Manual Test and Examination of Spine

Manual Test and Examination of Spine is an essential skill to master that will benefit you throughout your medical and surgical career. This article describes the basic anatomy and surface markings of the spine that will aid your examination and also discusses diagnostic tests for common pathologies. The special tests in the spine examination allow … [Read more…]

Crossed Brainstem Syndromes – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Crossed Brainstem Syndromes/Brainstem stroke syndromes, also known as crossed brainstem syndromes, refer to a group of syndromes that occur secondary to lesions, most commonly infarcts, of the brainstem. A brainstem infarction (BSI) is a stroke that happens when blood cannot flow to your brainstem. When oxygen cannot get to an area of the brain, tissue in … [Read more…]

Brainstem Stroke Syndromes – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Brainstem stroke syndromes, also known as crossed brainstem syndromes, refer to a group of syndromes that occur secondary to lesions, most commonly infarcts, of the brainstem. A brainstem infarction (BSI) is a stroke that happens when blood cannot flow to your brainstem. When oxygen cannot get to an area of the brain, tissue in that area … [Read more…]

Frontotemporal Neurocognitive Disorder – Symptoms, Treatment

Frontotemporal Neurocognitive Disorder is a progressive, neurodegenerative, heterogeneous group of non-Alzheimer dementias disorder characterized by loss of intellectual functions, such as memory problems, impaired abstract thinking, reasoning, behavioral changes, and language deficits with frontal and temporal cortical degeneration and executive function, severe enough to hamper activities of daily living. It requires a multidisciplinary approach to … [Read more…]

Child Cerebral Palsy – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Child Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture. CP is the most common motor disability in childhood. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles. CP is caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the … [Read more…]

What Is Dementia? – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Dementia is a syndrome of chronic progressive cognitive decline, a neurodegenerative brain disorder that is characterized by cognitive decline involving memory and at least 1 of the other domains, including personality, praxis, abstract thinking, language, executive functioning, complex attention, social, visuospatial skills language, memory, comprehension, attention, judgment, and reasoning usually affects people over the age … [Read more…]

What are the Epilepsies? – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Epilepsies are chronic neurological disorders in which clusters of nerve cells, or neurons, in the brain sometimes signal abnormally and cause seizures. Neurons normally generate electrical and chemical signals that act on other neurons, glands, and muscles to produce human thoughts, feelings, and actions. During a seizure, many neurons fire (signal) at the same time … [Read more…]

Pick Disease – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Pick disease, also known as frontotemporal dementia is a progressive, neurodegenerative, heterogeneous group of non-Alzheimer dementias disorder characterized by loss of intellectual functions, such as memory problems, impaired abstract thinking, reasoning, behavioral changes, and language deficits with frontal and temporal cortical degeneration and executive function, severe enough to hamper activities of daily living. It requires … [Read more…]

Frontotemporal Dementia – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Frontotemporal dementia is a progressive, neurodegenerative, heterogeneous group of non-Alzheimer dementias disorder characterized by loss of intellectual functions, such as memory problems, impaired abstract thinking, reasoning, behavioral changes, and language deficits with frontal and temporal cortical degeneration and executive function, severe enough to hamper activities of daily living. It requires a multidisciplinary approach to improve … [Read more…]

Frontotemporal Disorders – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Frontotemporal dementia is a progressive, neurodegenerative, heterogeneous group of non-Alzheimer dementias disorder characterized by loss of intellectual functions, such as memory problems, impaired abstract thinking, reasoning, behavioral changes, and language deficits with frontal and temporal cortical degeneration and executive function, severe enough to hamper activities of daily living. It requires a multidisciplinary approach to improve … [Read more…]

Headache Disorders – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Headache Disorders /These patients may also complain of shoulder or neck muscle tightness as well as sleep disturbances. Symptoms of nausea, vomiting, photophobia or phonophobia are typically absent or are very mild. These features, when present, easily differentiate TTH from migraines. Sometimes the symptoms are overlapping, and confirmation of an exact diagnosis may only occur … [Read more…]

Chronic Headaches – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Chronic headaches are headaches that occur for at least 15 days of a month for at least three months. There are a variety of causes and ways to manage this condition. This activity reviews the evaluation and treatment of chronic headache, and explains the role of the interprofessional team in evaluating, treating, managing, and improving … [Read more…]