Best Swimming Pool Cover Pumps/I never look forward to closing the swimming pool during winter. But, this is something that I am forced to do during the winter season. Like many other pool owners, I always take the extra step of covering the pool to prevent dirt, leaves, grass clips, twigs, and other debris from entering the pool. I had invested in the best swimming pool cover that guaranteed excellent service. Unfortunately, whenever I opened the pool, the dirt, leaves, bird droppings, and other debris would enter the swimming pool. This meant that I had to clean it before I could jump in. The right answer was to acquire a pool cover pump that would get rid of the water that accumulated on the surface. Over the years, I have owned several pumps. However, the following are the best swimming pool cover pumps in the market.

List Of Best Swimming Pool Cover Pumps

Blue Wave Dredger Jr. 350 Pool Winter Cover Pump

Although I’ve never owned this pump, I can’t tell you that it’s one of the most effective in the market. My neighbor has used it for about 3 years now and still works like a charm. He positively talks about how fast it works, easy operation, and good stability. Also, the submersible pump features a long power cord and is suitable for most swimming pools.

Reasons To Buy This

  • 350 GPH capacity for faster pumping
  • Easy-to-operate manual on/off
  • Fully submersible to remove water up to 1 / 8 inches deep.
  • Sturdy base for good stability

Pumps Away 350 GPH Pool Winter Cover Pump

My first experience with this pump was when I visited a friend during the Christmas season. Furthermore, I remember its good pumping power that easily got rid of any water that accumulated on the surface. And unlike other types in a similar class, this pump never seemed to struggle. I also loved the fact that it was submersible meaning it could also be used to pump water from the pool.

Reasons To Buy This

  • 25-Foot power cord for better reach
  • Powerful to pump up to 350 Gallons per Hour
  • Submersible design to drain water from the cover and the pool itself

WAYNE WAPC250 1/4 HP Pool Cover Pump

This has to be one of the best automatic pool cover pumps on the market. Its sharp sensors will turn it on when a certain level of water has been detected and then turn it off when the water has been removed. All you need is to plug it in a PowerPoint and forget about it.

On top of that, this is further enhanced by the oil-free design that saves you from regularly draining of used oil and filling it with fresh oil. It doesn’t get clogged by debris and also consumes minimal energy.

Reasons To Buy This

  • iSwitch technology automatically turns the pump on upon sensing water
  • Automatic freeze protection for preventing pump damage
  • The oil-free mechanism for easy maintenance and longer life
  • Strainer base filter to prevent clogging

Little Giant 5-APCP Automatic Pool Cover Pump

This is currently the pump that my neighbor uses and from his as well as my experience; it’s a pretty decent unit. It’s straightforward to install but works like a charm. Also, it quickly and safely eliminates melting snow, rainwater, and other debris from the pool cover while producing minimal noise. The fairly long power cord offers a good reach and is compatible with the standard garden hose.

Reasons To Buy This

  • Automatic design for improved functionality
  • Versatile design for draining any pool as well as removing water from any pool cover
  • Fully submersible for better operation
  • 1/6 HP motor for pumping up to 1200 gallons per hour
  • 25-foot long hose for improved access

Little Giant 500500 1-AA-18 Submersible Cover Pump

Before my current pump, I had installed this pool cover pump. I loved its universal design that made connecting it to the standard hoses easy. I also liked its seamless operation that ensured the cover had minimal melted ice or rainwater on its surface. Furthermore, the submersible pump was well cut for longevity thanks to the special coating on the aluminum housing. Last but not least, the reason that I replaced this unit was I felt it was a bit underpowered for my large swimming pool.

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Reasons To Buy This

  • 170-gallon per hour for effective water removal – Submersible nature for improved efficiency and versatility
  • Epoxy coated aluminum housing for longevity
  • 1/4-inch MNPT outlet for easy connection with standard garden hose adapter

Little Giant APCP-1700 1/3-HP Pool Cover Pump

This pool cover pump deserves a spot on this top 10 best swimming pool cover pumps in 2019 for several reasons. One, it’s among the most compact types on the market and is easy to install and use. Two, the submersible piece works very well and is suitable for different pool types. Three, it’s fully automatic and relatively fast. Fourth, the versatile pump lasts for many years under good care.

Reasons To Buy This

  • Removable intake screen improves maintenance and cleaning
  • Built-in handle for easy carrying
  • Integrated float switch for better operation and reliability
  • Side discharge for faster and efficient water removal.

FibroPRO Electric Swimming Pool Winter Cover Drain Pump

Anyone who closely follows pool cover pumps is familiar with the FibroPRO name. It’s one of the respected firms, and this is evidenced by this particular model. Although it’s not very large, this pump can pump large volumes of water within minutes. Furthermore, it doesn’t seem to struggle. I also like the simple design that makes installing it simple and easy. I recall it took the plumber a few minutes to fit it at my boss’s swimming pool. And considering it’s UL listed, you are certain to enjoy quality service.

Reasons To Buy This

  • Versatile design for use with above and in-ground pools
  • Powerful motor for pumping up to 600 gallons of water per hour
  • Hassle-free kit for easy and quick setup
  • 16-foot drain hose offers good reach

Little Giant 14942702 Pool Cover Pump

Ensuring your pool cover stays dry and free of frozen ice or rainwater is what this pool cover pump. It’s, without a doubt, one of the most energy-efficient units. Installing the accessory is relatively easy and should offer you good service for many years. Also, the pump easily connects to standard 3 /4-inch grade hoses and can handle large volumes of water. The power good has good length while the silent operation minimizes noise and disturbance.

Reasons To Buy This

  • Easy to connect to 3/4-inch garden hose
  • Powerful motor pumps up to 550-gallons per hour
  • Removable intake screen for easy cleaning and maintenance
  • 58 – Watt motor for energy efficiency

WAYNE WWB WaterBUG Pump With Multi-Flo Technology

Imagine a pool cover pump that can discharge up to 1257 gallons of water every hour? Well, this is what attracted me to the Wayne WWB WaterBUG. Not only is it powerful but also very efficient. Moreover, it features a compact size that comfortably fits into tight spaces.

I also like the side-discharge that makes it ideal for use on open surfaces such as flooded basements, flat roofs, shower stalls, and yards. Other than in swimming pools, I’ve heard that it can also be used in laundry tubs, hot tubs, bathtubs, and window wells.

Reasons To Buy This

  • Multi-Flo technology for optimum water discharge
  • Top discharge for use in tight spaces
  • Side discharge for use on flat open surfaces
  • The maximum Flow rate of 1257 GPH for quicker discharge

Superior Pump 1/4 HP Thermoplastic Submersible Utility Pump

This is currently the pump I am using on my pool cover. And so far, it has given me nothing but effective, enjoyable, and reliable service. The decently-sized pump features a powerful motor that delivers a good flow rate, and although it has a high flow rate, it keeps the energy consumption to a minimal. I like the black color that gives it a trendy look as well as its cool running that prevents overheating. I am yet to see any corrosion or rust thanks to the corrosion-resistant thermoplastic construction.

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Reasons To Buy This

  • 1/4 HP split capacitor motor for high efficiency
  • Low amp draw to conserve energy
  • Discharges up to 1800 gallons per hour,
  • Bottom and side intake minimizes clogging
  • 1-1/4 –inch male iron pipe for faster discharge

What To Know Before Going For Swimming Pool Cover Pumps?

To get relief from the daily stress, swimming is one of the best activities you can do in your free time. It is a kind of daily workout to stay fit and keep your mind refreshed. You may consider swimming as a kind of full-body exercise. In the present age, most of the people go for swimming during the morning or whenever they get some free time. But they should know how to care for swimming pools to ascertain safety and hygiene. The decent quality pool cover pump is a suitable option for both home and commercial pools.

For the pool owners, a pool cover pump is an essential accessory to invest in. It is believed that the majority of the typical health concerns like headache nausea and stomach upset take place because you take a bath in tidy and unimproved pools. During such cases, it is best to use the pool cover pumps because they protect your family members from these types of illnesses. Take a look at below sections that highlight different things to know for the swimming pool cover pumps:

Why Swimming Pool Cover Pump?

The winter pool cover makes sure the melted snow, rain, and debris like leaves will stay away from your pool whenever it is closed. Unluckily, all such things do not automatically bounce off the cover. They need to go somewhere and this usually means on the top part of your cover. When water starts accumulating and becomes heavier, it would start to amass in the middle part of the cover.

It is the best idea to leave three-quarters of a ton of water lying on your pool cover. If you do this, then it will enhance the speed of the need for replacement. Also, you need to plan for opening your pool afterward carefully. The corresponding standing water needs to come off sometimes and this suggests that you either need to do it by own or hire someone to accomplish this task. If your winter pool cover has accumulated under several hundred pounds of water for the last few months, then it is essential to use a swimming pool cover pump.

The Safety

While discussing the reasons to use such pumps, the prime one is safety. You might not have even perceived that a moist swimming pool cover could pose a safety risk. The reason behind this is the pool cover serves as a kind of a safety net to make sure a kid or pet does not fall in. But in case the cover is filled with water and sagging into the swimming pool then there is a drowning risk right present in the cover. Using a cover pump will make sure your cover is not immersed in water.


The next big reason to use such pumps is maintenance. In the absence of such a pump, you will need to round up all your powerful friends to uplift the cover above the pool or hire professionals or try out some different methods like dumping all the tidy water into the pool. When the water gets dumped back into the pool, it will fill it with debris and waste that deteriorates your swimming pleasure. With the use of a pool cover pump, there is no need to worry about such things.

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In order to save your pool cover, using such pumps are the best idea. This is because you cannot risk ruining it by just stretching or tearing it out from huge amounts of amassed rainwater. Keeping the water pumped off is usually a decent approach to save wear & tear and ensure the longevity of the cover.

Working Operation

First of all, the swimming pool cover pump keeps that water and tiny debris from amassing on the cover by effectively pumping it out. Alternatively, it can pump inside the yard or the particular direction you guard to. Next, it keeps your swimming pool protected from overflowing from rain and dissolved snow that penetrates in the past the cover.

There is an important note about snow, i.e. pool cover pump discards water, not snow. It is not a good idea to leave snow sitting on your cover and just wait for it to dissolve because it might turn to ice instead. Consequently, there may be some huge problems. It is best to make use of a snow removal tool through a non-abrasive foam head. This foam head would not tear the pool cover to softly push snow off your cover. In this way, it will be refrained from staying excessively heavy and doing any damage.

The working operation can also be defined as manual or automatic? If you opt for a manual pump, you will not need to stand outside with a hose over your pool cover. Also, you need not pump a lever vertically to discard the water yourself. As an alternative, merely keep an eye on your cover. The moment you see water starting to buildup, you have to manually turn the pump on. In case you forget to check for a few days, then there may be some troubles on your hands.


On the other hand, an automatic pool cover pump is entirely automatic as implied from its name. When placed in the center part of your cover, it would automatically turn on and start working whenever it detects that water has attained a certain level. Furthermore, you still need to keep an eye on the working process to make sure there are no flaws.


The price of swimming pool cover pumps usually differs a lot based on the type you purchase. It is known that the manual pumps are typically much cheaper. However, you need to consider the drawbacks of manual pumps over automatic pumps before making a choice. The one that fits your budget is the most suitable choice.


Yes, it may seem like a basic item. Nonetheless, the role of a pool cover pump can’t be underestimated. It helps to get rid of water from the cover. Discourages birds from perching around, and also prevents dirt and other debris from settling on the cover and entering the pool. It also saves you from having to clean the pool once you open it.

Buying the right item entails looking at features such as the size of the pool cover, brand reputation, pump’s gallons per hour(GPH), power cord length, mode of operation(automatic or manual), and price. This can be a challenge even to the experienced pool owner. The good news though is that I have compiled the list of the top 10 best swimming pool cover pumps in 2019. With this information, finding your next pump should be as easy as selecting any of the above pumps.