironji. The cooling effect of the chironji soothes the mouth ulcers.

13. Enhances Fertility And Libido

Mental stress and anxiety are major factors that affect the secretion of testosterone. Chironji has an adaptogenic property that reduces stress; also has aphrodisiac properties that stimulate the production of testosterone and enhance libido and fertility. It also provides excellent stamina to men.

Consuming the drink prepared with chironji seed powder and warm milk before sleep will increase the blood circulation in the genitals organ. This increases the secretion of reproductive hormones in both males and females.

It also treats reproductive system ailments like premature ejaculation, lack of sexual interest, and impotence in men. Chironji oil is also used in the treatment of sexual and reproductive problems.

14. Postnatal Care for Mothers

Chironji plant parts are used to make traditional medicine for new mothers to improve their health after childbirth. The immune-enhancing property of the chironji is why they are given to stimulate the mothers’ immune system.

15. For Heart Health

Chironji consists of medicinal properties that extensively benefit heart health and treat various heart problems. Chironji leaves contain purgative, aphrodisiac, and expectorant properties, so the leaf extract of chironji on regular intake improves heart health. The juice extracted leaves is an excellent cardiotonic that relieves fatigue.

The chironji seed powder can improve the strength of heart muscles, reduce the cholesterol levels, and stops the formation of lipids, thereby lessening the chances of heart health ailments like heart attack, heart blacks, atherosclerosis, blood clots, etc.

16. Helps With Fatigue

Chironji is highly beneficial as a natural tonic for various health ailments and therapeutic indications. The juice from chironji leaves helps children relieve chronic tiredness and fatigue in the body.

17. Improves Cognitive Functioning

Chironji consists of brain-boosting, and adaptogenic (stress relieving) properties provide a natural solution to enhance brain functions. The bioactive compounds found in the plant prevent brain chemicals from breakdowns, thus increase the memory power, focus, concentration, and calmness in mind.

As a brain tonic and enhancer, chironji medicinal formulations are found to enhance reasoning, problem-solving, memory, and various cognitive functions. It will promote the brain health of your children. Childhood is an important stage in which human mental and cognitive functions develop properly. So, nourish your children regularly with the help of Chironji seeds.

Beauty Benefits of Chironji

Chironji seeds are a source of vitamins and minerals, so they are highly beneficial for skin health and healing skin problems. It can potentially restore the health and glow of your skin.

1. Promotes Skin Health

The nutritions in the chironji seeds with other medicinal values cope up with beautifying skin and improving skin health. For a glowing and moisturized skin, make a paste of milk and chironji seeds. Apply this face mask for 15 minutes on your face.

The seeds are a very good scrub too, they cleanse the skin and remove the dead cells, facial hair and exfoliate drifts from the skin. Skin infections like pimples and acne are also prevented and treated by using chironji seeds. For skin infections, mix the chironji seed powder with rose water and apply it on the affected areas.

Chironji seeds powder is mixed with curd and gram flour, lemon juice, and honey, or fuller’s earth and rose water to make face scrubs that cleanse the skin.

Chironji oil has been added to beauty treatments and cosmetics to offer clear, healthy, and glowing skin.

2. As a Regular Beauty Treatment

We are all running to know natural remedies for our skin to get rid of potential side effects. Consuming fruits and vegetables is the best natural that one could do for their skin health. In the same way, add nutritious foods like chironji nuts to your routine to get quick results.

Mix the chironji seed powder with milk or olive oil to make a daily face mask. Apply this mask for a few minutes and wash it off with fresh water. It removes blemishes and prevents infections.

3. Removing Aging Signs

As a nutty seed, chironji has antioxidant properties that offer spotless glowing skin. It prevents the skin from oxidative radical damages due to UVB and UVA rays, thereby reducing several aging signs like spots, wrinkles, dark circles, fine lines, etc.

The anti-inflammatory properties of chironji help reduce allergic conditions like pimples, acne, cuts, and other infections. The powdered seed kernels of chironji have an exfoliating property that removes dead skin cells, dryness, and clogged pores.

Grind the chironji seeds and orange peel into a powder. Add milk, a few drops of honey to the powder mixture, and make a paste. Apply the paste on face and scrub gently around the face in circular motions, continue for 15 minutes, do this practice on alternative days to get rid of pigmentation and wrinkles.

To treat dermatitis conditions, mix 15 grams of borax powder, 100 grams of chironji kernel powder with rose water and make a paste. Apply it on the affected areas one time a day.

Nutritional Content of Chironji

Chironji seeds are a good source of protein. It contains low calorific values and fat content, with that the seeds are a great addition to your daily food routine. It has a good amount of fiber content that helps in digestion. It has an array of nutrients such as Vitamin B1, B2, C, niacin, and minerals like iron, phosphorus, and iron.

Water 3 grams 3%
Energy 656 calories N/D
Protein 19 – 21.6 grams 19 – 21.6%
Fat 59 grams 59%
Fiber 3.8 grams 3.8%
Carbohydrate 12.1 grams 12.1%
Calcium 279 milligrams 27.9%
Iron 8.5 milligrams 8.5%
Phosphorus 528 milligrams 58.6%
Vitamin C 5 milligrams 6.6%
Vitamin B1 0.69 milligrams 83%
Vitamin B2 0.53 milligrams 40%
Niacin 1.5 milligrams 9.3%

Chemical Constituents of Chironji

The Fruits and Seeds of Chironji plant contain various essential oils and bioactive compounds which are mentioned below. Because of these extensive range of constituents, chironji is highly beneficial in therapeutic, food, and cosmetic industries.

  • 8-cineole
  • Camphene
  • Flavonoids
  • Galactosides
  • Myrcene
  • Sabinene
  • Triglycerides
  • Tannins
  • Y-terpinene

Chironji seed kernels hold 50 to 52% of essential oil extracted using the cold compression method. The extracted oil can potentially replace almond and olive oil in cooking. The whole kernel of chironji seeds is added to sweetmeats.

The oil extracted from chironji fruits is called ‘char’ in India with various clinical uses and acts as a tonic and an expectorant.

Parts of Chironji Tree and Its Uses

Chironji tree has a special place in traditional Ayurveda, Unani, Folk, and modern medicines. Every part of the press has its specific medicinal values and properties.

Chironji Roots

The extract derived from roots has expectorant properties that used to treat infections in blood, liver or gallbladder dysfunction, and digestive system disorders.

Chironji Leaves

The leaves have cooling, digestive, aphrodisiac, and expectorant properties and are used to treat bronchitis, cough, cold, flatulence, constipation, skin infection, and seminal weakness in the body.

The juice taken from chironji leaves is a natural remedy for digestion problems. It relieves fatigue and tiredness. The extract is used as a tonic for heart health. Dried and powdered chironji leaves are occasionally used on wounds as dressing.

Chironji Gum or Latex

The gum extracted from the chironji tree helps treat diarrhea, chest pain, and loose motions. Chironji latex mixed with milk is given to get relief from rheumatic pains.

Chironji Seeds

The chironji seed powder benefits skin health and provides strength to the body. The bark of the chironji tree contains antioxidant properties and used in various health disorder treatments.

Chironji Kernels

The seed kernels of chironji trees are powdered and topically applied on skin infections that cause itching, blemishes, and spots.

Chironji Oil

Chironji oil from seeds and kernels has various clinical values applied to glandular swellings to reduce inflammation and pain.

Ayurvedic Properties of Chironji Seeds or Nuts Chironji has below ayurvedic properties.

RASA (TASTE) Madhura (Sweet)
GUNA (QUALITY) Guru (Heavy)
IYALBHU (NATURE) Snigdha (Unctuous or oily)
VIRYA (POTENCY) Shita (Cold)
SARA GUNA Mobile quality
EFFECTS ON TRIDOSHAS Calm Pitta (Fire), Vata (Air) and aggravate Kapha (Earth, Water)

With the intrinsic properties and effects on doshas, Chironji provides a positive effect on Dhatus (Body Tissues) such as,

  • Asthi (Bones)
  • Mamsa (Muscles)
  • Rasa (Plasma)
  • Rakta (Blood)
  • Shukra (Reproductive Fluids)

Ayurvedic Indications of Chironji

From the day of the reveal, Chironji has been added several ayurvedic medicine formulations and indications to treat various health conditions mentioned below.

  • Amahara (indigestion)
  • Anulomana (breathing)
  • Arsha (piles)
  • Balya (muscle strength)
  • Dahahara (burning sensation)
  • Deepana (stomach fire)
  • Hikkanigrahana (hiccups)
  • Hridaya (heart problems)
  • Jvara (fever)
  • Kamala (jaundice)
  • Kanthya (voice)
  • Kantya (sore throat)
  • Kasahara (cough)
  • Krichra (painful micturition)
  • Krimihara (intestinal worms)
  • Kustha (skin disorders)
  • Mehahara (urinary tract disorders)
  • Onitasthapana (bleeding)
  • Pachana (digestion)
  • Prameha (diabetes)
  • Raktadoshahara (blood purifying)
  • Rochana (appetite)
  • Sangrahini (diarrhea)
  • Shvarnya (complexion)
  • Shwasha ( breathing difficulties)
  • Triptighno (pseudo-satiation)
  • Trutahara (excessive thirst)
  • Vamana (nausea and vomiting)
  • Vamanopaga (emesis)
  • Vayasthapana (aging)
  • Vran Ropana (wounds)

Traditional Uses and Benefits of Chironji

Chironji Gum

Chironji gum or latex can be used for Leprosy treatment. Chironji latex or gum, root powder, and dried leaves are mixed with buttermilk and given to cure diarrhea. Chironji gum mixed with goat milk is taken as an analgesic.

In Andhra Pradesh, Chironji gum mixed with cows milk is given as a folklore medicine to reduce rheumatic pain.

Chironji Roots

Roots of Chironji consist of cooling, constipating, acrid, depurative, and astringent properties. They can be used to treat diarrhea and skin ailments. In biliousness, tree root is used as an expectorant and cures blood infections.

Chironji Fruits are used for treating coughs and asthma.

Chironji Seeds

Chironji seeds are used on Ayurveda and Unani medicine practices.

In India, ground chironji seeds mixed with turmeric powder and milk are used as a face mask to improve the glow, suppleness, and complexion of the skin.

Chironji Leaves

Leaves of the plant are used as a dressing on wounds, treating various skin diseases, and as a tonic, it improves heart health. Dried and ground chironji leaves encourage wound healing.

Decoction or juice is prepared from Chironji leaves used as a blood purifier and cures loss of libido and impotence in Unani medicine.

A paste of chironji leaves and Diospyros melanoxylon mixed in water is given two times a day to heal snake bites.

Chironji Oil

Add a few drops of Chironji oil bathing water. It helps to relax stomach lining and intestine, and improve the bowel movements.

Add two drops of Chironji oil into your vaporizer and inhale the aroma to get rid of loss of appetite.

Regular hair massage with Chironji oil will reduce gray hairs.

Culinary Uses of Chironji

  • Chironji seeds can be consumed raw or cooked. With an excellent flavor, these nuts replace pistachios and almonds in sweet dishes.
  • Chironji nuts are used for desserts and sweetmeats. In some parts of India, dried chironji fruits and seeds are baked to make bread.
  • The chironji seeds are powdered and used as thickening agents in savory sauces, and meat curries.
  • The hard shell is removed to obtain short, soft seeds that are more or less like pine nuts.
  • The fruits are sweet and have a subacid flavor that can be eaten raw or after dried.
  • The oil obtained from seeds is in yellow color that substitutes almond and olive oil in cooking.

How to Use Chironji Nuts

For Stomach Problems

  • Mix 3 – 5 drops of Chironji oil in warm bathing water can help in relaxing the bowel, lining of the stomach, and intestines.
  • Add 2 to 3 drops of oil to your vaporizer and then inhale the vapor, which aids in loss of appetite.
  • Mix 4 drops of Chironji oil with 2 ml of coconut oil and then massage it over your abdomen region to improve digestion.
  • Prepare a glass full of buttermilk seasoned with one teaspoon of cumin seeds and coriander leaves and drink it. It will cure all kinds of digestive disorders.

For Skin Maintenance

  • Make a face pack paste by mixing crushed chironji nuts with rose water. Apply it over your face, keep it in your face until it gets dry, and then remove the face pack. It will make your face smooth and glowing.
  • A face pack prepared with powdered nuts, milk, and turmeric powder is used to provide glow, complexion to the skin.
  • Mix the powdered Chironji nuts, orange peel powder, and milk. Apply the paste on the face, wait until it gets dried, and then wash your face with water.
  • Hives can be treated by chewing 20 grams of Chironji nut, which gives relief from itching and burning sensation on the skin surface. To get complete relief from hives, consume nuts regularly for 1 to 3 months.
  • Mix 100 grams of Chironji nut powder, 15 grams of borax, and rose water. Apply it over the infected area, which is the best remedy for Atopic dermatitis or weeping eczema.

For Reproductive Problems

  • Mix 20 drops of Chironji oil, three drops of Cinnamon oil, and two drops of Ylang Ylang oil; then massage it over your body which helps in increasing your sexual interest, treat premature ejaculation and impotence by increasing vigor and blood count.
  • Mixing three drops of Chironji oil into your bathing water or two drops of Chironji oil and two drops of Rose oil in your diffuser will peace your mind, reduce fatigue, and treat mood swings.

For Respiratory Problems

  • Add 2 to 3 drops of Chironji oil to steam and inhale the vapor and also add two drops of Chironji oil with vaporub; massage your throat, chest, and back to decrease the mucus and phlegm deposits, and give relief from chest congestion, nasal congestion, common cold, runny nose, and reddish, watery eyes.
  • A blocked nose can be cured by inhaling the steam of chironji oil with water. The mucous gets removed quickly.

Anti-Depressant: Blend 10 drops of chironji oil with 10ml of coconut oil and five drops of lavender oil; then massage it over the body, which provides a positive vibe, relax your mind, and remove toxic substances in the body.

For Headache, Excess Thirst & Fainting: Boil Chironji seed powder with milk. And drank it twice a day to treat headaches, fainting, and excessive thirst.

Rheumatism: Massage knee with a mixture of 5 drops of Chironji oil, two drops of Peppermint oil, and 4 ml of sesame oil can provide significant relief from rheumatic problems.

Recipes Using Chironji

Chironji seeds or nuts are often used as topping on sweet recipes, but they can also be used in the main course. Let’s check a few delicious recipes that you can try with Chironji nuts.

Chironji Dal


  • Chironji Seeds – 1 cup (soaked)
  • Ghee – 2 tbsp
  • Cumin Seeds – 1 tsp
  • Cardamom – 2 to 3
  • Peppercorns – 4
  • Ginger – 1 tbsp (finely chopped)
  • Green Chillies – 2 (slit)
  • Coriander Powder – 1 tbsp
  • Rock Salt – 2 tsp
  • Chili Powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Yogurt – 2 tbsp
  • Coriander Leaves for garnishing


  • Remove the husks from the seeds by rubbing them.
  • Take half of the nuts and grind them into a paste.
  • Take a pan, put ghee, once the ghee is heated, add cardamoms, cumin, peppercorns, saute them for a few minutes, and add ginger.
  • After the ginger is fried, add yogurt gradually, while keeping stirring to prevent scorching.
  • When the oil floats on the top, add coriander powder, chili powder, salt, and green chilies, saute well.
  • Now, add chironji and mix well. Add plenty of water that should above the ingredients in the pan and let everything boil.
  • Once the mixture boils, turn down the flame, and cook the mixture in sim.
  • Garnish the dish with coriander leaves and serve hot.

Chironji Burfi


  • Cashew Nuts – 100 gm
  • Pistachios – 100 gm
  • Almonds – 100 gm
  • Chironji Nuts
  • Sugar – 250 gm
  • Ghee – 2 tbsp


  • Soak the almonds for 6 hours and grind it to a paste.
  • Finely chop the cashew and chironji nuts, and then fry them in ghee to a light brown.
  • Take a wide pan, add ghee, put almond paste, and saute it until the water evaporates.
  • Add pistachio and fry it until it starts spreading aroma, now add chopped cashew and chironji nuts, and a little bit of cardamom powder.
  • Prepare sugar syrup with two thread consistency and cool it down, mix the dry fruits with it.
  • Round the mixture and give them burfi shapes. Serve it with nuts topping and enjoy.

Chironji Butter Cookies


  • All-purpose Flour – 1 cup
  • Sugar – 1/2 cup
  • Salt – 1/4 tsp
  • Butter – 1/2 cup
  • Cardamom Powder – 1 tsp
  • Chironji Nuts – 3 tbsp
  • Milk – The required amount


  • Preheat the baking oven to 350 F. Take a big bowl and mix flour, sugar, salt, and chironji.
  • Add melted butter to this mixture a little bit at a time, add cardamom powder, and mix them well.
  • Gradually add milk to this mix and make a soft dough. Once it is done, make small dough balls and flatten them in a disc.
  • Place the disc over the baking sheet and lines over a tray. Create impressions on the disc using a fork.
  • Put it in the oven for 15 minutes till the dough baked and got golden brown edges. Take off the tray and cool down.
  • Serve the cookies with a cup of strong tea and enjoy it.

Chironji Dosage

The potential medicinal dosage of chironji nuts or seeds varies on people based on their physical strength, age, severity, the effect on appetite, and health conditions.

It is necessary to consult the doctor and get a prescription for an effective dose of chironji for both short and long term use.

Δ Decoction or Juice of Leaves: 20 – 80 ml per day

Δ Ground Seeds, Nuts or Kernels: 3 – 20 grams per day

Δ Chironji Gum/Latex: 500 mg – 1 gm per day

Δ Chironji Root Powder: 3 – 5 grams per day

Chironji Cautions and Side Effects

Though Chironji has many nutrition contents, medicinal properties, and bioactive compounds, it is safe only when you consume it in the correct dose advised by a doctor or an ayurvedic practitioner.

Intaking a high amount of chironji seeds or nuts will cause loss of appetite. Excessive intake or improper usage of chironji seed powder or oil without consulting a doctor will cause excessive urination and constipation.


Chironji is well-known because of its sweet, salty taste and nutty flavor, and also it possesses lots of health benefits. It contains potent bioactive compounds widely used in managing diabetes, common cold, cough, and it helps to treat digestive anomalies, sore throat, reduce urinary problems, improve cardiac functions, promote digestion, and inhibit skin diseases, etc.


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Achyranthes Aspera (Nayuruvi): Health Benefits, Properties & Dosage

Nayuruvi is scientifically known as Achyranthes aspera; this is an annual perennial herb with the wood base. The native of this weed is the tropical part of Asia, and it is widely grown in the tropical regions of Asia, Australia, Africa, and America. This plant is widely known for its medicinal properties, and also it is rich in protein, carbohydrates, and other components, such as tannins, flavonoids, and saponins, which helps to maintain overall health.

In India, this nayuruvi is widely used in folk medicine to treat various health problems. The other names of these herbal plants are chaff-flower, prickly chaff flower, crokars staff, crocus stuff, and devil’s horsewhip.

The leaves and roots of this plant treat many health issues. It is a traditional healer, and it is used to treat bleeding, asthma, cough, cold, piles, and other health problems.

Common Names of Nayuruvi

Botanical Name: Achyranthes aspera

Tamil Name: ஆகாடம் akatam, அபாமார்க்கம் apamarkkam, நாயுருவி nayuruvi

Malayalam Name: കടലാടി katalaati

Telugu Name: ప్రత్యక్పుష్పి pratyak-pushpi, ఉత్తరేణు uttarenu

Hindi Name: अघाड़ा aghara, चिरचिरा chirchira, धानुष्का dhanushka, दुरअभिग्रह durabhigrah, लटजीरा latjira, मधुकर madhukar, मयूर mayur, प्रत्यकपुष्पी pratyakpushpi, तरुण tarun, वशीर vashir

Kannada Name: ಉತ್ತರಾಣೀ uttaraani

Marathi Name: अघाडा aghada, अपामार्ग apamarga, खरमंजरी kharamanjari, किणी kini

Gujarati Name: આઘારો agharo

Bengali Name: Apang

Punjabi Name: Kutri, Puthakanda

Konkani Name: अघाडो aghado

Manipuri Name: খুজুম্পেৰে khujumpere

Prakrit Name: अग्घाड agghada

Sanskrit Name: अधःघण्टा adhahaghanta, आकृतिःच्छत्रा akrutihchhatra, अक्षर akshara, अपामार्ग apamarga, खरमञ्जरी kharamanjari, मयूर mayur, प्रत्यञ्च्पुष्प pratyanchapushpa, वशीर vashir

Tulu Name: ಉತ್ತರಣೆ uttarane

Urdu Name: اگهاڙا aghara, چرچرا churchura

Medicinal Properties of Nayuruvi

Antiviral Property

The methanol extract of the nayuruvi has sufficient inhibitory effects on the Epstein-Barr virus, which is the antigen-induced by the tumor promoter 12-O’Tetradecanoylphorbol–13-acetate in the cells.

The fraction of the non-polar components is a remarkable reason for the inhibitory activity. Some researches prove that the extract of this plant has the anticarcinogenic property, which helps to cure the two-stage of skin carcinogenesis. The total extract is believed to be the anti-tumor promoter in carcinogenesis.

Anti-inflammatory Property

The alcohol extract of the seeds and leaves of this nayuruvi has anti-inflammatory properties. The 50, 100, 200 mg/kg dosage of the ethanol extract of this plant is effectively used to treat chronic and acute inflammation.

Anti-arthritic Property

The water-soluble alkaloid achyranthine of this nayuruvi indicates the anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic property that is effectively fighting against the carrageenan-induced granuloma pouch, foot odema, adjuvant arthritis, and formalin-induced arthritis.

Spermicidal Property

The ethanol extract of the nayuruvi root has the post-coital antifertility property in the female albino, and it has the spermicidal property that shows the effect on the human sperms.

Some researches show the benzene extract of this plant has the abortifacient property, and also the methanolic extract of the leaves has the spermicidal property.

Anti-fertility Property

Research conducted by Bhattacharya and Prakash with the mice proves the benzene crude extract of the nayuruvi has the abortifacient property. The alcohol extract of the root bark of the nayuruvi resists the oxytocin response, but it does not resist the acetylcholine and serotonin response in the mice uterus.

Antioxidant Property

The callus and leaves extracted from the nayuruvi have antimicrobial properties. The chloroform and ethanol extract of the nayuruvi seeds has the antibiotic property that is effectively fighting against the E-coli, Bacillus subtilis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The alcoholic extract also has the triterpenoid saponin with the inhibitory activity to fight against the 15 Staphylococcus aureus based on the dosage. The ethanol extract of the stems and leaves of this plant will resist the 67 staphylococcus bacterial strains and bacillus subtilis.

The seeds are grown in the cattle dung heaps and have the antibacterial property that effectively fights against the bacterial strains of S.typhimurium, B.subtilis, and 68 Pseudomonas cichorii.

Research conducted by Meera in the year 1999 proves the leaves extract fights against the isolated bacterias S.citri and E.coli. The aqueous solution of the whole plant has the antibacterial property that fights against the B. typhosus, Staphylococcus aureus, 70 S.haemolyticus , 71 E.coli and S.aureus.

The comparative study of the herbal agents shows this plant can reduce the counts of microbial colonies in the air. The methanol extract of the leaves has broad-spectrum antibacterial property; it will fight against the Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus aureus, S. sanguis, S. salivarius, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and E.coli. The phytochemical analysis shows this plant has biologically active constituents, which helps to the antimicrobial activity.

Antifungal Property

The essential oil of the nayuruvi has the antifungal property that effectively fights against the different concentrations. The ethanol extract of the nayuruvi leaves has a high quality of antifungal property that fights against the cryptococcus neoformans, candida kefyr, 16 A. flavus, and Aspergillus niger. The ethanol extract resists the growth of 17 A.terreus.

Larvicidal Property

The ethanol crude extract of the nayuruvi has a high level of larvicidal property on the tick larvae that effectively fight against the 44 Boophilus microplus. The leaf extract has the larvicidal saponins that fight against the Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes aegypti.

The ethyl acetate extract of the leaf acts against the aedas subpictus mosquito larvae. It is also used to control mosquito larvae. The essential oil of the stem and leaves of this plant has the larvicidal property that fights against the 46 Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes aegypti.

Antipyretic Property

The methanol extract of the nayuruvi leaves has an antipyretic property. Research conducted with the mice proves both seeds and leaves of this plant have the analgesic property, the acetic acid of the extract writing a good response on the hot plant method.

The seeds have the saponin A and Saponin B. The saponin is also defined as D-Glucuronic Acid, and Saponin B is defined as βD-glucopyranosyl ester82. The stem of this plant has the Hexatriacontane, Pentatrianotane, and Tritriacontane 83.

The whole plant has the ecdysterone 85. The seeds have the oleanolic acid 86. The nayuruvi has the chloroform soluble base betaine 70 and water-soluble base achyranthine.

The root of this plant has oleanolic acid, B-sitosterol 16. One study shows the root has the flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, saponins, and terpenoids. The new cyclic acid also insulates the seeds of the nayuruvi, and the Ecdysterone insulates the root of this herb.

Health Benefits of Nayuruvi

Treats Indigestion

Nayuruvi is an excellent appetizer because of its digestive property. Consuming the leaves of the nayuruvi helps to improve the digestive system, and also it helps to reduce the ama from the body.

Boost immunity system

The deficiency of immunity power may cause a lot of health problems. The chaff flower has a lot of antioxidant properties, which helps to improve the immunity power of our body. So, you can easily avoid some fungal infections and other health issues.

Treat Diabetes

The nayuruvi has antihyperglycemic properties, which help to reduce the resistance of insulin. This antihyperglycemic property of this herbal plant is effectively fighting against the hyperglycemic formation in the body.

Consuming the extract of this plant helps to control the blood sugar level so that it is recommended to use in type 2 diabetes treatment.

Treat Kidney Stone

Regular consumption of the extract of the nayuruvi leaves effectively helps to treat kidney stones. This herbal plant has a good amount of diuretic that helps to flush out the kidney stones.

Usually, the kidney stone is defined as the mixture of calcium oxalate components, in folk medicine this nayuruvi is used to treat kidney stones.

Treat Urticaria

In Ayurveda, the paste of the nayuruvi root is used to treat skin rashes and itching. Applying the root paste on this skin helps to treat skin problems. Moreover, the properties of this plant help to balance the Kapha and Vata in the body.

Treat Wounds

The juice of the chaff-flower helps to heal the wounds of ulcers. Due to the Ropan property of this plant, you can also directly apply on the skin to heal the wounds.

Lower The Cholesterol

The chaff flower has the saponin A and Saponin B, and it is also known as D-glucuronic and βD-galactopyranosyl ester82.

These components help to reduce the LDL and triglycerides in the blood, and also, it helps to maintain a good cholesterol level. Consuming the extract of this herbal plant helps to reduce the risk of heart problems and maintain heart health.

Treat Uterine Problems

The women who are suffering from an irregular menstrual cycle, the nayuruvi, help to get regular periods. Moreover, it helps to maintain good uterine health.

The extract of this Nauru leaves also helps to reduce the irritation of menstrual disturbance. The experts recommended this herbal plant to women who have a menses problem.

Treat Constipation

The deficiency of fiber and protein causes constipation; this chaff-flower is rich in protein and fiber that helps to treat the constipation problem.

Consuming the powder of nayuruvi with honey in an empty stomach helps to treat constipation problems. The purgative quality of this herbal plant helps to loosen the stool and also it increases gut movement.

Promotes Weight Loss

In Ayurveda, consuming the powder of dried chaff-flower helps to the weight loss. Mix the chaff-flower powder in the glass of water or milk and drink it two times per day that shows benefits on weight loss.

The chaff lower has an ability to reduce the absorption of fat in the body so that it can avoid the excess formation of fat in the body. Moreover, the chemical contained in this herbal plant helps to burn the excess fat; hence you can maintain the proper structure.

Treat Toxing

The nayuruvi has a powerful diuretic agent that effectively helps to get rid of detox and excess water of the body.

Treat Asthma

The chaff flower helps to clear the respiratory tract that opens up the lungs and makes it great for asthma and bronchitis.

Consuming the paste of the chaff flower with an equal amount of garlic and black pepper is effective in treating bronchitis and asthma. Consuming 1/2 tsp of paste for 3-4 times per day also shows a good impact on treating cold, cough, and fever.

Lower Blood Pressure

The nayuruvi has a good amount of alkaloids, which helps to widen the blood vessels so that the heart can get sufficient blood flow. Due to this, the nayuruvi helps to lower the blood pressure level.

Reduce the risk of cancer

Some studies prove that nayuruvi has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant property of this herbal plant is effectively fighting against intestinal cancer.

The chemical content of this herb helps to reduce the growth of colorectal cancer. Some researches say the root and leaves of this plant are used to treat colon and breast cancer. Moreover, the saponin is a powerful anticancer agent; this herbal plant has a huge amount of saponins.

Relieves Arthritis pain

Anti-inflammatory is one of the well-known properties of this plant. Due to this property, this nayuruvi helps to treat inflammation of arthritis and joint pain.

It is also used to treat the inflammation of internal organs and uterus. This nayuruvi is one of the herbal plants used to inflammation in folk medicines.

Treat anemia

The deficiency of iron in the blood is the main cause of anemia. The nayuruvi has a good quality of iron, which is used to treat anemia in ancient times. Consuming this herbal plant helps to increase the red blood cells, and also it helps to absorb the iron to the blood so that it effectively treats anemia.

Oral Care

The seeds of this nayuruvi is a good mouth cleaner; it can easily clean and whiten your teeth. You can use the powdered seed with the salt for mouth cleaning; it can prevent gum bleeding. The dried stem of this plant is also used as a toothbrush.

Nutrition Values of Nayuruvi

Nutritional Facts of Nayuruvi

The various nutrients contained and the value of 100 gm of Nayuruvi.

Calories 294
Protein 20.54%
Carbohydrate 54.26%
Fat 0.903%
Vitamin B1 0.27 mg
Vitamin B2 0.28 mg
Vitamin B3 0.58 mg
Vitamin B6 0.27 mg
Vitamin B9 39 mcg
Sodium 1119.67 mg
Calcium 5385.23 mg
Magnesium 5446.0 mg
Phosphorus 1447.5 mg
Potassium 1343.6 mg
Chloride 675880.73 mg
Iron 283.05 mg
copper 8.062mg
Zinc 48.37mg
Manganese 16.12 mg
Aluminum 9.853 mg

Safety Concerns of Nayuruvi

  • This Achyranthes Aspera is not suitable for pregnant women. The children and lactating mothers can use the herbal plant in a low dosage for a limited period of time.
  • The high dosage of the Achyranthes Aspera may cause vomiting.
  • This is not suitable for the men undergoing infertility treatment, and it is better to avoid long term usage.

Recommended Dosage Of Nayuruvi

Achyranthes aspera Juice – 5-10ml or the required level recommended by the doctor

Achyranthes aspera Oil – 2-5 or the required level recommended by the doctor

Achyranthes aspera Paste – 2-4gm or the required level recommended by the doctor

Achyranthes aspera Powder – 2-5gm or the required level recommended by the doctor


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Calotropis Gigantea: Health Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects

Madar belongs to the species calotropis and family Apocynaceae which is also known as a crown flower. The flowers are whitish-lavender color, waxy and are arranged in clusters. They have five petals with a crown-like structure and stamens at the center. This large shrub grows up to 4 meters in height. The leaves are oval in shape and light green in color. The stem of this shrub produces milky latex. Madar is distributed widely in India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan, and Nepal.

The flowers are fragrant which are used in making floral tassels in olden culture. There are two varieties of madar seen in India: one shrub produces white flowers (Calotropis gigantea) and another produces purple (Calotropis Procera) flowers.

In Ayurveda, each and every part of the erukku has various medicinal properties. But every part of the shrub is poisonous at a particular dosage. The milky latex from the leaves and stems are poisonous and is used by the ancient people to poison the arrow. When this latex gets contact with the eyes, it may lead to blindness. But the correct usage of this plant gives powerful health benefits.

What is Calotropis Gigantea?

Generally, Calotropis gigantea, known as the crown flower or giant milkweed, is a large shrub or small tree that comes under the Asclepiadaceae or Milkweed or Ak family.

The native of this plant is continental Asia and Southeast Asia and has been introduced as an ornamental weed near villages and temples in the Pacific Islands, Australia, Central, and North-South America and Africa.

Historical Uses

The name Calotropis is a greek word which means beautiful boat keel. It is a sacred plant in India and is used to perform religious rituals for Rudra (one form of Lord Shiva). In the ancient Arabian and Vedic times, Calotropis was used to worship the sun. In Roman Jewish history, calotropis is also known as the apple of sodom. This plant is mentioned in Renaissance Europe and Egypt by Prosper Alpinus.

Archeologists have found the charcoal remains of Calotropis at archaeological sites in the Nile Valley of Upper Egypt which is related to pre-dynastic periods. In India and China, charcoal derived from Calotropis was used in gunpowder.

In some olden Cyprus civilizations, Calotropis fibers are used in making textiles. The fibers from the inner bark of the Calotropis were used in the manufacture of clothes for the princes and nobles. Fibers are also used as bow-strings in India and also for making rug, net, and sewing threads. In Hawaii and the Philippines, the flowers of Calotropis are used for decorative purposes.

Common Names of Aak ( Calotropis Gigantea)

  • Botanical Name: Calotropis Gigantea
  • Tamil Name: வெள்ளெருக்கு / Vellerukku
  • English Name: crown flower
  • Hindi Name: कैलोट्रोपिस गिगेंटिया / lalak, lalmadar, madar, mandara, moto aak
  • Malayalam Name: കലോട്രോപിസ് ഗിഗാൻ‌ടിയ / belerica, belericu, bukam, dinesam, eri, ericu, erikka
  • Telugu Name: కలోట్రోపిస్ గిగాంటెయా / arkamu, ekke, jilledu,mandaramu

Madar is known with names such as Giant Milkweed, Indian milkweed, Crown Flower, Giant Calotrope, Swallow-wort, Bow-string hemp, and giant rubber bush. In Tamil, it is known as erukku.

Parts used: Leaves, root, flowers, and latex.

Plant Description

The Crown flower is a fast-growing, large flowering, and attractive shrub. It can grow up to 5 meters in height. You can find this plant in disturbed areas, dry coastal areas, roadsides, watercourses, overgrazed pasture land, sunny, sheltered shores of lagoons, dry, sunny, hot environments, urban open spaces, fallow land, gullies, and floodplains. This plant grows successfully in a variety of soils but mostly prefers sandy, loamy soils. It thrives in dry sands.

Root Bark

The roots are found with a rounded head, and the remaining parts are spirally curved. These hard roots are grayish-white in color. Bark yellowish gray on the outside and yellowish-white on the inside of the bark. The upper cork portion is rough and spongy whereas the inner portion is mucilaginous and smooth. The taste of the dried bark is bitter.


Opposite leaves are nearly rounded, narrow-pointed to obtuse at the apex, with very short petioles below the heart-shaped base; The leaf blades range in color from pale green to almost white veins. The leaves are 7 to 18 cm long, and 5 cm to 13 cm broad, and have smooth hairs that rub off. The top of the leaves are pale green, and the downside are whitish green with prominent veins. The delicate leaves are covered with ashy-gray young pubescence. Matured leaves are almost smooth or glabrous.


Inflorescence axillary cymes, numerous flowers, 5-16 cm long, fungal tube, 2-5 cm long at the base of tomentose pedicel. The flowers are regular, lilac, bisexual, or pale pink, purple or pale green with a yellow and faint scent. They are arranged laterally on the alternate sides of the nodules or in simple or rarely mixed cymose corymbs at the ends of the interpetiolar peduncles. Each cluster is surrounded by many small elongated sharp scaly cadaveric protrusions. Flower buds are ovate.


It has five lobes that widely ovate with little fleshy teeth-like glands within the base.


It is a pale rose-purple, gamopetalous and regular sub campanulate with a small tube and five wide ovate, valvate, spreading lobes, and lanceolate.


At the coro basement, there are five stamens inserted. The filaments are fused to form a column with a large tolerance, provided with five transparent radiation coronal appendages that are perfectly compatible but slightly shorter than the column.

The appendages are succulent, pale purple or yellowish-white, abbreviated laterally, with a reversible hollow corsal spur and compressed at the base. The anther is narrow, broad, and somewhat horny, with broad triangular membrane anther tips that are curved at the sides of the stigma hoods. Flowering usually takes place from March to October.


Fertile flowers are fluffy, ellipsoid pairs, curved, 5-10 cm long, and 2.5-5 cm in diameter containing many seeds. They have split ovate, flattened seeds, about 0.6 cm long and 0.4 cm wide, thin hairs at one end, 2-4 cm long, which are scattered by the wind.

Medicinal Properties

  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Anti-carcinogenic
  • Expectorant
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-coagulant
  • Antidysenteric
  • Antisyphilitic
  • Anti-rheumatic

Ayurvedic Properties of Giant Milkweed

Taste (Rasa) : Bitter (Tikta) and Pungent (Katu)
Qualities (Guna) : Light (Laghu), Dryness (Ruksha), and Sharp (Teekshna)
Metabolic property(Vipaka) : Pungent (Katu) after digestion
Potency (Virya) : Hot (Ushna)

All parts of erukka have hot potencies. The hot potency of giant milkweed balances Vata (air, ether) and Kapha (water, earth) dosha; while the bitter and sweet taste of the flower balances pitta (water, fire).

Giant Milkweed in Ancient Texts

Sushruta Samhita
–> Herbs that treat cough, cold, stiffness, and back pain (Arkadi)
–> Herbs inducing laxative effects (Adhobhaghara)

Charaka Samhita
–> Pain-relieving herbs (Bhedniya)
–> Herbs which induce vomiting (Vamnopaga)
–> Herbs Increasing sudation – sweating (Swedopaga)

–> Herbs that treat cough, cold, stiffness, and back pain (Arkadi)

Chemicals Found in Calotropis Gigantea

  • Amarin
  • Cyanidin-3-Rhamnoglucoside
  • Procesterol
  • B-sitosterol
  • Calactin
  • Catoxin
  • Calotropagenin
  • Calotropin
  • Cardenolides
  • Flavonoids
  • Nonprotein amino acid
  • Proceroside
  • Procerageni
  • Pregnanes
  • Terpene

Health Benefits of Calotropis Gigantea

Calotropis has a particular chemical substance that might help in thinning of mucous. It will help you to cough and remove mucus easily from your body. In some animal studies, Aak has helped to treat pain, inflammation, bacteria, fever, and ulcers caused by alcohol. It also acts like aspirin and indomethacin.

Aak is an effective medicine that is used for digestive disorders including diarrhea, constipation, and stomach ulcers. It treats toothache, cramps, and joint pain. Some people use Aak to treat syphilis, boils, inflammation, muscular spasm, epilepsy, hysteria, warts, leprosy, gout, snakebites, and cancer. It is also used as an inhalation therapy, that is, aak bark smoke is inhaled to get relief from coughs, asthma, and to cause sweating. It cures parasitic infections including elephantiasis and worms.

Treat Diabetes

The Calatropis contains anti-diabetic properties that can be identified as having a good influence on Diabetes. It has specific properties that increase insulin sensitivity and simultaneously stimulate insulin production. Calotropis has anti-diabetic agents that are good for diabetics patients.

The leaves and flowers of Aak have certain anti-diabetic agents that improve the sensitivity of Insulin and trigger the secretion of Insulin. An experiment done in rats had found that the leaves and flowers were effective in reducing serum glucose. Their extracts in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats had decreased the blood sugar levels.

How to use Aak Leaves for Diabetics:

Place the rough side of leaves to your sole and then wear socks. Let the leaves remain there for the whole day, remove them before sleep and wash your feet. Doing it continuously for a few days will reduce the blood glucose level.

Good Anti-inflammatory Nature

Inflammation occurs due to the release of chemicals in response to the immunity system (WBC). These chemicals enter into the blood or tissue to secure the body from invaders or microbes. This increases the blood circulation in the infected areas. Inflammation causes redness, pain, swelling, and heat. In worst cases, it may lead to loss of function. Erukku aids in the treatment of inflammatory diseases namely gout and rheumatism.

How to use:
Lightly heat the crushed leaves of madar and apply it over the painful joints to get quick relief.

Rid Blemishes of the Skin

You can apply turmeric bark on the skin of the face to remove discoloration and blemishes. You can add appropriate churna and cure vitiligo. Too much oil secretion by the sebaceous glands leads to blemishes. Oils in the face easily attract toxic substances such as dirt and car exhaust from the environment. It causes spots, tan, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and marks on the skin surface and causes blemishes. Clogged pores also cause blemishes.

How to Use:
Mix the latex of aak with turmeric and apply it on the face to get rid of discoloration and blemishes. You can also add a suitable herbal powder mixture to treat vitiligo.

Treat Ear Pain

An ear infection may be due to bacteria, viruses, or fluid (otitis media) in the ears. The tubes in the middle ear can be blocked due to cold, allergies, or a sinus infection that leads to ear pain.  Wearing tight headwear, poorly fitted headphones, sleeping on a hard surface, and grinding teeth also cause pain in the ears.

To get rid of pain from the ear, use giant milkweed leaves. Clean the leaves with water, dry it, and then extract the juice from it. Mix the juice and sesame oil in equal ratio(1 tablespoon), and then add cinnamon, asafoetida, calamus, and garlic (1/4 teaspoon each). Strain the mixture and store it in a cool place and use it as an ear drops. Deafness can be cured by preparing the juice from a yellow leaf and pouring it into the ear drops by drops.

Helps Bowel Movement & Cures Diarrhea

Intaking and excreting food is the main process of human life. Aak flowers are the great herbs for the digestion process and it increases appetite. It also aids in treating other digestive problems such as excessive gas and bloating. Use the Erukku plant to cure prolonged diarrhea. It settles the stomach and increases the digestive process. It also cures constipation problems.

Improve the Speed of Healing and Cure for Boils

The latex of the giant milkweed has healing properties that are used to treat wounds and boils. A boil is a painful, pus-filled bump that is formed on the skin surface due to bacterial infection. Boils are reddish and sometimes cause irritation.

How to use:
Calotropis aids in improving the healing process of the wounds on the skin. Mix the latex of the Calotropis Gigantea tree with turmeric and apply it over the affected skin surface.

Hypoglycemic Effect

Crown flower leaves find an application to control high blood sugar.

Excellent Vermifuge and Used in Vomit Therapy

Worm infestation may cause sickness because the worm may eat the nutrients from the undigested food. This worm infection lead to weight loss, stomach pain, irritation, itching around the anal, and blood in stools. Worms widely affect the intestine and rarely enter into the blood or liver. The flowers and leaves of aak are used in curing worm infestations.

Vomit therapy triggers vomit and it is used in case of consuming poisonous substances. Vomit therapy eliminates the poison from the body. The Latex of the aak leaves can lead to vomiting and purgation. Therefore, it is used in purgation and vomiting therapy.

Cure foot blister

The latex of the aak tree is used to cure foot blisters. Blisters are like a bubble that is filled with a fluid such as serum, blood, or pus. Just apply the latex over the infected area to get instant relief from the foot blister.

Use as an Abortifacient

The milk excretion of the crown flower plant is an abortifacient. Therefore, women who want to abort their baby will use latex products.

Spasmogenic Property

It comes with a spasmogenic effect. Therefore, it finds application in the treatment of various diseases.

Good Antifungal Property

Sodom can be used to treat diseases such as candida using plant products. If you take too much, the medicine will prove poisonous, so be careful.

Act as Antidote for Snake Poison

Calotropis gigantea was used by ancient people to treat the effects of snakebite. They chewed the Calotropis Gigantea leaves and applied the Calotropis latex over the snake-bitten area. Calotropis has hydroalcoholic extract which neutralizes the activity of snake venom.

Treats Toothache and Has Spasmogenic Property

Get immediate relief from toothache by applying the latex of Calotropis gigantea on the gums and tooth. It also has a Spasmogenic effect which induces spasm. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of many diseases.

Treat Skin Diseases

Calotropis gigantea has an excellent antifungal property which cures diseases such as candida and ringworm.

12 Natural Remedies of Calotropis(எருக்கு)

Calotropis Gigantea can give many health benefits and cure several diseases such as cholera, digestion, stomach pain, etc.


Cholera gets spread through contaminated water which leads to severe dehydration and diarrhea. The dried bark of the aak plant helps in the treatment of cholera. Powder the dried bark of aak and mix it with the pepper powder and ginger juice. Make a pea-sized tablet and have it for every two hours with mint juice.

Half an hour later, give a pill to a cholera patient twice a day. It helps to cure cholera slowly. Take 10 g of Calotropis bud, 6 g of red chili, and 3 g of poppy seeds. Have it every day, which will help in the last stage of cholera.


For digestion, take 12 g of aak, 12 g of black pepper, 6 g of borax (Suhaka), 6 g of Naushadar, 10 g of rock salt, and flower laung (crown).

Smash all the ingredients and add the ginger juice in it. Take this pill one day at a time to treat diarrhea, indigestion, abdominal pain, etc.

Stomach Pain

Take Naushadar, Clove, Saunth (Dried Ginger), Magha, black pepper, rock salt, black salt, sea salt, and carom seeds (ajwain),(each one is 5 gm ) take 50 gm madar flower.

Take 10 grams of fennel seeds and grind all of these ingredients and make pea size tablets. Give this tablet for abdominal pain, bloating, and flatulence patients.


To cure paralysis, take 1 kg of sesame oil and heat it. Take 100 Calotropis leaves and boil the oil. Extract the burnt leaves. Then preserve the remaining oil. Apply this oil directly lightly hot on the affected area. Give some mild massage to the affected area. Wait for the result. It gives a better feel.

Scorpion Bite

If scorpion bites, take 20 gms of milk, five gms of Naushadar, 2.5 gms of lime powder, and 30 gms of glycerin. Mix all these ingredients and make an ointment using it. Applying this ointment over the scorpion bitten area will give relief from the pain.


Take 10 g dried skin of the root of oak, 30 g of rall, 40 g of Katha. Grind all these ingredients. If this powder is sprayed on any kind of wounds, it will heal the injuries immediately.


As per your requirement, take barahan Singha bhasm. Soak this bhasm in the milk in a clay pot and place it in the fireplace where the potter makes the clay pot.

Let it cool and open, and reheat if the mixture does not turn white. Then make a powder and store it the bottle. When pneumonia, chest pains and muscle cramps occur, you can take this bhasm by mixing honey one or two times.


Mix well 300 g of sugar with 100 g of the purified flower of Calotropis. Place it in a container and allow it to dry. When the mixture is ready, consume 1 -2 grams of this gulkand to cure kaba dosha, cough, epilepsy, cold, asthma, arthritis or joint pain, and hemorrhoids.


To treat asthma, use four goats and graze on the leaves of Calotropis. First, graze the leaves of an oak on a goat for up to 20 days; after 20 days, take the milk of this goat for ten days and move the goat.
Now continue this process with three goats and take the milk of those goats for up to 40 days. It can cure the asthma problem.

Note: You should be aware when grazing goat leaves. A goat should graze oak leaves for twenty days, and goat milk should be used only by one patient for ten days. If the leaves of a goat graze lasts for 40–50 days then its milk changes into poison.

Leucoderma, Vitiligo

For this problem, use 20 ml latex of Aak plant, mix 5 g bavchi churna and 1/2 g Hartaal churna. Apply this paste on the affected areas.


Take the yellow leaf of the plant and heat it. To get the juice, squeeze the leaf. Add a few drops in the ears.
It also cures skin diseases, ringworm, fungal infections, poisonous insect bites, ulcers, tumors.

Female infertility

Take the dried roots in the shade of the white floral pattern. Pull it out to get a fine powder. Consume this powder in a dose of 1-2 g with a glass of kaddukta.

Traditional Uses and Benefits of Crown Flower (Calotropis Gigantea)

Scientifically proven that this plant has insecticidal and antifungal properties.

The crown flower is used as a treatment for common ailments such as fever, cough and cold, eczema, rheumatism, nausea, and diarrhea in traditional medicine.

You can also use its Latex to treat boils, pimples, body pains, and sprains.

Milk sap (latex) tumors have cardiac properties similar to digitalis when hot (from various digitalis spp).

It is one of the best natural remedies for leprosy, dysentery, asthma, elephantiasis, epilepsy, and many other complaints.

To treat cold, mix with salt, and consume orally. It can cure.
In Nepal, people use their Latex to apply for body pains, sprains, and pimples.

To stop bleeding, you can use milky latex externally and is used to treat various conditions including leprosy, rheumatism, ringworm, boils, scabies, stab wounds, burns, cuts, ulcers and wounds.

To treat caries and toothaches, you can apply it to the gums and teeth.

Its bark is used as a medicine to treat neurodermatitis and syphilis. For diarrhea, elephantiasis, leprosy, and dysentery, consume its bark as a powder.

The stem bark is used to induce Diabetes and expectoration and diarrhea, spleen complaints, seizures, lumbago, scabies, ringworm, pneumonia, and labor.

For severe heart conditions and chest colds, use an infusion of its leaves.

Consuming its leaf extract can cure intermittent fever.

For burns, sores, rheumatic pains, and headaches, smash, warm the leaves and use as a poultice on the affected areas.

To cure asthma, cold and cough, powder the flowers, and use it.

In ear treatment, the juice of young buds is dropped inside the ear.

The sap is used in the treatment and cleansing of leprosy.

Latex and bark are used to treat skin diseases and as an earthworm medicine.

The root bark has been replaced with ipecac, particularly to treat diarrhea; It is also used to treat skin diseases.

In China, the genus bark is used as a medicine to treat neurodermatitis and syphilis, and the leaves are used as poultry.

Take the young fruits and boil them with water. Make them in a paste consistency and rub over the body to eliminate blood clots.

Latex is used to induce vomit and purgation. Moreover, it gives relief from flatulence, abdominal distension, and bloating.

It is efficiently treating ascites, which can lead to large abdominal distention due to fluid accumulation in the abdomen.

It increases appetite, thus eliminating hunger and not caring about food intake.

It works well for the respiratory system and helps in diseases like the common cold, cough, asthma, and other similar respiratory problems.

Take some leaves and boil them with water. To get rid of stomach pains, headaches, and sprains, used as a hot poultice. In addition, its Tincture is excellent for treating fever.

The plant’s parts are given as an aphrodisiac and anesthetic, and as it has been found to stimulate blood flow, it may help men with erectile dysfunction.

Its roots are used as a medicine for skin diseases. Moreover, the roots can cure cough, eczema, diarrhea, elephantiasis, asthma, rheumatism, and leprosy.

Its leaves can cure migraines too.

It also acts as a natural remedy for black scars on the face, boils, colds, coughs, asthma, earaches, eczema, skin rashes, inflammatory ulcers, aches, rheumatism, syphilis, leprosy, and edema.

It is also an antiseptic for skin infections, laxatives, ear drops, and an anti-fertility agent.

Various tribes of central India have used root bark and leaves as a curative agent for jaundice.

Indian practitioners use the root and leaves as bark in asthma, shortness of breath, and liver diseases and spleen, in Ayurveda.

One research found that this plant effectively treats skin, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and neurological disorders and has been used to treat fever, elephantiasis, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Other Facts

  • Candles can be made from seed floss.
  • Its flowers are attractive and long-lasting.
  • Floss, obtained from seeds, is used for stuffing.
  • Its wood is used as fuel and made into charcoal.
  • Wood is also used as a toothbrush in East Africa.
  • Sometimes, wood is used for fuel, but it is substandard.
  • The branches are used as chewing sticks to clean the teeth.
  • The juice is used in the preparation of a yellow dye and in tanning.
  • It is widely used in the manufacture of textiles, fishing nets, and bowstrings.
  • Floss absorbs oil while expelling water, so it is also used to clear oil spills in the ocean.
  • Its leaves are used for mulching, green manure in paddy fields, and binding in sandy soils.
  • Culex gelidus and Culex tritaeniorhynchus work as vectors of Japanese encephalitis.
  • Calotropis provides useful, durable fibers for ropes, rugs, fishing nets and sewing thread.
  • From its wood, you can get excellent quality charcoal and can be used to make gunpowder.
  • In Cambodia, people used funerals or sarcophagus to decorate the interior of the house.
  • The crown is made of durable fibers called ‘Bowstring of India,’ used to make floral ropes and rugs.
  • The Queen of Hawaiian loved the Liliuokalani, and they regarded them as symbols of royalty and wore them on leis.
  • Mature seed pods have many floats that can be used to fit things like pillows or mixed with other fibers to create fabric.
  • It is a kapok substitute that can be used as a floating aid or as padding material in life jackets as it is very water repellent.
  • The fermented mixture of calotropis and salt is used to remove hair from goat skins and sheepskins for fox skin production that is much used for inexpensive bookbinding.

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Crown Flower

Ascites: To treat Ascites, apply sodom latex to the affected areas.

Ascaris: Drink the extract of sodom leaf with honey twice a day.

Leprosy: Use the sodom plant latex on the affected area of the skin.

Leucoderma: Use sodom latex on the skin patches.

Tumor: Drink 3ml of sodom extract daily.

Abscess: Take turmeric powder and sodom latex. Mix them well and make it like a paste. Apply it on the affected parts.

Asthma: Take an equal amount of clove, black pepper, and sodom flowers. Grind them all. Add lukewarm water and mix them well. Drink this water daily.

Bronchitis: Take root bark powder of sodom. Add date palm sugar to it. Consume a pinch of it before going to bed with hot milk.

Cough: Take the powder form of sodom root bark. Include date palm sugar in it. Consume it with hot milk before going to bed. You might feel better.


Digoxin (Lanoxin) Interacts with Calotropis

Digoxin keeps your heartbeat more energetic and healthy. Calotropis may seem to affect the heart so that consuming Calotropis with digoxin may enhance the effects of digoxin and improve side effects. If you are taking Digoxin (Lanoxin), it is good to avoid the Calotropis, and consult with your doctor before consuming it.

Stimulant Laxatives Interact with Calotropis

Calotropis can affect the heart because the heart uses potassium. Laxatives, also known as stimulant laxatives, reduce the amount of potassium in the body. Low-level potassium may lead to the side effects of calotropis.

Some of the stimulant laxatives are cascara, bisacodyl (Correctol, Dulcolax), senna (Senokot), castor oil (Purge), and others.

Lithium Interacts with Calotropis

Calotropis may have a water pill or “diuretic” -like effect. Ingestion of calotropis may reduce the amount of lithium released by the body. It improves the lithium amount in the body and causes severe side effects. If you are taking lithium, consult your doctor before using this Calotropis. You may need to change your lithium level.

Water Pills (Diuretic drugs) Interacts with Calotropis

Calotropis can affect the heart. “Water tablets” reduce the level of potassium in the body. Low-level potassium may lead to side effects and affect the heart.

Some “water pills” that can reduce potassium include chlorothiazide (Diuril), chlorthalidone (thalidone), furosemide (LASIX), hydrochlorothiazide (HCDZ, HydroDiuril, microzide) and others.

Side Effects & Safety

Calotropis is safe until consumed in low dosage when it goes for the high dose that may lead to side effects. Its chemicals can affect heart function, especially in high doses. Moreover, it may cause seizures, diarrhea, slow heart rate, vomiting, and death.

No further research is available about whether it’s safe to inhale calotropis smoke.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

  • It should not be given to children.
  • This plant is poisonous if eaten and used excessively.
  • Latex of aak is poisonous and is used for poisoning arrows.
  • All the parts of aak plant are toxic, due to some cardiac glycosides present in the aak.
  • Avoid the use of aak during pregnancy and breastfeeding because it has an abortification effect.
  • The plant is also known to cause allergic contact, dermatitis, and the latex causes infection in the cornea and conjunctiva.
  • Dosage of different parts of this herb should be carefully modulated as over dosage and can induce severe vomiting and diarrhea in patients.


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Health Benefits & Nutritional Values of Sesame Seeds

Sesame seed is a croppy herb that is one of the oil-rich seeds. It is known as ‘queen of oil seeds’ and strongly recommended by Ayurveda and traditional forms of medicine to treat various diseases since ancient times. Read more to know the health benefits of sesame seed.

It helps to stimulate body heat, skin, energy, and hair benefits. These tiny seeds can be used in the Indian kitchen.

Sesame seed is obtained from the pods of sesame plants that is one the traditional oilseed plants in the world.

It is botanically known as Sesamum indicum that is a flowering plant and can be found in the tropical regions of India and many parts of Africa.

This plant can withstand hard drought conditions. These small seeds are 3-4 mm long and 2 mm wide. Sesame is a tiny, nutty-flavored seed with many effective medicinal properties, and it can fight against various health disorders related factors that stimulate metabolic disorders, infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Consume a spoonful of sesame seeds in your daily food because of its antioxidant, anti-diabetic, antimicrobial, anti-cancerous properties.

It works as a gastroprotective factor as well as restoring hormonal balance in women. It protects the health of your liver. Sesame seed is a rich source of protein, fiber, minerals, soluble carbohydrates, oil, phytate, lots of vitamin B, and dietary minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and magnesium.

Common Names of Sesame Seeds (Ellu Vithai):

Botanical Name: Sesamum Indicum
English Name: Sesame Seeds
Tamil Name: Ellu
Malayalam Name: Ell
Telugu Name: Nuvvulu
Hindi Name: Til
Sanskrit Name: Tila

Nutritional Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Rich Source of Fiber

Sesame seeds are a powerhouse of fiber. Thirty grams of unhulled sesame seeds contains 3.5 grams of fiber. A good amount of fiber consumption improves digestion, decreases the chances of obesity, improves heart health, prevents type 2 diabetes, and prevents various types of cancers.

Rich Source of Vitamin B

Many people who eat only vegetarian foods have Vitamin B deficiency. Vitamin B is responsible for many functions, such as regulating cell function and improves metabolism. Around 30 grams of both unhulled and hulled sesame provides 19% thiamine, 14% vitamin B6, 11% niacin helps to get vitamin B.

Rich Sources of Protein

Sesame seed is filled with rich amounts of protein, and it provides 5 grams of protein in 30 grams of sesame seeds. According to many studies, the roasted and hulled seeds contain high amounts of protein because the process decreases the amounts of phytates and oxalates that interfere with the nutrient absorption. Consume sesame daily to get stronger bones and healthy muscles.

What are the Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds?

Sesame is an oil-filled seed that contains many medicinal properties widely used in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and other traditional medicines to treat several chronic diseases. By consuming sesame seeds in your daily food, you can get many health benefits.

Improves bone health

Consuming sesame seeds with hulls regularly provides rich amounts of calcium, especially for women, it improves the health of bones. It contains many natural compounds like oxalates and phytates, that makes slow the absorption of nutrients in the body. Eating soaked, roasted, and sprouting sesame is more beneficial. It will decrease the concentration of the natural compounds and help to the absorption of more nutrients.

Decreases Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Sesame seeds contain 15% of saturated fat, 41% polyunsaturated fat, 39% monounsaturated fat. It contains huge amounts of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated with two plant compounds such as phytosterols and lignans that are widely present in the seeds to control the l bad cholesterol level. Many doctors or Ayurvedic practitioners recommended taking 40 gms of sesame seeds daily to decrease 10% in total triglycerides.

Boosts Immunity

The sesame seeds contain rich amounts of many nutrients such as vitamin B6, E, copper, iron, selenium, zinc that play an important role in the white cell production that fights against infections. If you are suffering from zinc deficiency, consume sesame seeds to increase the levels.

Controls Blood Pressure

According to many studies, sesame oil contains sesamolin and sesamin compounds that help to decrease blood pressure and strain on the cardiovascular system naturally. Sesame seeds contain up to 25% of magnesium that is a powerful vasodilator used to reduce blood pressure, and it plays an important role in protecting the health of the cardiovascular system.

Regulates Period

Irregular period or Oligomenorrhea is a common issue in women. It may occur due to the imbalance of hormones, fatigue, and stress, and it is important to regulate the period cycle. Sesame seeds contain good amounts of lignans that help to control the production of the excess hormone. Dry the roasted seeds and grind it with jaggery powder. Consume this mixture daily during the second half of your menstrual cycle.

Control Diabetes

Many evidence reveals that the treatment of both sesame oil and anti-diabetic medication decreases the level of blood sugar by 36%. Sesame seeds contain magnesium that does not only reduce blood pressure and also inhibits the instant increasing level of blood sugar.


Phytate and magnesium provide powerful anti-carcinogenic properties. Consuming sesame seeds decreases the chances of lung, prostate, breast, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers.

Reduces Weight

Sesame seeds contain rich amounts of protein that help to increase your metabolic rate, prevent the consumption of excessive calories, control the appetite, so it reduces weight. By consuming sesame seeds in your food, you can get adequate fiber content that helps to improve your gut health.

Fights Oxidative Stress

Regular consumption of sesame seeds increases the anti-oxidant activity in your blood that fights against oxidative stress and prevents many chronic diseases. Actually, the sesame seeds contain rich amounts of gamma-tocopherol that is one of the types of vitamin E that gives your skin health.

Cures Inflammation

Many studies found that sesame seeds are at the top of the list of anti-inflammatory foods because it contains rich compounds in both oil and seeds. Chronic inflammation may lead to cancer, obesity, and increase the chances of heart diseases and kidney problems.

Treats PCOS

If you are suffering from weight gain and PCOS, take a spoon of sesame seeds. It contains rich amounts of magnesium, calcium, zinc, protein and low carbohydrates that help to decrease the insulin levels and regulate hormone imbalance. To get relief from PCOS, roast it in the pan and eat daily morning.

Nutritional Values of Sesame Seeds (Ellu Vithai)

The sesame seeds contain rich amounts of natural oils that contain 60% effective oil of the lignan family. The oil gets from sesame seeds that contain numerous oleic and linoleic acids, the majority of those are gamma-tocopherol and other isomers of the vitamin. The sesame seeds also contain rich sources of important amino acids such as tryptophan, lysine, and methionine. The sesame seeds contain lots of nutrients that provide many health benefits such as reducing the chances of heart diseases, making the bones stronger, preventing cancer, and improving digestion.

Nutrition Value Of Sesame Seeds Per 100 grams

Calories 573
Total Fat 49.67 g
Carbohydrates 49 g
Protein 17.3 g
Sodium 11 mg
Potassium 468 mg
Calcium 975 mg
Iron 14.55 mg
Magnesium 351 mg
Dietary fiber 11.8 g
Phosphorus 629
Vitamin A 9 mcg
Vitamin B6 0.79 mg
Vitamin E 0.25 mcg
Niacin 4.52 mg
Thiamin 0.79 mg
Riboflavin 0.25 mg
Folate 97 mcg
Zinc 7.75 mg

What Is Gingelly Oil?

It is called sesame oil or gingelly oil that is extracted from the seeds, and it is a source of many therapeutic properties.

Sesame oil is pale yellow in color, gingelly oil is amber in color, and it depends on the extraction process.

Sesame oil is extracted from the raw seeds of sesame using the cold-pressed process. The gingelly oil is made with a little high temperature to give a yellowish-orange color. The other variety is extracted from roasted seeds that contain dark brown color.

Sesame is used in high smoke points for deep frying, gingelly oil works best for stir frying, and the dark brown oil is used only for improving flavor on salads.

Though it is amber, pale or dark yellow in color, these oils help to enhance your hair and skin health, reduce the stress, and strengthen your bones. These oils contain rich amounts of vitamins A and K, so it is traditionally used for massaging babies.

Benefits of Sesame Seeds Oil (Gingelly Oil)

Improves Skin Health

Gingelly oil is a rich source of zinc that is one of the main minerals that helps to improve the skin health. Massaging every week with gingelly oil increases elasticity, decreases oxidative stress, delays aging by making skin soft, and clears dark spots. Many traditional medicines recommend applying gingelly oil on fungal infections to get instant relief, and it protects the skin from harmful UV rays.

Improves Dental Health

If you are suffering from dental pain, sesame oil is a great relief. Take a spoonful of oil that clears the dental plaque and protects your teeth from streptococcus mutans that cause bacterial growth. Rub the sesame oil on your teeth that help to retain the natural color.

Sesame Seeds Benefits for Hair

Gingelly oil is an effective remedy for nourishing your dull hair. Consuming gingelly oil regularly helps to reduce the hair loss and retain the natural color of hair. Gingelly oil contains powerful anti-bacterial properties that help to prevent dandruff and bacterial growth.

Helps in Baby Growth

Traditionally, Gingelly oil is used in Indian households daily for massaging the baby. Many studies found that gingelly oil not only increases blood circulation and also stimulates sleeping patterns for newborn babies.

Relieves Anxiety

Gingelly oil contains rich amounts of tyrosine that helps to stimulate serotonin in the brain. The massage of warm gingelly oil stimulates positive thought, releases happy hormones, relaxes the nervous system, and decreases stress.

Gingelly Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a traditional and popular treatment that has been used in Ayurveda since ancient times to prevent bacterial infections and helps to manage dental health.

Sesame oil or gingelly oil is the best choice for oil pulling because it kills bacteria, improves oral health, and decreases inflammation.

It is a great way to retain the original color of your teeth. According to many studies, pulling oil regularly decreases the amount of bacteria present in saliva. It works great with chlorhexidine, so many dentists recommend it as a mouthwash.

Prevents Cavities

Cavities may be caused due to the poor dental hygiene and excessive consumption of sugar items. Bacteria can form in the food particles in the mouth to form stronger acid that clears tooth enamel and decay. Regular oil pulling on an empty stomach helps to prevent cavities and improves oral health.

Relieves Bad Breath

Bad breath or halitosis is a common oral problem that is frequently caused due to the poor oral hygiene, infection, coated tongue, etc. Sesame oil fights against growing microorganisms and effectively maintains your oral health.

Controls Inflammation

Inflammation is one of the chronic diseases caused due to many factors. Swishing oil in the mouth regularly works against Streptococcus mutans that cause gingivitis. It also helps to prevent forming plaque and avoid inflammation in the other body parts.

How To Do Oil Pulling


One teaspoon of pure gingelly oil


  • Swish oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for 15 minutes
  • Don’t swallow the oil and spit it after 15 minutes
  • Rinse your mouth well before drinking or eating
  • Repeat this at least three times per week to get better results.

Sesame Oil In Pregnancy

It is recommended to consume sesame oil in a limited quantity for pregnant women during the third trimester because it helps to safe delivery and strengthens their bones.

Post Natal Care

New mothers are recommended to take two tablespoons of sesame oil daily to reduce fatigue, strengthen the bones and lactate in many places of India. A regular massage using sesame oil decreases stretch marks and enhances firmness.

Rich In Folic Acid

Sesame oil is a rich source of folic acid, so many traditional medicines recommended to take it in fewer quantities for pregnant women. By adding sesame oil in your daily food, you can improve the growth of the fetus and your overall health.

Prevents Stretch Marks

Massaging gently around the tummy area using sesame oils reduces stretch marks and provides adequate moisture to your body. Massage two times per day to get glowing and healthy skin during pregnancy.

Sesame Recipes

The tiny sesame seeds impress your little ones also. This nutty seed provides great flavor to the dishes, so it is widely used in the preparation of savory sweets.

Basically, the sesame seeds can be added in Indian crunchy snack Murukku for the excellent flavor and taste.

Moreover, it is the common ingredient in many dishes such as toss in the salad, noodles, and added in buns, bread and bake into cakes, protein bars to add taste. Here are some easy, traditional recipes of Sesame seeds.

1 Til Ladoo

Til Ladoo is one of the popular recipes in India. It is made with very simple ingredients, and you can serve this as a daily snack.


White sesame seeds 200 gms

Jaggery powder 150 gms

Cashew nuts(Toasted and Chopped)1 teaspoon

Almonds(Toasted and Chopped) 1 teaspoon


  • Roast the sesame seeds until they turn brown.
  • Grind the roasted sesame seeds.
  • Mix the sesame seeds powder with jaggery in a bowl.
  • Add roasted cashew and almonds to them.
  • Grease your palm using a few ghee or oil drops and shape the mixture into balls.
  • Store these balls in a glass container for up to 5 days.

Nutritional Values of Til Ladoo

Sesame seeds contain rich amounts of protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and other nutrients. Giving a til ladoo daily to your kids improves metabolism and immunity.

2 Sesame Brittle

You can easily make this brittle within 15 minutes. You don’t have to toast the sesame seed first. Just cook them with the honey and sugar that will brown them equally.


Sugar 3/4 sugar

Honey 1/4 cup

Pinch of salt

Ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon

Water 1 tbsp

Raw sesame seeds 1 cup

Vanilla extract 1tsp

Baking soda 1/4 teaspoon


  • Put the honey, salt, sugar, nutmeg, and water in a pan. Heat them on medium heat.
  • Stir the raw sesame seeds.
  • Cook the mixture for about 10 minutes, until them, changes into the amber caramel color.
  • Take the pan from the stove.
  • Add the vanilla extract and butter. Stir the baking soda.
  • Pour the mixture directly onto a buttered metal baking sheet. To separate brittle from the pan, use a metal spatula.
  •  Ideal them to cool.
  • Once it cooled cut them into pieces.

Allergy Reaction of Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds belong to the seed family that can cause allergy for those who suffer from some food allergen.

  • Congestion
  • Swelling of the lip and eyelids
  • Dizziness
  • Hay fever
  • The tightness of the throat
  • Nasal itching
  • Wheezing

In many cases, it may lead to anaphylaxis, collapse, or a life-threatening reaction. Many studies found that 2/3rd of the people have allergic reactions and also have similar reactions in other foods. However, sesame has small allergy reactions compared to the other foods, so it is recommended to avoid baked and processed foods.


Sesame seeds are rich in protein, healthy fats, fiber, minerals, vitamin B, antioxidants, and many effective plant compounds. Regular consumption of sesame seeds in your foods helps to control blood sugar level, reduce cholesterol, and cure arthritis pain. By eating soaked, sprouted, and roasted sesame seeds, you can improve your nutrient consumption.


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Health Benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema Sylvestre is a perennial tree vine belonging to the botanical family Apocynaceae that is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. The plant is also known by the common names of Gurmar, Periploca of the Woods, Gymnema, and Australian cowplant.

The Hindi name “Gurmar” means “Sugar Destroyer“. This herb has various medicinal properties and is native to Africa, tropical Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, Australia, and China and is cultivated for culinary and medicinal purposes.

The leaves and extracts of this plant are rich in Gymnemic Acids, hence the botanical name Gymnema Sylvestre.

These gymnemic acids can interact directly with the flavor receptors on the tongue to temporarily suppress the sweet taste, and Gymnema plants are recognized as important vital energy components because no other herb has such properties.

Soft fur is found on the surface of the elongated-oval-shaped leaves of these plants that grow about. The plant has a small yellow umbelliferous inflorescence that grows as a perennial herbaceous plant because the inflorescence is produced year-round.

If you are struggling with sugar imbalance, the products of the Gymnema Sylvester plant will definitely give you the best solution. These sweeteners greatly help to prevent the tongue from accessing the taste buds.

The leaves of this plant, which have been used for over 5,000 years, lower insulin levels, lower blood sugar levels, eliminate sugar cravings, and accelerate weight loss.

The extract of the leaves of the Gymnema Sylvestre plant, which is used in various ancient Indian medical practices, including Ayurveda, has antimicrobial properties and can be used to treat snake bites.

Unlike other drugs that contain only one active molecule, the Gymnema Sylvestre plant contains a wide variety of bioactive compounds that have many beneficial effects on the body.

Various proven research results show that these plants, also known as “Sirukurinjan” in Tamil, have anti-diabetic properties. These medicinal plants are widely grown in the tropical forests of Central and South India and are popular for stimulating digestion.

Facts of Gymnema Sylvestre

Prevents Sweet Taste Sensations

The leaves of the Gymnema plant contain chemical compounds called gurmarinflavonols, and saponins.

Actually, gymnemic acid is a prime plant molecule that is a type of triterpenoid saponin which is biologically active and has the effect of suppressing the sweet taste on the tongue from sucrose, aspartame, xylitol, and stevia.

The sweet-blocking effect of this plant on the tongue lasts about 15 to 50 minutes, depending on its volume and severity, and the very intense juice of Gymnema is capable of producing even a multi-hour effect.

These blocks only the sweet taste but don’t affect the sour, salty, and bitter taste of the tongue in any way. And you don’t have to worry about permanent effects as the gymnemic acids in the leaves can have temporary effects.

Effects of Sugar Absorption & Insulin Secretion

The genomic acid compounds in the Gymnema plant, along with receptors in the intestinal wall, greatly reduce the absorption of sugar molecules. Stimulates insulin release and insulin secretion by reducing blood sugar absorption.

Unique Health Benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre

Diseases are on the rise due to changing environmental conditions and health conditions, and it is the suggestion of many researchers that keeping the body healthy and in control is a very challenging task in such an environment.

But experts suggest that the body can be kept healthy by consuming natural foods and remedies instead of fast foods and unhealthy foods.

In that sense, everything from the root to the leaf of the tropical herb called Gymnema Sylvestre has various medicinal properties, so Ayurveda also recommends consuming it.

Here are some of the best health benefits and medicinal properties of Gymnema medicinal herb.

1. Enhances Antioxidant Levels

Gymnema Sylvestre plants contain a maximum of antioxidants, including flavonoids, so the tannic produced by it promotes various antioxidant processes in the body.

In particular, overweight people have lower levels of antioxidants in their body, which can lead to higher levels of antioxidant pressure.

Antioxidant pressure and deficient antioxidants can lead to serious risks such as diabetes, fatty liver disease, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and some types of cancer.

In one study, overweight mice were given a gymnemic tonic daily, and the study concluded that the rats’ body strain (due to being overweight) was reduced and their natural antioxidant systems regulated.

2. Diminishes Sugar Craving

Gymnema Sylvestre contains a chemical component of the plant called gymnemic acid, which is one of the primary active constituents. This gymnemic acid helps greatly in suppressing sweetness and reducing sugar cravings.

By consuming G. Sylvester plant leaves or tonic before consuming a sugary drink or food, the sugar absorbed by your taste buds is greatly inhibited. This sugar receptor prevention method can be very effective in controlling blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Research shows that the juices of Gymnema leaves temporarily reduce the ability of sweet taste and also reduce the attractiveness of sweet foods.

In a study of Gymnasium Sylvestre, fasting individuals were divided into two groups, and the first group was given G. Sylvestre juices and the other group was given supplements.

In conclusion, those who intake Gymnema juice were more likely to have restricted food intake compared to those who ingested the supplement. In addition, the study demonstrated that these do not affect other flavors.

Gymnema Sylvestre is the best choice for avoiding sweet taste and lowering sugar levels, and this is great news for those in ketosis.

3. Offers Antimicrobial Properties

Phytochemical profiles are found in the extract derived from the leaves of the Gymnema plant which have antimicrobial effects on the body. Through these effects, it is possible to actively fight off staph infections, candida, and many other bacterial infections.

In addition, the various parts of this plant contain anti-fungal properties that can easily treat a number of fungus related diseases and infections.

4. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Worldwide, more than 422 million people suffer from high blood sugar (diabetes), and 1.6 million deaths occurred by diabetes, according to World Health Organization statistics. In addition, the WHO warns that this number will continue to rise, with various consequences.

A metabolic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels is called diabetes. This condition is caused by a lack of effective insulin production and the inability to use it properly.

The Gymnema Sylvestre plant, also known as Gurmar, has anti-diabetic properties, and which can lower blood sugar levels along with other anti-diabetic drugs. These plants control the sweet receptors in the gut as well as the effects on the taste buds. This will reduce sugar absorption and help control post-meal blood sugar levels.

Although many studies on Gymnema support its strong potential, it is not recommended as a stand-alone antidiabetic drug. On the contrary, it is recommended to take it in combination with various drugs, which are said to have amazing effects on the process.

Daily consumption of 200 mg to 400 mg of gymnemic acid reduces the absorption of sugar or glucose from the intestine. Studies show that they help prevent cancer by stopping the growth of free radicals in our bodies.

In general, most effects are caused by an increase in blood sugar levels after a meal. But consuming the extract of the Gymnema Sylvestre plant lowers post-meal sugar levels and over time it lowers the average blood sugar level.

This plant plays an important role in the healing of ulcers caused by diabetes.

5. Treats Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a serious illness that includes abnormal triglyceride levels, high blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high fat around the waist.

It causes metabolic disorders and is a risk factor for many diseases such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. The Gymnema Sylvestre plant helps to control this kind of disease which can have adverse effects.

Researchers have found that people with metabolic syndrome can significantly reduce their maximum body weight and BMI by consuming the dried leaf, juice, or tonic of Sirukurinjan for about 12 consecutive weeks.

6. Helps in Insulin Production

The Gymnema Sylvestre herb plays an important role in cell regenerative functions, plus it greatly stimulates insulin secretion and its function. Excess insulin secretion carries out the process of rapid excretion of high levels of sugar in the blood.

The patients with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes refuse to produce the insulin needed for daily movement, and when this condition persists, it’ll restrict the sensitivity of the cells. In this condition, the level of sugar in the blood gradually rises and can eventually lead to death.

Gymnema Sylvestre promotes the regeneration of insulin-producing island cells and thereby stimulates insulin production in the pancreas. The insulin production thus stimulated helps to effectively lower blood sugar levels.

Many traditional medicines prescribe Gymnema to increase sensitivity and stimulate insulin secretion. Don’t underestimate herbal medicines, Metformin was the first anti-diabetic drug to be developed from the herbal plant Galega officinalis.

7. Aids Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a spontaneous process that takes place to protect the body from the effects of infection or injury. It occurs in the body for the purpose of promoting the healing process and for protection, but chronic inflammation can lead to various health problems.

Studies in animals and humans have shown that high sugar intake is one of the main reasons for the increase in inflammatory markers in the body. So if you want to control chronic inflammation and protect the body from it you must reduce the absorption of sugar in the gut.

Gymnema Sylvestre plants greatly help in this process, which limits sugar levels and reduces sugar absorption. In addition, researchers report that G. Sylvestre has its own anti-inflammatory properties.

In particular, Gymnema plant contains beneficial plant compounds called saponins and tannins which greatly reduce the severity of inflammation. The leaves of this plant have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties and therefore act as immune stimulants.

Insulin resistance, high blood sugar, and antioxidants contribute to inflammation. So these plants give people high blood sugar the ability to fight inflammation.

8. Improves Cholesterol & Triglyceride

High levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol are both major risk factors for heart disease. Gymnema Sylvestre plants are famous for reducing sugar appetite.

Similarly, they are effective in reducing the amount of bad fats in the body and improving the quality of good fats. Excess fat and triglycerides can also affect lipid levels and fat absorption.

Mice with high LDL cholesterol triglycerides were tested and given daily Gymnema juice. At the end of the study, it was demonstrated that the accumulation of fats in the liver of rats was inhibited and their weight was significantly reduced.

Furthermore, the triglyceride levels of the rats were found to be gradually reduced. Another study demonstrates that the juice of the herb plant has an anti-obesity effect in overweight mice.

A study of Gymnema Sylvestre was conducted in which moderate-obese individuals were divided into two groups, one group was given Gymnema extract and the other group was given a placebo.

In the end, participants who ingested Gymnema juice were lowered 20.2% of triglycerides, 19% “bad” LDL cholesterol, and increased 19% in HDL cholesterol. Gymnema Sylvestre lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease.

9. Promotes Weight Loss

Gymnema Sylvestre plant extracts accelerate the weight loss process not only in humans but also in animals.

Overweight mice were given Gymnema juice for approximately 3 consecutive weeks, in the end, the weight of mice was proven to be decreased. In a study with 60 moderate-obese individuals, they were given Gymnema juice daily in the morning.

The study concluded that their weight was reduced by 5% to 6% in a single week and that LDL fats were eliminated from their body. In addition, their food intake was found to be significantly lower.

In addition, its process of inhibiting the sweet receptors leads to the habit of consuming less sugary foods, which leads to lower calorie intake. These plants help to reduce excess weight without stimulating the central nervous system and help improve health markers associated with being overweight.

Unlike over-the-counter weight loss medications, these do not alter cortisol levels, increase stress, or disrupt sleep. It is also recommended to take it with a ketogenic diet for the weight loss process.

Gymnema Sylvestre greatly assists in overcoming the adverse effects of consuming excessive carbs diets and provides an alternative to low carb intake.

Research done with Gymnema

  • In 2004
  • A study on moderate-obese people has claimed that the extract prepared from the Gymnema reduces the bad cholesterol level (LDL) by 20% and raises the good cholesterol level (HDL) by 22%.
  • In 2010
  • Participants with type-2 diabetes patients were given 500 mg of Gymnema per day for three months. The Study found that, it decreases the symptoms of diabetes, including fatigue and thirst; lowers the blood glucose levels; reduces glycated hemoglobin (hemoglobin that bound to glucose) and It increases the lipid or fat levels.
  • In 2017
  • A study says that intaking 200 to 400mg of gymnemic acid will decrease the absorption of glucose in the intestines.
  • In 2017
  • A study found that people who were given a tablet with gymnemic acids will eat 44% fewer sweets than people who took a placebo.

Scientifically unproven benefits

  • Asthma
  • Arthritis
  • Anemia
  • Obesity
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Cough
  • Infections
  • Osteoporosis
  • Snake bites
  • Malaria
  • High cholesterol

Dosage of Gymnema Sylvestre

  • Mix about 5 g of Gymnema Powder in about 100 ml of water and boil it for a few minutes. Once the water is heated, the contents should be filtered and taken separately. Drink this water before breakfast and after dinner.
  • Consume 2 to 4 grams of the dried leaf powder of Gymnema Sylvestre daily, and continue this process for about 5 to 6 consecutive months to treat Diabetes Mellitus.
  • Ingesting this powder regularly in the same ratio may help to regenerate Beta cells by eliminating excess sugar through the urine.
  • Mix 5 to 7 grams of Gymnema Sylvestre leaf powder with pure cow milk, then consume the content. This effectively treats Sexual dysfunction, Pyuria, and Diabetes Mellitus.
  • Boil the fresh leaf of Gymnema Sylvestre and drain the water from this content. Consume this distilled water twice a day for 3 to 4 weeks, thereby you can get better relief from Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypercholesterolemia, etc,.
  • Make the fine paste by grinding the leaf of Gymnema, then apply this on wounds and insect bites (including snake bite). This provides a cooling effect on wounds and discharges the toxin in the blood.
  • The seed separated from the fruits of Sirukurinjan should be dried well and ground them as a fine powder. Utilize this powder as the remedy for Asthma, Rhinitis, and Cough.
  • Ingesting the leaf powder of this medicinal herb can cure gastrointestinal disorders, stomach ulcers, gas trouble, constipation, and so on.

Possible Side Effects of Gymnema Sylvestre

Some side effects may happen due to the Gymnema blood sugar reducing properties such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Shakiness


Usually, Gymnema Sylvestre is safe for use, but sometimes there are situations in which this supplement should not be taken.

  • During Pregnancy and breastfeeding: There is no sufficient information about the safety of consuming Gymnema in the Pregnancy or breastfeeding period. So, avoid using it during that time.
  • Diabetes: Gymnema Sylvestre can reduce the blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. So, be careful while using Sylvestre and monitor the blood sugar level.
  • Before Surgery: Gymnema will affect the blood glucose levels, and that may interfere with the blood sugar control during the surgical procedures. So better stop using Gymnema for two weeks before having surgery.
  • For children and infants.
  • While intaking other blood glucose-lowering medications.

Drug Interactions

Gymnema Sylvestre should not be consumed along with insulin and anti-diabetes drugs.

Insulin may increase the power of blood sugar, and reduce the effect of Gymnema Sylvestre. So better consult with the medicinal advisor.

Taking the Gymnema herbal supplement with anti-diabetes medications might result in low blood sugar levels.

It is found in medications such as Amaryl, insulin, Diabinese, Glucotrol, Orinase, DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, and Micronase (glyburide).


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Benefits of Curry Leaves (Kadi Patta) for Health & Hair

The curry leaves are also known as Kadi Patta; it is the foliage of the curry tree. These curry leaves are most widely used in Indian cooking, and it is famous for its aroma and striking taste. The native of this tree is Southern Asia, and it is widely grown in India for its aromatic leaves. Apart from the aromatic flavor, these curry leaves have numerous health benefits. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C. The curry leaves are also a good source of calcium and iron so that it is used in folklore medicine to treat the deficiency of calcium and other health problems. Curry leaf is one of the essential herbs in ayurvedic medicine, which helps to weight loss, digestion, lowering cholesterol level, reduce stress, and other health benefits.

Common Names of Curry Leaves

  • Botanical Name: Murraya Koenigii
  • English Name: Curry Leaves
  • Tamil Name: Kariveppilai / Karivempu
  • Malayalam Name: Kariveppila
  • Telugu Name: Karivepaku / Karepaku
  • Kannada Name: Karibevu / Baisoppu / Karibevina Soppu
  • Hindi Name: Kadi Patta / Kathnim / Mitha Neem / Curry Patta / Gandhela / Bareanga
  • Bengali Name: Curry Patta / Barsanga / Kariphulli
  • Gujarati Name: Mitho Limdo / Meetho Limbado / Goranimb / Kadhilimbdo
  • Konkani Name: Karbapathi / Beva Palo
  • Marathi Name: Kadhi Patta / Karhinimb / Poospala / Gandla / Jhirang / Pandheri Kunthi
  • Oriya Name: Bhrusanga Patra / Barsan / Basango / Bhuraunga
  • Punjabi Name: Kadipatti / Curry Patta
  • Tulu Name: Bevudirae
  • Assamese Name: Narasingha নৰসিংহ

Benefits of Curry Leaves

Treat Anaemia

The curry leaves are a rich source of folic acid and iron. Anemia is caused by iron deficiency. Folic acid is responsible for the absorption of iron, and the curry leaves are the rich source of these two components. So the curry leaf is the best choice for the person to increase the iron level in our body.

Helps to Weight Loss

Curry leaves are a surprising herb for weight loss. The curry leaves have carbazole alkaloids; it is effectively fighting against weight gain and helps to regulate the cholesterol level in the body.

Increasing the consumption level of fresh or dried curry leaves in your meal will help to burn the excess fat from the body.

It can also be used in the salad. Consuming curry leaves in a healthy diet and practicing regular exercise helps to fast weight loss.

Good for diabetics

Curry leaves help to reduce the blood glucose level effectively. It will protect the insulin-protection cells in the pancreas and protect it from the damages because of the free radicals.

The minerals in the curry leaf, such as iron, copper, and zinc, help to the performance of this function so that the curry leaves are more helpful for the person who is suffering from diabetes.

Protect your liver

If the heavy drinker consumes the curry leaves, then the liver can be protected from damages. A study published by the Clinical Research and Asian Journal of Pharmaceuticals says the curry leaves have a high amount of potent antioxidants and kaempferol that helps to protect the liver from harmful toxins and oxidative stress.

Aid in Digestion

The curry leaves are the natural source of carminative, which helps to avoid the formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, and also helps to remove the formed gas.

These curry leaves are also suggested in Ayurveda for its mild laxative property; it helps to balance the body’s pitta level. Consuming the curry leaves juice with a small amount of lime juice or buttermilk will effectively treat indigestion.

Treat stomach problem

The curry leaves also help to treat stomach upset. Consuming the dried curry leaves powder with the buttermilk in the empty stomach effectively treats some stomach problems, such as constipation, diarrhea, and dysentery.

The raw curry leaves can also be eaten on an empty stomach. Curry leaves help to support gut movement and encourage the digestive enzymes.

Eliminate Bacteria

Most of the health issues are caused by infection or oxidative damage of the body. Curry leaves are the natural and alternative treatment for infections.

Curry leaves have a lot of carbazole alkaloids components; it gives the anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

The curry leaves also have the linalool component; this component is a reason for its aroma. This component also has the bacteria-killing property so that it helps to eliminate the harmful free radicals from the body.

Reduce the risk of heart diseases

The high level of bad cholesterol and triglyceride may increase the risk of heart problems.

Adding curry leaves to your food will help to reduce some risks of heart problems. Some researches prove, consuming curry leaf extract may reduce the triglyceride and bad cholesterol in the blood.

The curry leaves are rich in antioxidants, which help to reduce the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood. Due to this, it will help to control the LDL and bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Relieves Morning Sickness

Some people feel nauseous or queasy during pregnancy time; the curry leaves help to relieve the morning sickness.

Consuming the curry leaves will help to increase the digestive secretions that help to get relief from morning sickness, vomiting, and nausea.

Reduce Stress

Stress is the major cause of some health problems; the essential oil of the curry leaves effectively helps to get relief from stress.

The aroma of the curry leaves will help to relieve anxiety, stress, and depression and helps to calm your body and mind.

Helps wounds and burns

You can apply the fresh curry leaves paste on the bruises, skin burns, and skin eruptions. Applying the paste to the skin overnight will give some effective results.

You can cover the wounds with medical gauze or bandages. The curry leaves have the carbazole alkaloid, which helps to heal the wound quickly.

It also helps to seal the gap and restore the growth of the hair in the affected area. The curry leaves powerfully helps to cure skin inflammation, boils, and first-degree burn.

Improves memory

Adding the curry leaves to your daily diet makes an effective benefit in your memory power. It helps to deal with memory disorders, such as Alzheimer’s.

Reduce Congestion

Curry leaf is the best home remedy for sinusitis, wet cough, and chest congestion. These curry leaves are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and kaempferol; it helps to loosen the congested mucous.

Anti-inflammatory effects

The curry leaves have a wide range of anti-inflammatory properties. The research proves that the extract of the curry leaves helps to reduce the inflammation-related proteins and genes.

Anticancer effect

The components present in the curry leaves provide the anticancer property. Some researches prove the extract of the curry leaves that grow in Malaysia has a powerful anticancer property, which resists the growth of breast cancer.

The curry leaves extract helps to alter the growth of the two types of breast cancer cells, and also it decreases visibility.

The extract also increases the death of breast cancer cells. Moreover, the test-tube researches prove the curry leaf extract has toxicity for cervical cancer cells.

The oral administration conducted research with the mice shows the curry leaves extract reduces the growth of the breast cancer tumor, and it reduces the spread of the cancer cells to the lungs.

The alkaloid component in the curry leaves is also called girinimbine that acts as toxic for the colon cancer cell and causes death for the colon cancer cell.

The girinimbine of the curry leaves has powerful antioxidant and anticancer effects, such as catechin, quercetin, gallic acid, and rutin. In this case, it is clear that the component in the curry leaves is effectively fought against specific cancer cells.

Has a neuroprotective property

Some researches prove the curry leaves help to the proper function of the nervous system., including the brain. Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that is caused by the loss of neurons, and it is a symptom of oxidative stress.

Studies prove the substances of the curry leaves help to fight against neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s.

A study conducted with the mice shows the high dosage of curry leaves extract in the oral treatment improves the brain-protecting antioxidants level, such as glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase in the brain cells. The curry leaves extract also helps to reduce the oxidative damage of the brain cells.

Improve vision

The curry leaves have a high amount of vitamin A, which contains carotenoids that help to protect the cornea in your eyes. Consuming the curry leaves in your diet will help to improve eye vision.

Benefits of Curry Leaves for hair

Curry leaves are more beneficial for your hair. The ancient Ayurveda proves that adding the curry leaves in the recipes will help to deal with all kinds of hair and scalp problems. Here there are some health benefits of curry leaves for hair.

Nourish Damaged Hair

The exposure of hair to pollution and the regular usage of chemicals on the hair may cause your hair to dry, dull, and lifeless.

Using the curry leaves in the hair helps to restore the moisture in the hair, and also it helps to strengthen the hair follicles.

Prevent hair fall

The beta-carotene and protein present in the curry leaf help to increase the growth of the hair, and reduces hair fall.

The amino acid and antioxidants of the curry leaves are more beneficial for strengthening the hair follicles and scalp moisture.

Treat frizzy hair

Frizzy hair is more difficult to manage. Applying the decoction made by the curry leaves will effectively help to control fizz.

Using the curry leaf decoction in the last rinse after shampooing and conditioning the hair will effectively treat frizzy hair.

Prevent hair greying

Hair graying is a natural thing, but sometimes premature greying may occur because of alcohol usage, genetic reasons, or stress.

Vitamin B in the curry leaves helps to strengthen and nourish the hair, and also it helps to delay the hair graying.

Reduce the impact of harmful chemicals on hair

Applying the chemical product to the hair may harm the hair and hair follicles. Sometimes, it leads to hair loss or fall. The curry leaves help the hair follicles to keep the natural moisture and reduce hair damages.

Conditioning Dry Hair

The boiled coconut oil with the curry leaves is an excellent way for deep conditioning dull and dry hair. Apply this oil mixture for half an hour and then shampoo your hair; it is very useful for dry hair.

Good antioxidant for hair

The curry leaves have a huge amount of antioxidant properties. This antioxidant helps to reduce hair follicle damage, and also it helps to improve hair growth.

Reduce Hair Thinning

The curry leaves are an excellent source of protein and beta-carotene that helps to make the hair thicker. You can use the curry leaves on your hair to become denser and thicker.

Repair Hair 

Curry leaves are providing deep nourishment so that it helps to strengthen the hair follicle. The regular usage of the curry leaves helps to repair the hair damage by making the shinier and healthier hair.

Benefit for Hair Shaft

The curry leaves have a high amount of vitamin B6, which helps to regulate the hair and prevent hair damage and hair loss.

The nutrients in the curry leaf help to protect the hair shaft and hair roots. The curry leaves help the people who are looking for thick, long, and healthy hair.

You can use these curry leaves in various forms; you can add them to your diet, boil them in the oil, make a decoction, and simply chew the raw leaves to get the healthy benefits.

Nutrition Values of Curry Leaves

Nutritional Facts of Curry Leaves

The various nutrition contains and the value of 100 gm of curry leaves.

Calories 108
Carbohydrates 18.7 gm
Moisture 63.8 gm
Fiber 6.4 gm
Protein 6.1 gm
Minerals 4 gm
Fat 1 gm
Calcium 830 mg
Phosphorus 57 mg
Iron 0.93 mg
Copper 0.1 mg
Magnesium 44 mg
Zinc 0.200 mg
Manganese 0.15 mg
Chromium 0.006 mg
Thiamine 0.08 mg
Vitamin C 4 mg
Carotene 7560 mcg
Riboflavin 0.210 mg
Niacin 2.3 mg
Folic Acid 93.9 mcg


How to add Curry Leaves in Diet

Curry leaves are used as a traditional Indian cuisine from ancient times. The specific taste of these leaves is described as carrying citrus notes with a hint of nuttiness. These leaves are commonly used in the dishes to bring the rich flavor, and it is popularly used in curries, meat dishes, and other traditional Indian foods. Some stores sell fresh leaves, but it is commonly found in the form of dried spice. Usually, the curry leaves are softened when cooking, and it is fried in the butter or oil before adding in the dishes.

Here there are a few ways to add curry leaves to dishes:

  • Fry the curry leaves in ghee at high temperature and adds the softened curry leaves with the ghee in any dish.
  • Infuse the curry leaves with the broths for a fresh flavor.
  • Combine the dried or fried curry leaf with other spices, like turmeric, red chili, cumin seed for the seasoning blend.
  • Toss the curry leaves on the baked recipes, such as crackers and bread.
  • The diced or crumbled dried curry leaves are used as a topping for any savory dish for the flavor.
  • Add curry leaves in sauces and chutneys.
  • Cook the curry leaves with the hot oil and use that oil as a dip or topping of the crusty bread.

These are some of the common ways to use curry leaves. It is highly versatile that can be used for many applications so that you can do some experiments with this ingredient.

Common Questions about Curry Leaves

Are curry leaves safe for pregnant women?

The curry leaves are completely safe to consume for pregnant women. You can also confirm with your doctor before adding these leaves to your diet. These leaves play an important role in the healthy immune system of the mother and her baby. Consuming these curry leaves will reduce the risk of infections, blood disorders like anemia, and also it helps to reduce the risk of premature or preterm birth of the baby.

Can I eat raw curry leaves?

The raw curry leaves are completely safe to eat, but frying the leaves with a small amount of oil will increase the taste and aroma. Anyhow, if you have any allergies to curry leaves, you should avoid the consumption of these leaves. Consuming the raw curry leaves on an empty stomach helps to treat digestive-related problems, such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, etc.

Are curry leaves healthy for kids?

The curry leaves are good for everyone, and giving the curry leaves to the kids is also suitable for them. These curry leaves have a lot of essential nutrients, such as phosphorus, calcium, fiber, carbohydrate, Vitamin A, B, C, and E. These nutrients help to keep your kids healthy, and it improves gastrointestinal and eye health. It also helps to protect the liver, enhance immunity power, and effectively fight against some health problems, such as dysentery and diarrhea for kids.

What are the benefits of consuming curry leaves on an empty stomach?

You can consume the curry leaves at any time during the day, but eating on an empty stomach will prove ample benefits. It helps to keep the digestive system in good shape. It is effective to treat the symptoms of nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy time. Moreover, it is effectively fighting against weight gain and obesity, consuming the curry leaves on an empty stomach helps to burn the excess fat from the body. It is also used to treat some other health problems, such as diabetes and bad cholesterol.

How many curry leaves can I eat daily?

You can consume the curry leaves in different forms. The 8-10 curry leaves are the average level for daily consumption. You can also get health benefits by consuming the extract of curry leaves. You can also boil the leaves in the water and drink the decoction too. The dosage of the curry leaves is based on health issues. You can consult with your ayurvedic consultant for the right dosage level that helps to get the maximum benefits. Anyhow, if you are a breastfeeding mother, pregnant woman, or if you are thinking of giving these leaves to the kids, it’s better to get the doctor’s approval before doing it.

Bottom line

Curry leaf is not only highly flavorful, and also it has a lot of beneficial plant components that help to maintain body health. Some researches prove that consuming curry leaves will help to improve the antioxidant in our body. It also effectively fights against cancer cells, improves neurological health, and reduces the risk of heart problems. The best part of these curry leaves is, you can add them to a wide range of food recipes to increase the flavor and health benefits of the meals.


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Health Benefits of Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is an evergreen tree, and the seeds are derived for Homeopathic medications from the Strychnos nux-vomica tree. The other names for dried nux vomica seeds are ‘vomiting nut’ and ‘poison nut’.

Traditional medicine practices use the seeds of the tree to cure various health ailments even though it contains two dangerous chemicals called strychnine and brucine that can cause awful health conditions when taken in high dosage.

In Homeopathy, Nux vomica is used to treat allergies, back pain, common cold and flu, constipation, hangover, headaches, hemorrhoids, indigestion, menstrual aches, stress, and anxiety.

The Homeopathic medicine formulations using Nux vomica are sometimes given to treat alcoholism and smoking cessation. It is even used for male erectile dysfunction.

Nux vomica dried seeds are used in various health issues. Nux vomica is deadly in large dosage, but do they help in a minimal dosage? Let’s see it in this article.

What is Nux Vomica?

Nux Vomica is a commonly used ingredient in Homeopathy medicine for many disorders and symptoms. It sourced from an evergreen tree with the name Nux Vomica tree, also called Strychnos nux vomica, S. nux-vomica, Strychnine tree, Poison nut tree, and Vomiting nut tree that belongs to Loganiaceae family. The tree is native to East India, China, Australia, and Thailand.

The seeds of the Nux Vomica tree must be treated before usage to make them safe. Nux vomica supplements are available in stores as pill and powder forms. The seeds can affect the nervous system, so it is often used to manage acute conditions and have a short course. The nuts may treat male infertility and erectile dysfunction, but there is no scientific evidence or studies to prove its effectiveness.

What is a Homeopathic Remedy?

Homeopathy medicine uses a small dose of a remedy to treat a disease that may cause symptoms in a healthy person when taken in a more massive dose. Homeopathy medicine includes different natural substances in treatments such as plant, animal-based ingredient, mineral, and so on.

FDA defines the homeopathy medicine system as: “Homeopathy is a medical practice of curing conditions and disorders which treats diseases with remedies that can develop the same conditions and disorders when given to healthy people.”

An article published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine showed that Nux vomica has a high amount of antioxidants. Its seeds contain two active alkaloids called strychnine and brucine that are medically active phytoconstituents of Nux vomica tree. These phytoconstituents and antioxidants of the plant parts have been shown to treat various disorders and conditions in a small dose. Mentioning “Small Dose” is a must as, in high doses, the same active alkaloids become poisonous.

The Nux vomica seeds after drying are called kuchla, which contain the other two main alkaloids, namely vomicine and igasurine, with minor alkaloids. These alkaloids in the seeds have shown some hope on possible health conditions. An animal study established that extract prepared from Nux vomica seeds are effective in maintaining diabetes in check.

All the Nux vomica supplements and drugs will have the information that it can be poisonous in high doses and affect the central nervous system. At the same time, some people use these tree supplements in low doses for specific health conditions.

Common Names of Nux Vomica

  • Botanical Name: Strychnos nux-vomica
  • English Name: Nux Vomica
  • Tamil Name: எட்டி கொட்டை / Ettikkottai
  • Malayalam Name: കാഞ്ഞിരം / Kanniram
  • Telugu Name: ముషిని/Mushini
  • Kannada Name: ಕಂಜಿಹೆಮುಷ್ಠಿ/Kanjihemushti
  • Hindi Name: कुचला / Kuchala
  • Marathi Name: कजर/Kajra
  • Gujarati Name: નક્સ વોમિકા/Naksa vōmikā
  • Punjabi Name: ਕੁਚਲ/Kuchla
  • Bengali Name: কুচিলা/Kuchila
  • Urdu Name: کچلا

Other names of Nux vomica are Vomiquier, Vishamushti, Strychnos Seed, Strychnos nux-vomica, Strychni Semen, Shudha Kupilu, Quaker Buttons, Poison Nut, Nux Vom, Nuez Vomica, Noix Vomique, Kupilu, Kuchla, and Brechnusssamen.

12 Possible Health Benefits of Nux Vomica

Some lab tests and animal studies have shown that nux vomica contains anti-inflammatory properties, which help treat certain health conditions caused by rheumatism, inflammation, hemorrhoids, or asthma. In an animal study, nux vomica found to treat and reduce inflammation in rat paws effectively. Some other tests and researches show that nux vomica has antioxidants, which can protect us against chemicals like free radicals that can damage our body cells.

The flowers of nux vomica are found to have antibacterial activities, which can potentially be used in antiseptics discovered by research.

Based on the research available for nux vomica, it is necessary to know that these studies may test or concentrate on certain parts of the tree, such as flowers, seeds, or leaves. So, the study results need not be the same for all parts of the nux vomica tree. Further studies and researches about the potential benefits of Nux vomica are required.

Now, let’s check the possible benefits of Nux vomica that are believed by people.

1. Antioxidant Effects

A Chinese medical study published in a Journal showed that Nux vomica has different compounds that make it an antioxidant substance.

The research also showed that Nux vomica might offer some benefits over human health. The same study confirmed that brucine and strychnine, two active compounds in nux vomica, are dangerous in high doses.

2. Pain Relief

A 2015 study showed that extract prepared from the leaves of nux vomica contains potential analgesic or pain-relieving properties. The antioxidants in the plant are reasoned for this effect.

But, we should know that Homeopathy treatments use nux vomica seeds, not the leaves.

Some other researchers are working on finding how to effectively remove the effect of strychnine from the plant seeds. They concluded the research with a statement that removing the poisonous chemical compound improves nux vomica seeds’ analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Researchers said the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects of nux vomica are probably due to the presence of brucine. When tested with animal subjects, brucine in nux vomica reduced markers of pain and swelling. However, more studies and tests are required to derive this effect of nux vomica in humans.

3. Diabetes

A study in 2012 tried to evaluate and confirm if nux vomica can be used to treat diabetes. Researchers found that nux vomica seed extract helped control sugar levels in the blood than other substances in animal models.

4. Influenza

A 2015 study tested various plants for their ability to treat influenza, common flu, or virus. Extract prepared from the stem bark of the tree showed a potent effect on the flu.

5. Alcoholism

The available study results about the effect of nux vomica as a homeopathic medicine include preliminary research published in 2002 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. This journal showed that nux vomica has promising effects on treating alcoholism.

In an animal study, the researchers found that animals induced with nux vomica diluted preparation experienced a major reduction in their alcohol intake. But, as of now, there are studies with evidence to prove the same effect on humans.

6. Cancer

Many preliminary studies on human body cell structure found that nux vomica may fight cancer probably by encouraging apoptosis, which is a type of induced cell death that is needed for preventing the development of cancer cells.

7. Motion Sickness

The National Center for Homeopathy said that nux vomica might be used with other substances to treat motion sickness if you experience severe nausea with vomiting and severe headaches at the back of the head or eyes. You lose appetite and feel sick from tobacco and coffee smells.

University of Maryland Medical Center said that scientific research for nux vomica’s effect on treating motion sickness is lacking; however, if you would like to take homeopathy medicine and get a consultation from a homeopath, nux vomica may be used as a remedy based on exact symptoms.

8. Constipation

Nux vomica is often recommended in homeopathy medicine for constipation problems. According to the National Center for Homeopathy, nux vomica is used to stop a laxative habit where the person experiences difficulties in bowel movements without inducing a laxative. One dose per day before sleep for certain days is typically recommended.

However, there are not enough studies to determine this effect of nux vomica for constipation. 

9. Common Cold

Influenza or flu is the most common health condition that worsens a day. Though it is not considered a pandemic, anyone who gets the flu wants to get rid of it quickly because of the weakness, tiredness, and body pain it causes.

In some cases, nux vomica is used with other herbs to cure flu symptoms. The National Center for Homeopathy said that nux vomica is good medicine for gastric flu with diarrhea and vomiting.

Currently, studies established that stem bark of nux vomica plants contains flavonoids and antiviral properties, which helps itself to be powerful medicine for viral diseases like viruses or flu. But, homeopathy medicine uses its seeds, not stem bark.

10. Urinary Tract Infection 

Nux vomica is used for Urinary Tract Infections, aka UTIs with the following symptoms.

  • If you feel irritation in the bladder and have a constant feeling of urination passing a small amount, this remedy is recommended.
  • When you feel burning pain, the bladder, and itching sensation in urethra during urination.

These UTIs symptoms may be relieved by hot baths or other warmth treatments.

Research about this effect of Nux vomica is limited. A pilot study showed the potential impact of homeopathic medicines like nux vomica with other treatment methods on treating UTIs in people with injuries in spinal cords. The available studies on this effect are small and have no further evidence.

11. Insomnia

Insomnia, the most common sleeping disorder that affects almost 10% of adults. Maryland University Medical Center lists nux vomica with other homeopathic remedies for treating insomnia, especially in the cases with below conditions.

  • If insomnia is caused by anxiety, irritability, anger, excessive use of caffeine, drugs, or alcohol.
  • This specific homeopathy medicine is suitable for people who wake up early in the morning, and for children who lose sleep due to little disturbances and often wake up by frightened dreams of fights or school.
  • Insomnia caused as side effects of taking severe medications can be treated with nux vomica.

A four-week study on this effect of Nux vomica published in the Homeopathy Journal observed 54 males and females with age ranges of 18 to 31 after inducing insomnia by giving caffeine. The subject was given a 30c dose of nux vomica or another homeopathic medicine, before sleep. That was a small study with various limitations, but in the end, authors found that homeopathic medicines have shown major effects, especially late night.

They concluded that nux vomica could have a positive effect on REM sleep; however, studies are required to test general insomnia, instead of only checking coffee-induced insomnia.

12. Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is considered one of the modern-day health conditions caused by constant sitting, lack of workout, and more that affects the day to day routine and sleep of a person.

With the following terms, nux vomica is recommended for lower back pain.

  • Suppose you have cramps in muscles or pain in the back. The discomfort due to back pain may be increased by cold and reduced by warmth.
  • Back pain becomes worse at night, and the person feels hard to turn over without sitting up.
  • Back pain during constipation is the worst condition where the person gets too much pain during bowel movements.

Other Proposed Benefits of Nux Vomica

Some homeopathic experts and practitioners claim that Nux vomica can treat various health conditions, including:

  • Allergies.
  • Common cold and flu in the early stages.
  • Common digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, heartburn, and nausea.
  • Hangover.
  • Infertility and impotence in Men.
  • Menstrual pain.
  • Migraine symptoms such as frontal pain, sore scalp, stomach aches, or light sensitivity.
  • Stress causing impatience, irritability, and sensation of stimuli.

There is no such scientific proof or evidence to claim the effects of Nux vomica in treating the above conditions and symptoms. It is a must to consult your doctor if you like to take homeopathic medicines. There are chances you may have other treatments to treat your health conditions in a more effective way than homeopathic remedies or other homeopathic medications.

Homeopathic Use of Nux Vomica

The appropriate dose of any medicine, even if it is allopathy or homeopathy, depends on several factors, including the patient’s age, medical history, and health status.

Nux vomica 6C or 6 CH and 30 C or 30CH are the standard doses of Nux vomica remedy. The numbers (6, 30) and letters (C, X, M) followed by a remedy name signify the dilution amount and method used on the substance to create a particular remedy.

Remember to check for directions and essential information in the package for dosage and before taking the remedy. Reach the certified homeopathic doctor to guide you in using the homeopathic medications.

Researches About Nux Vomica

Current research that tested nux vomica and its homeopathic properties and uses are limited and leave matters inconclusive.

Some studies found beneficial and healthy compounds in certain parts of the nux vomica tree. However, the results may not apply to nux vomica extract or seeds available in the stores now.

Though some parts of the nux vomica plant showed promising effects, the current results suggest it may be too early to allow nux vomica in treating health conditions.

History and Interesting Facts of Nux Vomica

Some historical stories say that Alexander the Great, who lived in 323 BC, died due to wine consumption that contained strychnine.

If we go back to the mid 16th century, they believed Nux vomica nuts have medicinal properties and use. At that time, a German botanist and physician named Valerius Cordus are said to be the first Europeans who wrote about Nux vomica.

From then on, Germans started using nux vomica nuts as an antidote for treating plague, rabies, worms, gout, hysteria, and rheumatism. The people also have known about the poisonous compounds of nux vomica nuts, and they knew it needed to be used with other appropriate compositions.

Some of the rat poisons have Strychnine. Veterinarians have been using it as a stimulant. Symptoms of Strychnine poisoning usually become apparent within 20 minutes of entering the bloodstream.

Selection, Preparation & Storage

Nux vomica homeopathic preparations are available as tinctures and pellets at many online stores, homeopathic medicine stores, manual food stores, traditional medicine stores, and stores selling dietary supplements.

There is no appropriate dosage for nux vomica, but it is usually sold in 30X, 30C, or 1M packages. You must consult the homeopathic doctors; they will prescribe the right dosage for you considering your health history, health status, age, and need of a remedy.

Some of the homeopathic preparations included lactose. People with an intolerance to lactose should check the information in the package label and buy lactose-free supplements.

Typically, homeopathic preparations last for three years with proper storage. Always close the containers tight and secure, keep them in a cold and dark place.

Precaution and Side Effects

You should avoid Nux vomica if you have liver disease, it can cause liver damage.

Nux vomica in high doses or long term use without proper advice from medical professionals will cause severe symptoms, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Back stiffness
  • Blue skin
  • Breathing problems
  • Convulsions
  • Cramps
  • Dizziness
  • Excitability and fast reflex
  • Liver failure
  • Restlessness
  • Seizures
  • Stiff facial muscles

Improper usage of nux vomica also affects the nervous system.

For male infertility or erectile dysfunction, consultation with a doctor is needed before using nux vomica as a medicine. They help to find the reasons for the issue and offer effective treatment.

Nux vomica can create harmful drug interactions, particularly with antipsychotics, so discuss with your doctor about all the medications you are taking.

As there is no evidence for talking about possible effects of nux vomica on fetuses or newborns, pregnant and breastfeeding women must avoid nux vomica.

Anyone who is thinking of using nux vomica must contact a doctor or certified homeopathic practitioner to know the right way of usage and dosage.


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False Black Pepper: Health Benefits, Traditional Uses, Side Effects

The botanical name of the false black pepper is Embelia Ribes Burm. The other common names of this false black pepper are Nainidang, Vidanga, and Vavding. It is a large tropical forest woody scandent shrub. This plant has gland-dotted leaves and slender branches. It is one of the powerful anti-parasitic herbs in Ayurveda; it is widely used to treat intestinal worm infections. The native of this plant is tropical Asia. This climbing shrub is commonly found in the evergreen and semi-evergreen forest of India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and China. In India, it is mostly available in the forest of the Western Ghats of South India, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Assam. The fruits are used in Ayurveda to treat various health issues. This false black pepper has antibacterial, antifertility, and anthelmintic properties.

Common Names of False Black Pepper

Botanical Name: Embelia ribes Burm

English Name: Vidanga, False black pepper, Vaividang, White-flowered embelia, Vavding, Vai vidang

Tamil Name: Vellal, Kattukodi, Varnanai Vai vilangam, Vaivitankam, Vayu-vilangam, Vayu-vilamga, Vayvilankam, Vayivilangam

Hindi Name: Bhabhiramg, Baba-rang, Karkannie, Baberang, Wawrung, vaividang Vayvidamg

Malayalam Name: Pu-valli, Tiriitticanni, Vayivalannam, Tiruvittikanni, Visalam, Vilal, Vishaul, Vayvilankam

Telugu Name: Vayivilangamu, Potosul, Vayuvilangam-chettu, Vaividungalu, Vilangamu, Vellal, Vayi-vitangamu, Vidangamu, Vyivilangamu

Kannada Name: Vayubaliga, Amogha, Vayuvilanga, Vayi-vulanga, Vaayu vilanga, Varana, Vidanga, Vilanga, Vaayu-vilanga, Vayivilanga

Marathi Name: Karkannie, Ambti, Vaavadinga, Baavdinga, Vayvarang Vvavadinga, Karkunnie, Waiwarang

Bengali Name: Bhaibirrung, Biranga, Vidang

Urdu Name: Baobarang, Baobadang

Gujrati Name: Vavading, Vayavadang, Vavding

Punjabi Name: Vavaring, Babrung

Oriya Name: Vidanga, Bidanga

Other Names of False Black Pepper

Akar kelimpar, Akar asam kubang, Areuj kathembang, Akar sulur kerang, Baberang, Aroi kachembang, Bai huan suan teng guo, Babrung, Biranga, Baibirang, Butterfly pea, Birangi Kabuli, Kakannie, Chu’prek sangkong, Madie, Laoqiu, Songgui, Memory improver, Vavading, Vaivarang, Vidanga, Vayuvilanga, Vrishanasana, Vizhal, amogha, Wawrung, baberang, babading, babrug, babrang, baobarang, babrung, baranj, barang, bhabhiranga, baranj kabuli, bidongo, bidanga, biranj kabuli, biranga, jantughna, false pepper, kirmighna, karkannie, krmihara, krmighna, krmiripu, lumping seladang, tiruvittikanni, silgilla, vaividang, vavading, vavding, vavaring, vaividungalu, vayavidanga, vayavadang, vayuvidangalu, vayuvidanga, vayuvilanga, vayuvidangam, vella,

False Black Pepper Plant Description

The false black pepper is a straggling shrub, which has the slender, long, terete, and flexible branches.

The branches of this plant have long internodes. The leaves of the false long pepper plant are elliptical or elliptical lanceolate shapes, and both sides of the leaves have glabrous.

The upper part of the leaves are shining, and the lower part are silvery beneath. The length of the leaves is 6-16 m, and the petioles are glabrous, and also, it is less or more margined.

The flower of this plant is small, pentamerous, numerous, and the in lax panicled racemes are terminal. The length of the calyx of the flower is 1.25 mm, and the sepals are ciliate, which is a broadly triangular-ovate shape.

The petals of the flowers are elliptical shape, and it is subobtuse. The petals of the flowers are greenish-yellow color, and the length is 4 mm. Both sides of the petal are pubescent.

The flowers are followed by globose berry. The fruits of this plant are succulent and smooth. The total diameter of the fruits is 3-4 mm, and it is black after ripened the outer layer.

The horny reddish seeds are enclosed by the berries, which are depressed in the base with the ruminate endosperm. The fruits of this plant are aromatic, and it has a slightly pungent taste.

Health Benefits and Uses of False Black Pepper

Heart Ailments

Mix the asafoetida, false black pepper, long pepper, dried ginger, sanna rashtram, Himalayan pink salt, siphonanthus indica, and sadyaksharam, consuming the 3 gm of this mixed powder with the cow ghee twice per day is a good relief for the heart ailment and cough. It also helps to eliminate germs.

Fungal infection

Consuming the decoction of 50 gm of false black pepper twice per day and also taking the robust powder as an ingredient in the food recipes helps to treat fungal infection.

Applying the paste of the robust berry on the skin effectively treats skin infection. This paste can be applied on the skin or bath with boiled water.

Blood motions

Due to the deficiency of iron, some people have blood motion. The false black pepper helps to treat this problem. Consuming the 3 gm of powder of the fried false black pepper with the sugar syrup  2-3 times per day helps to relieve the blood motions.

Treat Stomach Worm

In Ayurveda, this false black pepper is used to treat the stomach worm. The stomach worm causes a lot of health problems.

Consuming the 3 gm of false black pepper powder with the honey twice per day helps to cure all stomach problems that are related to the stomach worm.

Used for Facial Paralysis

Prepare fine paste of the false black pepper with the equal amount of black sesame with water. Apply the 4-5 drops of paste in the nose by using the soft cloth and breath. This will help to get better relief from facial paralysis because of the heat.

Sticky Motions

Fry the false black pepper by using the clay pot and prepare a fine powder of the fried pepper. Mix the powder with the equal quantity of candy sugar powder and consume these powder 6 gm three times per day with the buttermilk to treat sticky motions.

Treat Backaches during menses

This false black pepper is also used to treat backaches. Grind the 10 gm of false black pepper, 5 gm of dried ginger, and 20 gm of jaggery. Mix it in half a liter of water.

Heat the water until it is reduced to half, then filter it and settle to cool. Regularly consuming this decoction once per day will help to reduce the backaches during menses.

Removes Intestinal worms

This false black pepper helps to remove intestinal worms. Grind the false black pepper with an equal amount of Aristolochia bracteolata and make it as a paste.

Consuming the 10 gm of this paste twice per day effectively helps to eliminate the worms in the intestines. The false black pepper also has the Kriminghna property, which helps to treat worm infections such as threadworms, roundworms, and other types of worms.

Treats forehead pain, eyebrow pain

Grind the equal amount of jaggery, false black pepper, and Himalayan pink salt with the betel nut leaves juice. Allow the paste to dry under sunlight for a day and make it as a powder.

Add a little amount of water with a pinch of powder and use it as a nasal drop. Taking the 4-5 drops of this nasal drop will provide the good relief of forehead and eyebrow pains.

Treat Grinding teeth during sleep

Slightly fry the false black pepper and grind it. Replace the false black pepper as a seed of the grapefruit and make it as a pill.

Consuming this pill in the morning and evening will help to eliminate the intestines worm and treat the grinding teeth during sleeping.

Treat Elephantiasis

The false black pepper is also used to treat elephantiasis. Grind the false black pepper with an equal amount of Himalayan cedar, picrorhiza-kurroa, dried ginger, and Tinospora cordifolia with the cow urine and make it as a paste. Apply this paste on the infected leg, which will help to treat elephantiasis.

Treat Piles

Usually, piles are occurring because of poor or weak digestion, which is caused because of the imbalances of pitta and Vata. The piles leads to pain, burning, and sometimes it causes bleeding in the anal region.

Some researches prove that false black pepper helps to cure piles. It balances the Vata in your body because of its digestion and appetizer property that helps to improve the digestive system.

It will resist the bleeding in piles. The astringent and rejuvenation properties of this false black pepper help to maintain overall health.

Treat indigestion

In folk medicine, this false black pepper is used to treat indigestion. This false black pepper has a high amount of laxative property, which helps to manage constipation. The false black pepper also has the hot potency that effectively helps to treat indigestion, vomiting, nausea, and flatulence.

Reduce Depression

Nowadays, depression is the most serious problem among people; it is caused because of the modern lifestyle. The false black pepper has the antidepressant property, which helps to get better relief from depression.

Treat Toothache

The false black pepper is also used to treat tooth problems. Make a paste by mixing the Asafoetida and false black pepper powder and apply the paste on the affected area that helps to get better relief from toothaches.

The decoction of the false black pepper is the alternative option, which helps to get relief from tooth decay and bad breath.

Treat Parasitic Infection

The false black pepper is a good source of antifungal property, which helps to get better relief from parasitic infection.

Add the 1/2 tsp of false black pepper, 1/4 tsp of neem, 1/4 tsp of chitrak with the half cup of warm water, and consume this mixture three times per day before meal for 7 days.

On the 7th day consume 1-2 tablespoon of castor oil with the ginger tea before sleeping. This will help to treat the parasitic infection.

Treat Bacterial Infection

The false black pepper also has a good quality of antibacterial property so that it was used to treat bacterial infection in folk medicine.

Mix the 1/4 tsp of false black pepper, 1/4 tsp of turmeric, and 1/8 tsp of neem with the half cup of lukewarm water and regularly consume this mixture three times per day before meal for 60 days. This will help to remove the harmful bacterias from the body.

Treat Migraine

Grind the black pepper, long pepper, fennel seeds, watermelon seeds with the false black pepper. Consume 1 tsp of the powder with 1 cup of milk once per day; this will provide excellent relief from migraines.

Traditional uses of False Black pepper

  • It helps to rejuvenate the skin and also improves its complexion of the skin.
  • It removes toxins from the blood and treats different skin infections.
  • The paste of the false black pepper is used to treat skin problems.
  • The decoction of the false black pepper is used as the oil pulling for better relief from bad breath and dental problems.
  • The decoction prepared by using dried fruit helps to treat chest problems and fever.
  • This herb is used to treat vomiting, bloating, indigestion, gastritis, and constipation.
  • The false black pepper powder with the milk helps to remove the tapeworms.
  • The fruit also helps to treat headaches, rhinitis, hemorrhage, epilepsy, and insomnia.
  • Consuming the root will help to treat cough and diarrhea.
  • The young leaves of this plant are used for abdominal pain.
  • The false black pepper is used to treat liver problems and remove the stomach worm.
  • The leaves of the false black pepper with the ginger are used as the mouthwash, and also it helps to cure ulcers and sore throats.
  • This herb is used to treat snake bites and scorpion stings.
  • The powder of the false black pepper is used for constipation, indigestion, convulsions, epilepsy, and other worm infections in the body.
  • Applying the bark paste on the chest will help to treat some lung diseases, such as pneumonia.
  • The oil of the false black pepper will help to treat skin problems and wound infections.

Culinary uses of False black pepper

  • You can mix the leaves of the false black pepper with other greens and use it as a side dish for rice.
  • You can prepare a refreshing drink by using fruits.
  • You can replace the leaves for the tamarind in the soups and vegetable dishes.
  • You can consume raw fruits.

Risks and Side Effects of False Black Pepper

This false black pepper has a lot of health benefits. Due to the medicinal property of this herb, it is used in folk medicines to cure many health issues. But some side effects also occur in the usage of false black pepper, you have to consider before using it.

  • Consuming the false black pepper regularly may lower the testosterone lever to the men.
  • Pregnant women should consider their doctor before using this false black pepper.
  • This herb has high pitta so that it may cause hyperacidity, excessive heat, loose stools, anger, and diarrhea.
  • People who are trying to get a baby should avoid this herb, because the contraceptive effect of this herb may lead to infertility.

Frequently Asked Questions About False Black Pepper

What is the chemical contained in the false black pepper?

The leaves, fruits, and roots of this plant are used as a medicine; it has different chemical components, such as embelinol, embelin, embeliol, embeliaribyl ester, and vilangin. These chemical components are the responsibility of the medicinal properties of this plant.

What are the forms of false black pepper available in the market?

The false black pepper is available in the market in the form of dried herb, powder, and capsule.

Is the false black pepper cause loose motions?

the high dosage of the false black pepper may cause loose motion. This herb has the laxative property so that consuming the excess amount of herb may cause loose motion.

Does the false black pepper help to treat a sore throat?

This false black pepper has anti-inflammatory and anti-irritation property, which helps to get relief from the sore throat. It will form the film over the mucous membrane that helps to protect the underlying cells and helps to relieve inflammation and minor pain.

What are the uses of False Black Pepper?

False black pepper has a lot of health benefits. This herb has antimicrobial properties; due to this, it is used to treat bacterial infections in modern medicine. It also improves the metabolism level in the body so that it helps with weight loss. Due to the anti-inflammatory and antifertility properties of the false black pepper, it is used to treat abdominal problems.

In ancient medicine, this false black pepper is used to treat a lot of health problems, such as worm infection, indigestion, and internal weakness. Generally, these problems are caused because of the imbalance of the three doshas. The digestion, appetizer, and anti-worm property of the false black pepper help to improve the digestive system. This herb helps to develop internal strength and also helps to maintain overall health.

Is false black pepper helping to cure acne?

Yes, the false black pepper helps to control acne. This herb has the embelin component, which is effectively resisting the activity of acne-causing bacterias, and also it helps to reduce the swelling and redness caused by the acne.

Is false black pepper used to treat hair fall?

The false black pepper also helps to control the hair fall. The embelin component of this herb is a reason for preventing hair fall.


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Unique Health Benefits of Mesquite (Prosopis Juliflora)

Mesquite is a generic name for a variety of plants in the genus Prosopis, it usually consists of more than 40 small legume trees. Except for the creeping mesquite (native to Argentina) in this species, all the rest are native to the Southwestern United States, Mexico, and South America. Prosopis Juliflora grows in large numbers in the Tamaulipas Mezquital ecosystems of the xeric shrublands biome and desert regions of northeastern Mexico, and South America. The desert covers an area of about 54,600 square miles and covers parts of the Gulf Coastal Plains of southern Texas ( Nuevo Leon, northeastern Coahuila, northern Tamaulipas).

Growing in parched deserts, these plants have long and firm roots that absorb groundwater from a distance. Mesquite is a legume that grows in desert habitats and is a strong source of stable Nitrogen.

What is Prosopis Juliflora

Prosopis Juliflora is a desert shrub or small tree belonging to the genus Mesquite, which is a medicinal plant in the family Fabaceae.

Although the P. Julifloratree is native to the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America, it is currently cultivated as an invasive plant in Asia, Africa, Australia, and various other major countries around the world. This desert plant can grow up to 39 feet in height and has a trunk of about 1.2 meters in diameter.

Leaf: Its light green autumn leaves have 12 to 20 leaflets and geminate-pinnate.

Flower: The flowers are greenish-yellow, 5-10 cm long, with cylindrical spikes. These flowers bloom in clusters of 3 to 5 at the tips of the branches.

Fruit: The fruits of this plant, called “Pod”, are 20 cm to 30 cm long and have 10 to 30 seeds per pod.

Seed: A mature plant can produce at least hundreds of thousands of seeds, and these seeds can be fertile for about 10 years. These seeds are spread by livestock and other animals through water and other factors. Therefore Prosopis Juliflora breeds not by plant but by livestock.

All plants of the genus Mesquite have very long and deep growing roots for distant absorption. The root of the tree was discovered in 1960 in an open-pit mine 175 feet deep in the Tucson area of Arizona.

Prosopis Juliflora trees, also known as “Vanni Andara” or “Katu Andara” in Sinhala, were introduced to Sri Lanka in the 19th century. History revealed that 5000 years ago in ancient India Juliflora was recognized as a sacred tree by the people, but there is no evidence to support it.

Even in the Mannar and Vanni areas, it is believed that these medicinal plants have been grown for a long time.

Mesquite plants have thorns in pairs at their ends to reduce evaporation, but plants growing in areas with low rainfall may have different thorns or without thorns. In India, this plant is called “Karuvelam Tree”.

Resistance Traits of Mesquite

Antibacterial Activity

Various parts of the Prosopis Juliflora plant are rich in natural organic compounds called alkaloids.

The alkaloid derived from this plant is capable of inhibiting the growth and proliferation of various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria such as Salmonella, Klebsiella, E.coli, Bacillus cereus, Acinetobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas putida, and Alcaligen.

That is, these malignant alkaloid compounds inhibit the proliferation of bacteria using a method called disk proliferation.

The minimum inhibitory concentration of the extract derived from the pod, leaf, and flower of Mesquite tree ranges from a minimum of 25μg/ml to a maximum of 100μg/ml. Thus these have a strong antibacterial effect.

The juice of its leaves have a higher and more intense activity than all other parts of this plant. Due to the severity of this extract, the growth of Klebsiella bacteria is suppressed on first use.

But the growth of bacteria such as Alcaligen and Acinetobacter, which are not inhibited by other antibiotics, is effectively inhibited by the alkaloids of the Mesquite plant. DART-MS analysis of the fractions confirmed the presence of Piperidine alkaloids in this plant extract.

Anti-Fungal Activity

The roots, bark, and leaves of the Mesquite plant are rich in antifungal properties. Alternariaalternata and phytopathogenic fungi produced by the tobacco plant were studied to evaluate their antifungal ability.

One group of the tested animals was given synthetic fungicides and another group was given the juice of Mesquite leaves. Studies have shown that mesquite leaf extract has various neurological effects on the body of animals and that the alkaloids in it inhibit the growth of Alternariaalternata and phytopathogenic fungi.

Researchers have also found that when this extract is used in combination with some approved fungicides, they can drastically reduce the concentration of the fungus. Prosopis Juliflora plant extracts have inhibitory biological activity and are considered to be an excellent source of alkaloids.

These carry out broad-spectrum fungal functions that inhibit the growth of fungi. Compared to various chemical fungicides, its natural antifungal properties quickly control fungal activity and do not cause any side effects in the body.

Due to such properties, this plant extract is strongly recommended for seed purification. The use of mesquite extracts can greatly reduce the levels of chemical fungicides during seed cleaning techniques and achieve significant inhibition of Mycoflora.

Anti-Tumor Activity

Various studies have shown that the juice extracted from the leaves of the Mesquite plant has anti-tumor properties. MTT based cytotoxicity monitoring is performed to evaluate the Vitro-tumor resistance in this extract.

In this method, the expression of MOLT-4 cells at different concentrations of 10 to 100 g/ml was determined after 24, 48, and 72 hours. The total alkaloid compound in the leaf extract is derived using the acid/base modified extraction method.

The genetic potential of Mesquite extract was tested using cytokinesis, a set of in vitro micronucleus. On the other hand, the genotoxic and cytotoxic energies in this extract were compared with mitogen-induced D-lymphocytes derived from the blood of healthy volunteers.

In all studies, the results showed that the extracts had a greater effect on cancer cells than normal cells. Prosopis Juliflora contains various alkaloids such as julifloricine, juliflorine, juliprosine, julifloridine, juliflorinine, and juliprosinine, which are responsible for various biological functions.

Mesquite leaf juices have now been discovered to contain a new alkaloid called julifloravizole, which has a broad-spectrum antifungal activity that can help fight Alternaria, Drechslera, and Fusarium.

Facts & Benefits of Mesquite (Karuvelam)

Mesquite, the main source of nitrogen, is rich in minerals such as zinc, potassium, lysine, iron, manganese, and protein. Studies show that they contain essential minerals, such as potassium and electrolytes, which can help prevent diseases such as high blood pressure and stroke, as well as increase bone density. Prosopis Juliflora’s root, stem, leaf, bark, flower, and resin all have medicinal properties and have the potential to cure a variety of ailments in our body. Here’s a look at some of the medicinal and health benefits of the Mesquite plant.

Benefits of Mesquite Pod

Mesquite powder is obtained from the pods of the Mesquite tree by drying them well in the sunlight and then grinding them gently. It is considered a “superfood” because it is rich in nutrients such as zinc, potassium, lysine, manganese, calcium, and iron. This nutritious powder has a slightly sweet taste so bakers use it in the making of cakes and cookies, besides, people utilize it as a versatile ingredient in different types of recipes. Mesquite pod powder has many health benefits, and is now one of the most valuable and essential ingredients in all kitchens.

1. Controls Blood Sugar Level

Many people fear that Mesquite pod Powder has a mildly sweet taste and that it may increase blood sugar. Unlike other sugars, mesquite contains a type of sugar called fructose, which does not affect sugar levels or insulin secretion in any way.

Also due to its characteristics, the body can keep the blood sugar level steady for a long time. It also acts against insulin resistance and helps to increase insulin secretion, and as a result, mesquite pod powder is a good addition to a diabetic’s diet.

2. Promotes Healthy Digestion

Containing glycemic index 25, Mesquite powder digests food more slowly than most other grains. Slow digestion helps prevent frequent hunger and immediate rise / instant fall of blood sugar levels.

People with intestinal problems are advised to take Mesquite pod as it is high in soluble fiber. This soluble fiber greatly helps to speed up the bowel elimination process. These improve intestinal function by effectively blocking the absorption of minerals and vitamins in the gut.

In addition, it destroys the formation of toxic bacteria in the body. Growing research suggests that the fiber content in it may be effective against a variety of diseases, including colon cancer.

3. Helps in Heart Health

Excess LDL cholesterol and triglyceride in the body are the most important causes of stroke and heart disease. Mesquite powder is good for improving heart health and protecting the body from dangers including heart attack, cardiac disorders, and chest pain.

This is because the mesquite pod is high in essential fatty acids called omega-3, which effectively reduces the risk of heart disease. These fatty acids also quickly treat inflammation and soreness.

Besides, this omega-3 in Mesquite pod powder is known to promote behavioral and cognitive functions. The deficiency of essential fatty acids in the body can lead to depression, mood swings, dry skin, poor memory, and fatigue.

4. Supports the Immune System

Zinc is an essential source of strength and growth for the immune system. Mesquite pod is an excellent source of zinc, which when taken with food strengthens the body’s immune system.

These help to speed up the healing process for chronic colds, sinus colds, persistent ear pain, and many other ear-related infections. Also, high blood sugar and zinc deficiency are the main reasons for the very slow healing of wounds and in some cases, they don’t heal until last.

Zinc is needed by the immune system to control the development of malaria, parasites, and infectious diseases.

5. Aids Muscle Growth & Repair

Mesquite powder is rich in protein and soluble fiber thus it is called a superfoods. The pod of the P.Juliflora plant contains 17% protein. Protein is considered to be the building block of muscle because without proteins the body cannot be able to build muscle.

Protein deficiency is the cause of many disorders such as multiple sclerosis, ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Myasthenia gravis, Myopathy, Muscular dystrophy, Myositis.

Consumption of Mesquite Powder, one of the protein-rich foods, greatly promotes muscle growth, muscle strength, athletic performance, etc., and is also involved in muscle repair.

6. Reduces Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of heart disease. But the main reason for the increase in blood pressure is the high level of sodium deposited in the body.

Potassium contained in Mesquite pod helps in lowering blood pressure by helping to expel excess sodium deposited in the body.

Lowering blood pressure is not the only function of potassium but it also helps protect the body from diseases like stroke, kidney stones, and osteoporosis.

7. Highly Recommended for Depression

This pod is rich in magnesium which helps in curing many mental ailments including anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. They are also used to treat insomnia, depression, and migraine.

Benefits of Mesquite Leaf

Although these Mesquite trees grow in arid regions, their autumn leaves are evergreen. Mesquite leaf powder, which is obtained by drying the young Mesquite leaves well in the shade and then grinding them, has innumerable medicinal properties.

  • The extract derived from the leaves of the Mesquite tree is high in methanol and has strong antiviral and antifungal properties.
  • The leaves of this tree are rich in polyphenols which have strong antioxidant properties. It protects the body from various bacterial infections.
  • The juice of these leaves acts as an excellent pain reliever to help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • The distilled water obtained by boiling Mesquite leaves is used to expel harmful worms in the intestines.

Benefits of Mesquite Bark

  • Both the Dried Mesquite Bark and powder can resist Dhatu rig, Prameha, Nightfall, Leucorrhoea, and some more bacterial infections.
  • It effectively cures loss of viscosity of semen, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhoea, and frequent night discharges.
  • Mesquite bark powder treats all dental-related problems such as tooth cavity, tooth & gum pain, bleeding gums, and bad mouth odor.
  • All the parts of the Mesquite tree have high antioxidants and it speeds up antimicrobial activities to control oral problems.
  • Reduces pain and inflammation in the bonds and increases the blood flow of the body.
  • Mesquite tree bark has numerous alkaloids that greatly support the pH of saliva.
  • Besides, applying it’s powder externally can treat eye infections such as redness, eye irritation, and burning sensation in the eye.

Benefits of Mesquite Tree Resin

  • The medicinal resin derived from the Mesquite Tree is used extensively to cure Pneumonia, Leucorrhoea, and Nightfall.
  • Men can get various benefits and relief from ailments from consuming Mesquite Tree Gum.
  • The major problems of men such as loss of spermatorrhoea, viscosity, frequent nocturnal problems, and premature ejaculation are cured by consuming Mesquite resin in a proper way.
  • It strengthens gums and teeth, reduces gingivitis, and provides protection against bacterial infections in the mouth.
  • The resin of Mesquite Tree effectively does antimicrobial activities that treat oral problems.
  • This greatly reduces the incidence of plague, which is one of the biggest infectious diseases.
  • This resin is recommended to treat redness of the eyes, eye infections, tooth decay, and gum inflammation.

Nutrition Values of Mesquite (Karuvelam)

The various nutrition contains and the value of 100 grams of Mesquite

Protein 5.81 gm
Fat 1.5 gm
Sucrose 41 gm
Glucose 10 gm
Fructose 12gm
Insoluble fiber 21 gm
Total fiber 25 gm
Moisture 113 gm
Calcium 253 mg
Potassium 998 mg
Magnesium 69 mg
Iron 5.7 mg
Zinc 2.7 mg


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