Lumbar Corset For Low Back Pain/Lumbar Corset is a device that is used to support your lower back. A corset is made of soft material. It is usually tightened with laces that may tie in the back, front, or side. You may also have metal pieces that keep the corset from bending easily. Some styles have straps that can be added to go over your shoulders. The straps will keep the corset up.

Lumbar corset products include all types of enhancements to improve their effectiveness. Originally, a lumbar corset brace featured double pulls on the sides that would be used to increase the amount of compression around your lumbar area.

Types of Lumbar Corset Brace

Our new lumbar-sacral corset styles include features for improved fit and performance around the lumbar region:

  • Pulley System – With today’s adjustable-style spine corsets, lumbar support and compression are adjusted through mechanical pulley systems attached to a single pulley cord.  These rank highest with customers for comfort and ease of use.
  • Fabric – Wearing a soft lumbar spine corset outside in the heat can feel like a sweaty, uncomfortable task.  Our medical-grade mesh fabrics breath to release heat for comfort and support.
  • Heights – Wearing the right height lumbar corset can make all the difference in comfort.  We carry 9” to 12” styles in a sized and adjustable one-size low back corset with a low-profile design to fit every size and shape comfortably.
  • Rigid braces – consist of a sturdy layer of material (typically cotton or canvas) that wraps around the torso, and includes rigid panels that cover the front, back, and sometimes sides of the brace. Some models include hard plastic or metal bars that cover the outside of the brace.
  • Semi-Rigid – A back brace that combines elements of both flexible and rigid orthoses may be referred to as a semi-rigid brace. For instance, a flexible lumbar belt may include additional padding or molded plastic inserts for some additional support and stability.
  • Soft Lumbar Corset – A soft lumbar corset is primarily used to provide low back muscular support. A lumbar corset may be used for individuals who have extensive arthritis or mild lumbar instability. Many times, additional muscular support provides low back pain relief. The corset may also act as a reminder to avoid excessive low back motion and may help encourage proper body mechanics, such as good posture.
  • Corset Braces (Elastic Braces) – This style of brace works by limiting back motion. Unlike rigid braces, they are made from light materials and are cool to wear. They function by limiting the user’s movements and working as a prompt for good body posture and the use of the leg muscles in cases when the user is picking something heavy up.
  • Hyper-extension braces – These lumbosacral supports are used after spinal fusion surgery. They are basically designed to prevent excessive bending of the back. This helps the spine to heal well. They are also proven to help in getting rid of frontal compression fractures by stretching the spine and helping it to stay constant. They treat pain that occurs when the upper back meets with the lower back. They limit the movement in these two regions of the spine.
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Lumbar Corset For Herniated Disc

Indications of Lumbar Corset Brace

  • Low back pain syndrome– It involves lumbar vertebrae. It can be acute, subacute or chronic. An acute lower back injury may be caused by a traumatic event, like a car accident or a fall. In acute cases, the structures damaged will more than likely be soft tissue like intervertebral discs, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. With a serious accident, osteoporosis or other causes of weakened vertebral ones, vertebral fractures in the lumbar spine may also occur. Chronic lower back pain has a more insidious onset, occurring over a long period of time. Physical causes may include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, degeneration of the discs between the vertebrae, or a spinal disc herniation, a vertebral fracture (such as from osteoporosis) or rarely, a tumor (including cancer) or infection. Flamingo lumbar corset belt gives you a great relief.
  • Post-operative healing – A rigid brace may be prescribed following spinal surgery with the goal of reducing pressure on the spinal column, adding stability, and limiting movements and micro-motions to provide a healthy healing environment. A questionnaire completed by spinal surgeons found the most common reason for post-surgical bracing was to limit activity and movement.
  • Isthmic spondylolisthesis Using a rigid back brace for isthmic spondylolisthesis has been shown to minimize the amount of vertebral slippage and significantly improve walking ability and pain levels. A rigid brace limits excess motion at the fractured segment, helping control pain and potentially lessening damage to the joints, nerves, and muscles.
  • Spondylolysis Similar to isthmic spondylolisthesis, a semi-rigid or rigid brace may be recommended to minimize painful micro-motions at a fractured vertebral level, reducing pain and potentially allowing the fracture to heal. It is thought that a lumbar brace can prevent or reduce vertebral slippage (isthmic spondylolisthesis).
  • OsteoarthritisInstability and painful micro-motions from spinal osteoarthritis may be reduced with the use of a rigid or semi-rigid back brace. Additionally, a brace can reduce pressure on the affected facet joints, alleviating pain and making everyday movements easier, such as moving from a seated to standing position, or vice versa.
  • Vertebral compression fractures – A rigid or semi-rigid back brace may be recommended for vertebral compression fractures in order to reduce micro-motions at the fracture or affected vertebral level, as well as reduce pressure on the spinal column.
  • Better for improve posture – our posture brace relieving tension and improving your posture. It works by training your muscles and spine to their natural alignment
  • Thickness uniform – elastic straps incorporating Velcro hook-and-loop fasteners allow tightening or loosening the degree of compression and pressure easily. Nonbulky and thin straps make the brace virtually invisible under clothing.
  • Degenerative disc disease/lumbar herniated disc – When a spinal disc breaks down and/or herniates, a rigid or semi-rigid back brace can help stabilize and reduce micro-motion at the affected spinal segment. A back brace may also be used to limit bending and twisting and assist in carrying some of the weight the discs normally withstand.
  • Spinal stenosis Bracing for lumbar spinal stenosis aims to reduce pressure on and limit micro-motions in the lower spine, both of which can cause nerve root irritation and radicular pain.
  • Posture support – This is the relative posture of the spine when one is in an upright position. For one to maintain a healthy back it is important for the spine to have proper alignment. Pain, injury, structural deformities and weakness can lead to an abnormal posture. Back braces can be used to maintain normal curvature and shape if the spine. It works by correcting the abnormal posture and reducing the chances of poor spine conditions.
  • Controlling of back painMost people who have back health problems complain of pain. This pain is caused by the movement of the spine in positions that are stressed and cause damage to the structure of the back. Back braces help to control the pain and limit the movements. They allow the damaged structures to heal. That also works by doing away with pain symptoms by compressing the abdominal area. This takes off the pressure from the intervertebral discs and other structures along the spinal column.
  • Immobilization – Some of the back conditions require the back to be stopped from moving for some period of time. These are such as fractures, and surgical fusions of the spine. The braces help to reduce motion around the affected area and allows healing to take place. Without these braces, the healing may take longer or even lack to take place. These braces work by reducing motion, such as rotation, flexion or extension depending on the type of injury.
  • Stabilizing the spine – This is needed, especially after spinal surgery. The back braces are used to help keep the spine in the correct position to allow a normal posture. The braces keep the back intact to allow healing of the spine with the correct position and avoid deformation.
  • Muscle tension and strain In relatively rare cases, a flexible back brace may be advised for low back muscle strain. A back brace can help alleviate muscle tension by reducing pressure on the spine, thereby reducing the amount of strength needed in the muscles to support the spinal column.
  • Provides enhanced support to the lumbar, sacral and pelvic region
  • Gives perfect immobilization to the lumbar, sacral and pelvic region
  • Offers improved comfort
  • Excellent design for posture improvement made by a professional posture corrector, this product is ergonomically effective in reducing back pain, lumbar pain and neck pain, promoting body muscle memory and correcting posture easily
  • Providing some added spinal support to take the pressure off of weakened or injured muscles
  • Moderately limiting the range of motion to allow for some bending and twisting. For instance, while wearing a flexible brace, it may be possible to bend forward enough to touch the top of the knee, but not past the knees
  • Reducing micro-motion at a loose or weakened joint through compression of the torso or pelvis (especially in lumbar and sacroiliac joint belts)
  • Relaxing tense muscles through the warmth of the brace
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How Do I Use a Lumbar Corset Brace?

Before you get a lumbar corset, we recommend you contact a healthcare provider. You want to make sure you get the best support and getting consultation will help you understand which areas should be supported and how.

  • Talk to your healthcare provider about the fit of your corset – It is very important that your corset is the right size for you and that it fits properly. The corset should cover the areas that need support. Your healthcare provider will tell you how long the corset should be and how tight to make it.
  • Wear your corset as directed – You may need to wear your corset during certain activities or all the time. For example, you may need to wear it during any activity that could injure your back. Check the fit of the corset often. If it does not fit properly or moves out of place, it could cause more injury. Your healthcare provider may recommend that you wear a T-shirt under the corset to protect your skin.
  • Care for your corset – Inspect the corset often. Do not wear your corset if it is damaged or broken. You may need a new corset if the strings, laces, or buckles break.
  • Start to strengthen your lower back as directed – You may need to work with a physical therapist

Three Sizes – Choose Yours of Lumbar Corset

Standing in a relaxed position, measure the waist at the level of navel (belly button). Do not assume you know your size. Do not select by pants size.

  • Small Waist – 26″- 40″ / 66 – 100 cm; Typical Weight: up to 200 lbs
  • Medium – 40″ – 60″ / 100 – 152 cm; Typical Weight: 200 – 330 lbs
  • Large – 60″ – 72″ / 152 – 183 cm; Typical Weight: 330+ lbs
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