Keep Your Kidneys Healthy And Happy: 10 Tips To Protect Them Naturally

Your kidneys work hard and deserve some TLC. Here’s what you can do to take care of them. Drink sufficient water, skip processed foods, stop smoking, and limit sodium consumption to less than 2,300 mg per day. Avoid a high protein diet and don’t drink excessively. Keeping to a healthy weight and managing blood sugar and cholesterol levels are also important. Foods like soybeans, green leafy vegetables, and blueberries are good for your kidney.

Your kidneys are the silent heroes of your body. Every day, they filter and remove waste products from around 120–150 quarts of blood.1 But that’s not all. They also help make red blood cells, control blood pressure, keep your bones healthy, and regulate the level of electrolytes in your blood. They are all critical functions, you’ll notice. Which is why you need to keep these hardworking organs healthy. Here are a few ideas that should help23 4

1. Stay Hydrated

Water dilutes the concentration of waste material in urine and helps your kidneys work properly. So you need to make sure that you get enough. On average, adult women need around 2.1 liters of water a day while adult men need around 2.6 liters.5 But sometimes you may need more when factors like hot weather or vigorous exercise cause you to lose extra fluid as sweat. The color of your urine can work as an indicator of dehydration – if it’s darker than a straw color, you may not be getting enough water.

2. Manage Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, And Blood Sugar

High blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar levels can damage your kidneys. High blood pressure is particularly harmful. And since an increase in blood pressure doesn’t have obvious symptoms, it makes sense to check your blood pressure levels routinely. Don’t worry, it’s an easy and painless test that’s widely available at pharmacies and can even be carried out at home. If you do have problems with your blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar levels lifestyle, measures like a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you. Also, make sure you follow your doctor’s orders and take your medications according to prescription.

3. Cut Down On Sodium

Our food is loaded with salt or sodium. Some estimates suggest that our consumption exceeds the recommended amounts by about 50%. If that’s the case, here’s why you should be cutting down. Excess sodium can increase your blood pressure, which hampers blood flow to your kidneys and damages them. In fact, high blood pressure is the second highest cause of kidney damage.

Try to have less than 2,300 mg of sodium or about 1 teaspoon of salt in a day. But do keep in mind that putting your salt shaker away may not be enough to make a significant dent in your sodium consumption. Up to 75% of our sodium intake comes from processed foods like soups, tomato sauce, prepared mixes, canned food, and condiments. So make sure you check the label for sodium content when you buy food. The words “sodium” and “soda” as well as the symbol “Na” can be indicative of sodium.

4. Don’t Overdo Protein

High protein diets are all the rage nowadays. But did you know that excess protein can harm your kidneys? Ammonia, a byproduct of protein metabolism that can be dangerous in high amounts, is converted to urea and excreted as urine by your kidneys. If you partake of excess protein, your kidneys need to work harder.

On an average, having .75 g of protein per kg of your body weight if you’re an adult woman and .84 g of protein per kg of body weight if you’re an adult man should suffice to meet your protein needs. Try to meet this quota by eating small amounts of proteins with every meal. Lean meat, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes, seeds and nuts make good sources of protein.

5. Skip Processed Foods

Crackers, deli meats, potato chips, and cheese spreads – what do all of these have in common? Sure, they taste good. But they’re likely to be high in sodium and phosphorus as well. Both of these may harm your kidneys. Colas are another common food that may be high in phosphorus.10 Skip these in favor of fresh healthy foods and your kidneys will thank you for it.

6. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Excess alcohol can harm your kidneys. After all, it is a toxin which needs to be filtered out from the blood. Alcohol also dehydrates you, affecting the normal functioning of kidneys. Excessive drinking can also increase your risk for high blood pressure and liver disease, both of which negatively impact your kidneys.

Drink in moderation to keep your kidneys happy. Limit yourself to a drink a day if you’re a woman and 2 drinks if you’re a man. One drink is defined as 12 ounces if you’re having beer, 5 ounces if it’s wine, and 1.5 ounces if it’s liquor.

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7. Don’t Smoke

You already know that smoking can harm your heart and lungs and cause cancer. The kidneys don’t like it either. Smoking can raise your blood pressure and slow down blood flow to your kidneys. If you’re trying to quit smoking, counseling may be able to help. Nicotine replacement therapies, which help you deal with withdrawal by giving you small amounts of nicotine in controlled doses, have been found to be effective – they can even double your chances of quitting the cancer stick for good.

8. Keep To A Healthy Weight

Being too heavy, that is, having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more can be bad for your kidneys. It is a risk factor for high blood pressure, which can then lead to kidney disease. A healthy weight loss plan that combines a balanced diet and exercise can help you achieve your weight goals. Have whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fat-free or low-fat dairy products and pick foods that are not high in added sugars, saturated fat, or trans fats. Also, each week, try to get in about 150 minutes of exercise that is moderately intense like cycling, swimming, or walking.

9. Have Soybeans, Blueberries, And Green Leafy Vegetables

We saw earlier that too much protein can stress out your kidneys. But not all proteins are equal. Animal studies have found that having soy protein instead of animal protein can reduce kidney disease.14 Here too, just be sure not to exceed your protein limit.

Delicious blueberries are another kidney-friendly food. They are rich in antioxidants that can protect your kidneys from damage caused by inflammation.15 Meanwhile, calcium-rich green leafy vegetables can ward off kidney stones.16 So factor these into your meals to keep your kidneys functioning optimally.

10. Chinese Rhubarb And Goldenrod May Help Improve Kidney Function

Chinese rhubarb and goldenrod may be able to help boost your kidney health. Herbalists consider goldenrod a renal tonic that improves the kidneys’ functioning and tone while Chinese rhubarb may protect your kidneys from damage.17 Weigh your options with the help of an experienced naturopath. And do keep your doctor informed so they don’t interfere with any medicines you’re on. These herbs can also have harmful side effects if you already have kidney disease, so self-medicating with these are no-no.

7 Foods For Healthier, Happier Living

A healthy and nutritious diet has both short and long term health benefits, especially when it comes to reducing your risk for chronic diseases. The key is to eat a rainbow of fruits and veggies every day, rather than focusing on one magic bullet. Other must-haves include antioxidant-rich foods like green tea, clams, oysters, legumes, yogurt, and dark chocolate.

If single foods could end frequent allergy woes or make everyone slim and happy, grocery stores would have to ward off a massive amount of desperate shoppers on a daily basis. While we (thankfully) haven’t reached that point yet, science promises to bring a chain of food and nutrients that will benefit us in the long run.

According to Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, associate professor of cardiovascular medicine at Harvard Medical School, diet affects our long and short-term health especially when it comes to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. He adds, “Eat a variety of healthy foods, rather than focus on one magic bullet.”

Here is the list of 7 happy and healthy foods that you should pick up on your next visit to the grocery store.

1. Clams

A small dose of iron-packed clams on a regular basis can be immensely healthy. Clams contain high levels of vitamin B12 – the vitamin responsible for lessening anxiety levels and depression.1

Since the brain requires it to make dopamine and serotonin, depressed individuals with low levels of B12 usually feel better after taking B12 supplements.

Bonus cla(i)m: even canned clams can give you a good B12 boost. If you think you can’t have clams every day, don’t worry. You can easily get the vitamin from other seafood variety such as salmon or milk and other dairy products.

2. Oysters

Oysters are, hands-down, nature’s richest sources of zinc. A 2013 randomized clinical trial proved that zinc can reduce anxiety levels and improve mood. The experiment involved 44 people with depression. Those who were given a 25 mg zinc supplement along with an antidepressant enjoyed a ‘happier mood’ over the 3-month study period.

In order to keep yourself zinc-dated, get your daily dose of fresh oysters from the fish market and embrace life, happily!

3. Coffee

While coffee drinkers are generally thought of as hot-headed (sometimes even ‘snobbish’), recent research has proved that your regular cabinet java can actually induce positivity in individuals. One study proved that coffee consumed early in the morning was responsible for pleasant feelings, kindness, and positive energy.

Another study found that women who consumed more than 2 cups of coffee a day were at a lower risk of developing depression over the span of 10 years, compared to those who took less than one cup.2 Coffee is socially tied with affection, good friendship and satisfaction and when sipped leisurely, the few bonafide cups of joy can induce feelings of internal calmness and tranquility.

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4. Legumes

Peas, beans, and peanuts are considered to be the main sources of magnesium – involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions in your system that generate energy for bodily function. Forrest H. Nielsen, Ph.D., a research nutritionist in the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, explains that when you exercise, magnesium is redistributed throughout your body to help energy molecules get where they’re needed.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt is taken as one of the cultured dairy products that enhance the growth of probiotic bacteria in your gut. A comprehensive UCLA study found that women who consumed probiotic yogurt every day were less likely to react stressfully to fear or anger.

But how does it work? The traditional probiotic stance of yogurt firmly establishes a content view of life by making your brain have regular chats with the gut via the vagus nerve. The oh-so-good bacteria might be spreading a chill-out-and-live message throughout the body in this way.

6. Dark Chocolate

We are sure that the word ‘dark chocolate’ must bring a smile to your face. Fortunately for you, scientific research has backed its immense ‘happy health’ benefits. The various antioxidants in dark chocolate relax your blood pathways; lowering blood pressure and improving overall circulation.

One such 2014 study found that consuming an ounce of dark chocolate a day for two weeks lessens an individual’s stress levels.3 Why it is really amazing – Dark chocolate is packed with magnesium, a mineral that helps to calm PMS symptoms in women such as untimely fatigue and irritability. Moreover, dark chocolate’s unique, natural substances, known to trigger feelings of euphoria, can make you fall in love with life!

7. Green Tea

While herbal remedies are effective in a staunch weight loss process, one cup of green tea a day can be responsible for soothing your daily stressed-out mental reserves. A 2016 Japanese study, conducted with more than 40,000 people (all factors such as age, sex, medical history accounted for), found that those who consumed five or more cups of green tea a day were at a lower risk of being psychologically stressed, compared to those who drank one cup or less.

The best part: Green tea is also fantastic in smoothies, marinades, soups, and numerous sauces! So, pick up some green tea the next time you visit a supermarket. I’m sure many of us would feel happier digging into a scoop of ice cream or a juicy burger than a bland-looking bowl of nuts.

The strange truth, however, is that not all ‘happy’ foods appear delicious. These simple, everyday ingredients might seem uninteresting, but they secretly hack our bodies into feeling content.

By following a healthy eating habit with the foods mentioned in this article, you can ensure a pleasant and healthy life!

10 Effective Tips For Being Happy At Work

Happiness at work can be tricky to achieve. Even if you love your job, there will be a few bad days here and there. These debacles can cause unhappiness and make you dislike your job. But it is important to be happy at work as happiness at work has a strong influence on your productivity. Simple techniques mentioned here can help overcome setbacks and regain happiness at work.

Irrespective of whether you like your job or dislike it, you are bound to have good and bad days at work. Being happy at work indicates that you love what you are doing. It also helps boost productivity and makes you a great co-worker. More importantly, if you are unhappy at work, it can lead to unhealthy physical and mental conditions and even cause depression. So, you must learn to be happy at work. Here are 10 simple methods that can help you to be happy at work.

1. Don’t Over-Promise And Under-Deliver

When you agree to complete a task, you are naturally expected to deliver results. It is important to meet expectations in order to feel good about what you are doing. When expectations are not met, questions are asked and fingers are pointed. This can negatively impact your mood at work. Hence, it is important that you only make promises that you can keep. It is always better to set smaller expectations and exceed them. Commit on a task completion only if you think it can be accomplished within the time frame and it qualifies as quality work.

2. Make Friends With Co-Workers

Having friends at work can contribute to your happiness. Your work may take up most of your time at the office, but it is important to take some time to make friends. Getting to know another person and what they do can help in building rapport with the person. Talking to a friend also gives you a chance to take your mind off work for a few minutes and give you that much-needed breather. Sometimes, you may be stuck with what you are doing and a friend can probably help you find a solution.

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3. Get Involved In Fun Activities

Having fun at the office is crucial for your happiness at work. Interesting games and activities not only help people take their minds off work for a short duration but also adds the fun quotient to work, which keeps employees happy. It could be simple team building activities, memory games, get-to-know-others games, or simply a session to tell others about yourself. These activities not only help you take a break, but also improve the relationship between colleagues.

4. Practice Meditation

Meditation can improve the mood of a person and bring positive changes in thinking pattern. You don’t have to sit cross-legged and chant the mantra. You can sit normally on a chair and close your eyes for a few minutes and even listen to soothing music. Meditation helps you control your emotions and increases productivity. By breathing deeply, the brain receives more oxygen. This is a sure shot technique to drive away lethargy and negative emotions and bring in happiness and harmony.

5. Eat Mood-Enhancing Foods

Food has a huge impact on your mood. The quantity of food you eat and the nutritional value of the food plays a crucial role in your post-meal performance. Foods that contain ample nutrients and minerals nourish your body and keep the mind alert. Eating oily junk foods can adversely affect your body and mind. Also, ensure that you don’t overeat. Eating too much means the energy gets diverted to the digestion process and hinders your thinking capability. Eat light and eat right.

6. Ensure Constant Fluid Intake

Water is an essential commodity that the body requires at frequent intervals. Lack of water in the body restricts your mental function and adversely impacts your performance. Without enough fluids, you feel tired and this drains your energy leaving you incapable of accomplishing tasks. Dehydration hinders effective assimilation of nutrients and even the best health foods cease to have a beneficial effect on the body. Drinking fluids, especially water and fresh fruit juice that don’t contain added sugars, helps elevate your mood and ensures overall health.

7. Ensure Quality Sleep

No, we don’t suggest that you sleep at work although power naps are known to help you perform better. Sleep is extremely important for any person to function normally. Quality sleep for 7-8 hours allows you to focus and think better. Sleep deprivation can make you a nervous wreck. Forget working, even thinking clearly is impossible without providing your body and mind its share of rest. Deep sleep refreshes the mind and enables the body to rejuvenate itself. Your emotions are directly related to sleep patterns and people who achieve sound sleep are happier and emotionally balanced.

8. Keep Away Personal Problems

When you’re preoccupied with personal issues, it is hard to concentrate or be happy at work. Everybody has their share of personal problems. Just as you have to forget about work to enjoy your time at home with family and friends, it is crucial that you leave personal problems back at home so that you can focus and be productive at work. Of course, you can talk to your colleague about your personal problem, but set aside a time for that to ensure neither your work-time or theirs is compromised.

9. Think Positive

Whatever the nature of your work maybe, it will have its ups and downs. Some days are smooth sailing, while other days may be full of obstacles. By thinking only about what went wrong cannot solve a problem. Instead of focusing on the problem, think about possible solutions. Adopting a positive mindset can make problem-solving easier and equips you to look at a problem objectively. Positive thinking makes you happy while negative thoughts leave you feeling sad and dejected. By looking at the positive aspects of your work, you can make your job more enjoyable. Worrying about the negatives only cause you to become overwhelmed.

10. Decorate Your Workplace

The place where you work has the ability to make you happy. Imagine a workstation that is drab and unappealing, where you have to spend about eight hours. That can be quite demotivating. Decorate your workspace with anything that can uplift your mood and put a smile on your face. Placing a few plants, artifacts, graffiti or pictures of people you like can alleviate your mood and make you cheerful. It also tells a lot about who you are. An interesting looking workstation entices you to work more than a drab, ordinary workstation.