Vitamin B10 also known as PABA (para amino benzoic acid), is an essential vitamin belonging to the class of B complex vitamins. Earlier, vitamin B10 was referred to as vitamin R, but it has recently been renamed to PABA.

Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) is a naturally occurring, non-protein amino acid. It was once thought to be a B vitamin, but is now known to be neither a vitamin nor an essential nutrient in humans. Dietary PABA deficiency is not an issue in humans, though PABA can be found in liver, kidney, wheat germ, bran, and yogurt. PABA is most well-known as a part of some sunscreen products, since it can absorb ultraviolet (UV) light. PABA is also part of many different agents, including those that treat abnormal heart rhythms, bacterial infection, seizures, nausea and vomiting, cancer, mental illnesses, stomach issues, and pain.

Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin B10 

Deficiency of vitamin B10 leads to the following symptoms and conditions

Food Sources of Vitamin B10

Vitamin B10 is found abundantly in plant and animal sources. Rich sources of vitamin B10 include:

  • green leafy vegetables
  • whole grains
  • molasses
  • eggs
  • yogurt
  • wheat germ
  • mushrooms

Dosage of Vitamin B10 Supplements

The amount of vitamin B10 to be taken has not yet been established. However, the Food and Nutrition Board has given certain dietary guidelines mentioned below:

  • Infants: 50mcg/day
  • Children: 200 – 300 mcg/day
  • Adults:
    – 400 mcg/day
    – 800mcg (during pregnancy)
    – 600mcg / day (during lactation)
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Health Benefit of Vitamin B10

  • Despite the lack of any recognized syndromes of PABA deficiency in humans, except for a few people who lack the bacteria that generate PABA in their colons, many claims of benefit are made by commercial suppliers of PABA as a nutritional supplement. Benefit is claimed for fatigue, irritability, depression, weeping eczema (moist eczema), scleroderma (premature hardening of skin), patchy pigment loss in skin (vitiligo), and premature grey hair.
  • Vitamin B10 is used for the growth of beneficial microorganisms inside the body. It also prevents the bacteriostatic properties of certain drugs as it has a chemical structure similar to sulphonamides.
  • Vitamin B10 protects the skin from free radicals that may otherwise damage the skin and make it prone to infections. The free radicals that the skin may be exposed to are in the harmful chemicals present in polluted air and ultraviolet rays of the sun. Sunscreen lotion, containing PABA, when applied externally on the skin prevents pigmentation. Apart from its protective effect on the skin, vitamin B10 also treats various skin diseases known as fibrotic disorder.
  • Supplementation of vitamin B10 also corrects irritable bowel syndrome, gastrointestinal disturbances and various inflammatory reactions. PABA also acts as a coenzyme which aids in optimal utilization of protein by the cells.
  • Vitamin B10 acts as an anti allergen, which means it will treat and prevent skin allergies and diseases such as eczema and vitiligo. It has shown positive health effects in curing rheumatic fever. It is also effective as an anti ageing agent; it removes the fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots from the skin and prevents premature ageing. The use of vitamin B10 in various skin lotions has been the reason for cause of allergy in some individuals. Hence its use has been limited. Individuals prone to allergy should discontinue its use.
  • Vitamin B10 is used in the production of folic acid by the intestinal bacteria inside our body. It also acts as a coenzyme for its active role in protein metabolism and formation of red blood cells.
  • The potassium salt is used as a drug against fibrotic skin disorders, such as Peyronie’s disease, under the trade name Potaba. PABA is also occasionally used in pill form by sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome to treat its associated gastrointestinal symptoms, and in nutritional epidemiological studies to assess the completeness of 24-hour urine collection for the determination of urinary sodium, potassium, or nitrogen levels.
  • Vitamin B10 is found helpful in the formation of erythrocyte also called red blood cells.
  • This vitamin is essential for the synthesis of for folic acid.
  • It is very useful when used in sunscreen. It is also necessary for those individuals who want to avoid the ultraviolet UV) rays coming from the sun that can lead to skin neoplasia.
  • It is also found to be beneficial in hair pigmentation and skin.
  • Vitamin B11 has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • It is essential for the growth of skin and its normal color.
  • It is important for smooth amino acids metabolism.
  • It was once used to combat rheumatic fever.
  • It provides protection from damaging effects of ozone
  • It acts as a coenzyme and causes protein utilization in the body.
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  1.  Nutritional Health Resource
  3. Para-aminobenzoic acid”Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia. United States National Institutes of Health. Retrieved 24 January 2014.
  5. Folate Synthesis (Abstract)
  6. Jump up^ “Compound Summary on PubChem”PubChem. National Institute of Health: National Library of Medicine. 2006. Retrieved 2006-04-05.
  8.  Health Library (Supplements) PABA
  9.  Melanoma Madness The scientific flap over sunscreens and skin cancer — Chemical studies, Science News Online, 6/6/98 (accessed 10/1/2009, 2009)

Vitamin B10