Sleeping position is associated with a state of muscle relaxation and reduced perception of environmental stimuli. Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles, and reduced interactions with surroundings. It is distinguished from wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli but is more easily reversed than the state of being comatose.

Sleep occurs in repeating periods, in which the body alternates between two distinct modes REM sleep and non-REM sleep. Although REM stands for “rapid eye movement”, this mode of sleep has many other aspects, including virtual paralysis of the body. A well-known feature of sleep is the dream, an experience typically recounted in narrative form, which resembles waking life while in progress, but which usually can later be distinguished as fantasy.

During sleep, most of the body’s systems are in an anabolic state, helping to restore the immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems; these are vital processes that maintain mood, memory, and cognitive function, and play a large role in the function of the endocrine and immune systems. The internal circadian clock promotes sleep daily at night. The diverse purposes and mechanisms of sleep are the subject of substantial ongoing research.

The Best Sleeping Position

If you’re anything like me, you absolutely love sleeping. Unfortunately, there are a lot of caveats to sleeping, such as back problems due to improper sleeping positions. At some point, everybody needs to sleep, so maximizing the benefits and minimizing the damage that certain positions could cause is important. sleeping position 2

Our bodies require sleep in order to be able to function normally and remain young-looking and energized. Yet, there are some who simply enjoy sleeping more than others and try to enhance this experience even more.

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Sleeping positions affect the quality of sleep to a great extent, and might lead to various health issues. Therefore, it is important to improve improper sleeping positions and thus maximize the benefits of sleeping.

We reveal the effects of 10 of the most common sleeping positions

  • Arms Up While On Your Back – This sleeping position is also known as the “starfish,” and is beneficial for the back,  and prevents acid reflux,  facial wrinkles, and snoring. Yet, in some cases, it can cause a shoulder discomfort, so use an extra pillow.
  • Sleeping On Your Back – Doctors often recommend this position as it results in a neutral spinal position without the exertion of force on the back, and thus improves neck and spine health.
  • Spooning – Spooning relieves stress, but can often cause pain and aches. According to psychologists, the physical contact, even during sleep, reduces stress in both partners.
  • Pillow Cuddling – This position is effective if you need to relieve the spinal pain and the stress on the joints.
  • Sleeping On Your Side – This is a beneficial position for those who suffer from sleep apnea or constant snoring. It aligns the spine and prevents pains in the back. Yet, it might lead to facial wrinkles and saggy breasts, so try not to send the entire night sleeping this way.
  • Back-To-Back, No Contact – This sleeping position indicates issues in the relationship, as it allows no physical contact. However, sometimes people prefer this position due to tiredness after a hard day at work.
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  • Fetal Position- This is not a beneficial position for adults, as it might cause various neck and back problems, and it restricts breathing, which reduces the quality of sleep. According to psychologists, people who sleep in this position are more prone to stress about their lives than others.
  • Couples On The Edge Of The Bed, Facing Away From Each Other
  • This position is also known as “pre-divorce” position, but actually, over 90% of couples who sleep in this position are in happy relationships.
  • Sleeping on Your Stomach – This is one of the most harmful sleeping positions as it applies great pressure on the back, and causes “pins and needles” in the arms and legs. Also, it restricts breathing as it strains the neck
  • Couples Facing Towards Each Other – Sleeping face-to-face allows easy cuddling, eye contact, and is highly intimate.


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