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What are the 7 Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis? Unveiling the Silent Symptoms

The seven signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis include joint pain, swelling, stiffness, fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, and small joint deformities. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects the joints, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Other common symptoms include fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, and the development of small joint deformities over time. Detecting these signs early on can help in the timely diagnosis and management of the condition, ultimately improving the quality of life for individuals affected by Rheumatoid Arthritis.


What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

If you’ve been experiencing joint pain, stiffness, and swelling, especially in the mornings, then it’s time to take a closer look. These could be signs of rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic autoimmune disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Rheumatoid arthritis is different from other types of arthritis because it not only causes inflammation in the joints but can also affect other organs in the body, like the heart and lungs.

Brief Overview Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints, causing inflammation, pain, and stiffness. Unlike osteoarthritis, which is caused by wear and tear on the joints, rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy tissues in the body, specifically the synovium (the lining of the joints).

Over time, the inflammation in the synovium can lead to the erosion of cartilage and bone, causing irreversible damage to the joints. It typically affects the small joints in the hands and feet, but it can also impact larger joints like the knees, hips, and shoulders. In some cases, rheumatoid arthritis can even lead to deformities and loss of joint function.

Explanation Of Autoimmunity And Its Role In The Disease

Autoimmunity is a condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells and tissues. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system identifies the synovium as a threat and launches an immune response, leading to chronic inflammation.

This inflammation creates a vicious cycle where the immune system continuously attacks the synovium, causing further damage to the joints. It is still not entirely clear what triggers this autoimmune response, but genetic factors, environmental factors, and hormonal changes are believed to play a role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

As the disease progresses, the immune system’s attack can extend beyond the joints to other body parts, such as the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and eyes. This is why rheumatoid arthritis is classified as a systemic disease, affecting multiple systems in the body.

The exact cause of autoimmune reactions in rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown, but researchers believe that a combination of genetic and environmental factors contribute to its development. In some cases, infections or exposure to certain substances may trigger the immune system to go haywire and attack the body’s own tissues.

In conclusion, understanding what rheumatoid arthritis is and how it is influenced by autoimmunity is crucial for early detection and management of this chronic disease. Identifying the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is the first step towards seeking appropriate medical care and ensuring a better quality of life.

Joint Pain And Swelling

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints. One of the key symptoms of RA is chronic joint pain and swelling, which can significantly impact an individual’s mobility and daily activities. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into these primary symptoms, exploring their effects and implications for those living with rheumatoid arthritis.

Chronic Joint Pain And Swelling As The Primary Symptoms

When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, chronic joint pain and swelling are the hallmark signs that individuals experience. It’s important to note that this pain and swelling tend to affect the joints symmetrically, meaning it typically occurs in similar joints on both sides of the body.

The pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis is often described as a dull ache or throbbing sensation. It tends to exacerbate with movement or prolonged periods of inactivity. Additionally, the affected joints may feel warm to the touch and appear visibly inflamed.

Swelling, on the other hand, is a common occurrence in rheumatoid arthritis due to the inflammation of the synovium, a thin layer of tissue lining the joints. As a result, the affected joints may appear puffy or enlarged, making it visually evident that there’s an underlying issue. This swelling is not only uncomfortable but can also lead to reduced range of motion and stiffness in the affected joints.

Impact On Mobility And Daily Activities

As the chronic joint pain and swelling persist in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, their mobility and ability to perform daily activities can become significantly impaired. The pain and inflammation can make it challenging to engage in routine tasks, such as household chores, personal care, and even basic movements.

The stiffness and decreased range of motion in the affected joints can further limit mobility and make simple actions like grasping objects, walking, or climbing stairs arduous. As a result, individuals may feel frustrated, experience a loss of independence, and find their overall quality of life compromised.

Moreover, the continual pain and swelling can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and reduced energy levels during the day, further exacerbating the impact on daily activities. This chronic condition requires individuals to make modifications and adaptations to their lifestyle in order to manage the symptoms effectively and maintain functionality.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a complex condition with a variety of symptoms. However, chronic joint pain and swelling are key indicators that should never be ignored. If you experience persistent joint discomfort or notice visible swelling, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Morning Stiffness And Fatigue

One of the key signs that may indicate the presence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is morning stiffness and persistent fatigue. These symptoms, which often go hand in hand, can greatly impact a person’s daily routine and overall quality of life. Understanding the significance of morning stiffness and fatigue is crucial in recognizing the early signs of RA and seeking appropriate medical care.

Morning Stiffness That Lasts For Hours

Morning stiffness is a hallmark characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. If you have RA, you may experience stiffness in your joints, particularly in the hands and feet, upon waking up. This stiffness typically lasts for more than an hour and can make it difficult to perform even simple tasks, such as brushing your teeth or opening a jar. The intensity and duration of morning stiffness can vary from person to person, but it is crucial to pay attention to any persistent stiffness that significantly affects your daily functioning.

Persistent Fatigue And Tiredness

In addition to morning stiffness, individuals with rheumatoid arthritis often experience persistent fatigue and an overwhelming sense of tiredness. This fatigue can be debilitating, leaving you feeling constantly drained and lacking energy. Unlike normal tiredness that tends to improve with rest, RA-related fatigue is often unrelenting and can occur even after a good night’s sleep. It can significantly impact your ability to concentrate, stay productive, and engage in physical activities. Recognizing and addressing this persistent fatigue is important for managing rheumatoid arthritis effectively.

It is important to note that while morning stiffness and fatigue are common signs of RA, they can also be indicative of other health conditions. If you experience these symptoms, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Joint Tenderness And Warmth

Abnormal Tenderness And Warmth Around Affected Joints

Joint tenderness and warmth are hallmark signs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). When a person has RA, the affected joints can become abnormally tender and warm to the touch. This tenderness and warmth are often felt deep within the joint and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling and stiffness. Unlike other types of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis, the tenderness and warmth associated with RA tend to be bilateral, meaning they affect both sides of the body. This is an important differentiating factor that helps physicians distinguish RA from other forms of arthritis.

Differentiating Factor From Other Types Of Arthritis

One of the key factors that sets rheumatoid arthritis apart from other types of arthritis is the presence of abnormal tenderness and warmth around the affected joints. While joint tenderness and warmth can occur in various forms of arthritis, the characteristic bilaterality seen in RA, where the symptoms affect both sides of the body, is often a distinguishing feature. In addition to joint tenderness and warmth, other symptoms of RA may include joint stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. These symptoms can vary in severity and may come and go over time. If you notice any abnormal tenderness and warmth in your joints, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. To summarize, abnormal tenderness and warmth around the affected joints are prominent signs of rheumatoid arthritis. This characteristic bilaterality differentiates RA from other types of arthritis. If you experience these symptoms, it’s crucial to seek medical attention for an accurate diagnosis and suitable treatment.

Joint Redness And Deformity

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints. As the disease progresses, various symptoms start to manifest, providing crucial clues for early detection and treatment. One common sign of rheumatoid arthritis is joint redness and deformity, which can significantly impact a person’s mobility and overall quality of life. In this article, we will delve deeper into the significance of joint redness and deformity as key indicators of RA.

Redness And Inflammation Of Joints

When RA sets in, joints become inflamed due to an overactive immune system that mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues, particularly the synovium – the protective covering of the joints. This inflammation leads to redness, warmth, and swelling in the affected joints. Paying close attention to these visual cues can help identify early-stage rheumatoid arthritis.

Here are some key points to remember:

  • Joint redness is caused by increased blood flow to the inflamed area.
  • Inflamed joints may feel warm to the touch.
  • Swelling, tenderness, and pain are often associated with joint redness.
  • If you notice persistent joint redness, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis.
  • Early intervention can help slow down the progression of rheumatoid arthritis and reduce the risk of joint deformities.

Development Of Joint Deformities Over Time

As rheumatoid arthritis advances, the persistent inflammation starts to erode the cartilage and bone within the affected joints. This destructive process leads to the development of joint deformities. The joints may become misaligned, causing visible changes in their shape and function. Left untreated, these deformities can severely limit a person’s ability to perform daily activities and negatively impact their overall well-being.

To fully grasp the implications of joint deformities in rheumatoid arthritis, consider the following:

  1. Joint deformities commonly occur in the hands, feet, wrists, and ankles.
  2. The deformities can lead to joint stiffness, reduced range of motion, and difficulty with fine motor skills.
  3. Actively monitoring and managing joint deformities is essential to minimize their impact on daily life.
  4. Implementing targeted exercises, physical therapy, and medication as prescribed by healthcare professionals can help alleviate the discomfort and slow down further deformity progression.

By keeping a watchful eye on joint redness and deformity, individuals can be proactive in seeking early treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Remember, timely intervention is crucial in managing the symptoms, preserving joint function, and improving the overall quality of life for those living with RA.

Systemic Symptoms

When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, it’s not just about joint pain and inflammation. This chronic autoimmune disease can also give rise to a range of systemic symptoms that affect the entire body. Recognizing these signs is crucial for early detection and prompt treatment. In this article, we will explore the various systemic symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis that often go beyond joint-related issues.

Additional Symptoms Beyond Joint-related Issues

Rheumatoid arthritis is notorious for its ability to impact more than just the joints. In fact, it is known to cause a wide array of symptoms that can affect multiple body systems. These additional symptoms are often indicative of the systemic nature of the disease. Paying attention to these signs can aid in ensuring early intervention and management. Let’s get into some of the most common systemic symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis:

Flu-like Symptoms, Fever, And Loss Of Appetite

One of the most notable systemic symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is the presence of flu-like symptoms. Fatigue, malaise, and a general feeling of being unwell can often accompany the joint pain and stiffness. Additionally, many individuals with this condition may experience low-grade fever, which can come and go sporadically. This persistent fever can leave you feeling weak and fatigued, impacting your daily activities.

Another systemic symptom that often goes hand in hand with rheumatoid arthritis is a loss of appetite. This lack of interest in eating can lead to unintended weight loss, further exacerbating fatigue and weakness. It’s important to monitor your appetite and seek medical attention if you notice a significant decrease in your food intake. Proper nutrition is vital for managing the symptoms of this disease and supporting overall health.

Understanding the systemic symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is crucial for early diagnosis and effective management. If you experience any of these symptoms alongside joint-related issues, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional. Don’t ignore the signs – taking action promptly can help minimize the progression of this chronic condition and improve your quality of life.

Emotional And Cognitive Effects

Impact Of Rheumatoid Arthritis On Mental Health

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not only a physical condition but also has a significant impact on mental health. The emotional and cognitive effects of this chronic autoimmune disease can affect a person’s overall well-being and quality of life. It is essential to recognize and address these aspects to provide comprehensive care for individuals with RA.

Cognitive Difficulties And The Potential For Depression

Living with RA can bring about cognitive difficulties that may affect memory, concentration, and problem-solving abilities. These cognitive challenges can be burdensome and may exacerbate feelings of frustration and stress. Over time, the experience of cognitive difficulties can lead to the development of depression.

Depression is a common emotional consequence of RA, occurring in up to 42% of individuals with the condition. The combination of chronic pain, physical limitations, and unpredictability of symptoms can significantly impact a person’s mental well-being. RA-related depression can further contribute to worsening physical symptoms and decreased overall functioning.

RA-related depression can manifest as persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, low self-esteem, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms can further compound the challenges individuals with RA face on a daily basis, making it crucial to address and manage their mental health concerns.

Addressing the Emotional and Cognitive Effects

Recognizing and addressing the emotional and cognitive effects of RA is vital to ensure a holistic approach to the management of this condition. Some strategies that can be beneficial include:

1. Therapeutic Interventions:

  • Engaging in talk therapy or counseling can provide a safe space to address and manage the emotional impact of RA.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help individuals develop coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with cognitive difficulties and depression.

2. Support Networks:

  • Seeking support from family, friends, and support groups can provide comfort and understanding during challenging times.
  • Connecting with others who have RA can help individuals feel less isolated and provide opportunities for sharing experiences and coping strategies.

3. Medication Management:

  • Collaborating closely with healthcare professionals to find appropriate medications for managing both the physical and emotional aspects of RA.
  • Sometimes, antidepressant medications may be prescribed to help alleviate depression symptoms.

4. Lifestyle Changes:

  • Adopting stress-management techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
  • Engaging in regular exercise, following a balanced diet, and getting enough restful sleep can contribute to overall well-being.

By recognizing the emotional and cognitive impact of RA and addressing it proactively, individuals can improve their quality of life and effectively manage the challenges associated with this chronic condition.

Frequently Asked Questions On What Are The 7 Signs Of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include joint pain, swelling, stiffness, fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite. Early signs may be mild and progress over time.

How Does Rheumatoid Arthritis Affect The Joints?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack the lining of the joints, leading to inflammation. This can result in joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and eventually joint deformity.

Can Rheumatoid Arthritis Affect Other Parts Of The Body?

Yes, rheumatoid arthritis can affect other parts of the body besides the joints. It can also cause inflammation in the eyes, lungs, heart, blood vessels, and other organs.

Is Rheumatoid Arthritis A Hereditary Disease?

While there is a genetic component to rheumatoid arthritis, it is not solely determined by heredity. Having a family history of the disease can increase the risk, but other factors like environmental triggers and lifestyle choices also play a role.


Rheumatoid arthritis can greatly impact one’s quality of life, causing pain, stiffness, and joint damage. By recognizing the seven signs of this condition—such as joint swelling and fatigue—you can seek early diagnosis and treatment. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized care.

Stay proactive in managing your symptoms and maintain a healthy lifestyle to minimize the impact of rheumatoid arthritis on your day-to-day activities.

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Winter Health Tips: Boost Your Immunity and Stay Fit

To stay healthy during winter, maintain a balanced diet and stay active. These winter health tips will help you stay strong and fend off common winter illnesses such as the flu and colds.


Taking care of your immune system, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and bundling up when going outside are essential for winter wellness. Additionally, practicing good hygiene, such as washing your hands regularly, can prevent the spread of germs. By following these simple guidelines, you can enjoy a healthy and enjoyable winter season while avoiding common winter health issues.


Essential Nutrients For A Strong Immune System

In order to stay healthy and fend off winter illnesses, a strong immune system is essential. By focusing on incorporating key nutrients into your diet, you can give your immune system the support it needs to fight off viruses and keep you feeling your best. Here are some essential nutrients to prioritize for a strong immune system:

Vitamin C And Its Benefits For Immunity

Vitamin C is a well-known immune-boosting nutrient that plays a vital role in protecting your body against infections. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps strengthen your immune system by promoting the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off foreign invaders.

Some of the key benefits of Vitamin C for immunity include:

  • Reducing the duration and severity of cold symptoms
  • Enhancing the production of antibodies
  • Aiding in the absorption of iron, which is crucial for a strong immune response

Zinc And Its Role In Boosting The Immune System

Zinc is another essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system. It is involved in various immune processes, including cell growth, division, and the production of immune cells.

Here are some key reasons why zinc is important for a robust immune system:

  • Supporting the development and function of immune cells
  • Enhancing the activity of certain enzymes that are involved in immune responses
  • Helping to reduce the severity and duration of the common cold

Importance Of Vitamin D For Winter Health

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is crucial for overall health, especially during the winter when sunlight exposure is limited. It plays a pivotal role in modulating the immune system and reducing the risk of respiratory infections.

Here are some reasons why Vitamin D is important for winter health:

  • Enhancing the function of immune cells
  • Reducing the risk of respiratory infections
  • Promoting the production of antimicrobial peptides that help fight off pathogens

Omega-3 Fatty Acids And Their Impact On Immunity

Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, have been shown to have a positive impact on immune function. These essential fats help reduce inflammation and support the immune system’s response to infections.

Here are some ways omega-3 fatty acids contribute to a strong immune system:

  • Reducing inflammation in the body, which can improve immune function
  • Enhancing the activity of certain immune cells
  • Supporting the integrity and function of cell membranes

By incorporating these essential nutrients into your diet, you can give your immune system the necessary support it needs to keep you healthy and resilient during the winter months.

A Healthy Diet For Winter Wellness

As the winter months approach, it is essential to prioritize your health and well-being by maintaining a healthy diet. The food you consume plays a crucial role in supporting your immune system and overall wellness during this season. Incorporating immune-boosting fruits and vegetables, staying hydrated, and indulging in nourishing soups are important aspects to consider. In addition, being mindful of foods that can weaken your immune system will ensure you stay strong and healthy throughout the winter. Let’s delve into each of these aspects in detail.

Incorporating Immune-boosting Fruits And Vegetables Into Your Meals

The winter months demand extra attention to your immune system, and one of the best ways to strengthen it is by incorporating immune-boosting fruits and vegetables into your meals. These powerhouses of nutrients provide the essential vitamins and antioxidants that your body needs to ward off common winter illnesses. Fill your plate with a colorful array of fruits and vegetables such as:

Fruits Vegetables
Oranges Broccoli
Grapefruits Spinach
Kiwis Carrots
Pomegranates Bell peppers

These fruits and vegetables are packed with immune-boosting nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and antioxidants. Incorporating them into your meals will help fortify your immune system and keep illnesses at bay.

The Significance Of Hydration During Winter Months

Staying hydrated is crucial, not only during summer but also during the winter months. The colder weather tends to make us overlook the need for proper hydration. However, staying hydrated is essential for maintaining optimal bodily functions and supporting our immune system. In addition to drinking plain water, consider incorporating hydrating foods such as:

  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Soups and broths

These foods consist of a high water content, keeping you hydrated and your body in top shape. Make sure to drink water throughout the day and include hydrating foods to maintain your overall well-being.

Healthy Soup Recipes To Nourish Your Body And Support Your Immune System

Winter is the perfect time to treat yourself to a warm and nourishing bowl of soup. Soups are not only comforting but can also provide your body with essential nutrients to support your immune system. Here are a few healthy soup recipes that you can try:

  1. Chicken and vegetable soup: A hearty blend of lean chicken, various vegetables, and fragrant herbs.
  2. Lentil soup: Packed with protein and fiber, lentil soup is an excellent choice for a nutritious meal.
  3. Tomato soup with roasted vegetables: A twist on the classic tomato soup, this recipe incorporates roasted vegetables for added flavor and nutrients.

These soup recipes will not only warm your body but also provide nourishment to boost your immune system and keep you strong during the winter months.

Foods To Avoid For A Strong Immune System During Winter

While it’s crucial to focus on incorporating immune-boosting foods, it’s equally important to be mindful of foods that can weaken your immune system. During the winter months, limit your consumption of:

  • Sugary snacks and beverages
  • Processed foods
  • Trans fats
  • Excessive alcohol

By avoiding these foods, you can ensure your immune system remains strong and resilient, ready to fight off any potential winter illnesses.

Staying Active Indoors: Exercise For Winter Fitness

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Staying Active Indoors: Exercise for Winter Fitness

Indoor Workout Ideas For Staying Fit During Winter Months

When the winter chill sets in, it can be tempting to hibernate indoors. However, staying active is crucial for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Don’t let the weather deter you from getting your daily exercise – there are plenty of indoor workout ideas to keep you fit throughout the winter months. Whether you prefer high-intensity cardio workouts or relaxing yoga sessions, there’s something for everyone. Here are a few ideas to consider:

  1. Follow video workouts: Dance fitness, Zumba, or HIIT workouts can be easily accessed through online platforms. These videos offer a structured routine and can be a fun way to stay active indoors.
  2. Try indoor cycling: Investing in a stationary bike can provide a challenging cardiovascular workout within the comfort of your home. Utilize online cycling classes for guidance and motivation.
  3. Engage in bodyweight exercises: No equipment? No problem! Bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, and lunges can effectively strengthen muscles and improve overall fitness.
  4. Jump rope: Not only is jumping rope an excellent cardiovascular exercise, but it also helps to improve coordination and agility. Find a suitable indoor space and start skipping!

Benefits Of Yoga And Meditation For Boosting Immunity

Yoga and meditation are not only great for enhancing flexibility and reducing stress but also play a significant role in boosting our immune system. These practices help to:

  • Reduce inflammation: Regular yoga and meditation sessions have been shown to lower the levels of inflammatory markers in the body, thus reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Enhance respiratory function: Certain yoga poses and breathing exercises strengthen the lungs, improving respiratory function and increasing lung capacity.
  • Promote relaxation: By reducing stress and improving sleep quality, yoga and meditation contribute to better overall health and a stronger immune system.

Importance Of Regular Physical Activity In Maintaining Overall Health

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining overall health, regardless of the season. It offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Weight management: Engaging in regular exercise helps to burn calories, maintain a healthy weight, and prevent obesity-related health issues.
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Exercise strengthens the heart and cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
  • Enhanced mental well-being: Physical activity releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that can boost mood, reduce symptoms of depression, and improve cognitive function.

Tips For Setting Up A Home Gym To Stay Active Indoors

Creating a home gym can be an excellent investment for maintaining your fitness routine during the winter season. Consider the following tips to set up a functional and motivating workout space:

Choose the right space:
Select a room or area in your home that is well-ventilated and has enough room to accommodate your exercise equipment.
Invest in versatile equipment:
Opt for equipment that offers a variety of workout options, such as resistance bands, adjustable dumbbells, or a stability ball.
Create a motivating atmosphere:
Play energizing music, decorate the space with inspiring quotes or posters, and ensure proper lighting to keep your motivation high.
Stay organized:
Utilize storage solutions such as shelves or bins to keep your equipment tidy and easily accessible.
Establish a routine:
Set a specific time for your workouts and treat them as non-negotiable appointments to ensure consistency.

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Sleep And Stress Management: Keys To A Strong Immune System

Getting enough quality sleep and effectively managing stress are crucial for maintaining a strong immune system during the winter months. As the cold weather sets in and the holiday season approaches, it’s common for our sleep patterns to be disrupted and stress levels to rise. However, prioritizing sleep and finding healthy ways to manage stress can keep your immune system functioning optimally, helping you stay healthy and energized throughout the winter. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of quality sleep for a healthy immune system, provide tips to improve sleep during winter, and discuss how managing stress can enhance your immunity. Additionally, we’ll share relaxation techniques that can reduce stress and boost your immune system.

The Importance Of Quality Sleep For A Healthy Immune System

A good night’s sleep is essential for maintaining a robust immune system. During sleep, our bodies repair and regenerate, producing important immune cells that help defend against harmful bacteria and viruses. Lack of sleep weakens the immune response, making us more susceptible to infections and illnesses. Additionally, poor sleep can increase inflammation in the body, leading to a host of health problems. To ensure you’re giving your immune system the support it needs, prioritize getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Tips For Improving Sleep During Winter

Winter can present unique challenges when it comes to getting quality sleep. Cold temperatures, shorter days, and holiday-related stress can all disrupt sleep patterns. However, there are steps you can take to improve your sleep during this season:

  1. Create a sleep-friendly environment by keeping your bedroom dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature.
  2. Establish a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
  3. Avoid excessive caffeine consumption and large meals close to bedtime.
  4. Engage in relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or reading a book, before bed to prepare your mind and body for sleep.
  5. Limit screen time in the evening, as the blue light emitted by electronic devices can interfere with sleep quality.

Managing Stress To Enhance Your Immunity

Stress can take a toll on our immune system, weakening its ability to fight off infections. To enhance your immunity, it’s important to manage stress effectively. Here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Practice regular exercise, as physical activity releases endorphins that help reduce stress.
  • Engage in activities you enjoy, such as hobbies or spending time with loved ones, to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.
  • Set realistic goals and prioritize tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to cultivate a sense of calm and reduce stress.
  • Seek support from friends, family, or a mental health professional if stress becomes overwhelming.

Relaxation Techniques For Reducing Stress And Boosting Immunity

Reducing stress can have a profound impact on your immune system. Try incorporating these relaxation techniques into your daily routine:

  1. Deep breathing exercises: Taking slow, deep breaths can help activate the body’s relaxation response and reduce stress.
  2. Progressive muscle relaxation: This technique involves tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in the body, promoting a state of deep relaxation.
  3. Yoga or stretching: Gentle stretching exercises and yoga poses can release tension in the body and calm the mind.
  4. Listening to calming music: Playing soothing music can help relax your mind and induce a sense of tranquility.
  5. Engaging in creative outlets: Painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument can serve as a form of relaxation and help reduce stress levels.

By prioritizing quality sleep and effectively managing stress, you can support your immune system and promote overall well-being during the winter months. Incorporate these tips and relaxation techniques into your routine to keep your immune system strong and stay healthy all season long.

Winter Wellness: Hygiene And Prevention Tips

Winter is a season known for its chilly weather and the inevitable onslaught of common winter illnesses. It is crucial to prioritize hygiene and prevention measures to safeguard ourselves and our loved ones during this time.

Tips For Proper Hand Hygiene To Prevent Common Winter Illnesses

  • Wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  • If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol content. Apply the sanitizer all over your hands and rub them together until dry.
  • Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth, as these are common entry points for germs.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Regularly clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops, as these can harbor harmful bacteria and viruses.

The Role Of Vaccinations In Maintaining A Healthy Immune System During Winter

Vaccinations play a vital role in bolstering our immune system and protecting us against various diseases. During winter, getting vaccinated becomes even more crucial as our immune systems may be more susceptible to infections. Consider the following:

  1. Schedule a flu shot, as influenza is quite prevalent during the winter months.
  2. Ensure your vaccines, such as pneumonia and whooping cough, are up to date to prevent serious illnesses.
  3. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine if additional vaccines are recommended based on your age, health condition, and lifestyle factors.

Protecting Yourself Against Seasonal Viruses And Infections

Aside from practicing good hand hygiene and getting vaccinated, there are other measures you can take to protect yourself from seasonal viruses and infections:

  • Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick, and if you are feeling unwell, stay home to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Boost your immune system through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep.
  • Wear appropriate clothing to keep warm when venturing outdoors, and cover your mouth and nose with a scarf or face mask to protect against cold air and pathogens.

Strategies For Maintaining A Clean And Healthy Living Environment During Winter Months

The cleanliness of our living environment significantly impacts our overall well-being. Here are some strategies to ensure your living space remains clean and healthy during the winter:

  • Vacuum and dust your home regularly to minimize the accumulation of dust, allergens, and microbes.
  • Keep indoor humidity levels balanced to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Invest in air purifiers and humidifiers to filter and moisturize the air, respectively.
  • Open windows occasionally to improve ventilation and allow fresh air to circulate.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Winter Health Tips


What Are Some Common Winter Health Problems?


Common winter health problems include cold and flu, dry skin, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and increased risk of heart attacks and hypothermia.


How Can I Boost My Immune System During Winter?


To boost your immune system during winter, consume a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, stay active, get sufficient sleep, manage stress levels, wash your hands frequently, and consider taking supplements like vitamin C and D.


What Are Some Tips For Staying Active During Winter?


Staying active during winter can be challenging, but you can try indoor activities like yoga, dancing, or home workouts. You can also embrace winter sports like skiing or ice skating, or utilize workout apps and online classes for guidance. Dress warmly and stay hydrated during outdoor activities.




Winter is a time when our health demands extra attention. By following these winter health tips, you can ensure your well-being throughout the season. Remember to prioritize hydration, maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and keep your immune system strong.


So, go ahead and embrace the winter season with a strong and healthy body. Stay warm and stay well!

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EU User Consent Policy

Why does this policy exist and where does it apply?

The policy reflects certain requirements of two European privacy laws: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive, as well as any equivalent UK laws. The ePrivacy Directive should not be confused with the proposed ePrivacy Regulation, currently under discussion. These laws apply to end users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK. The EEA comprises the EU Member States and Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.

The original version of this policy was introduced in 2015 and was updated on 25 May 2018 when the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force.

Do I need to follow this policy for all users if I’m an EEA- or a UK-based publisher or advertiser?

Google’s EU User Consent Policy applies only to end users located in the EEA or the UK.

How will Google ensure compliance with this policy?

Our approach to compliance is to conduct reviews of sites and apps that use our advertising services, as we have done since the Policy was introduced in 2015. Our reviewers visit a site or app as a consumer would visit it, and we look at the information provided and the consents obtained.

Our first priority will always be to work with our partners to get compliance right. We recognize that there may be diverse approaches to gaining consent and we are not prescriptive about this, provided our policy requirements are met. If we find that a partner is not following our policy, our first step will be to contact the partner to indicate an issue, and we will then try to work with them to achieve compliance.

As has been the case since 2015, we give sites or apps a reasonable timeframe to make any necessary changes; but if the partner fails to engage with us or fails to demonstrate a good faith effort to achieve compliance within a reasonable time frame, this might result in action on the account(s) in scope, including suspension.

What disclosures to end users do I need to make?

Our policy requires identification of each party that receives end users’ personal data as a consequence of using a Google product. It also requires prominent and easily accessible information about the use of end users’ personal data. We have published information about Google’s uses of information. To comply with the disclosure obligations with respect to Google’s uses of data, we recommend linking to that page. We are also asking other ad technology providers with which Google’s products integrate to make available information about their own uses of personal data.

Checklist for partners to avoid common mistakes when implementing a consent mechanism

These are examples only and this is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Always take care to ensure your implementation meets all the requirements of Google’s policies.

  • Have you explained to users how their personal data will be used when they give their consent to collect them on your site/app e.g. are they aware that their personal data will be used for personalization of ads and that cookies may be used for personalized and non-personalized advertising?
  • Have you checked that your consent notice is being displayed when your site/app is accessed by users from all EEA countries?
  • Have the users been given the option to take affirmative action to indicate consent e.g. clicking an “OK” button or an “I agree” button?
  • Have you disclosed which third parties (including Google) will also have access to the user data you collect on your site/app?
  • Have you informed users about how Google will use their personal data when they give consent on your site/app e.g. by including a link to Google’s Privacy & Terms site? What about how other third parties will use their personal data?
  • If you monetize only with Non Personalized Ads – have you checked that you obtain users’ consent to the use of cookies or other local storage (like mobile device identifiers), where legally required? Please note that the non-personalized ads that we serve on websites still require cookies to operate.
  • If you monetize Ad Manager and AdMob impressions only with limited ads, in addition to disabling the collection, sharing, and use of personal data for personalization of ads, Google does not access cookies, user identifiers, or equivalent local storage on the end user’s device. Note that ad-serving technologies (our JavaScript tags and/or our SDK code) will still be cached or installed as part of the normal operation of users’ browsers and mobile operating systems. This feature does not use cookies or other local storage as referenced in Google’s EU User Consent policy, meaning you can use this feature under the policy even when end-user consent hasn’t been requested or has been declined. You should assess for yourself your compliance obligations, including required notice and consent, based on local law in your jurisdiction. See the Ad Manager and AdMob Help Centers for more details on this feature.
  • If you use an IAB certified CMP have you included “Google Advertising Products” as a vendor?

What if I don’t want to have end users’ personal data used for personalization of ads?

We have launched new functionality that allows you to disable personalized ads. Please note that the non-personalized ads that we serve on websites or apps still require cookies or mobile identifiers to operate. You are required to obtain consent for the use of cookies or mobile identifiers, where legally required.

For Ad Manager and AdMob impressions, you may also choose to monetize with limited ads. When limited ads are enabled, in addition to disabling the collection, sharing, and use of personal data for personalization of ads, Google does not access cookies, user identifiers, or equivalent local storage on the end user’s devices. Note that ad-serving technologies (our JavaScript tags and/or our SDK code) will still be cached or installed as part of the normal operation of users’ browsers and mobile operating systems. This feature does not use cookies or other local storage as referenced in Google’s EU User Consent policy, meaning you can use this feature under the policy even when end-user consent hasn’t been requested or has been declined. You should assess for yourself your compliance obligations, including required notice and consent, based on local law in your jurisdiction. See the Ad Manager and AdMob Help Centers for more details.

What instructions do I give to end users for revocation of consent?

The policy requires that end users are told how to revoke consent to ads personalization. At a minimum, end users need to have information sufficient to easily reach their ad controls for your site or app, or the general controls provided by Google or via their device.

What are the other Google products that incorporate this policy?

In addition to ads and measurement products, this policy is referenced in other Google products such as the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service, the YouTube API Services Terms of Service, the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service, and in Blogger.

What types of ads are considered “personalized” for purposes of this policy?

Personalized advertising (formerly known as interest-based advertising) is a powerful tool that improves advertising relevance for users and increases ROI for advertisers. Our publisher products, depending how they’re used, can make inferences about a user’s interests based on the sites they visit or the apps they use, allowing advertisers to target their campaigns according to these interests. This provides an improved experience for users and advertisers alike. You can see our advertiser policies for personalized ads to learn more.

Google considers ads to be personalized when they are based on previously collected or historical data to determine or influence ad selection, including a user’s previous search queries, activity, visits to sites or apps, demographic information, or location. Specifically, this would include, for example: demographic targeting, interest category targeting, remarketing, targeting Customer Match lists, and targeting audience lists uploaded in Google Marketing Platform.

What types of ads are considered “non-personalized” in this policy?

Non-personalized ads will use only contextual information, including coarse general (city-level) location, and content on the current site or app; targeting is not based on the profile or past behavior of a user.

What types of ads are considered “limited ads” in this policy?

When limited ads are enabled for Ad Manager and AdMob impressions, in addition to disabling the collection, sharing, and use of personal data for personalization of ads, Google does not access cookies, user identifiers, or equivalent local storage on the user’s device. Note that ad-serving technologies (our JavaScript tags and/or our SDK code) will still be cached or installed as part of the normal operation of users’ browsers and mobile operating systems. See the Ad Manager and AdMob Help Centers for more details.

Can I use limited ads if users opt out of, or object to, using their personal data for legitimate interest purposes?

No, limited ads would not be an appropriate solution in these circumstances. Google’s limited ads solution doesn’t rely on cookies or mobile identifiers, but we do require a legal basis to carry out functions like basic ad serving and measurement.

Why does the policy require consent for cookies, even if used for purposes other than personalization, such as ads measurement?

Cookies or mobile identifiers are used to support personalized and non-personalized ads served by Google, to combat fraud and abuse, for frequency capping, and for aggregated ad reporting. Our policy also requires consent to the use of cookies or mobile identifiers for users in countries in which the EU ePrivacy Directive’s cookie provisions apply and the UK. We understand that regulatory guidance on ePrivacy laws is not consistent across Europe, which is why our policy calls for consent to cookies or mobile identifiers “where legally required.” With Ad Manager and AdMob, publishers may also choose to use our limited ads feature in the absence of consent for cookies or other local storage. (In addition to disabling the collection, sharing, and use of personal data for personalization of ads, this feature does not use cookies or other local storage as referenced Google’s EU User Consent policy, meaning you can use this feature under the policy even when end-user consent hasn’t been requested or has been declined. You should assess for yourself your compliance obligations, including required notice and consent, based on local law in your jurisdiction.) See the Ad Manager and AdMob Help Centers for more details.

What if I’m an advertiser using Google’s products on my site?

If you use tags for advertising products like Google Ads or Google Marketing Platform on your pages, you’ll need to obtain consent from your EEA and UK users to comply with Google’s EU User Consent Policy. Our policy requires consent for cookies that are used for measurement purposes and consent for the use of personal data for personalized ads – for instance if you have remarketing tags on your pages.

What should I say in my consent notice?

The text of your consent notice will depend on the choices you wish to present to your users and your other uses of data (e.g. for your own purposes, or to support other services that you work with).

What if I’m a publisher serving only non-personalized ads to EEA and UK users?

If you do not serve personalized ads to users that visit your site, and visits to your site do not influence the ads served elsewhere, you are still required to obtain consent for the use of cookies or mobile identifiers, where legally required. Consent for cookies or mobile identifiers is still required because non-personalized ads still use cookies or mobile identifiers to combat fraud and abuse, for frequency capping, and for aggregated ad reporting.

For Ad Manager and AdMob impressions, you may also choose to monetize with limited ads. When limited ads are enabled, in addition to disabling the collection, sharing, and use of personal data for personalization of ads, Google does not access cookies, user identifiers, or equivalent local storage on the end user’s device. Note that ad-serving technologies (our JavaScript tags and/or our SDK code) will still be cached or installed as part of the normal operation of users’ browsers and mobile operating systems. This feature does not use cookies or other local storage as referenced in Google’s EU User Consent policy, meaning you can use this feature under the policy even when end-user consent hasn’t been requested or has been declined. You should assess for yourself your compliance obligations, including required notice and consent, based on local law in your jurisdiction. See the Ad Manager and AdMob Help Centers for more details.

What choices do I need to present to my users?

Google’s policy does not dictate the choices that should be offered to users. Some publishers may want to present a choice between personalized and non-personalized ads; others may wish to present different choices to their users.

What if I’m writing a consent notice for an app?

Mobile apps generally don’t use cookies. Google Ad Manager and AdMob products support in-app advertising using dedicated advertising IDs that are made available by the Android and iOS operating systems. Therefore, you might want your notice to say that you use “an identifier on your device” rather than cookies. This will help you to meet the requirements of Google’s policy where it refers to seeking consent for the use of “other local storage”.

Does Google require a particular form of consent message for apps?

The law says a user’s consent should be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous to be legally valid, but does not require a particular form of consent message. Our EU User Consent Policy allows flexibility in the design of the consent message and the choices presented to users.

Where can I get a consent solution?

There are features in AMP that can be used to build a consent solution. We have also developed a consent solution for Google Ad Manager and AdMob. However, you may prefer to build your own consent solution or use another vendor’s solution.

If you’re using products like Google AdSense or Google Ad Manager on your site, you’ll need to take steps to integrate your preferred solution with the advertising tags on your pages to make sure your users’ preferences are respected. Each vendor offers instructions or support services for doing this. If you don’t follow these steps for all the tags on your pages, you risk misleading your users: they will think they’re switching off advertising cookies when in fact advertising cookies will still be used. Therefore, test carefully any implementation of these tools on your own site.

How should partners choose which Consent Management Platform (CMP) provider to adopt?

Partners can consider building their own consent solution, using the consent messaging tools in the Privacy & messaging tab in Ad ManagerAdSense and AdMob, or use a third party CMP solution. If using an already available CMP, they should consult their legal department as to the proper consent solution for their circumstances as well as ensure that the solution allows the level of customization to reflect those circumstances.

There are external resources available to help you choose the appropriate CMP provider, including the list of CMPs that have registered with the IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework. Note, this list is not exhaustive of all CMPs available, nor does adopting any of these CMPs guarantee compliance with Google’s EU User Consent Policy, as this depends on the specific consent message presented to users (for more guidance on this, please refer to the question above “Checklist for partners to avoid common mistakes when implementing a consent mechanism”).

In May 2023, we announced in this blogpost that later this year, we will require partners using our publisher products — Google AdSense, Ad Manager, or AdMob — to use a Google-certified CMP that integrates with IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area or the UK. Further information can be found in our Help Center (Ad ManagerAdMobAdSense).

What other parties collect end users’ personal data, and how should I identify these third parties?

Many advertisers and publishers using Google’s advertising systems use third parties to serve ads and measure the efficacy of their ad campaigns on websites and in apps. The policy requires you to clearly identify each party, in addition to Google, that may collect, receive, and/or use end users’ personal data as a result of your use of Google products. Controls in AdSense, Google Ad Manager and AdMob are available to allow you to choose the vendors permitted to collect data on your site or app.

My site is not based in Europe. Does this policy apply to me?

Yes, if you use Google products that incorporate the policy and you intend for users in the EEA or the UK to access your services.

As a publisher, none of my campaigns are targeted to EEA or the UK. Does this consent requirement still apply to me?

Consent would not be required if Google services were removed from the site for users in these countries. However, consent would still be required if Google services are still used but no ads are served. This is because Google Ad Manager uses cookies and our policy still requires consent for cookies that are used for measurement purposes. Google Ad Manager also collects personal data, unless the request is for a non-personalized ad and indicated in the EU User Consent Settings or in the request itself.

How do I build a consent mechanism?

If you’re not sure where to start, consider using a consent management platform. Several providers are available.

In May 2023, we announced in this blogpost that later this year, we will require partners using our publisher products — Google AdSense, Ad Manager, or AdMob — to use a Google-certified CMP that integrates with IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area or the UK. Further information, including a list of certified CMPs, can be found in our Help Center (Ad ManagerAdMobAdSense).

Our organization has a different view of the law, and would like to apply a different approach to disclosure and consent. Can we do that?

Google is committed to complying with the GDPR, including to the extent transposed into UK law, across all of the services we provide in Europe. The changes to our EU User Consent Policy reflect that commitment and guidance from European data protection authorities. We do however want to work with publishers and partners in the broader industry to support them through these changes. We will continue to evaluate the law and industry practice, and update our recommendations and requirements accordingly.

Why do we need consent to ads measurement — isn’t that legitimate interests?

Google uses cookies or mobile ad identifiers to support ads measurement. Existing ePrivacy laws require consent for such uses, for users in countries where local law requires such consent. Accordingly, our policy requires consent for ads personalization and ads measurement where applicable, even if ads measurement can, for GDPR purposes, be supported under a controller’s legitimate interests.

Do I need the consent before the tags fire or can the consent come afterwards?

Our understanding of GDPR requirements is that consent for personalized ads should be obtained before Google’s tags are fired on your pages. The ePrivacy Directive requires consent for the placement of, or access to, cookies but the regulatory guidance on ePrivacy laws is not consistent across Europe, which is why our policy calls for consent to cookies or mobile identifiers “where legally required.” Some regulators have issued guidance specifically requiring user action prior to setting of cookies, while others have permitted consent concurrent with the setting of cookies.

Regulatory guidance indicates that the GDPR will affect the consent required for cookies under the ePrivacy Directive, but there isn’t clear guidance on how these laws will interact. We await more guidance from regulators and will update our support materials accordingly. In the meantime, for those customers not seeking consent to personalized ads, we will continue to apply national standards for cookie consent, and we are not requiring changes to current cookie consent implementations.

What about using click trackers?

Where advertisers choose to use third-party click-tracking technologies (i.e. where an ad click directs the user’s browser to a third-party measurement vendor en route to the advertiser’s landing page), they must do so in compliance with applicable law. Google’s vendor controls for publishers are not designed to cover click- tracking technologies.

What records do I need to keep?

Our policy requires that customers retain records of consent. At a minimum, these should include the text and choices presented to users as part of a consent mechanism and a record of the date and time of the user’s affirmative consent.

Why has my consent mechanism been deemed as non compliant, I use an IAB certified Consent Management Platform (CMP)?

You may use whichever CMP you wish, provided that you ensure all the requirements of the EU User Consent Policy are complied with. In the case of an IAB Framework CMP, prior to August 2020, Google had not integrated with the IAB Transparency & Consent framework and it may be that Google did not appear in the list of vendors your CMP shows to users. This means that the consent policy requirement to “identify each party that may collect, receive, or use end users’ personal data as a consequence of your use of a Google product” may not have been complied with.

As of August 2020, Google integrated with V2 of the IAB Transparency & Consent framework so “Google Advertising Products” will be available as a vendor to select on the IAB Global Vendor List.

Do I need to follow this policy if I participate in the Privacy Sandbox origin trial?

Yes. Google is experimenting with new ways of supporting the delivery and measurement of digital advertising in ways that better protect people’s privacy online via Chrome’s Privacy Sandbox initiative. When accessing certain Sandbox APIs as part of the Privacy Sandbox origin trial (including TopicsFledge, and the Attribution Reporting API) you may be using personal data for ads personalization and/or accessing local storage. The EU User Consent Policy requires you to obtain valid user consent for these actions in the same way as you rely on consent today for ads personalization and the use of non-essential local storage in the European Economic Area and the UK.

Does this policy apply in addition to the new Consent Management Platform requirements for serving ads in the EEA and UK?

Yes, in May 2023, we announced in this blog post that later this year, we will require partners using our publisher products — Google AdSense, Ad Manager, or AdMob — to use a Google-certified CMP that integrates with IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area or the UK. This new requirement is additive to the EU User Consent Policy. Further information can be found in our Help Center (Ad ManagerAdMobAdSense). Our priority is to support publishers with this transition and we will follow up with more details, including updates to the questions and responses above, later this year.

Updates to this policy

Google’s original EU User Consent Policy was updated on 25 May 2018. To reflect the UK’s evolving relationship with the European Union, minor changes were made on 31 October 2019. No further changes to the policy are anticipated at this time but, as noted above, we will continue to evaluate the law and industry practice and update our recommendations and requirements accordingly.

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Is A VPN The Safest Way To Browse The Internet?

This Article Is Britten By

Sourav Kumar

Reviewed By Rx Editorial Board

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In an era where cyber security threats are a daily occurrence, it is essential to take all steps necessary to protect data and information while browsing the internet. One of the safest ways to do this is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPNs are designed to provide an extra layer of security when accessing the internet and can be used on multiple devices including laptops, tablets, and phones.

A VPN creates an encrypted network between your computer and the websites you visit, helping ensure your privacy and security while browsing. In this article, we will explore why using a VPN might be the safest way to browse the internet. But before shifting to a VPN you can use the official company APN setup such as the official Verizon APN, Qlink APN, Straight Talk APN, and many more.

Does A VPN The Safest Way To Browse The Internet?

The internet is an integral part of our daily lives, and we use it for various purposes. From browsing social media to accessing online banking, the internet has become a necessity. However, as much as the internet offers convenience, it also poses several risks to our privacy and security. Therefore, finding a way to browse safely on the internet has become increasingly important.

One solution that has gained traction in recent years is using a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN encrypts your online activities and data by routing them through secure servers located in different parts of the world.

This means that anyone trying to intercept or spy on your online activity would only see encrypted data that cannot be deciphered without authorization. While using a VPN may not be foolproof against all cyber threats, it certainly offers one of the safest ways to browse the internet.

How Does A VPN Protect Your Browsing The Internet?

A VPN, or virtual private network, is the safest way to browse the internet. It protects your online activity by encrypting your data and routing it through a secure server. When you connect to a VPN, all of your internet traffic is funneled through an encrypted tunnel that hides your IP address and prevents third-party tracking. This means that nobody can see what you are doing online, not even your ISP.

The primary benefit of using a VPN is privacy. Your online activities are hidden from prying eyes, keeping you safe from hackers and cybercriminals who want to steal your personal information or use it for malicious purposes. Additionally, many countries have strict censorship laws that limit access to certain websites or services. You can get around these limitations and view stuff that would otherwise be blocked by using a VPN.

Is VPN The Safest Way To Use The Internet?

Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is generally considered to be one of the safest ways to use the internet, but it is not necessarily foolproof. A VPN can provide a high level of security and privacy by encrypting your internet traffic and routing it through a secure tunnel to a remote server. This can help protect your online activity from prying eyes, such as hackers, ISPs, and government surveillance.

Some potential drawbacks include:

  • VPNs can slow down internet speeds: Using a VPN can sometimes result in slower internet speeds due to the encryption process and the distance to the remote server.
  • VPNs can be blocked or detected: Some websites and services may block access from VPNs or detect when a user is using a VPN, which can limit their functionality.
  • VPNs can be subject to data retention laws: Depending on the country where the VPN service is located, it may be subject to data retention laws that require them to store user data or provide it to authorities upon request.
  • VPNs can be vulnerable to security flaws: Like any software or service, VPNs can have security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers or other malicious actors.

Does A Vpn Protect Your Browsing?

In today’s interconnected world, browsing the internet comes with inherent risks. Cybercriminals and hackers are always on the lookout to steal sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, and personal data. This is where Virtual Private Network (VPN) comes in to provide a safer way for users to browse the web.

A VPN provides an encrypted connection between your device and the internet, making it difficult for cybercriminals or prying eyes to intercept your online activities. By routing your traffic through a secure server located elsewhere in the world, a VPN hides your IP address and encrypts all incoming and outgoing data on your device. This makes it more difficult for anyone trying to track or monitor what you’re doing online.

What Will A Vpn Protect You From While Browsing The Internet?

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) can protect you from several potential threats while browsing the internet, including:

  • Hackers and cybercriminals: A VPN can encrypt your internet traffic, making it much more difficult for hackers and cybercriminals to intercept your data and steal your personal information, such as credit card numbers, passwords, and other private information.
  • ISP monitoring and tracking: A VPN can prevent your internet service provider (ISP) from monitoring your online activity and collecting data on your browsing history, which can help protect your privacy and prevent targeted advertising.
  • Government surveillance: A VPN can also protect you from government surveillance and censorship, particularly if you are accessing the internet from a country with strict online censorship laws.
  • Public Wi-Fi security risks: A VPN can secure your internet connection when using public Wi-Fi networks, which are often unsecured and can be vulnerable to hacking and other security threats.
  • Geographical restrictions: A VPN can allow you to bypass geographical restrictions and access content that may be blocked in your region, such as streaming services or websites.


In conclusion, a VPN is widely considered the safest way to browse the internet. Encrypting data and masking IP addresses, provides a secure layer of protection from malicious actors. Furthermore, its benefits go beyond security – it also allows users to access geo-restricted content, unblock censored websites, and enhance their online privacy. The fact that VPNs are increasingly affordable and easy to set up makes them even more attractive.

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Advanced Modeling Techniques In Autodesk Fusion 360

Are you tired of relying on basic tools for your 3D modeling projects? Want to take your designs to the next level with advanced techniques and features? Look no further than Autodesk Fusion 360! With its cutting-edge capabilities, this software allows you to create intricate models with precision and ease. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most powerful advanced modeling techniques in Fusion 360 that will elevate your designs from ordinary to extraordinary. So buckle up and get ready to unleash your creativity like never before!

What Type Of Modeling Techniques Does Fusion 360 Use?

Autodesk Fusion 360 uses a variety of modeling techniques to create realistic 3D models. These techniques include:
1. Box modeling: This technique is used to create simple 3D shapes using basic geometric primitives such as cubes, spheres, and cylinders.
2. Edge modeling: This technique is used to create more complex 3D shapes by extruding and manipulating edges and vertices.
3. Surface modeling: This technique is used to create smooth, curved surfaces by lofting and blending multiple splines or curves.
4. Parametric modeling: This technique is used to create models that can be easily modified by changing parameters such as dimensions, material properties, and constraints.
5. Freeform modeling: This technique is used to sculpt organic shapes or patterns using tools such as the move, spin, twist, and bend tools.

How Many Types Of Simulation Are In Fusion 360?

Autodesk Fusion 360 offers several types of simulation, each with its own capabilities and benefits. The most common type of simulation is structural analysis, which can be used to predict how a design will respond to loads and forces. Other types of simulation include thermal analysis, fluid flow analysis, and dynamic analysis. Each type of simulation has its own set of tools and options, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

Is Autodesk Fusion 360 Parametric Modeling?

Autodesk Fusion 360 is a powerful parametric modeling tool with many advanced features. In this blog article, we’ll take a look at some of the more advanced modeling techniques in Autodesk Fusion 360.
One of the most powerful features of Autodesk Fusion 360 is its parametric modeling capabilities. Parametric modeling allows you to change the dimensions of your model and have the changes propagate throughout the model. This is an extremely powerful feature that allows you to quickly experiment with different designs and find the perfect one for your needs.
Another great feature of Autodesk Fusion 360 is its direct modeling capabilities. Direct modeling allows you to make changes to your model without having to worry about parametric dependencies. This can be extremely useful when you need to make a quick change to your design or when you’re working with complex shapes that would be difficult to model parametrically.

How Do You Make Cool Patterns In Autodesk Fusion 360?

Autodesk Fusion 360 is a powerful tool that enables users to design and create stunning patterns. Whether you’re a professional artist or an amateur designer, this software makes it easy to turn your ideas into reality. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, users can create intricate designs that are sure to impress.
One key feature of Autodesk Fusion 360 is its ability to integrate with third-party software such as IPVanish. This VPN service provides enhanced online security and privacy while using the internet. By utilizing the IPVanish deals offer, users can enjoy even greater value while enjoying the benefits of Autodesk Fusion 360.
To create cool patterns in Autodesk Fusion 360, there are several tips and tricks worth considering. Firstly, take advantage of the available tools and features within the software such as sketching tools, symmetry options, and pattern arrays.

How Do You Use Shape Optimization In Autodesk Fusion 360?

Shape optimization in Fusion 360 is a powerful tool that can help you quickly optimize your design for better performance. By using shape optimization, you can improve the strength, stiffness, weight, or other properties of your design while still maintaining its overall integrity.
To use shape optimization in Fusion 360 CPU, first select the objects that you want to optimize. Then, click on the “Optimize” button in the toolbar and select the type of optimization that you want to perform. There are many different types of optimizations that you can choose from, so be sure to select the one that best fits your needs. Finally, click on the “Run” button to start the optimization process.
Shape optimization is an iterative process, so you will need to run it multiple times to get the best results. You can also use shape optimization to compare different design options and find the one that performs the best.


Autodesk Fusion 360 is a powerful software package that gives users the ability to create complex 3D models quickly and accurately. With its advanced modeling tools, users can take their designs to a new level of detail and accuracy, enabling them to produce professional-quality results in less time. By leveraging the robust feature set of Fusion 360, designers and engineers can significantly reduce design cycles while still achieving exceptional levels of quality. With these advanced modeling techniques at your disposal, you’ll be able to bring your creations to life with ease!


The Article is written by our editorial member

Alisa Beth

Review by Rxharun Editorial Board

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Gynecological Problems – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Gynecological problems are disorders that affect the female reproductive system. The female reproductive system includes the breasts, uterus (womb), ovaries (egg-producing organs), fallopian tubes (tubes carrying the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus), and external genitalia or vulva (the accessory structures of the female reproductive system which lie external to the vagina).

Most women suffer from some kind of gynecological problem at some point in their lives. Gynecological problems can affect a woman’s sexual function and her ability to produce children. In some cases, gynecological disorders may be life-threatening.

In this article, we will be discussing in detail the common gynecological problems in females.

  • What are the Common Gynecological Problems in Females?
  • What are the various diagnostic tests for gynecological screening?
  • How to prevent the Common Gynecological Disorders in Females?

What are the Common Gynecological Problems in Females?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS

  • This is a condition in which a woman may suffer from infrequent or prolonged menstrual cycles. This condition occurs due to the appearance of several follicles on the ovaries, leading to a hindrance in releasing the egg.


  • Increased levels of androgen (male sex hormone) in the body
  • Genetics
  • Excessive insulin in the body


  • Obesity
  • Acne
  • Increased Risk of diabetes
  • Infertility
  • Menstrual problems


  • Exercise
  • Yoga
  • Medications for symptomatic relief


Inflammation in the vagina, which is commonly seen in women of reproductive age is known as vaginitis.


  • Infections
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Taking antibiotic medications
  • Fluctuations in hormone levels
  • Use of spermicidal creams (as a birth control method)


  • Pain on urinating
  • Vaginal irritation
  • Vaginal itching
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge


  • Prescription medications
  • Gels
  • Creams

Dysmenorrhoea (Painful periods)

When a woman experiences pain during her menstrual cycles, the condition is known as dysmenorrhoea.


  • Primary dysmenorrhoea: This condition is not associated with pelvic (area below the stomach region) diseases.
  • Secondary dysmenorrhoea: This condition is associated with underlying pelvic disorders.


The cause of primary dysmenorrhoea is:

  • Prostaglandins (the natural chemicals in the body)
  • Causes of secondary dysmenorrhoea include:
  • Fibroids (non-cancerous masses that form inside a woman’s uterus)
  • Endometriosis (a condition in which the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus)
  • Adenomyosis (a condition in which an endometrial tissue exists and grows into the muscular uterine wall)


  • Intense abdominal pain, sometimes extending up to the lower back
  • Cramping


  • Painkiller medications
  • Treatment for the cause of dysmenorrhoea

Urinary tract infection or UTI

It is one of the most common gynecological problems faced by women of all age groups. This condition normally occurs when the bacteria that are present in the vagina or anus (from where the stools are passed out), move up to the urethra (duct from where the urine is passed from the bladder to outside the body) and bladder (where the urine is stored), and sometimes even the kidneys.


  • Problems with the pelvic muscles or nerves
  • Narrow urinary tract
  • Blockage in the bladder, urethra, or kidneys


  • Burning sensation on urination
  • Cloudy urine
  • Strong odor
  • Blood tinge in urine
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Backache


  • Antibiotics, the dosage, and duration depending on the severity of the infection


These are muscular, mostly non-cancerous tumors that can form in the uterus of a woman. They usually vary in size, shape, and location.


  • No known cause
  • Genetics or hormones may be responsible for fibroid formation


  • Heavy periods
  • Pain during sex
  • Pressure in the lower abdomen (stomach) region
  • Bleeding in between the menstrual periods


  • Surgery to remove the fibroids


This condition occurs when the tissue that is normally lining the uterus, grows outside the uterus.


  • Hormonal disorders
  • Genetic factors
  • Immune (disease-fighting) system disorders
  • Menstrual flow problems


  • Painful menstrual cramps
  • Digestive problems
  • Bleeding or spotting between menstrual periods


  • Painkiller medications
  • Hormonal therapies
  • Surgery

Genital Herpes

This is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is characterized by blister and sore formations. It is a type of viral infection.


  • Vaginal, oral, or anal sex with an infected partner


  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Muscle pain
  • Sores or blisters on or around the genital organs


  • Oral medications

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

This condition affects the upper genital tracts of a woman’s body, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, pelvic peritoneum (a membrane lining the pelvic cavity), and other surrounding structures.


  • Multiple sexual partners
  • History of pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Use of intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) (a plastic or copper implant placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy)


  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Pain during sex
  • Abnormal discharge from the vagina
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Fever
  • Lethargy


  • Antibiotic medications

Dyspareunia (Painful sexual intercourse)

Pain during sex may occur due to structural problems in the female body or due to psychological reasons.


  • Vaginitis
  • Narrow vagina
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Infection of the vulva
  • Thick hymen (a thin piece of tissue that covers the external vaginal opening)


  • Pain during sexual penetration
  • Pain that lingers for a couple of hours after intercourse
  • Thrusting


  • Get sexual education
  • Treatment depends on the cause of pain

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled pouches or sacs present in the ovaries. They are very common and affect women of any age group.


  • Severe pelvic infections
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Endometriosis


  • Bloating
  • Pain in the abdominal region
  • Swelling in the abdominal region
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting


  • Oral medications
  • Surgery

Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus. They can occur at any age but are most common in women aged 30-40 years and occur more often in African American women. The main types of uterine fibroids include:

  • Submucosal fibroids, which develop under the lining of the uterus
  • Subserosal fibroids which grow on the outside of the uterus
  • Intramural fibroids which grow within the uterine wall

Symptoms of uterine fibroids include:

  • Extended, heavy periods
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Frequent need to urinate or difficulty urinating
  • Abdominal pressure

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) occurs when the connective tissues and ligaments in place to support the vagina, bladder, rectum and uterus become damaged or weakened. This causes the pelvic organs to sink down or fall out of place.

Symptoms of pelvic prolapse include:

  • Pressure in the vagina or rectum
  • Organs bulging outside the vagina
  • Difficulty completely emptying the bladder
  • Difficulty with urination and bowel movements

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence occurs when the ability to control the release of urine is lost and is common in women age 35 and older. Though the condition is prevalent, there is a wide range of treatment options available, and it shouldn’t be accepted as normal.

There are three types of urinary incontinence:

  • Stress urinary incontinence, which can occur during physical activity such as walking, running or exercising. Leaks may also happen when coughing, sneezing, or laughing.
  • Urgency urinary incontinence occurs when urine is released after a strong, sudden need to urinate.
  • Mixed incontinence includes symptoms of both types of urinary incontinence.

Countless women struggle with the above conditions, but thankfully, there are a range of treatments for common gynecological problems – and finding them begins with seeing a gynecologist. Learn more about how you can find a gynecologist you trust, and why you should make an appointment with them at least once a year. If you don’t already have a gynecologist, request an appointment with one of our experts at Baptist Health.

What are the various diagnostic tests for gynecological screening?

  • Physical examination: The patient should be examined clinically. This includes noting down the symptoms of the patient, medical history, and family history of the patient.
  • Breast examination, abdominal examination, and pelvic examination: The doctor should examine the breasts, external genitalia, rectum, inside of the vagina, and cervix (the lower end of the uterus) thoroughly.
  • Pap smear: Vaginal and cervical smears are taken by the doctor to check for cervical cancer.
  • All sexually active women above the age of 21 should be screened regularly, once every six months.
  • Imaging tests: Imaging tests like x-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and pelvic ultrasounds may be recommended to obtain clear images of the female reproductive organs.
  • Urine tests: These tests help in diagnosing any underlying infections.

How to prevent the Common Gynecological Disorders in Females?

Common gynecological disorders can be prevented by:

  • Have protected sex
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Take proper rest
  • Exercise regularly
  • Manage stress
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Maintain vaginal hygiene
  • Wash genital area with warm, clean water and then dry it well every day
  • Change the underwear regularly
  • Avoid tight-fitting underwear
  • Change sanitary pads every 4 hours during menstruation
  • Do not share your underwear and towel
  • Do not clean deep inside the vagina
  • Do not use strong washes for cleaning the genital
  • Take regular screenings and go for periodic gynecological checkups


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Health Benefits & Uses of Mulethi (Athimathuram)

Mulethi is an effective traditional herb that is widely used in Indian medicines, folk medicines, home remedies, and Ayurveda.

It is a classical Ayurvedic remedy and has been used in centuries as grandma’s remedy for sore throat and cough. Mulethi is effective to treat ulcers, joint pains, hyperacidity, general debility and many other diseases.

It provides effective treatments for various diseases due to the medicinal properties. It acts as a good analgesic,  anti-inflammatory agent, aphrodisiac and antiacid agent.

About Mulethi

The Scientific name of Mulethi is  Glycyrrhiza glabra that belongs to the Fabaceae family. The word ‘Glycyrrhiza’ is derived from the Greek word ‘glykos’ that means ‘sweet’ and the word ‘rhiza’ means root, so the name of this plant is ‘sweet root.’

In Tamil, Mulethi is known as ‘Athimathuram.’ Athumathuram is a herbaceous perennial plant that grows up to 1-meter height, and it is commonly found in hot, dry and sunny climates of India, Asia, and Europe regions. The root of this plant is stoloniferous and has a sweet taste.

The leaves of this plant are green in color and contain 10-15 leaflets. The flowers of Mulethi plant are conch shell-shaped and purple to white-blue in color.

The plant contains oblong podded fruits with many small seeds. In Ayurveda, it is known as ‘Yashtimadhu,’ and the meaning of this name is ‘honey-like wood.’ Even the herb is 40-50 times sweeter than sugar, but it is an excellent remedy for maintaining blood sugar.

Mulethi contains many biochemical compounds, that is the reason for its distinct aroma. Due to the compound of glycyrrhizin, it has an excellent sweet taste.

The root of this plant is mainly used in ancient folk medicines to enhance sexual vigor naturally. It is widely popular as ‘Sarvarogaprashamani’ and recommended by many ancient physicians to improve the stamina of warriors.

Apart from this, the root of this Mulethi is widely used in Asian and Middle Eastern cooking. The root powder has been used as a flavoring agent in sweets for decades.

Ayurvedic Indications of Mulethi

According to the holistic science of Ayurveda terms, this root powder is called Yashtimadhu. The root powder of Mulethi is used to treat various diseases such as Rochana, Kashahara, Deepana, Anulomana, Pachana, Vamana, Mehahara, Rasayani, Dahahara, Prameha, Vayasthapana, Trutahara, Vrushya, Sangrahini, Kanthya, Krimihara, Balya, Kustha, Jvara, Shwasha, Kamala, Shonitasthapana, Amahara, Hridaya, Chakushya, Varnya, Arsha, and Krichra.

Common Names of Mulethi (Athimathuram):

Botanical Name: Glycyrrhiza Glabra
English Name: Licorice
Tamil Name: அதிமதுரம் / Athimathuram
Malayalam Name: ഇരട്ടി മധുരം / Earatti Maduram
Telugu Name: యష్టిమధుకం / అతిమధురం / ఇరాత్తిమధురం / Yashtimadhukam / Atimadhuram / Irattimadhuram
Kannada Name: ಲಿಕ್ಕರೈಸ್ ರೂಟ್ / Yashtimadhu, Atimadhura
Hindi Name: मुलेठी / जेठीमधु / Mulethi, Jethimadhu
Marathi Name: मद्यपान / JeshtamadhaTamil – Atimaduram
Urdu: شراب کی جڑ / Mulhati

Medicinal Properties of Mulethi (Athimathuram)

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antacid
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-adipogenic
  • Anti-ulcerogenic
  • Anti-Alzheimer’s
  • Anti-obesogenic
  • Anticancer
  • Anti-asthmatic
  • Anti-atherogenic
  • Adaptogenic
  • Anti-angiogenic
  • Anti-arthritic
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-proliferative
  • Antitussive
  • Antidepressant
  • Analgesic
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Anti-stress
  • Expectorant
  • Immuno-modulator
  • Demulcent
  • Mild estrogenic

Health Benefits of Mulethi (Athimathuram)

Mulethi is mainly used to treat respiratory and digestive systems. It also helps in treating many symptoms such as burning sensation, abdominal colic, heartburn, peptic ulcer duodenal ulcer, GERD, and chronic gastric problems.

Mulethi contains Glycyrrhizin that contains sweet taste and decreases the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It used to treat digestion system-related diseases.

Improves Digestion

Mulethi is an effective digestive herb. The root of Mulethi contains an anti-flatulent property that helps to decrease the gas formation in the alimentary canal, so it decreases flatulence, abdominal distension, and bloating.

It increases appetite, decreases indigestion, and enhances better absorption of nutrients in the body. The root powder of Mulethi contains a high amount of fiber that makes it a great remedy to treat constipation and other digestive problems.

Treats Respiratory Troubles

Mulethi is an effective remedy for all kinds of respiratory problems. It contains anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic properties, so it plays an important role in treating common cough, cold, and flu symptoms.

It thins the phlegm deposits from nasal cavities and chest so it makes easy breathing and helps to get relief from the mucus.

It is more beneficial to treat asthma and bronchitis conditions. Regular consumption of this herb strengthens your lung tissues and improves your lung health.

  • Take one teaspoon of Mulethi powder with pushkarmool powder, honey, and water. Take this regularly to cure asthmatic allergy conditions.
  • For sore throat, take a mixture of one teaspoon of Mulethi powder, Sitopaladi churna, and honey with lukewarm water. Consuming this two times per day decreases inflammation, cough, and irritation of the throat.

Reduces Weight Loss

Mulethi contains numerous flavonoids that help to decrease excess weight quickly. Due to the presence of fiber and essential nutrients, the regular consumption of Mulethi soothes hunger pangs and inhibits overeating.

Thus, it plays a vital role in reducing weight. The powder decreases the accumulation of LDL in the body, so improves metabolism and helps to maintain a normal weight.

Treats Gastritis

The Glycyrrhizic acid present in Mulethi contains powerful anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties that help to inhibit toxic bacteria Helicobacter pylori and prevent the growth of it in the gut.

The root powder of Mulethi soothes the stomach lining and maintains balance in stomach ulcers, food poisoning, and heartburn.

Mulethi is a natural antiacid, so it decreases the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It also reduces gastritis because of peptic mucosa and acidic irritation. Regular consumption of Mulethi powder, coriander powder, nutgrass powder, amla powder, and giloy with lukewarm water helps to provide relief from gastritis.

Reduces High Cholesterol

Mulethi is considered as a rejuvenative cardio-tonic root because of its natural bioactive compounds. This Ayurvedic herb effectively reduces the bad cholesterol level and triglycerides in the body.

It prevents the deposition of plaque in body vessels and also prevents atherosclerosis, so it decreases the chances of strokes, heart blocks and heart attacks.

Treats Ulcer

Mulethi contains anti-inflammatory properties that have powerful effects on treating different types of ulcers, such as peptic ulcer, mouth ulcer, ulcerative colitis, canker sores, etc.

The bioactive compounds carbenoxolone of Mulethi plays an important role in treating gastric and mouth ulcers. It also helps to heal the inflamed mucosal layer quickly and decreases the chances of ulceration.

Mouth Ulcers or Canker Sores

Canker sore is a common type of mouth ulcer with pain and tenderness. The bioactive compound carbenoxolone of Mulethi plays a main role in healing mouth ulcers. The water or tea of Mulethi decreases the tenderness and pain. It is also very effective in decreasing the size of canker sores.

Provides Cognitive Abilities

Mulethi is an effective traditional remedy with brain-boosting properties. The sweet root of Mulethi contains powerful antioxidants and flavonoids that improve your concentration, memory capacity, focus, alertness, and calmness.

Mulethi is a powerful Medhya Rasayana herb, so it enhances memory power, problem-solving capacity, reasoning, and cognitive abilities.

The Mulethi plant contains many neuroprotective elements that help to inhibit loss of memory and relieve stress and tension from your mind.

Consume two gms of Mulethi powder with warm milk that helps to improve your memory power and inhibit the chances of many psychotic disorders such as dementia, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s.

Treats Diabetes

The Mulethi root powder contains powerful phytoestrogenic compound glabridin that not only provides a sweet taste to root and also plays an important role in controlling the levels of blood sugar in the body.

Consumption of Mulethi powder activates the insulin production from β-pancreatic cells. A sufficient dosage of Mulethi powder helps to decrease the breakdown of starch into glucose and controls diabetes.

Boosts Immunity

Mulethi is also known as an enchanting ayurvedic herb that contains high significance in improving the normal energy and stamina level of your body.

It contains powerful bio-active ingredients that help to decrease weakness, debility, and fatigue and also enhance the vitality of your body.

The anti-microbial property present in Mulethi helps to boost immunity and protects your body from various microbial diseases. It helps to enhance the function of the kidney, liver, and adrenal glands and also helps to decrease the levels of stress.

Promotes Hair Growth

Mulethi Powder is an effective herb for improving hair growth. It increases blood circulation in hair follicles and scalp. By providing more nutrients to the blood supply, it enhances the root of the hair and helps in hair growth.

Ayurveda recommended that consuming Mulethi regularly not only reduces baldness and also inhibits premature greying, hair fall, and various types of scalp infections. Take a mixture of 2 teaspoons of Mulethi, henna, haritaki, reetha powder in water and add one teaspoon of castor oil and almond oil to it.

Apply this hair pack on your scalp and wash your hair using shampoo. Repeat this once per week for enhancing your hair growth and inhibits greying hair and hair loss.

Regulates Hormones

Mulethi is one of the Ayurvedic herbs that are great for its effects on adrenal glands. It contains phytoestrogens bio-active substances that are more beneficial in maintaining hormone balance.

It provides relief from depression, mood swings, insomnia, hot flashes, menstrual cramps, sweating during the menstrual cycle.

Mulethi powder is recommended for the new mom because that helps to increase secretion and production of breast milk by regulating the hormones.

Treats Skin diseases

Mulethi is a powerhouse of antioxidants and rich nutrients that is a rejuvenating herb and plays a major role in treating several skin diseases.

It effectively eliminates the free radicals from your body and prevents the damage of oxidative. Mulethi is a great pacifier of Vata and pitta, so it eliminates the AMA toxins from the skin’s internal layer.

It improves the overall health of the skin and treats several skin infections such as acne, rashes, eczema, boils, pimples, etc.

Mulethi is used in various forms such as toner, cleanser, spot correcting gels to decrease dark circles, hyperpigmentation, and provides a spotless glowing skin. Mulethi can also be used in many ways to enhance skin health.

  • Mulethi can be applied in the forms of paster, gel, oil on eczema patches to provide a cool and soothing feeling on your skin. It also helps to reduce swelling, itchiness, redness of inflamed scratchy skin.
  • Take one teaspoon of Mulethi powder and Amla powder with a spoon of milk or rosewater and apply it on your face as a face pack. Repeat this for alternative days to enhance the radiance of your skin.
  • For oily skin, it is better to apply the paste of sandalwood powder and Mulethi powder as a face mask with rose water to control excess sebum secretion.
  • For dry skin, Take two teaspoons of Mulethi powder, add ten drops of Kumkumadi tailam with it and apply it evenly on your face to enhance complexion and decrease spots and blemishes.

Treats Malaria

The Chinese Mulethi contains a compound LICOCHALCONE that helps to prevent falciparum strain, and it has similar effects of chloroquine. According to studies, the newly isolated licorice compound contains powerful anti-malarial properties.

High potassium levels

Research found that Mulethi contains many compounds that help to reduce the level of potassium in the blood. Thus, it may be very effective in the situation of high serum potassium in people who have diabetes and kidney diseases.

Relieves Muscle cramps

Mulethi contains muscle relaxant and antispasmodic effects that help to decrease muscle cramps and tenderness for people who have fibromyalgia. The effect of Mulethi can be mainly used in abdominal spasm in women during menstruation, but it can’t work alone, so you may also take other medicines.

Seminal Weakness

Mulethi is not recommended for people who have a loss of libido but helps men who suffer from early discharge or seminal weakness. Typically, hypersensitivity or hyper-excitement is a cause of early discharge in men. It decreases excessive excitement and helps to treat early discharge in men. The mind plays a major role in early discharge so that Mulethi is an effective remedy for that.

Therapeutic Dosage of Mulethi

The accurate dosage of Mulethi powder for great relief can vary from person to person according to age, condition, and severity of the patient. Before taking this, you should consider the doctor or Ayurvedic practitioner’s advice because they prescribe the effective dosage for a particular period of time by examining the patient’s conditions.

The minimum dosage of Mulethi powder ranges between 1-3 gms for adults two times per day with milk or lukewarm water before food.

Side Effects of Mulethi

Although the magical root of Mulethi is an effective remedy for all health conditions, it is not recommended to take if the doctor did not suggest it.

Without consultation, the overdose of Mulethi powder decreases high potassium and increases the level of sodium in the body so that it may cause water retention and bloat. Excessive consumption of Mulethi powder may lead to hyper that hypertensive encephalopathy and hypertension.

It is strongly recommended not to take Mulethi powder during pregnancy or breastfeeding without consulting the doctor’s advice because it may cause preterm delivery. It also may cause abnormal allergic effects in the new-born baby through breast milk.


  • Loss of libido
  • Hypertonia
  • Hypertension encephalopathy
  • Fluid retention
  • Kidney disease
  • Patients with high blood pressure
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Hypokalemia


Mulethi is a traditional herbal remedy for treating many health disorders. It provides effective treatments for ulcers, respiratory diseases, indigestion, liver damages, cardiac issues, and many skin diseases. The Mulethi contains many effective health benefits, and it is more beneficial in providing relief from congestion and sore throat. If you consume proper dosage, you can avoid side effects and get an effective health condition.

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7 Advantages of Bee Propolis

Honey is a sweet and healthy liquid substance extracted from flowers by bees, which is collected in honeycombs and then extracted by humans. This is because natural honey tastes sweeter than sugars and has far more medicinal benefits.

Research on various cave paintings shows that humans collected and used honey from hives about 8000 years ago. There is also evidence that honey has been used medicinally and as food for about 4000 years for various medicinal benefits.

Considering the numerous benefits of honey, they have been used in medicine and in healthy food applications since ancient times. Derived from various flowers, they contain beneficial plant compounds that provide energy to the body and protect the body from various diseases.

People prefer to use pure honey instead of refined sugar as all the calories mentioned in honey are empty calories.

Honey is recognized as the main source of powerful antioxidants as it has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic properties.

Honey is widely used not only as a nutritious food but also in the preparation of medicinal products. Various studies have shown that honey has powerful antibacterial activity.

What makes honey an excellent natural antibacterial agent is its osmotic and low water content capabilities.

Another amazing thing is that we can add honey to any kind of food with all these features, yes, it can be added to everything like breakfast, tea, snacks, lunch dinner, and so on.

Types of Honey

There are totally 10 variety of honey are out there, and here we unveil the top 4 types of honey.

13 Health Benefits of Utilizing Honey In Daily Life

Contains Several Nutrients

The Raw Honey is extracted from the hive honeycomb and poured into a mesh or nylon cloth to separate the honey from impurities such as bees and pellets.

The color, taste, and aroma of honey depend on the type of flower it is collected on, and often the combination of different flowers.

1 teaspoon of honey is about 21 grams, and in terms of nutrition, this amount of honey contains 17 grams of sugar and 64 calories of nutrients such as maltose, glucose, fructose, and sucrose. It does not contain as much protein, fat, and fiber as we expect.

It contains a certain amount of trace elements, less than 1% RDI and high levels of minerals and vitamins. So these give you the energy and strength you need to meet your daily needs.

Naturally sparkling honey is high in antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds. In comparison, all compounds are abundant in denser varieties than in lighter honey types.

Honey is used as the only remedy to fight various infections and diseases of the respiratory organs.

Rich in Antioxidants

As I already said high-quality honey is considered to be the main source of powerful antioxidants as it contains many important antioxidants. Phenolic acid compounds such as flavonoids and organic acids also play an important role in this antioxidant source.

Scientists believe that honey has a high antioxidant power because it contains a certain amount of a combination of these compounds, acids, vitamins, and minerals.

In particular, two separate studies were conducted on buckwheat honey (types of honey), which concluded that the intake of this honey increased the antioxidant value of the blood.

High and healthy antioxidants prevent the growth and development of certain types of cancer. In addition, they protect the body from the risks of stroke, heart attack, and eye-related diseases.

Has Antiseptic Properties

Medications containing hydrogen peroxide are prescribed to clean wounds quickly and disinfect, so they are used in first aid kits and in all hospitals.

But in Ayurveda and Siddha medicine, honey is used more for these types of processes because honey also contains a chemical compound called hydrogen peroxide.

Although this compound is not normally present in honey, hydrogen peroxide is released when honey is diluted with body fluids or water. When honey is applied to burns and open wounds the glucose in the honey releases a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.

This compound actively prevents germs from entering the affected area and helps prevent infections. Due to the viscous nature of honey, they cause a cold feeling, and by applying it to wounds the scars are faded.

High in Calories and Sugar

Consumption of honey as an alternative to refined sugar and jaggery can have many health effects. Generally mountain honey is free from any unadulterated, so buy mountain honey or follow a reliable brand of honey.

Be sure to always consume moderate amounts of honey as it is high in sugar and calories as even high honey consumption can have some side effects.

Honey can be used not only as a medicine but also in all desserts, beverages, and teas. Also, these are sweeter in nature and medicinal properties than high fructose corn syrup.

Best Companion for Diabetics

Honey significantly lowers triglycerides, inflammation, and bad HDL cholesterol by effectively raising good HDL cholesterol. All of the above symptoms can lead to type 2 diabetes and a number of risk factors for worsening heart disease.

Although some studies have shown that high consumption of honey may increase blood sugar levels, they have also been shown to have fewer effects than refined sugar. For this reason, it is often recommended for diabetics to consume honey as an alternative to refined sugar.

However, researchers say that the intake of certain amounts of honey with proper caution may not have any side effects in diabetics.

In general, people with diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease can improve their health by reducing their intake of high carbs diets and gaining a stronger immune system.

For greater profit, honey is mixed with plain syrup and sugar syrup, although it is illegal in most countries and it’s very challenging to prevent the process. So be sure to buy unadulterated pure honey.

Promotes Lower Blood Pressure

The abnormal pressure process that occurs in the normal bloodstream is called High Blood Pressure, a condition that becomes a major risk factor for all heart-related diseases in the body.

Honey acts as an excellent agent to reduce these risks and helps to overcome the effects caused by various illnesses.

This is because the antioxidant compounds in them have the ability to lower blood pressure, so not only Ayurveda but all medical systems recommend consuming honey.

Honey-based studies on humans and rats were also carried out for the benefit of the public and for scientific evidence. Its official conclusion is that consuming honey has been shown to drastically lower blood pressure.

Assists Improve Good Cholesterol

The body usually has a type of fat called LDL which is divided into good HDL and bad LDL. Good HDL cholesterol promotes metabolic functions of the body but bad LDL cholesterol is a risk factor for heart-related diseases.

They are also a major cause of atherosclerosis. This type of inflammation causes fat to accumulate in the arteries and can lead to major illnesses, including stroke and heart attack. This is why it is so important to reduce the amount of bad LDL cholesterol.

Studies show that consuming unadulterated honey may increase the levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, which in turn can effectively lower bad LDL cholesterol.

In a study involving 55 patients, they were divided into two groups, and the first group was given table sugar and the other group was given honey.

At the end of the study, it was demonstrated that honey intake in patients had an increase of 3.3% in good HDL and a decrease of 5.8% in bad LDL.

Not only that but their body weight has also been proven to be reduced by about 1.3% because honey generally acts as a weight loss agent.

Provides Stamina

Athletes expect more stamina because they enter the field with the intention of withstanding energy for a certain period of time. Honey is very helpful in meeting such a need.

As honey enhances the body’s resources of minerals and carbohydrates, the honey added drink is consumed by athletes before and after important events, including athletics.

The water content in our body is expelled in the form of sweat when we work out too much or play too much. In this excretion, the minerals in the body gradually decrease, and eventually, we lose energy.

When honey is consumed at that time it gives all the lost minerals to the body. Honey plays an important role in both providing energy to athletes and engaging in muscle building.

Has Capability to Lower Triglycerides

One type of lipids (cholesterol) found in the blood is called triglycerides. After eating, the body ferments food molecules and converts them into energy. The body converts the calories released during this process into triglycerides and mixes them with the blood.

When the level of these fats in the blood is elevated, they can lead to diseases such as heart attack, and stroke. They also affect insulin production and are another risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

Perhaps your body’s triglyceride levels increase when you consume more foods high in refined carbs and sugar. Studies show that when honey is consumed as an alternative to refined sugar, it significantly lowers triglyceride levels.

That is, at the end of the study, triglyceride levels were found to be about 11% to 19% lower in those who ate honey than those who intake refined sugary foods.

Enhances Immunity in the Body

Honey acts as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that fights the effects of asthma and allergic disorders. Honey is collected from flowers so they contain the flavonoids of the flower.

These flavonoids drastically reduce capillary infiltration and weaken the body, as well as drastically improve the level of antioxidants in the cells.

Various studies have shown that honey has anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties, so honey can help prevent the effects of cancer. Research by Xavier University students in New Orleans has shown that honey can cure allergies.

Some people may be allergic to pollen grains, and doctors say that honey acts as a vaccine. In fact honey also contains pollen grains, so the body can easily adapt to pollen grains by injecting honey as a medicine.

It has the ability to reduce the impact and effects of things like the release of histamines and further strengthens the immune system.

Makes Improvement on Heart Health

Honey is a natural sweetener that contains various beneficial antioxidants and phenols. All of these easily purify the blood by promoting the health of the body’s arteries. They also help to flush out harmful fats and compounds that have accumulated in the blood.

In addition, they are effective in increasing blood flow to the heart. Injuries or cuts can cause excessive bleeding that reacts with air and cause coagulation.

Although such coagulation on the outside of the body doesn’t cause major damage, coagulation on the blood vessels can cause diseases including stroke and heart attack.

Honey plays an important role in preventing blood clots and is called the protector of the blood. In a study of rats, honey was shown to greatly protect the heart by inhibiting the antioxidant effects.

Promotes Burn & Wound Healing

Honey is applied topically to speed up the healing process of burns and wounds, a culture that has been followed since ancient Egypt. A review of 26 studies shows that honey is the best treatment for wounds, burns, swelling after surgery, and thickened skin.

Studies show that leg wounds in diabetics do not heal as easily, but they do heal faster when honey is applied over them. One study found that honey treats successful treatment in 43.3% of affected patients.

In another study, 97% of diabetics were diagnosed with non-healing sores due to the topical application of honey.

Although we know that honey has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, current research has shown that pure honey has the ability to grow tissues.

Honey is recommended to treat herpes sores, psoriasis, and various skin infections. Manuka Honey is considered to be very effective in treating burns caused by wounds.

Help Cure Coughs

Frequent coughing is common in children with a chronic condition called upper respiratory tract infection. The quality of life of both children and parents can be affected by children with this infection.

Although the main medicines for cough are not always effective in preventing this series of coughs that occur in children, taking medicines prepared with natural products will definitely cure various infections.

In that sense, the evidence suggests that honey is a sweetener that can be used to treat upper respiratory infections and for persistent coughs. Pure honey is a better choice for rough cough and cold cough than regular cough medicines prescribed by doctors.

Studies show that consuming honey not only reduces cough but also promotes restful sleep. They are not recommended for children under one year of age as honey contains a mixture of various plant compounds.

Helps in Weight Management

Consuming honey is more helpful in weight management. Honey will burn an excess amount of fat in your body while sleeping. It is one of the best food for weight loss. Doctors are recommended to consume a spoonful of honey before going to bed. You can also take honey with warm water in the morning on empty stomach. Consuming honey with warm water in the morning will help to increase the metabolism level, which helps to quickly reduce body weight. Honey is also very useful to improve your overall health.

Memory Booster

Considering the foods that we consume is very important because it helps maintain our mental health in old age. Honey has a lot of health benefits, boosting your concentration and memory is one of them. It not only increases your memory power but also helps to make you a healthier person. If you consume honey every day it will help you to prevent metabolic stress and it calms your mind. The natural therapeutic and antioxidant properties of the honey will help to boost your brain’s cholinergic system, receding cells, and circulation that are the main reason for memory loss.

Nourish Your Face and Skin

Honey has a good amount of nourishing and moisturizing properties, so it is very helpful for skin. Honey is one of the best natural moisturizers, especially for dry skin. You can easily apply the honey to your skin, raw honey is not only unclogging pores, and also it helps to moisturize the parched skin. It is also used to treat cracked lips during winter. Most people are using honey as a mask to treat their skin tone. Honey is one of the best ways to improve your skin health. Moreover, the antiseptic properties of the honey will help to treat bruises, wounds, burns, cuts, and other infections.

7 Advantages of Bee Propolis


500 mg 1-2 times per day


Apply propolis ointment to the cold sore 4 times per day


Apply a 3% propolis ointment to the lesions 4 times per day


Apply an alcohol extract containing 2 g per 25 ml 4 times per day


Apply a topical product according to package directions


500 mg 2 times per day


Consult a qualified health care practitioner on product and dosing

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Health Benefits of Lotus Seeds (Makhanas/Fox Nuts)

Lotus is a symbol in many Asian cultures, especially Indian, Japanese, Chinese, and Egyptian. The flower denotes various life values like rebirth, fruitfulness, enlightenment, and spirituality. In Buddhism, the lotus flower signifies purity and desire.

Lotus Seeds are also called Makhanas (In Hindi) or Fox nuts (In English), derived from the Euryale Fox plant that grows in the wetland or ponds or the stagnant water in and around Eastern Asia so the plant is also known as Aquatic Plant that belongs to Nelumbonaceae plant family.

Chinese medicine has been using Lotus seeds for more than 3000 years, which is why they are the largest producer of lotus seeds in the world.

In China, they see the lotus plant as a symbol of health and harmony. The plant has a significant role in Ayurveda medicine too.

In India, Phool Makhana has been used as an essential ingredient in various religious activities and rituals. The roasted lotus seeds are highly consumed during the fasting during Navratri (a famous Indian Religious Festival) and other days.

Other than India and China, the lotus plant’s parts like flowers, seeds, and roots are used in medicinal preparations in various Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

The lotus seeds can be eaten raw, roasted, ground (powder), boiled syrup, and a paste.

The lotus seeds or fox nuts are rich in nutrition (the reason why they added to the fasting diet in India) and possess many health benefits. The seeds play an essential role in the cosmetics industry and are added to various drinks and desserts like tea, juice, honey, and cakes.

What Are Lotus Seeds or Fox Nuts?

Lotus seeds, also known as Lotus nuts, are the seeds derived from the Lotus Plant called Nelumbo Nucifera. The lotus plant has different names like a Chinese water lily, Indian lotus, and Sacred lotus. It is not only an edible plant or symbol of cultures but also a medicinal plant.

The parts of lotus plants are often eaten and used for medical practices in many Asian countries. The plant also grows in popular western countries like America and Australia, where it is used as holistic medicine and healing treatments.

A study published by Frontiers in Plant Science in June 2016 evaluated and showed that lotus plants are entirely edible and nutritious; still, the lotus seeds boast extreme health benefits and properties. The flavonoid content and alkaloid content found in lotus seeds are making it a capable medicinal plant. The seeds also have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and anti-amnesic properties.

How Do Makhanas (Lotus Seeds) Look Like?

Makhanas are nuts or seeds in the round to oval shape. The seeds are present within the head of lotus seeds that are dark green colored and arranged in a row. The color of the seeds is green when fresh, which becomes creamy yellow when dried. The shell over the seeds becomes harder as they grow, and the coating can be removed.

How Is Makhana (Lotus Seeds) Good for Health?

Lotus seeds – aka -Fox nuts are good for heart health as they contain low saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol levels. The rich source of potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and protein in the lotus seeds make it nutrition filled and clinically proven healthy snack food.

The lotus seeds protect the body from various ailments. The seeds are low in calories so they can help in weight loss, and the high calcium content in the seeds improves bone health. The seeds also detoxify the body, regulate the blood pressure, offer better digestion, and have anti-aging properties that help reduce wrinkles, pimples, or scars and slow down aging.

Common Names of Lotus Seeds (Fox Nuts)

  • Botanical Name: Nelumbo Nucifera
  • English Name: Lotus Seeds, Lotus Nuts, Fox Nuts
  • Chinese Name: 蓮子/Liánzǐ
  • Japanese Name: 蓮の実/Hasu no mi
  • Indonesian Name: biji teratai
  • Thai Name: เมล็ดบัว/Mel̆d bạw
  • Tamil Name: தாமரை விதைகள் / Thamarai Vidhaigal
  • Malayalam Name: താമര വിത്തുകൾ/Tāmara vittukaḷ
  • Telugu Name: తామర విత్తనాలు/Tāmara vittanālu
  • Kannada Name: ಕಮಲದ ಬೀಜಗಳು/Kamalada bījagaḷu
  • Hindi Name: कमल के बीज/kamal ke beej
  • Marathi Name: कमळ बियाणे/Kamaḷa biyāṇē
  • Punjabi Name: ਕਮਲ ਦੇ ਬੀਜ/Kamala dē bīja
  • Gujarati Name: કમળના દાણા/Kamaḷanā dāṇā
  • Bengali Name: পদ্মের বীজ/Padmēra bīja
  • Urdu Name: کمل کے بیج
  • Arabic Name: بذور اللوتس

25 Health Benefits of Lotus Seeds (Makhanas/Fox Nuts)

Lotus seeds or Fox nuts play an important role in Asia’s traditional medicine systems. The lotus seeds dry powder can be added to bread dough that enhances the nutritional properties of bread.

These lotus seeds have been used as traditional medicine in treating inflammation, diuretics, cancer, and skin diseases. It can also handle various ailments like indigestion, insomnia, diarrhea, palpitations, and more.

The size of the seeds may be small, but the health benefits they provide are incredibly high, and that’s why it is the highest-selling dry snack food that anyone can munch on anytime.

1. Weight Loss

Lotus seeds are low in glycemic index and high in protein, so they help you stay full for a long time and prevent adequate eating; thus, it promotes weight loss and helps to avoid sudden increase in blood sugar levels. The protein content of the lotus seeds boosts metabolism.

The low-calorie content of lotus seeds makes it an ideal healthy snack for all ages of people. The saturated fat also lows in lotus seeds that help improve the overall health and well being.

For instance, a cup of lotus seeds contains 83 relatively low calories, so you can put much on the nuts between your meals.

2. Improved Heart Health

Lotus seeds have two trace minerals that are important for heart health. They are Potassium and Magnesium. If the magnesium levels in your body are low, you will be affected by heart diseases, as this mineral is vital to maintain the regular heartbeat. The magnesium also purifies the blood and oxygen in the body.

High potassium in lotus seeds helps lower high blood pressure and maintain cardiac health. At the same time, the low sodium levels help keep the blood pressure level at normal levels.

Folate is an essential vitamin that aids health, and this vitamin is significant to lower the homocysteine levels in your body. If the homocysteine levels are increased, the blood vessels will be damaged, and you will be prone to heart diseases and stroke.

3. Improved Bone Strength

We must have enough calcium content in our body to maintain bone health. Most people nowadays have back pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain due to insufficient calcium in their bones. Luckily, lotus seeds are rich in calcium that can be eaten in any way and improve bone health by giving enough calcium to your body.

4. Anti-aging Properties

Lotus seeds contain Enzymes that can fight against aging. L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase, an enzyme that aids in maintaining and treating the damaged proteins. It boosts collagen synthesis in your body.

You can check that most cosmetics nowadays have included lotus seeds as powder form in their products to prevent aging and give youthful skin by vanishing the fine lines and wrinkles.

The regular consumption of lotus seeds prevents free radicals, healing the dead skin cells and making it smooth and healthy. The natural flavonoid named Kaempferol in lotus seeds helps in anti-aging. The flavonoids help to get rid of aging symptoms like grey hair, hair loss, and wrinkles. The vitamin package of lotus seeds helps heal the early aging symptoms and prevent premature aging.

5. Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Lotus seeds are a source of protein and good carbohydrates. With low glycemic content, lotus nuts can help in managing blood sugar levels. The level of the glycemic index is relatively lower than other staple foods.

As low sodium and high magnesium food, lotus seeds are the right diet to treat diabetes and obesity. Diabetic patients can eat dried or roasted lotus nuts in the evening as a snack. The minerals present in these seeds proved to aid factors that cause Type II diabetes.

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) is what causes diabetes; fortunately, lotus nuts can contribute to stabilizing the blood pressure and prevent a sudden spike in sugar levels in the blood.

The seeds control the body’s insulin levels and maintain the right range of glucose levels in the blood.

6. Detox Agents

Lotus seeds have an anti-toxic property and detoxifying agents, so the intake of seeds helps remove toxins from the body. RBCs in the body are recycled by the spleen, and the new WBCs with platelets are retained. Lotus nuts act as a great detoxifier to treat spleen and help in detoxifying the blood.

7. Better Digestive Health

Being a source of Fiber, fox nuts help maintain good digestive health. Adding them in your regular diet helps regulate the bowel movement, avoid constipation, and ingestion.

The antioxidant properties of the lotus seeds make it easy digestive food, and they also improve the respiratory system.

The detoxifying agents of lotus seeds prevent kidneys and liver from their accumulation and maintain wellness.

8. Improved Cognitive Function

Fox nuts contain thiamine contents also. With this, the nuts support the cognitive functions of the nerves. The consumption of these nuts also aids in acetylcholine generation and helps in the process of neurotransmission.

9. Source of Protein

Lotus nuts are a great alternative food of protein for vegans or vegetarians. They usually rely on soya or paneer for the source of protein. Those can now eat lotus seeds as raw, fried, or roasted to increase the protein in your body. For instance, a cup of roasted lotus seeds contains 3.9 grams of protein content sufficient to improve muscular health and cell growth.

10. Gluten Safe

Lotus seeds are free of gluten, so you can add them without any doubt and improve overall wellness.

11. Brimming With Folate

Folate is the essential nutrient for DNA synthesis and cell division in the human body. The nutrient is necessary for pregnant women in their first trimester to promote the baby’s brain development.

It is necessary to prevent neural tube defects in newborn babies since preconception. A cup of lotus seeds has around 50% of the daily requirement of Folate.

12. Prevent Inflammation

Lotus seeds exhibit antioxidant kaempferol that aids in stopping inflammation and remove the free radicals that are harmful to our body.

The seeds are filled with soothing properties, and that is why Chinese medicine practices using the plant to treat buries, wounds, and cuts and prevent the spread of infection.

13. Promotes Sleep

The lotus seeds can treat sleeping disorders like insomnia and sleep apnoea that can make you prone to face various psychological health issues.

Fox nuts can possess a calming effect on our mind when intaking. The seeds also have an antispasmodic property, which helps to relax your nerves; thus, you get better sleep at night. The seeds are helpful in the dilatation process of the blood vessels and provide better relief from anxiety and depression as these are the significant reasons for sleeping disorders. The isoquinoline alkaloids present in the seeds is the reason for this effect.

14. Treats Diarrhea

In Chinese medicine, the sweet taste of lotus seeds nourishes the spleen and treats diarrhea. The seeds are also given to improve the spleen health in the patients. As the lotus seeds work as a great digestive agent, it helps to treat diarrhea also.

15. Reducing Blood Pressure

The embryo present in the lotus seeds has a bitter taste and cooling effect. This bitter component benefits the heart health, and isoquinoline alkaloids that possess calming effect and antispasmodic property and aid dilate blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure.

Additionally, potassium and sodium contents in lotus seeds help stabilize and maintain the blood pressure levels in the right range.

16. Treat Urinary Problem

For urinary problems, lotus seeds are natural remedies that are safe and easy to take. The seeds can be eaten with other ingredients to treat urinary problems like prostatitis and reproductive conditions.

The enzymes present in the lotus seeds promote proper urination and heal infections in the urinary tract. In case of pain while urination, consult your doctor before consuming lotus seeds.

17. Gum Issue

Gum bleeding is a common oral problem that affects anyone. To avoid the excessive gum bleeding, add the lotus seeds in your daily diet. Harsh brushing and gum weakness are the reasons for gum bleeding.

The healing properties of lotus seeds prevent bleeding and reduce the irritation on the gums.

18. Instant Energy

Lotus seeds are a good source of magnesium, calcium, protein, potassium, and phosphorus. They increase the energy level quickly so you can carry them while traveling as they are a healthy, tasty, and nutritious snack that potentially replaces processed and sugar-filled beverages.

The seeds can be eaten raw as pop-corns or roasted with a little oil and eaten. The seeds are easy to eat and digest, so any age of people can eat this. You can give this as a snack to your kids for school also.

19. Pregnancy

Lotus seeds are highly recommended for pregnant women as they have a high amount of protein necessary for the healthy development of the fetus’s brain and nervous system. Pregnant women can eat the seeds 2 to 3 times a day with a specific interval time advised by the doctor.

20. Improves Appetite

Loss of appetite or low appetite is caused due to illness, mostly in children. The high amount of astringent found in lotus seeds naturally helps bring back or develop the appetite in a person. Most pediatricians recommend taking natural remedies to treat appetite problems in children. Adults can also eat lotus seeds to balance irregular appetites.

21. Treats Mouth Sores and Ulcers

Lotus seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that help to treat sore mouth and ulcer. The soothing components of the seeds help alleviate these conditions.

22. Cures Fatty Liver

Sometimes, because of anxieties and stress, we develop unhealthy fat. When the food we take is not digested properly, the fat is gathered in parts of the body. The fat accumulated in and around the body’s organs is called Visceral fat, which causes daunting health issues. The medicinal properties of the lotus seeds can reduce blood lipids and cure fatty liver.

23. Controls Excessive Bleeding

As discussed above, lotus nuts contain flavonoids like quercetin that show anti-hemorrhagic properties and help improve the power of capillary walls and prevent excessive bleeding. The charcoal of lotus seeds enhances the hemorrhagic effect, and it has medicinal properties that can promote blood clotting during excessive bleeding.

24. Treats Ulcers

The anti-inflammatory and cooling effects of lotus seeds helps in reducing the pain due to ulcer and soothing contents of the seeds heals the vigor of ulcer.

25. Alleviates Stomach Problems

Lotus seeds are the most common home remedies in Chinese medicine that are used to cure stomach problems like ingestion, vomit, diarrhea, and upset stomach.

In this 21st century, we can avoid taking processed foods, fried items, and street junk foods, but we can equalize the damage we developed while eating unhealthy foods with natural healthy foods. Lotus nuts are also healthy snacks that improve spleen health and alleviate various digestion and stomach problems.

Traditional Benefits of Lotus Seeds

♣ Lotus seeds are sweet and neutral, so these are mentioned as astringents that improve the health conditions of the heart, kidney, and spleen.

♣ The nourishing properties and sweet taste are why the lotus seeds are highly recommended and effective in benefiting the spleen. The lotus seeds can also prevent chronic diarrhea that is associated with qi deficiency.

♣ Being an astringent, lotus seeds help stop the loss of essence in kidneys, so men who have weak sexual function and women who have leukorrhea can eat lotus seeds.

♣The calming and soothing properties of lotus seeds relax muscles, reduce stress, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and palpitations.

Nutritional Values of Lotus Seeds (Fox Nuts)

The nutritional values of 100 grams Lotus Seeds.

Calories 88.73 cal (Raw) / 347 cal (Dried)
Protein 4.12 g (Raw) / 9.7 g (Dried)
Fat 0.7 (Raw) / 1.7 (Dried)
Carbohydrates 17.28 g (Raw) / 76.9 g (Dried)
Fiber 14.5 g (Dried)
Sodium 1.10 mg (Raw) / 5 mg (Dried)
Potassium 366 mg (Raw) / 1367 mg (Dried)
Manganese 0.621 mg (Raw)
Phosphorus 168 mg (Raw)
Vitamin B1 0.171 mg (Raw)
Vitamin B6 0.168 mg (Raw)
Magnesium 56 mg (Raw)
Tryptophan 0.059 g (Raw)
Threonine 0.2 g (Raw)
Isoleucine 0.205 g (Raw)
Leucine 0.326 g (Raw)
Lysine 0.264 g (Raw)
Methionine 0.072 g (Raw)

By consuming 100 grams of dried Lotus seeds, you can get around 350 calories, 63 to 68 grams of carbohydrates, 17 to 18 g of protein, 1.9 to 2.5 fat, 13% water, and minerals potassium, calcium, sodium, and phosphorus.

One ounce serving of lotus seeds offers 5 grams of protein, so these are a highly rich source of protein.

How to Consume Lotus Seeds

Fresh lotus seeds are also nutty to eat. These are available for sale with their seed heads. We have to remove the seeds from the cone-shaped seed heads, and the shell is rubbery.

In India:

The lotus seeds can be roasted or fried with little olive oil or ghee when popped like popcorn. The roasted seeds, then tossed with little black salt, can be a great snack while traveling.

The puffed or roasted lotus seeds are also added to Indian dishes like Makhana Kheer, Makhana Chops, and Creamy Mushroom Makhana.

Thamchet is the local name of lotus seeds in Manipur, India, where they eat them raw.

In China:

Many Chinese and Japanese desserts include lotus seeds paste as the main ingredient.

Lotus seeds can be dried and soaked in water for a night and added to salads, soups, and other dishes.

Crystallized lotus seeds are the popular Chinese snack that they prepare, especially during Chinese New Year. The lotus seeds are dried and cooked in syrup that gives the crystal look to the seeds.

In Thailand:

The dried lotus seeds are the common snack for sale in Surin. They called the lotus seeds ‘Med-bua-op.’

They use lotus seeds to make various delicious desserts.

In South America:

Colombia people commonly add lotus seeds in their snack list while they head out. Lotus seeds are popular in Cartagena and Barranquilla cities in Colombia.

The unripped lotus seeds can be eaten raw, roasted, or boiled, and the ripped lotus seeds can be roasted or boiled.

The popped, soaked, roasted, boiled, fried, powdered, pasted, or dried lotus seeds can be added to many foods, sweetmeats, desserts, soups, cakes, bread, etc.

How to Store Lotus Seeds

Dried lotus seeds are easy to keep and store for a long time. You can store the dried lotus seeds in a plastic container and keep it in a dry, cool place. Make sure the lid is tightened when not used.

Fresh lotus seeds can be stored in zip lock bags and kept in the refrigerator. It is essential to maintain freshness for a few weeks. But early usage is recommended.

Recipes of Lotus Seeds/Makhanas

The regular consumption of Lotus seeds (Makhana) is highly beneficial to anyone. Try the below delicious recipes at your home and enjoy the incredible taste and benefits.

Popped Makhana

Popped or roasted Makhana or Lotus seeds goes great with a cup of coffee in the evening.


  • Makhana (Lotus Seeds) – 100 grams
  • Olive oil – 1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder
  • Salt and Black pepper to taste


  • Take a heavy base pan, roast the seeds without oil on low to medium flame for about 10 minutes.
  • Make a paste of oil, a pinch of turmeric powder, salt, and pepper.
  • Now, add the mixture into the roasted seeds and stir it for a few minutes to allow spices mixed with the seeds.
  • You can eat it hot or cool down and store in a container and tighten the lid.

Makhana Kheer (Sugar-free)

Sugar-free Makhana kheer is one of the best healthy diabetic recipes with 65.1 calories, 3.5 grams of protein, 2 grams of fats, 8.5 grams of Carbohydrates, and 0.6 grams of Fiber in 100 grams of Makhana.


  • Low-fat milk – 1 ltr
  • Makhana (puffed) – 1/4 cup
  • Dates – 3 to 4 (Finely chopped)
  • Pistachios – 1 tsp (Chopped)
  • Almonds – 2 tsp (Chopped)
  • Green Cardamom Powder – 1 tsp
  • Nutmeg Powder – 1/4 tsp


  • Rost the lotus nuts till crisp without oil.
  • Cool it completely and grind the seeds coarsely.
  • Take a non-stick pan and boil the milk.
  • After the milk boiled, add chopped dates and coarsely ground lotus nuts, mix everything, and cook the mixture for 2 to 5 minutes on medium heat.
  • Add chopped nuts (pistachios, almonds), nutmeg powder, mix well and drink warm or cold.

Makhana Raita

Serving – 3 | Preparation Time – 5 Minutes | Cooking Time – 5 Minutes


  • Makhana – 1 cup
  • Low-fat Yogurt – 2 cups
  • Cumin Powder (Roasted) – 1/2 tsp
  • Red Chilli Powder -1/2 tsp
  • Chaat Masala – 1/4 tsp
  • Salt – 1/4 tsp
  • Coriander Leaves (Chopped) – 2 tbsp


  • Take a non-stick pan and dry roast the seeds about 5 minutes till crisp and cool it completely.
  • Store the roasted seeds in a ziplock bag and use a rolling pin on it and crush the seeds until it becomes coarse but don’t make it to a powder consistency.
  • Whisk the yogurt till it becomes smooth.
  • Add all the spices and salt with makhanas and stir it for a few minutes.
  • Garnish the raita with fresh coriander leaves and serve it cool.

Makhana Curry

Serving – 3 | Preparation Time – 10 Minutes | Cooking Time – 20 Minutes


  • Makhana (Lotus nuts) – 1 cup
  • Cinnamon – 1-inch piece
  • Cloves – 3
  • Cardamom – 1
  • Cumin seeds – 1 tsp
  • Red Chilli Powder – 1 tsp
  • Turmeric Powder – 1/4 tsp
  • Coriander Cumin Powder – 1 tsp
  • Garam Masala Powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Low-fat Yogurt – 1/4 cup
  • Coriander Leaves – 1 tbsp (Chopped)
  • Ghee – 1 tbsp
  • Salt to taste (For onion tomato paste)
  • Onion – 1 big (Chopped coarsely)
  • Tomatoes – 3 (Chopped coarsely)
  • Ginger – 1-inch piece (Chopped)
  • Garlic – 3 cloves (Chopped)
  • Cashews – 6 to 7


  • Take a pan and add a cup of water, put onions, tomatoes, cashews, ginger, and garlic in it, and boil. Cool it down and grind into a paste.
  • Take a non-stick pan and dry roast the makhanas for about 5 minutes.
  • Add ghee in a pan, add cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, and cumin.
  • Once the cumin seeds have cracked out, add the onion-tomato paste, and cook for 5 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  • Add all the spices except garam masala, saute for a few minutes, then add a cup of water, and boil it.
  • Add and whisk the curd.
  • Add roasted makhanas and let it cook for 2 minutes and stir in between. Let the seeds absorb the spices and gravy. Add water if needed.
  • Add garam masala and coriander leaves. Serve it hot.

Dosage of Lotus Seeds (Fox Nuts)

Dosage of Lotus seeds (in any form) vary based on a few factors such as health conditions, age, medical history, and requirements. But, the general dosage recommended for lotus seed powder is between 250 mg and 3 grams.

Side Effects of Lotus Seeds

Though lotus seeds offer many health benefits and nutritional values, we have to take precautions while eating them to avoid unnecessary side effects.


For most of the people, seeds of plants that grow entirely in water are allergenic. If you develop any allergy symptoms in the consumption of lotus seeds, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Moreover, those who have allergy problems better to talk to your physician before taking the seeds.


Lotus seeds are naturally anti-arrhythmic. So, if you are taking treatment for arrhythmia, you should avoid or consult the doctors before consumption.

Blood Sugar Levels

Lotus seeds help reduce the sugar levels in the blood. So, diabetic patients who are on insulin should contact the doctor before eating the seeds.

Digestive Issues

Any healthy food in high dosage can cause digestive problems, so do lotus seeds. Eating excessive nuts in time causes flatulence, constipation, and bloating.

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Black Horse Gram Facts and Impressive Health Benefits

Have you ever heard of macrotyloma uniflorum? If yes then you’re lucky!! Health Benefits of Horse gram is a must-to-know topic for everyone as it offers tons and tons of values for human health. Black Horse Gram is rich in nutrients and has a lot of minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and protein.

Is Horse Gram rich in protein? Without any doubts I’d Say Yes!  It’s a nature’s gift to all of us. There are tons of benefits for both human and animal health. The nutrients of the horse bean ensure muscle strength, optimal energy, strong bones, and the synthesis of red blood cell regulation. Moreover, these legumes have a huge amount of vitamin B that helps to the normal function of the metabolic cells. Hence, there is no surprise in consuming the Black Horse Gram over the world today.

It is consumed in the form of health drinks, boiled seeds, and also traditional Indian dishes like soups, dals, and salads.

Health Benefits of aHorse Gram are widely known all over the world and especially South Indian people will definitely make use of this gram at least once in a month. It comes in many colors including black, red, and green, and it is one of the most nutritious legumes.

Other names of these legumes are

  • Madras bean,
  • Madras gram,
  • Dolic biflore,
  • Poor man’s pulse,
  • Pferdebohne,
  • Grain de cheval,
  • Pferdekorn, Kerdekorn,
  • Kalai, and Gahat hurali.

Common Names Of Horse Gram

  • Botanical Name: Macrotyloma uniflorum
  • English Name: Horse Gram
  • Tamil Name: Kollu
  • Malayalam Name: Mudhira
  • Telugu Name: Ulavalu
  • Kannada Name: Hurule
  • Hindi Name: Kulthi / Hulthi
  • Bengali Name: Kulthi-Kalai
  • Gujarati Name: Kuleeth
  • Konkani Name: Kuleetu / Kulith
  • Marathi Name: Kuleeth
  • Oriya Name: Kolatha
  • Tulu Name: Kudu

17 Health Benefits of Horse Gram

1. Treats Diarrhea

Horse gram has a great amount of fiber that helps to maintain proper digestive system and  soak up more fluids from the gut and stomach.  This helps to reduce the loose motion and diarrhea. Moreover, these legumes are responsible for the normal gut movement. Consuming soaked horse gram every day early in the morning will help the proper digestive system.

2. Promotes Weight Loss

In Ayurveda, consuming horse grams every day helps in weight loss.  “Horse Gram is rich in protein and the seeds are completely high in fiber thus the overweight, obese issue can be resolved”.

There are multiple ways to consume black horse gram either as a soup or juice or powder etc.. The Black horse gram juice can be taken in empty stomach for attaining all the benefits.

–> You consume the horse gram in the form of powder with some cumin seeds.

–> Mix the horse gram powder and the cumin seeds in a glass of water and drink it twice per day on an empty stomach. Some people do not prefer this method for weight loss, it depends on the type of person and body condition.

–> In such case, you can eat the soaked and raw legume with the Bengal gram and pepper in the form of crunchy salad for losing the fat.

If you’re a busy worker by the way if you can’t prepare salads or soups just drink black horse gram water which is 100% healthy. Studies prove that consuming the horse gram directly attacks the fatty tissues in the body and burns the body fat so that you can get slim and fit body shape.

3. Treat Conjunctivitis

Are you a kind of person who often suffers from conjunctivitis? No worries!!  You can use rose water for washing your eyes, or you can soak a handful of horse gram overnight, and next morning wash your face using the soaked water.

The soaked horse gram water has a high level of antioxidant that helps to fight against the infection and keep your eyes calm and soothe without any eye irritation. You should wash your face by using this water thrice per day to treat your eyes.

4. Lower The Cholesterol

Researches prove that the horse gram helps to reduce the bad cholesterol or LDL from the bloodstream. The horse gram has a good amount of lipids which removes the bad cholesterol that stuck in the vein.

Consuming the handful of soaked horse gram twice per day in an empty stomach will help to increase the lipid level in the body. It will reduce the LDL cholesterol level from the blood and increase the HDL cholesterol level.

5. Menstrual Disturbances

The women who are suffering from irregular menstrual cycles, or scanty bleeding the horse gram helps to get better relief from the problem.

Black horse gram bean has a high level of iron”, which helps to maintain the hemoglobin level in the body; it helps to the proper menstrual cycle. The horse gram soup or the salads will reduce the irritation related to the menstrual disturbance. Due to these properties, the holistic experts recommend this horse gram to women for their periods problem.

6. Treats Piles

When the vein in the rectum is swollen and inflamed or painful, it is known as piles. The experts recommended to use horse grams before rushing to the pharmacy for medicine and treatment.

Soak a handful of horse grams overnight and drink the soaked water the next morning and consume the raw horse gram as a salad to treat piles. “The raw horse gram is rich in fiber”, which effectively helps to treat piles.

7. Treat Constipation

Usually, constipation is caused by the lack of fiber in the diet, lack of minerals, lack of intaken water, an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, and many other reasons.

Due to this problem, the stomach line and intestines above the duodenum are not normally contracted and extend to release the waste matter.

The horse gram has a powerful nutrient, and it is rich in fiber; it helps to fight against the constipation problem. Consuming the soaked raw horse gram helps to treat this problem effectively.

8. Common Fever And Cold

If our body has low immunity power and is affected by viruses, it may cause a common fever and cold. In this case, the Ayurveda recommends consuming this horse gram when you are affected by cough, fever, and cold.

It is also recommended to treat asthma and bronchial problems. Consuming the horse gram in the form of soup will help to relieve the congestion soften the mucus membranes and melt so that it opens the nasal tracts for easy breathing. The nutrients of these legumes boost the metabolism level and immunity system of the body.

9. Treat Boils And Skin Rashes

The horse gram powder is also used as a face pack to treat boils, rashes, and other skin problems. The antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties of these legumes help to replicate the healthy lipid layer of the skin.

Black horse gram benefits for skin

Does Horse gram cures skin rashes and boils? Absolutely Yes! You may wonder how! It can be cured by applying on the affected area, the seeds of horse gram is highly beneficial in nutrition, antimicrobial, as well as antibacterial properties. So What to wait for! Just make use of this amazing natural black horse gram and enjoy its benefits. The process of packing in a powdered form is like a piece of cake

  • Take a gentle grams of seeds and soak in water for 8 hours.
  • Dry it and prepare as a powder or simply crush and apply on face or other exterior body parts.
  • Cleanse your face after an hour with ice cubes or cold water
  • You can feel the difference because the dead skin cells will be washed out thus exfoliation happens.

10. Treat Diabetes

Research conducted by the scientist from the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology found that the unprocessed horse grain has the anti-hyperglycemic properties, and also it helps to reduce the insulin resistance.

The properties of the horse grain help to fight against the formation of hyperglycemic in the body. It also helps to reduce insulin resistance in the body.

Consuming the horse gram will reduce the carb digestion rate; it helps to reduce the blood sugar level. Due to these properties horse gram is recommended to treat type 2 diabetes.

11. Helps To Treat Urinary Discharge

The women who are suffering from urinary discharge may feel embarrassment too. Especially when the urinary discharges are inconsistent at times, thick, foul-smelling, and continuous in some cases.

Due to the urinary discharges, it may cause infection, pain, and inflammation around the vagina and cervix. This will happen when people feel irritation in the lining of the remembrance, and the discharges may be thick, foul-smelling when the sexual arousal is at peak.

In Ayurveda, consuming the soaked and boiled horse gram water thrice per day will help to treat the symptoms of the urinary discharges.

12. Helps Proper Digestion

Some people may feel acidic after a hearty meal, or they do not feel easy on the stomach for an hour or more. In this case, you may have the chance to suffer from the indigestion problem.

It leads to some problems like acid reflux and GERD, and it will make you uncomfortable. The horse grain is recommended to solve this problem.

Consuming the soaked horse grain in the empty stomach at morning helps to promote the digestive tract and makes easy digestion.

13. Treat Ulcer

Horse grain is more beneficial to treat different types of ulcers, but it is not used to treat gastric ulcers. The horse grain has the lipids; consuming this legume effectively treats the people who are suffering from peptic and mouth ulcer.

It is also said in Ayurveda, the people consuming the mashed horse grain twice per day will release the required amount of lipids to our body, it helps to heal itself from ulcers.

14. Treat Kidney Stones

“Black horse gram is an irreplaceable medicine for treating the kidney stones”, or it will remove it from the body. A kidney stone is a mixture of calcium oxalate compounds.

The horse grain has the ability to remove the kidney stone overnight because it has a rich amount of iron and high content of polyphenols.

Moreover, the high level of antioxidants is also beneficial in treating kidney stones. Soak a cup of horse grain and consume it raw the next morning. Consuming this for a week will show a good result.

15. Protects Liver Function

The raw horse gram is the powerhouse of polyphenols and flavonoids. These components ensure hepatoprotective properties.

This property helps to protect liver and gall bladders, and also it plays a key role in filtering and purifying the detoxifying chemical from blood in the body.

16. Improves Sperm Count

The horse grain is rich in phosphorus, iron, calcium, and amino acid, which helps to boost sperm count. These minerals are acting positively on the male reproductive system, and it increases the blood flow on those organs. The amino acids of the horse grain enhance the enzyme activity that ensures the optimal generation of sperms.

17. Glowing Skin

The horse grain has the astringent property that helps to treat skin diseases such as leucoderma. The facial pack of the horse grain also helps to prevent skin problems, and it cleanses the skin.

Side Effects And Risks Of Horse Gram

The horse gram has a lot of health benefits, but there are few side effects too.

Using the horse gram regularly  may reduce the production of semen, and it lowers the libido.

  • The horse gram may worsen the bleeding problem. The people who are suffering from heavy bleeding should consider your doctor before consuming it.
  • The horse gram is not suitable for the people who are suffering from hyperacidity and gastric ulcer; it may worsen the condition.
  • If you are consuming the medicine for anemia, you should avoid the usage of horse gram; it may cause contraindication.
  • The people who are suffering from the case of gout should avoid horse gram consumption. Ayurveda says it will harm the rakta dhatu cycle.
  • The horse gram is not good for Tuberculosis and plethora.
  • For Future mommies, the horse gram is strictly to be avoided.

Nutritional Facts of Horse Gram

The various nutrition contains and the value of 100 grams of Horse Gram

Calories 321
Protein 22 gm
Calcium 287 mg
Phosphorus 311 mg
Iron 7 mg
Fiber 5 gm
Carbohydrates 57 gm
Moisture 12 gm
Mineral 3 gm
Fat 1.10 %
Sugar 5.81 %
Magnesium 0.17%
Manganese 37.00%
Zinc 0.28%
Copper 19.00 %
Ascorbic acid 0.7%
Vitamin A 2.1%
Vitamin C 1.4%
Vitamin B3 1.5%
Vitamin B2 0.09%
Vitamin B1 0.42%

Health Benefits of Horse Gram Food Recipes

Horse Gram Soup Recipe

Ingredient Needs: 

  • Horse Gram – 1/2 cup
  • Peppercorn – 1 tsp
  • Tamarind Paste – 2-3 tsp
  • Mustard Seed – 1/2 tsp
  • Cumin Seeds – 1 tsp
  • Coriander leaves – 1-2 spring
  • Oil – 2 tsp
  • Salt – to taste


Step 1: Soak the horse gram overnight and cook it until soft.
Step 2: Drain the cooked water and settle it for cooling.
Step 3: Grind the roasted cumin, mustard, and pepper to a fine powder.
Step 4: Mash half of the cooked horse gram.
Step 5: Heat the pan and add 2 tsp oil and swallow the curry leaves.
Step 6: Add tamarind paste, roasted powder, horse gram boiled water, mashed horse gram, and salt.
Step 7: Add the required water and ensure the gravy is not too thick.
Step 8: Add the remaining horse gram.
Step 9: Remove from the flame.
Step 10: Sprinkle the chopped coriander leaves over the gravy.

Horse Gram Masala Curry Recipe

Ingredient Needs : 

  • Horse gram – 2 Cups
  • Onions – 2 nos
  • Ginger – 1/2 tsp
  • Tomatoes – 2 nos
  • Coconut – 1 Cup
  • Fennel seeds – 1/2 tsp
  • Cinnamon – 1 nos
  • Cloves: 3 nos
  • Turmeric powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Chilly Powder – 1 tsp
  • Coriander Powder – 2 tsp
  • Coriander Leaves – 3 spring
  • Oil – As required
  • Salt – to taste


Step 1: Heat the oil in the pressure cooker and fry the onion until brown in color.
Step 2: Add fennel seeds, cinnamon, cloves, and saute it well.
Step 3: Blend the tomatoes and fry it with the onions.
Step 4: Add the turmeric powder, salt, ginger-garlic paste, coriander powder, and chilly powder. Fry it in low flame up until the oil separates.
Step 5: Toss the horse grain as well as grated coconut with the required water.
Step 6: Pressure cook it and garnish it with the coriander leaves.

Wrapping Up

Horse gram is rich in protein, a great energy booster then What else to wait for? Make use of this traditional gram for weight loss, diabetics, urinary diseases, kidney stones, digestion etc.

Most of us would have a doubt on “how much horse gram to eat daily” go through our guide and use the ingredient wisely. We have also shortlisted horse gram recipes try out and tell us which one spurs your taste buds.

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Shikakai oil Health Benefits – Side Effects, More

Shikakai is a traditional herb that helps to decrease hair fall, relieves skin diseases, improves hair growth, and controls dandruff.

The soap pods have been used as a natural surfactant for strengthening hair roots, cleaning the scalp, removing dryness, itching,  providing relief from scaling since ancient times.

It is not only the magical herb for hair and also used to treat many health conditions, including swelling in Ayurveda. It also treats fever, piles, abdominal distension, herpes, jaundice, ascites, intestinal worm infection, etc.

It contains rich amounts of vitamins such as Vitamin C, D, E, A, and K and powerful antioxidants that are very effective for quick and healthy hair growth. These vitamins help to provide essential micro-nutrients to your hair follicles for improving the growth and health of your hair.

About Shikakai

Shikakai is a natural herb that can be obtained from the fruit of a climbing shrub that grows in tropical forests of the Indian subcontinent.

The scientific name of Shikakai is Acacia concinna, and it contains thorny branches with smooth brown stripes. The leaves of this plant are stipules not thorn-like, and leaf stalks are 1-1.5 cm long with the prominent gland.

It has double-pinnate leaves with 5-7 pairs of pinnae, and the primary rachis is thorny and velvety. Each pinnae contains 12-18 pairs of leaflets that are 3-10 mm long, oblong-lance shaped, pointed, and obliquely rounded at the base.

The Inflorescence is a cluster of 2 or 3 stalked rounded flower-heads. When the flower is mature, the flower-head has 1 cm in diameter, and the flowers are pink in color.

The pods are thick, stalked, 8 cm long, 1.5-1.8 cm wide and flattened. The dried leaves, fruit pods and bark of Shikakai powder are made into a paste, and it can be applied on the hair.

The regular consumption of Shikakai strengthens your hair and decreases hair fall. It also helps to get relief from dandruff, hair, and scalp problems. Shikakai can be used in shampoos and many hair medicines to strengthen the root of your hair.

Common Names of Shikakai

Botanical Name: Acacia Concinna
English Name: Soap Pod
Tamil Name: சீயக்காய் / Siyakai / Shikakai
Malayalam Name: കമലാന്താ/കാർമലന്തല/ചികക/ചിനിക്ക/സിക്കാക്ക/സിനിക്കാ/സിവിക്ക / Carmalantala, Chikaka, Chinikka, Cikkakka, Civikka
Telugu Name: చికాయ (చీకాయ) / గోగు / శిరికాయ / సీకాయ / Chikaya (cheekaya)/ Gogu/ Shiikaya/ Siikaya
Hindi Name: हिकाकाई / कोची / रिघा /रीठा (रीठा ) / सातला / शिका / शिकाकाई / Hikakai/ Kochi/ Righa/ Ritha (reetha)/ Saatalaa/ Shika/ Shikakai.
Marathi Name: शिकेकाई Shikekai
Kannada Name: ಸೀಗೆಕಾಯಿ Seege kaayi
Bengali Name: বন রিঠে Ban ritha
Sanskrit Name: कण्टवल्ली Kantavalli

Traditional Benefits and Uses of Shikakai for Hair

Shikakai is a natural herb that is considered a great remedy for hair care. It is one of the most popular herbs that is widely used and provides excellent hair results.

Shikakai has been used for hair and skincare since ancient times and contains excellent health benefits in Ayurveda. The Shikakai fruit contains small seeds, and the Shikakai pods or powder contains many effective benefits.

Reduces Hair Lice and Dandruff

Shikakai contains powerful anti-microbial and antifungal properties that play an important role in eliminating lice and dandruff from hair and scalp.

It reduces dandruff effectively but doesn’t remove the essential oils from the scalp, so it helps to prevent dry scalp issues and may cause dandruff and flaking. Thus, you can get rid of the white flakes on your shoulder and scalp.

It also provides relief from clumsiness and itching due to hair lice. Take some amount of Shikakai powder and boil them in water. Squeeze half lemon in it, then wash your hair regularly with water and get rid of lice and dandruff.

Provides Shine and Softness To Hair

Shikakai contains many natural ingredients and effective nutrients that are more beneficial to enhance the texture of your hair during winter.

It is a natural surfactant, so it removes greasiness, cleans your hair follicles, and makes your hair soft and shiny. Take 2-3 teaspoons of Shikakai powder with 2 cups of water and boil them to make a semi-liquid paste.

Add some amount of honey and water to it, then apply this paste on your hair and wash with water. Repeat this remedy two times a week to get beautiful shiny hair.

Provides Stronger and Thicker Hair

Everyone would like to have healthy, strong, and beautiful hair. Shikakai contains effective natural ingredients such as vitamins, essential oils, etc. that are very important for the growth of the hair.

It has many powerful effects to make your hair luster and long. It is used to strengthen your hair from roots and prevent breakage, hair fall and split ends. Make a paste of Shikakai powder using fresh yogurt and apply it to your scalp and hair.

Leave it for 20-30 minutes and wash with the cold water. By regularly using this, you can get thick and strong hair.

Reduces Down Greying

Nowadays, many youngsters suffer from premature greying so that it may cause depression. Shikakai is an effective natural remedy for preventing premature greying.

It not only prevents premature greying and also retains the natural youthfulness of black hair. Make a hair pack using Amla powder, Shikakai, and soap nuts. Apply this pack on your hair once in a week to get excellent results.

Cures Infections

Shikakai contains a calming and soothing effect because of the powerful medicinal properties. Unlike many chemical shampoos that cause irritation on the inflamed area or sensitive scalp, Shikakai is a natural remedy that provides a cooling effect and reduces pain.

Make a paste using roasted Shikakai powder, turmeric, and neem leaves. Apply this paste on scratches, wounds, cuts, or throbbing headache to get great relief from pain and inflammation.

Effective Health Benefits of Shikakai

Treats Jaundice

According to Ayurveda, Shikakai is an effective herb for treating jaundice. It normalizes the secretion of bile, and it acts as a liver stimulant. Take 6-7 leaves of Shikakai and wash them well.

Make a chutney by grinding these leaves with three teaspoons of black pepper, one teaspoon of turmeric pulp, and salt. Eat this pickle two times per day to cure jaundice.

Prevent Constipation

The pods of Shikakai contain purgative and suppository nature that is more effective in treating constipation and relieves abdominal cramps, indigestion, and flatulence.

It enhances the digestion of food and helps the feces movement through your body. To get relief from constipation, immerse the Shikakai pod in water, then filter that and drink regularly.

Treats Skin diseases

Shikakai contains a powerful antibacterial property that helps to treat various skin diseases like scabies, and it decreases the symptoms of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.

Take 1-2 teaspoons of Shikakai powder with one teaspoon of cream, honey, almond powder, and turmeric. Apply this mixture on your face and scrub it. Repeat this for alternative days to get a young-looking glowing skin.

Treats Gum Infections

Shikaki contains anti-bacterial nature that has great significance to treat gum and teeth infections. It also inhibits plaque build-up, tooth decay, and cures gum infections like gingivitis.

Take three teaspoons of Shikakai powder with water and boil them. By taking this regularly, you can get rid of gum and tooth inflammation.

Other Traditional Benefits of Shikakai

  • The Shikakai pods can be used to reduce aging symptoms of your skin. Soak the Shikakai pods in water and clean your face. By repeating this remedy, you can get young and healthy skin. It also helps to fight against the symptoms of aging by removing the fine line, wrinkles, and dark spots.
  • The decoction of Shikakai and reetha is effective to wash soft clothes such as cashmere, pure cotton, and silk without causing any damage. It also helps to remove the stains from clothes.
  • The Shikakai leaves contain acidic taste that is used to make chutneys.
  • The Saponin present in the bark of Shikakai contains hormonal effects and spermicidal that are very helpful in contraceptive purposes.
  • The extract of Shikakai leaves is traditionally used to treat malaria since ancient times.
  • Shikakai is an effective remedy to treat small wounds like cuts and bruises on the scalp. The anti-bacterial property of Shikakai can help to provide great relief.
  • It is also effectively used in the treatment of Black fever or the fever that occurs during Malaria fever.
  • Shikakai helps to decrease the chances of wrinkles, dark circles, etc., and also decreases the risk of diabetes.
  • It is used to reduce the level of your body cholesterol and maintains the proper level of blood sugar.
  • It helps to provide relief from many stomach related problems like constipation and also improves the flow of urine from your body.
  • Shikakai acts as a mouth freshener because it eliminates the bad smell from your mouth. It also provides great relief from infections, pain, ulcer, or boils in the gums.

How to make Shikakai Shampoo

  • Take some dried Shikakai pods, dried amla, and little reetha and soak them overnight.
  • Boil them in the water until the pods soften.
  • Cool them, after that, filter the liquid and mash. Now, the shampoo is ready so that you can use that.
  • Keep in mind that it is not very soft like readymade shampoo, but it provides a better result.
  • Alternatively, take some dried Shikakai or Shikakai powder, Fenugreek powder, dried Amla, and Neem leaves.
  • Boil them in a cup of water for 15-20 minutes.
  • Cool them, filter the liquid, and mash.
  • Use it with water as a natural shampoo.

How to make Shikakai Oil

  • Take one tablespoon of Shikakai powder with a half cup of avocado/ basil/ coconut oil.
  • Put the mixture in the container and leave it for some weeks.
  • Give a shake to that occasionally during the period, and the oil is ready.
  • Apply this oil in your hair for 2-3 times once in a week and wash them using shampoo.


Shikaki is a powerful traditional herb that provides effective benefits to your hair and skin. It provides effective treatment for many diseases such as gum infection, indigestion, jaundice, etc.

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Health Benefits of Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum – Indian Atis Root)

Atis -aka- Ativisha (in Ayurveda), Atees (in Hindi), Indian Atis Root (in English) or Aconitum Heterophyllum botanically, is a herb plant that grows tall about 2000 feet above sea level and found in the Himalayan regions and colder parts of India, for example, Kashmir and identified as a characteristic species of Nepal, Sikkim, and Chumbi areas.

Atis contains carminative activities so that the herb can help indigestion and constipation problems. The antibacterial property of the plant is also helpful in treating diarrhea by preventing pathogenic microorganisms.

Atis roots can also be useful in healthy weight loss because the herb can reduce the triglycerides levels and increase the HDL-cholesterol levels. Apart from this, the plant also has antipyretic, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, and antitussive properties.

According to Ayurveda, the herb can handle the symptoms of diabetes as it has Tikta (bitter) taste and Kapha balancing activities. Ativisha is one of the common herbs used in ayurvedic pediatric medicine also.

Ground Atis roots can be eaten with honey to relieve the cough and cold as the plant is Ushna (hot) in nature and prohibits the accumulated mucus.

Due to the same reason, the plant roots have been used as the best fever managing natural medicine in children and newborns.

Atis seeds with honey can be used for topical applications to provide instant relief from tonsillitis and throat infections. The Atis roots are recommended for reducing the migraines also.

General Plant Information of Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum)

Ativisha is an Ayurveda herb commonly known as Indian Atis Root. The herb has been widely used to treat digestion problems and fever conditions in children. The botanical name of the plant is Aconitum Heterophyllum that belongs to the Ranunculaceae family.

The aerial parts of the plant are annual, and the roots are biennial. The stem is erect and clasping that grows up to 15 – 20 cm. There are no branches or rarely one or two. The leaves of the plant are sessile, glabrous, and different in shape and size.

FLOWERING & FRUITING August to October (in the 3rd year of growth)
PARTS USED Dried tuberous roots
DISTRIBUTION Himalayan regions ( 3000 m to 4200 m or below 2200 m altitude)
HABITAT Sub-alphine, Alphine climates
PROPAGATION Seeds, Young Leafy Stems or Tuber Segments

Plant Parts Used

Ativisha root and tubers are the most widely used part for medicinal use as they contain active constituents.


The plant roots are tuberous and paired. The shape of the roots is conical or cylindrical, about 2 – 7.5 cm long (maximum) and 0.4 – 1.6 cm thick (maximum). When the plant starts tapering to end, the thickness is gradually reduced. The color of the roots is yellowish and greyish white externally. The scars of fallen rootlets and with a rosette of rudimentary leaves form a wrinkle marks in the external surface.

The roots are starchy and white with a surface pointed to the center with 4 – 7 yellowish to brown dots arranged concentrically, towards the end of fibrovascular bundles. It is odorless, bitter and has no tingling sensation.

The plant has four different classifications such as White, Black, Red, and Yellow. The white variety is considered the best that grows faster and higher.


The flowers of Atis are hooded, large, and in white to violet color. They are present in lax leafy panicles or slender racemes. It has hairy corolla and five carpels with 10 to 18 follicles.

Synonyms of Ativisha

Aconitum Heterophyllum, Indian Atees, Atibage, Ativish, Ati Vasa, Aruna, Ghunapriya, Visa, Aatich, Ataicha, Atis Root, Ativishni Kali, Ativikhani Kali, Ativisha, Athihage, Atividayam, Ativisha, Atushi, Atisa, Atees, Ativasa, Kashmeera, Shuklakanda, Bhangura, Vishva.

Ayurveda Names: Ativisha, Aruna, Shuklakanda, Bhangura, Ghunavallabha, Ghunapriya, Kaashmira, Vira, Visha, and Shishubhaishajya.

Sanskrit Names: Ativisha, Bhangura, Ghunapriya,Ghunavallabha, Kashmeera, Mahaushadham, Peetavallabha, Shishubhaishajya, Shuklakanda, Shphahaa, Shrungi, Shyamakanda, Vishva, and Visha.

Scientific Classification

All the plants in the world are classified as seven main levels scientifically. They are the Kingdom, Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species.

A genus contains many species that are related and have similarities. The botanical name of the plant is formed Genus (in uppercase), followed by Species (in lowercase).

Species is the bottom level that shows the group of the plant.

KINGDOM Plantae (Includes All extinct or living plants)
SUB KINGDOM Tracheobionta (Contain lignified tissues or xylen for holding minerals and water)
SUPER DIVISION Spermatophyta (Produce seeds)
DIVISION Magnoliophyta (Flowering plant)
CLASS Magnoliopsida (Flowering plants produce an embryo and paired cotyledons)
SUBCLASS Magnoliidae
ORDER Ranunculales
FAMILY Ranunculaceae (Buttercup)
GENUS Aconitum
SPECIES Aconitum Heterophyllum

Common Names of Ativisha (Indian Atis Root)

  • Botanical Name: Aconitum Heterophyllum
  • English Name: Indian Atees
  • Unani Name: Atees
  • Siddha Name: Athividayam
  • Tamil Name: அதிவிடயம்/Athividayam
  • Malayalam Name: അതിവിടയം/Ativitayam, ஆட்திரணம்/Atthiranam
  • Telugu Name: అతివస్స/Ativasa
  • Kannada Name: ಅತಿವಿಷ/Ativisha, ಅಥಿಹಾಗೆ/Athihage
  • Hindi Name: अतीस/Atees, Atis
  • Marathi Name: आटविष/Ativish
  • Punjabi Name: ਤਿਸ/Atis
  • Gujarati Name: અતીવીષની કાલી /Ativishni Kali
  • Bengali Name: আতাইচা/Ataicha
  • Assamese Name: Aatich
  • Oriya Name: ଅଟୁଶି/Atushi
  • Persian Name: واججتورکی/Vajjeturki
  • Tibbi Name: Atees
  • Konkani Name: Atibaje
  • Urdu Name: اتیس/Atees

Medicinal Properties of Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum)

  • Antipyretic
  • Antiperiodic
  • Antidote
  • Digestive
  • Stomachic
  • Antiemetic
  • Amapachak – detoxifier
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antidiarrheal
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Blood purifier
  • Antimalarial
  • Anti-dysenteric
  • Breastmilk detoxifier
  • Anti-obesity
  • Antitussive
  • Styptic
  • Anti-hemorrhoidal
  • Absorbent
  • Carminative
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antihyperlipidemic
  • Antioxidant
  • Antihyperglycemic
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Hemostatic
  • Hepatoprotective

15 Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses of Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum)

Ativisha is a multipurpose herb that helps to reduce fever and prevent infections. It benefits the respiratory and digestive health. It improves appetite, metabolism, and can digest food. It can reduce fat accumulation, inflammation, and Aam toxins from the body. Ativisha tubers or roots are used in the treatments related to blood, stomach, skin, lungs and airways, intestines, and liver.

Various diseases like IBS, Piles, and Hemorrhoids can also be treated with Ativisha. The herb is the natural detoxifier that removes the toxins from blood and body tissues. Ativisha can also improve breast milk consistency.

1. Treats Ingestion

The decoctions of Atis, dry ginger, Cyperus Rotundus, and Tinospora cordifolium can be eaten together to digest all the undigested food you had, and it gives you better relief.

In Ayurveda, ingestion is called Agnimandya that causes when the pitta doshas are imbalanced. Sometimes the food we consumed would not digest because of low digestive fire (Mand Agni in Ayurveda) that develops the Ama formations, which means the toxic and it leads to ingestion.

Atis or Ativisha helps to digest the Ama (toxins) with its Pachana (digestion) and Deepana (appetizer) properties.

2. Prevents Vomiting

According to Ayurveda, vomiting occurs when the three doshas are imbalanced, especially Pitta and Kapha. The imbalance is caused by improper eating habits and eating excessive foods such as Amla (sour), Ati-Sheeta (cold diet), Apakwa Ahaara (raw or uncooked food), Guru (heavy diet), Kashaya (pungent), Teekshna (sharp), and Vidahi (causing burning sensation).

These habits lead to Ama (toxic due to improper digestion) formation in the body and cause indigestion. As Atis has digestive properties, it helps digest the foods that created Ama and caused Vomiting and give you complete relief from the conditions. The balancing properties of Atis such as Deepana (appetizer), Pachana (digestion), and Tridoshas called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the reasons for this effect.

3. Treats Diarrhea

Ativisha is an antidiarrheal and absorbent that helps reduce the liquid content in the stool and binds it. Also, it lowers the frequency of loose stools. For these activities, the herb is widely used with Sonth (dried ginger) and Nagarmotha powders.

In Ayurveda, diarrhea is called Atisara, which is a condition where the affected person experiences watery stools more than three times a day. The imbalance of Vata dosha affects digestive fire functions and causes Agnimandya (indigestion).

The improper eating habits, impure water, and toxins due to improper food are other reasons for diarrhea. With the Vata balancing, appetizer, digestive activities, this helps to treat diarrhea and manage the weak digestive fire.

4. Treats Piles

Because of the sedentary lifestyle we are living today, Piles become the most common issue developed due to chronic constipation. When Vata dosha becomes imbalanced in the body, constipation is created.

The damages Vata causes weak digestive fire and leads to decisive constipation; thus, you feel extreme pain and swelling around the anal region. It should be treated on time. These conditions lead to Pile mass formation when ignored or untreated. Atis helps manage constipation, thus preventing piles formation.

5. Reduces Arthritis Pain

In rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, because of imbalance Vata dosha, the patients feel the pain, which is called Arthritic pain.

The topical application of Atis on affected areas helps reduce the pain with its Vata balancing activity.

6. Reduces Nervous Pain

It is a condition that occurs when there is a disturbance felt in the nerves like obstructed blood flow as a result of the Vata dosha imbalance.

The topical application of atis reduces pain by balancing the Vata dosha.

7. Fever Management

Atis, with its antipyretic property, has been used to treat and prevent fever. Ativisha is the most common ayurvedic medicine used to reduce fever in children and infants. The herb acts as diaphoretic and stimulates perspiration that helps reduce the fever.

Pulverized Atis (6 Ratis) can be consumed three to four times a day with a minimum of two to three hours to treat fever.

8. Treats Common Cold & Flu

Ativisha powder mixed with honey and basil leaf juice is given to treat common cold and flu. It is the best medicine for treating infections of the upper respiratory tract and cold in children.

The mixture also provides relief from running nose, fever, nasal blockage, nasal irritation, and sneezing, and it prevents secondary infections too.

9. Heals Constipation

Powder of Ativisha root (Aconitum heterophyllum), Haritaki (fruit rind of chebulic myrobalan), Vach (rhizome of the sweet flag), Chitrak (leadwort root/Plumbago zeylanica), Pippli fruit (Piper longum), Yavakshara (salt of sodium & potassium), and costus rhizome (Saussurea lappa) are mixed and consumed with warm water two times a day at 3 to 6 grams as dose.

10. Prevents Cough & Bronchitis

Ativisha powder mixed with Pistacia Integerrima and honey can be given to treat cough and bronchitis. The mixture clears the lungs, prevents inflammation, and regulates the mucus secretions.

11. Treats Malabsorption

Ativisha contains metabolism-enhancing properties, digestive, and stomachic actions that improve metabolism and digestion.

According to Ayurveda, Malabsorption is related to Ama (toxins). Ativisha has digestive properties that help digest and assimilate the foods that help give proper treatment for malabsorption syndrome. Ativisha with Cumin seeds powder (Jeera powder or Trikatu Churnam) must be taken for this treatment.

12. Treats Mumps & Parotitis

The decoction extracted from an equal amount of roots of Ativisha, Aswagandha, Musli, Guduchi (stem), and Atibala can be taken a day thrice as a dose of 14 – 28 ml for parotitis and mumps.

13. Treats Diabetes and Leucorrhoea

The half teaspoon of dried (in the shade) and powdered mixture of roots of Ativisha, leaves of Ajuga parviflora, and roots of Podophyllum hexandrum is given two times a day in early morning and night after food for three months as a carminative and to treat diabetes and leucorrhoea.

14. Treats Chronic Fever

The 5 to 10 ml of aqueous root extract of Ativisha can be taken twice a day in the early morning with an empty stomach and at night after food. It should be continued for 1 to 4 weeks in chronic fever and diarrhea. It can be given to treat cold also.

15. Cures Loose Motions with Mucus

An equal part mixture of Ativisha, Triphala, and Cyperus scariosus can be taken two times daily at a dose of 3 grams to treat loose motions.

Finely powdered 50 grams of Ativisha, Cyperus scariosus, Pippali, and Pistacia lentiscus gall can be taken 1 gram a day with honey to get rid of cold, cough, vomiting, gastroenteritis, and loose motion.

Chemical Constituents of Ativisha (Indian Atis Root)

  • Atidine
  • Atisenol
  • Atsine
  • Banzolheteratisine
  • Diterpene Alkaloids
  • F-Dihydroatisine
  • Heteratisine
  • Heterophyllidine
  • Heterophylline
  • Heterophyllisine
  • Hetidine
  • Hetisinone
  • Histisine

Ayurvedic Properties of Ativisha (Indian Atis Root)

RASA Tikta, Katu TASTE Bitter, Pungent
GUNA Laghu, Ruksha PHYSICAL QUALITY Light, Dry
DOSHA KARMA Tridoshas (Kapha Dosha) EFFECT ON HUMORS Balance Tridoshas

Therapeutic Indications

  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Bronchitis & Cough
  • Common Cold & Rhinitis
  • Diabetes
  • Diarrhea
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Fever & Infections
  • Glycosuria
  • Indigestion
  • Intermittent Fever
  • Intestinal Worms
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Malaria
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Piles

Ayurvedic Actions of Ativisha (Indian Atis Root)

AMA NASHAK Toxin Digester
ATISARGHNA Controls Diarrhea
DEEPANA Promotes Appetite
GRAHI Digestive, Inspissant, Dry the body fluids
JWARAHARA Reduces Burning Sensation
KASAHARA Treats Cough
KRIMIGHNA Destroys Worms
PACHANA Digest Ama Toxins
VISHAHARA Poison Destroyer

Ayurvedic Usage with Different Herbs

  • Pediatric Disorders: Ativisha, Karkatasrngi, and Long pepper.
  • Atisara: Powder of Ativisha, Bhanga, and Vacha (Acorus Calamus).
  • Fever With Diarrhea: Ativisha, Giloy, Ginger, Kutaja, and Musta as a decoction.
  • Dysuria: Ativisha, Amla Dravyas, Goksura, Kantakari, and Sunti as Peya with Phanita.
  • Visha Roga: Ghee prepared from cow milk and ativisha as nasal drops for acute poisoning.
  • Rat Bite: Grind Ativisha roots with honey. The paste is given orally.
  • Colic Pain: One part of Ativisha and three parts of Ankota with rice water.
  • Colitis: Ativisha, Guduchi, and Sunti.
  • Intestinal Worm Infestation: Ativisha and Vidanga.

How to use Ativisha (Indian Atis Root)

1. As Powder

Usage i:

  • Take one teaspoon of Ativisha powder and add honey to it.
  • Have it in the morning to get rid of indigestion.

Usage ii:

  • Take half to one teaspoon of Ativisha powder.
  • Add rose water to it and apply it on the affected area. Leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Wash it thoroughly with water.
  • Continue this for 2 to 3 times a week to treat ulcers and boils.

2. As Extract

  • Take 1 to 2 pinches of Ativisha extract and add honey to it.
  • Give it in the morning to children in fever, bloating, and loose motion.

3. As Kwatha

  • Take 2 to 3 teaspoons of Ativisha kwatha.
  • Add an equal amount of water and honey to it.
  • Drink two times a day after food to get relief from indigestion.

4. As Oil

  • Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of Ativisha oil.
  • Add sesame oil to it and apply gently to the affected area.
  • Continue this for 2 to 3 times a week for joint pain and inflammation.

Dosage of Ativisha (Aconitum Heterophyllum)

NEWBORNS (UNDER 28 DAYS) 100 to 125 mg
INFANTS (1 – 6 MONTHS) 125 to 200 mg
INFANTS (6 – 12 MONTHS) 200 to 300 mg
TODDLER (1 – 3 YEARS) 300 to 400 mg
PRESCHOOLER (3 – 5 YEARS) 400 to 600 mg
GRADE-SCHOOLER (5 – 12 YRS) 600 to 750 mg
TEENAGER (13 -19 YEARS) 750 to 1000 mg
ADULTS (19 TO 60 YEARS) 1000 to 2000 mg
GERIATRIC (ABOVE 60 YEARS) 500 to 1000 mg
PREGNANCY 250 to 500 mg
LACTATION 250 to 500 mg
MAXIMUM DOSAGE 6 g/day (in divided doses)
CONSUMPTION Two times a day with honey after food

Precaution and Side Effects of Ativisha

Aconitum, Aconitum heterophyllum (Ativisha) is the only non-toxic plant that has therapeutic and ayurvedic benefits.

The chemical constituents of Aconitum heterphyllum are ascribed with non-toxic properties, i.e., aconites, adding atisine comprise major alkaloid contents.

The hypotensive effect of atisine was evaluated and found in every test dose, but the whole plant boasts the hypertensive property. Ativisha does not have toxic aconitine alkaloids, and so it is safe for infants.

If ativisha purified and taken in the right dose advised by professionals, there is no worry about side effects. Overdose that is more than 2 grams in a single take causes constipation. The herb is naturally dry, so when you consume it in an improper dose, it causes dryness in the body and xerostomia.

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