Cefodizime; Uses, Dosage, Side effects, Interactions,

Cefodizime; Uses, Dosage, Side effects, Interactions,

Cefodizime is a third-generation, aminothiazolyl cephalosporin for parenteral use. Cefodizime has broad-spectrum activity and is stable to most beta-lactamases. Clinically, it has been shown to be effective against upper and lower respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, and gonorrhea. Cefodizime is a bactericidal antibiotic that targets penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) 1A/B, 2, and 3 resulting in the eventual death of the bacterial cell. In vivo, experimental models of infection showed that bacterial clearance by this drug is at least as effective compared with other 3rd generation cephalosporins. It has a similar adverse effect profile to other 3rd generation cephalosporins as well, mainly being limited to gastrointestinal or dermatological side effects.

Mechanism of Action of Cefodizime

The bactericidal activity of cefodizime results from the inhibition of cell wall synthesis via affinity for penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). 

Cefodizime is a third-generation, semi-synthetic, beta-lactam cephalosporin antibiotic with antibacterial activity. Cefodizime binds to penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), transpeptidases that are responsible for crosslinking of peptidoglycan. By preventing crosslinking of peptidoglycan, cell wall integrity is lost and cell wall synthesis is halted. Intramuscular cefodizime bioavailability ranges from 90% to 100%. It distributes into many tissues and is approximately 81% bound to plasma proteins, chiefly albumin. The drug reaches minimum inhibitory concentrations approximately 2–3 hours after administration, maintaining it for several hours afterward. Clearance of cefodizime from the body is predominantly renal, with the majority of the drug excreted unchanged within the first 12 hours. More specifically, cefodizime is mainly cleared via glomerular filtration in the kidney, in addition to some tubular secretion. In patients with normal renal function, the terminal phase elimination half-life is approximately 3.5 hours.

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Indications of Cefodizime

For the treatment of infections due to susceptible strains of microorganisms.

  • Intra-Abdominal
  • For the treatment of serious infections caused by susceptible strains microorganisms.
  • Lower respiratory tract infections, including pneumonia and lung abscess,s
  • Urinary tract infections caused by Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species,
  • Intra-abdominal infections, including peritonitis and intra-abdominal abscess,
  • Gynecological infections, including endometritis, pelvic cellulitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease caused
  • Bacterial Infections
  • Bloodstream Infections
  • Otitis media,
  • Sinusitis,
  • Pharyngotonsillitis,
  • Lower respiratory tract infections,
  • Acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis,
  • Tracheobronchitis,
  • Pneumonia,
  • Urinary tract infections,
  • Central Nervous System Infections
  • Community-Acquired Pneumonia
  • Endometritis
  • Gonococcal arthritis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Infected animal bite
  • Intra-Abdominal Infections
  • Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial
  • Lyme Neuroborreliosis
  • Meningitis bacterial
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  • Pelvic cellulitis
  • Peritonitis bacterial
  • Pneumonia, Bacterial
  • Postoperative Infections
  • Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Bacterial Infections
  • Aspiration Pneumonia Cesarean Section
  • Bronchitis
  • Tonsillitis

Contra-Indications of Cefodizime

  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Liver problems
  • Interstitial nephritis
  • Kidney disease in severe condition
  • Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Allergies cephalosporins & beta-lactams

Dosage of Cefodizime

Strengths:500 mg, 1000 mg , 1g, 2 g, I.V

Lower resp tract infections; UTI

  • 1-2 g 12 or 24 hourly. Up to 4 g/day in severe infections.


  • 0.25-0.5 g as a single dose.

Lower respiratory tract infections, 

  • 1-2 g every 12 or 24 hr via IM or IV infusions. Up to 4 g/day may be used in severe infections.

Urinary tract infections

  • 1-2 g every 12 or 24 hr via IM or IV infusions. Up to 4 g/day may be used in severe infections.


  • 0.25-0.5 g as a single dose given by IM or IV infusions.

Side Effects of Cefodizime

The most common

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More common


Drug Interactions of 

Cefodizime may interact with following drugs, supplements, & may change the efficacy of drugs

Pregnancy Catagory

FDA Pregnancy Category  B


It is not known if cefodizime is safe for use by pregnant women. This medication should not be used during pregnancy unless the benefits outweigh the risks. If you become pregnant while taking this medication, contact your doctor immediately.


This medication may pass into breast milk. If you are a breastfeeding mother and are taking cefodizime it may affect your baby. Talk to your doctor about whether you should continue breastfeeding. It is not known if cefodizime is safe for children under 6 months of age.

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