Advertising Policy receives funding from advertisements, sponsored content, and other partnerships, such as affiliate programs. The reality is that funding from our advertisers allows us to cover more conditions and provide more powerful experiences, including video, animations, and input from a range of experts. Be assured that we’re absolutely inflexible about our editorial autonomy. Other than input about broad topic areas, we never allow sponsors to influence the content we create.

We have specific ad and sponsorship guidelines we follow to ensure that advertising never gets in the way of editorial integrity. chooses the ads, does not endorse any products, distinguishes all ads from editorial content, and clearly distinguishes between sponsored and non-sponsored content. accepts Advertising in order to facilitate ongoing operations.

All Advertisements are subject to the approval of reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time for any reason or no reason. acceptance of any advertisement is under no circumstances considered to be an endorsement of any advertised product or service or for the company that manufactures, distributes, or promotes the product or service.

Advertisers have no control or influence over site content or a user’s search results on the website. Search results are based solely on the functionality available through our search software and user-defined criteria.

Advertising is separate from content will not display any Advertising that is not clearly labeled. Advertising copy must be factual and in good taste.

Advertised products must be compliant with the appropriate regulations and guidelines. Advertisements for pharmaceutical products that are subject to U.S. Food and Drug Administration oversight must comply with FDA regulations and guidelines regarding advertising and promotion.

An Advertiser cannot link to a page that prevents a user from easily returning to the website.

There are certain categories of Advertisements that will not knowingly permit on the at any time. These categories include but are not limited to the following:

  • Illegal, ‘objectionable’, ‘ineffective’ and/or ‘dangerous’ products ( reserves the right to determine what is ‘objectionable’, ‘ineffective’ and/or ‘dangerous’)
  • fraudulent, deceptive, illicit, misleading or offensive material
  • material that misrepresents, ridicules, discriminates (real or implied) or attacks an individual or group on the basis of age, national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or any other status deemed inappropriate for the
  • alcohol
  • weapons, firearms, ammunition, or fireworks
  • gambling
  • pornography or related themes
  • tobacco use of any kind
  • the simulation of news or an emergency
  • material that directly advertises products to or is intended to attract children under the age of 13
  • unreasonable, unlikely or extraordinary product or service claims
  • media messages or imagery that strobe or flash
  • media or messages that contain unsubstantiated “miracle” weight loss or other exaggerated claims of cure
  • advertising units that mimic computer functions or deceptively indicate a computer or other function that would be reasonable to the average user to assume as a reason to click the unit
  • illegal or objectionable products
  • fraudulent, deceptive, illicit, misleading or offensive material that discriminates, ridicules or attacks an individual or group on the basis of age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, material status, or disability
  • unreasonable, unlikely or extraordinary product or service claims
  • Advertisements that strobe or flash
  • Advertisements that contain spyware or adware
  • Advertisements that contain unsubstantiated “miracle” cures
  • Advertisements that mimic computer functions that would be reasonable to the average user to assume as a reason to click the unit

No Advertising will be allowed on the website that could damage the good reputation of

All advertisements are accepted and published by on the warranty of the agency and advertiser that both are authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter of the Advertisement.